Title: Multiple Tests, Multivariable Decision Rules, and Prognostic Tests
1Multiple Tests, Multivariable Decision Rules, and
Prognostic Tests
Chapter 8 Multiple Tests and Multivariable
Decision Rules Chapter 7 Prognostic and
Genetic Tests
Michael A. Kohn, MD, MPP 10/25/2007
2Digression Screening
- Merenstein, Winners and Losers, about his
experience being sued in 2002 by a man with
incurable prostate cancer for not obtaining a
prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test in 1999 when
the man was 53 years old. - Hard copy handed out last week and posted on
course website. - Discuss in section today?
3Outline of Topics
- Combining Tests
- Importance of test non-independence
- Recursive Partitioning
- Logistic Regression
- Variable (Test) Selection
- Importance of validation separate from derivation
- Prognostic tests
- Differences from diagnostic tests and risk
factors - Quantifying prediction calibration and
discrimination - Value of prognostic information
- Common problems with studies of prognostic tests
4Combining TestsExample
- Prenatal sonographic Nuchal Translucency (NT) and
Nasal Bone Exam (NBE) as dichotomous tests for
Trisomy 21
Cicero, S., G. Rembouskos, et al. (2004).
"Likelihood ratio for trisomy 21 in fetuses with
absent nasal bone at the 11-14-week scan."
Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 23(3) 218-23.
5If NT 3.5 mm Positive for Trisomy 21
Whats wrong with this definition?
6(No Transcript)
7- In general, dont make multi-level tests like NT
into dichotomous tests by choosing a fixed cutoff - I did it here to make the discussion of multiple
tests easier - I arbitrarily chose to call 3.5 mm positive
8One Dichotomous Test
- Trisomy 21
- Nuchal D D- LR
- Translucency
- 3.5 mm 212 478 7.0
- lt 3.5 mm 121 4745 0.4
- Total 333 5223
Do you see that this is (212/333)/(478/5223)?
Review of Chapter 3 What are the sensitivity,
specificity, PPV, and NPV of this test? (Be
9Nuchal Translucency
- Sensitivity 212/333 64
- Specificity 4745/5223 91
- Prevalence 333/(3335223) 6
- (Study population pregnant women about to under
go CVS, so high prevalence of Trisomy 21) - PPV 212/(212 478) 31
- NPV 4745/(121 4745) 97.5
Not that great prior to test P(D-) 94
10Clinical Scenario One TestPre-Test Probability
of Downs 6NT Positive
- Pre-test prob 0.06
- Pre-test odds 0.06/0.94 0.064
- LR() 7.0
- Post-Test Odds Pre-Test Odds x LR()
- 0.064 x 7.0 0.44
- Post-Test prob 0.44/(0.44 1) 0.31
11Pre-Test Probability of Tri21 6NT
PositivePost-Test Probability of Tri21 31
Clinical Scenario One Test
Using Probabilities
Using Odds
Pre-Test Odds of CAD 0.064EECG Positive (LR
7.0)Post-Test Odds of CAD 0.44
12Clinical Scenario One TestPre-Test Probability
of Tri21 6NT Positive
- NT (LR 7.0)
- ---------------gt
- -------------------------X---------------X-------
----------------------- -
- Log(Odds) 2 -1.5 -1 -0.5
0 0.5 1 - Odds 1100 133 110 13
11 31 101 - Prob 0.01 0.03 0.09 0.25
0.5 0.75 0.91
Odds 0.064 Prob 0.06
Odds 0.44 Prob 0.31
13Nasal Bone Seen NBE Negative for Trisomy 21
Nasal Bone Absent NBE Positive for Trisomy 21
14Second Dichotomous Test
- Nasal Bone Tri21 Tri21- LR
- Absent 229 129 27.8
- Present 104 5094 0.32
- Total 333 5223
Do you see that this is (229/333)/(129/5223)?
15Pre-Test Probability of Trisomy 21 6NT
Positive for Trisomy 21 ( 3.5 mm)Post-NT
Probability of Trisomy 21 31NBE Positive for
Trisomy 21 (no bone seen)Post-NBE Probability of
Trisomy 21 ?
Clinical Scenario Two Tests
Using Probabilities
16Clinical Scenario Two Tests
Using Odds
Pre-Test Odds of Tri21 0.064NT Positive (LR
7.0)Post-Test Odds of Tri21 0.44NBE Positive
(LR 27.8?)Post-Test Odds of Tri21 .44 x
27.8? 12.4? (P
12.4/(112.4) 92.5?)
17Clinical Scenario Two TestsPre-Test
Probability of Trisomy 21 6NT 3.5 mm AND
Nasal Bone Absent
- NT (LR 7.0)
- ---------------gt
- NBE (LR 27.8)
- -----------------------
----gt - NT NBE
- Can we do this? ---------------gt------
---------------------gt - NT and NBE
- ---------------X----------------X------
----------------------X- -
- Log(Odds) 2 -1.5 -1 -0.5
0 0.5 1 - Odds 1100 133 110 13
11 31 101 - Prob 0.01 0.03 0.09 0.25
0.5 0.75 0.91
Odds 0.064 Prob 0.06
Odds 12.4 Prob 0.925
Odds 0.44 Prob 0.31
- Can we use the post-test odds after a positive
Nuchal Translucency as the pre-test odds for the
positive Nasal Bone Examination? - i.e., can we combine the positive results by
multiplying their LRs? - LR(NT, NBE ) LR(NT ) x LR(NBE ) ?
- 7.0 x 27.8 ?
- 194 ?
19Answer No
NT NBE Trisomy 21 Trisomy 21 - LR
Pos Pos 158 47 36 0.7 69
Pos Neg 54 16 442 8.5 1.9
Neg Pos 71 21 93 1.8 12
Neg Neg 50 15 4652 89 0.2
Total Total 333 100 5223 100
Not 194
158/(158 36) 81, not 92.5
- Absence of the nasal bone does not tell you as
much if you already know that the nuchal
translucency is 3.5 mm.
21Clinical Scenario
Using Odds
Pre-Test Odds of Tri21 0.064NT/NBE (LR
68.8)Post-Test Odds 0.064 x 68.8
4.40 (P 4.40/(14.40) 81, not 92.5)
tests were independent---------------gt----------
NT and NBE since tests are
Log(Odds) 2 -1.5 -1 -0.5
0 0.5 1 Odds 1100 133
110 13 11 31 101
Prob 0.01 0.03 0.09 0.25
0.5 0.75 0.91
Prob 0.81
23Non-Independence of NT and NBE
- Apparently, even in chromosomally normal fetuses,
enlarged NT and absence of the nasal bone are
associated. A false positive on the NT makes a
false positive on the NBE more likely. Of normal
(D-) fetuses with NT lt 3.5 mm only 2.0 had nasal
bone absent. Of normal (D-) fetuses with NT
3.5 mm, 7.5 had nasal bone absent.
Some (but not all) of this may have to do with
ethnicity. In this London study, chromosomally
normal fetuses of Afro-Caribbean ethnicity had
both larger NTs and more frequent absence of the
nasal bone.
In Trisomy 21 (D) fetuses, normal NT was
associated with the presence of the nasal bone,
so a false negative on the NT was associated with
a false negative on the NBE.
- Instead of looking for the nasal bone, what if
the second test were just a repeat measurement of
the nuchal translucency? - A second positive NT would do little to increase
your certainty of Trisomy 21. If it was false
positive the first time around, it is likely to
be false positive the second time.
25Reasons for Non-Independence
- Tests measure the same aspect of disease.
- Consider exercise ECG (EECG) and radionuclide
scan as tests for coronary artery disease (CAD)
with the gold standard being anatomic narrowing
of the arteries on angiogram. Both EECG and
nuclide scan measure functional narrowing. In a
patient without anatomic narrowing (a D-
patient), coronary artery spasm could cause false
positives on both tests.
26Reasons for Non-Independence
- Spectrum of disease severity.
- In the EECG/nuclide scan example, CAD is defined
as 70 stenosis on angiogram. A D patient
with 71 stenosis is much more likely to have a
false negative on both the EECG and the nuclide
scan than a D patient with 99 stenosis.
27Reasons for Non-Independence
- Spectrum of non-disease severity.
- In this example, CAD is defined as 70 stenosis
on angiogram. A D- patient with 69 stenosis is
much more likely to have a false positive on both
the EECG and the nuclide scan than a D- patient
with 33 stenosis.
28Counterexamples Possibly Independent Tests
- For Venous Thromboembolism
- CT Angiogram of Lungs and Doppler Ultrasound of
Leg Veins - Alveolar Dead Space and D-Dimer
- MRA of Lungs and MRV of leg veins
29Unless tests are independent, we cant combine
results by multiplying LRs
30Ways to Combine Multiple Tests
- On a group of patients (derivation set), perform
the multiple tests and (independently)
determine true disease status (apply the gold
standard) - Measure LR for each possible combination of
results - Recursive Partitioning
- Logistic Regression
Beware of incorporation bias
31Determine LR for Each Result Combination
NT NBE Tri21 Tri21- LR Post Test Prob
Pos Pos 158 47 36 0.7 69 81
Pos Neg 54 16 442 8.5 1.9 11
Neg Pos 71 21 93 1.8 12 43
Neg Neg 50 15 4652 89.1 0.2 1
Total Total 333 100 5223 100
Assumes pre-test prob 6
32Determine LR for Each Result Combination
2 dichotomous tests 4 combinations 3 dichotomous
tests 8 combinations 4 dichotomous tests 16
combinations Etc.
2 3-level tests 9 combinations 3 3-level tests
27 combinations Etc.
33Determine LR for Each Result Combination
How do you handle continuous tests?
Not practical for most groups of tests.
34Recursive PartitioningMeasure NT First
35Recursive PartitioningExamine Nasal Bone First
36Recursive PartitioningExamine Nasal Bone
FirstCVS if P(Trisomy 21 gt 5)
37Recursive PartitioningExamine Nasal Bone
FirstCVS if P(Trisomy 21 gt 5)
38Recursive Partioning
- Same as Classification and Regression Trees
(CART) - Dont have to work out probabilities (or LRs) for
all possible combinations of tests, because of
tree pruning
39Tree Pruning Goldman Rule
- 8 Tests for Acute MI in ER Chest Pain Patient
- ST Elevation on ECG
- CP lt 48 hours
- ST-T changes on ECG
- Hx of MI
- Radiation of Pain to Neck/LUE
- Longest pain gt 1 hour
- Age gt 40 years
- CP not reproduced by palpation.
Goldman L, Cook EF, Brand DA, et al. A computer
protocol to predict myocardial infarction in
emergency department patients with chest pain. N
Engl J Med. 1988318(13)797-803.
408 tests ? 28 256 Combinations
41(No Transcript)
42Recursive Partitioning
- Does not deal well with continuous test results
- when there is a monotonic relationship between
the test result and the probability of disease
43Logistic Regression
- Ln(Odds(D))
- a bNTNT bNBENBE binteract(NT)(NBE)
- 1
- - 0
- More on this later in ATCR!
44Why does logistic regression model log-odds
instead of probability?
Related to why the LR Slide Rules log-odds scale
helps us visualize combining test results.
45(No Transcript)
46(No Transcript)
47- Logistic Regression Approach to the R/O ACI
Coefficient MV Odds Ratio
Constant -3.93
Presence of chest pain 1.23 3.42
Pain major symptom 0.88 2.41
Male Sex 0.71 2.03
Age 40 or less -1.44 0.24
Age gt 50 0.67 1.95
Male over 50 years -0.43 0.65
ST elevation 1.314 3.72
New Q waves 0.62 1.86
ST depression 0.99 2.69
T waves elevated 1.095 2.99
T waves inverted 1.13 3.10
T wave ST changes -0.314 0.73
Selker HP, Griffith JL, D'Agostino RB. A tool
for judging coronary care unit admission
appropriateness, valid for both real-time and
retrospective use. A time-insensitive predictive
instrument (TIPI) for acute cardiac ischemia a
multicenter study. Med Care. Jul
199129(7)610-627. For corrected coefficients,
see http//medg.lcs.mit.edu/cardiac/cpain.htm
48Clinical Scenario
- 71 y/o man with 2.5 hours of CP, substernal,
non-radiating, described as bloating. Cannot
say if same as prior MI or worse than prior
angina. - Hx of CAD, s/p CABG 10 yrs prior, stenting 3
years and 1 year ago. DM on Avandia. - ECG RBBB, Qs inferiorly. No ischemic ST-T
Real patient seen by MAK 1 am 10/12/04
49(No Transcript)
50Coefficient Clinical Scenario Clinical Scenario
Constant -3.93 Result -3.93
Presence of chest pain 1.23 1 1.23
Pain major symptom 0.88 1 0.88
Sex 0.71 1 0.71
Age 40 or less -1.44 0 0
Age gt 50 0.67 1 0.67
Male over 50 years -0.43 1 -0.43
ST elevation 1.314 0 0
New Q waves 0.62 0 0
ST depression 0.99 0 0
T waves elevated 1.095 0 0
T waves inverted 1.13 0 0
T wave ST changes -0.314 0 0
Odds of ACI 0.418952
Probability of ACI Probability of ACI 30
51What Happened to Pre-test Probability?
- Typically clinical decision rules report
probabilities rather than likelihood ratios for
combinations of results. - Can back out LRs if we know prevalence, pD,
in the study dataset. - With logistic regression models, this backing
out is known as a prevalence offset. (See
Chapter 8.)
52Combining 2 Continuous Tests
- (Mainly in case we assign Problem 8-3)
53Optimal Cutoff Line for Two Continuous Tests
54Optimal Cutoff for a Single Continuous Test
- Depends on
- Pre-test Probability of Disease
- ROC Curve (Likelihood Ratios)
- Relative Misclassification Costs
- Cannot choose an optimal cutoff with just the ROC
55Effect of Prevalence
56Choosing Which Tests to Include in the Decision
- Have focused on how to combine results of two or
more tests, not on which of several tests to
include in a decision rule. - Variable Selection Options include
- Recursive partitioning
- Automated stepwise logistic regression
Choice of variables in derivation data set
requires confirmation in a separate validation
data set.
57Variable Selection
- Especially susceptible to overfitting
58Need for Validation Example
- Study of clinical predictors of bacterial
diarrhea. - Evaluated 34 historical items and 16 physical
examination questions. - 3 questions (abrupt onset, gt 4 stools/day, and
absence of vomiting) best predicted a positive
stool culture (sensitivity 86 specificity 60
for all 3). - Would these 3 be the best predictors in a new
dataset? Would they have the same sensitivity
and specificity?
DeWitt TG, Humphrey KF, McCarthy P. Clinical
predictors of acute bacterial diarrhea in young
children. Pediatrics. Oct 198576(4)551-556.
59Need for Validation
- Develop prediction rule by choosing a few tests
and findings from a large number of
possibilities. - Takes advantage of chance variations in the
data. - Predictive ability of rule will probably
disappear when you try to validate on a new
dataset. - Can be referred to as overfitting.
e.g., low serum calcium in 12 children with
hemolytic uremic syndrome and bad outcomes
- No matter what technique (CART or logistic
regression) is used, the tests included in a
rule and the way in which their results are
combined must be tested on a data set different
from the one used to derive the rule. - Beware of studies that use a validation set to
tweak the rule. This is really just a second
derivation step.
61Prognostic Tests
62Assessment of Prognostic Tests
- Difference from diagnostic tests and risk factors
- Quantifying accuracy (calibration and
discrimination) - Value of prognostic information
- Common problems with studies of prognostic tests
63Potential confusion cross-sectional means 2
- Cross-sectional sampling means sampling does not
depend on either the predictor variable or the
outcome variable. (E.g., as opposed to
case-control sampling) - Cross-sectional time dimension means that
predictor and outcome are measured at the same
time -- opposite of longitudinal
64Cohort Studies Start with a Cross-Sectional
Study (Substitute Outcome for Disease)
Eliminate subjects who already have disease
65Difference from Diagnostic Tests
- Longitudinal rather than cross-sectional time
dimension - Incidence rather than prevalence
- Sensitivity, specificity, prior probability
confusing - Time to an event may be important
- Harder to quantify accuracy in individuals
- Exceptions short time course, continuous outcomes
66Difference from Risk Factors
- Causality not important
- Absolute risk very important
- Sampling scheme makes a much bigger difference
because absolute risks are less generalizable
than relative risks - Can be informative even if no bad outcomes!
67Quantifying Prediction 1 Calibration
- How accurate are the predicted probabilities?
- Break the population into groups
- Compare actual and predicted probabilities for
each group - Calibration is important for decision making and
giving information to patients
68Quantifying Prediction 2 Discrimination
- How well can the test separate subjects in the
population from the mean probability to values
closer to zero or 1? - May be more generalizable
- Often measured with C-statistic
- Perfect calibration, no discrimination
- Predicted actual 5-year mortality 45 (for
everyone) - Perfect discrimination, poor calibration
- Overall predicted mortality is 15, but every
patient who dies has a predicted mortality gt 20
and every patient who survives has a predicted
mortality of lt 20
?Pi(mortality) / N
Mackillop, W. J. and C. F. Quirt (1997).
"Measuring the accuracy of prognostic judgments
in oncology." J Clin Epidemiol 50(1) 21-9.
Glare, P., K. Virik, et al. (2003). "A systematic
review of physicians' survival predictions in
terminally ill cancer patients." Bmj 327(7408)
72Quantifying Discrimination
- Dichotomize outcome at time t
- Then can calculate
- Sensitivity and specificity
- Likelihood ratios
- ROC curves, c-statistic
- Can provide these for multiple time points. In
each case, probabilities are for an event on or
before time t.
Mackillop, W. J. and C. F. Quirt (1997).
"Measuring the accuracy of prognostic judgments
in oncology." J Clin Epidemiol 50(1) 21-9.
Mackillop, W. J. and C. F. Quirt (1997).
"Measuring the accuracy of prognostic judgments
in oncology." J Clin Epidemiol 50(1) 21-9.
75Value of Prognostic Information
- Why do you want to know prognosis?
- -- ALS, slow vs rapid progression
- -- GBM, expected survival
- -- Ambulatory ECG monitoring after AMI to
predict recurrent MI (Problem 7-2) - -- Na-MELD Score
Its not like deciding whether to carry an
76Value of Prognostic Information
- To inform treatment or other clinical decisions
- To inform (prepare) patients and their families
- To stratify by disease severity in clinical trials
Altman, D. G. and P. Royston (2000). "What do we
mean by validating a prognostic model?" Stat Med
19(4) 453-73.
77Value of Prognostic Information
- Doctors and patients like prognostic information
- But hard to assess its value
- Most objective approach is decision-analytic.
Consider - What decision is to be made
- Costs of errors
- Cost of test
- DECISION Treat with more aggressive regimen
- BEFORE test 5-year mortality 25
- AFTER test 5-year mortality either 10 or 50
- BUT do we know how bad it is
- To treat patient with 10 mortality with more
aggressive regimen? - To treat patient with 50 mortality with less
aggressive regimen?
79Common Problems with Studies of Prognostic Tests-
- Referral/selection bias e.g. too many studies
from tertiary centers - Poorly defined cohort heterogeneous inclusion
criteria (See Problem 7-1 about predicting
neurologic and audiologic sequelae in congenital
CMV infection.) - Effects of prognosis on treatment and effects of
treatment on prognosis - Effective treatments blunt relationships
- End-of-life decisions may accentuate relationships
80Common Problems with Studies of Prognostic Tests-
- Multiple and composite outcomes
- If multiple outcomes collected, is the one best
predicted highlighted? - If a study combines multiple outcomes, will the
composite outcome be dominated by the most
More on composite outcomes in Chapter 9 (next
81Common Problems with Studies of Prognostic Tests-
- Loss to follow-up
- Blinding
Next week
82Common Problems with Studies of Prognostic Tests-
- Overfitting Already discussed
- Which variables are included
- How they are combined
- Inadequate sample size
- Small sample size results in imprecise absolute
risk estimates. - Quantifying effect size
- Watch for comparison of 1st and 5th quintiles,
units for hazard or odds ratios - How much NEW information?
- Frequently assessed with multivariable techniques
- Publication bias
83Example A multigene assay to predict recurrence
of tamoxifen-treated, node-negative breast
- 10-year distant recurrence risk in low, medium,
high risk 6.8, 14.3, and 30.5 - Hazard ratio 3.21 per 50 point change
- 51 had scores lt12
- Age, tumor size dichotomized
- Tumor grade reproducibility only fair
(?0.34-0.37) - Authors of paper patented the test (3500 charge)
Paik et al. N Engl J Med 2004351(27)2817-26.
84Additional Slides
- Prognostic Test Accuracy
- Calibration and Discrimination
Should I carry an umbrella tomorrow?
Watch the weather man on TV tonight
85Good Weather Man
Predicted Chance of Rain Days Expected Rainy Days Actual Rainy Days Actual Percent Actual - Expected
0 120 0 0 0 0
10 91 9.1 1 1 -9
20 49 9.8 4 8 -12
30 20 6 7 35 5
40 22 8.8 12 55 15
50 21 10.5 14 67 17
60 19 11.4 14 74 14
70 14 9.8 12 86 16
80 5 4 5 100 20
90 3 2.7 3 100 10
100 1 1 1 100 0
365 73.1 73
88Bad Weather Man
Predicted Chance of Rain Days Expected Rainy Days Actual Rainy Days Actual Percent Actual - Expected
0 0 0 0
10 100 10 10 10 0
20 250 50 50 20 0
30 0 0 0
40 0 0 0
50 0 0 0
60 0 0 0
70 0 0 0
80 0 0 0
90 15 13.5 13 87 -3
100 0 0 0
365 73.5 73
91Good Weather Man
92Same Discrimination, Poor Calibration
93Bad Weather Man
94Compare Weathermen
95Compare Weather Men
- Failing to carry an umbrella on rainy day (Wet)
just as bad as carrying an umbrella on a sunny
day (Tired). Cutoff 50 chance of rain - Good Weatherman Wet 24, Tired 14, Total 38
- Bad Weatherman Wet 60, Tired 2, Total 62
96Compare Weather Men
- Failing to carry an umbrella on rainy day (Wet)
4X as bad as carrying an umbrella on a sunny day
(Tired). Cutoff 20 chance of rain. - Good Weatherman Wet 1, Tired 82, Total 1
4 82 86 - Bad Weatherman Wet 10, Tired 202, Total 10
4 202 242