Chapter 19 Real-Time Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 19 Real-Time Systems


If a lower priority process is running and a higher priority process ... the lower the priority. Rate monotonic scheduling assumes that the processing time of a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 19 Real-Time Systems

Chapter 19 Real-Time Systems
  • CS 540 Advanced Operating systems
  • Instructor Dr. Behzad Perviz
  • Fall 2010
  • Presented By
  • Monali Bhavsar
  • Amee Joshi

Real-Time Systems
  • System Characteristics
  • Features of Real-Time Systems
  • Implementing Real-Time Operating Systems
  • Real-Time CPU Scheduling
  • An Example VxWorks 5.x

  • To explain the timing requirements of real-time
  • To distinguish between hard and soft real-time
  • To discuss the defining characteristics of
    real-time systems
  • To describe scheduling algorithms for hard
    real-time systems

Overview of Real-Time Systems
  • A Real-time system requires that results be
    produced within a specified deadline period
  • Example Robot
  • Contrast Desktop computer system, Batch
    processing system.
  • An Embedded system is a computing device that is
    part of a larger system.(i.e. automobile,
  • No timing requirements.
  • Embedded in specialized devices.
  • Presence of computing device is not obvious.
  • Examples dishwashers, microwave ovens, cameras,
    MP3 players.

  • A Safety-critical system is a real-time system
    with catastrophic results in case of failure.
  • Weapons systems, antilock brake system, flight
    management system health related systems.
  • System must respond to events by specific
    deadline period.
  • A Hard real-time system guarantees that
    real-time tasks be completed within their
    required deadlines.
  • Critical real time tasks be completed within
    their deadlines.
  • Safety critical systems are typically hard real
    time systems.
  • A Soft real-time system provides priority of
    real-time tasks over non real-time tasks.
  • Priority retain until task completed.
  • Linux and many OS provide soft real time system.

System Characteristics
  • Single purpose
  • Small size
  • Inexpensively mass-produced
  • Specific timing requirements

System Characteristics
  • Single purpose
  • Unlike PCs real time systems serves single
    purpose. Design of it reflects single purpose and
    its simple.
  • Small size
  • Existing environment is constrained in physical
    space so CPU power and memory available is less
    then standard pcs.
  • Real time systems run on 8- or 16- bit processors
    and less then megabytes of memory.
  • Footprint amount of memory required to run the
    OS and its applications.
  • Real time systems must have small footprints.
  • Specific timing requirements
  • Real time operating systems meet timing
    requirements by using scheduling algorithms that
    gives real-time processes the highest scheduling
  • Priority of scheduling tasks does not degrade
    over time.
  • Technique for addressing timing requirements
    minimize response time to events such as

System Characteristics
  • Inexpensively mass-produced
  • Real time systems are used in home appliances and
    consumer devices which are cost conscious
    environment, so microprocessors for real time
    systems must inexpensively mass produced.
  • Example SOC.
  • Bus Oriented System

  • Many real-time systems are designed using
    system-on-a-chip (SOC)strategy
  • SOC allows the CPU, memory, memory-management
    unit, and attached peripheral ports (I.e. USB) to
    be contained in a single integrated circuit.
  • Less expensive then bus oriented organization.

Features of Real-Time Kernels
  • Features provided by many operating systems are
  • Support variety of peripheral devices
  • Protection and security mechanism
  • Multiple users
  • Supporting these features results in large
    kernel. Example, Windows XP.
  • Most real-time systems do not provide the
    features found in a standard desktop system as
  • Reasons include
  • Real-time systems are typically single-purpose
  • Real-time systems often do not require
    interfacing with a user
  • Features found in a desktop PC require more
    substantial hardware that what is typically
    unavailable in a real-time system due to lack of
    memory and fast processors.
  • Both of these are unavailable in real time
    systems due to space constraints.
  • Addition to that many systems lack sufficient
    space to provide graphical displays or disk
    drives, they support file systems using NVRAM(Non
    Volatile RAM).
  • Features of desktop PC increase the cost of real
    time systems which makes systems economically

Virtual Memory in Real-Time Systems
  • Providing virtual memory features requires that
    the system include a Memory Management Unit(MMU).
  • MMUs increase the cost and power consumption.
  • Time required to translate logical address to
    physical address especially in case of
    Translation Look aside Buffer(TLB) miss may be
    prohibited in hard real time systems.
  • Address translation may occur via
  • Real-addressing mode where programs generate
    actual addresses
  • Relocation register mode
  • Implementing full virtual memory

Address Translation
Address Translation
  • Real-addressing mode
  • CPU generates logical
  • address L which must be
  • mapped to physical address P.
  • Bypass the logical address and directly generate
    physical address.
  • Not employ virtual memory techniques so P equals
  • Problem no memory protection between processes
    and programmers need to specify physical location
    of memory load.
  • Benefits fast, no time spent on address
  • Used in embedded systems with hard real time

Address Translation
  • Relocation register mode
  • Same as Dynamic
  • relocation register.
  • Relocation register R is set to memory location
    where a program is loaded.
  • Physical address P is generated by adding the
    contents of relocation register R to L.
  • Real time systems are configure the MMU to
    perform this way because MMU can easily translate
    logical addresses to physical addresses using
  • This system will also not provide memory
    protection between processes.

Address Translation
  • Implementing full virtual memory
  • Address translation take
  • place via page table and
  • Translation Look aside buffer(TLB).
  • This strategy provides program to be loaded at
    any memory location memory protection between
    two processes.
  • Without attaching disk drives not possible to
    provide all virtual memory features like Demand
    Paging and Swapping.
  • Contrast to that some system provides that using
  • Examples LynxOS and OnCore Systems.

Implementing Real-Time Systems
  • In general, real-time operating systems must
  • Preemptive, priority-based scheduling
  • Preemptive kernels
  • Latency must be minimized

Implementing Real-Time Systems
  • Preemptive, priority-based scheduling
  • Important feature must respond immediately to a
    real time process so system must support
    Priority-based algorithm with Preemption.
  • Priority based scheduling algorithms assign
    priority based on their importance.
  • If scheduler supports preemption, a process
    currently running on CPU will be preempted if a
    higher priority process will available to run.
  • Solaris, Windows XP Linux systems assign
    highest scheduling priority to real time
  • This will provide only soft real time
    functionality. For hard real time functionalities
    we need additional scheduling features to meet
    timing requirements.

Windows XP priorities
  • Windows XP has 32 different priority levels, the
    highest priority level values 16-31 are reserved
    for real time processes.

Implementing Real-Time Systems
  • Preemptive kernels
  • Allows the Preemption of a task running in kernel
  • Designing preemptive kernel is difficult so if
    quick response is not require its not
    implemented. Ex. Windows XP is non-Preemptive.
  • In Hard real time systems preemptive kernels are
  • There are two strategies to make kernel
  • First Insert Preemption points in long duration
    system calls.
  • Preemption points can be placed at safe locations
    in kernel that is where kernel data structure is
    not modified.
  • Second Use of synchronization mechanisms.
  • Any kernel data being updated are protected from
    modification by the high priority process so
    kernel will always preemptible.

Minimizing Latency
  • Event latency is the amount of time from when an
    event occurs to when it is serviced.

Interrupt Latency
  • Interrupt latency is the period of time from when
    an interrupt arrives at the CPU to when it is

Interrupt Latency
  • Important factor contributing to interrupt
    latency is the amount of time interrupts may be
    disabled while kernel data structures are being
  • Real time operating systems required that
    interrupts be disabled for very short period of
  • In hard real time systems it must not only be
    minimized, it must in fact bounded to guarantee
    the deterministic behavior of hard real time

Dispatch Latency
  • Dispatch latency is the amount of time required
    for the scheduler to stop one Process and start

Dispatch Latency
  • If we want to provide real time tasks with
    immediate access to CPU mandates that operating
    system should minimize Dispatch latency. To keep
    Dispatch latency low, provide Preemptive kernels.
  • The Conflict phase of dispatch latency has two
  • Preemption of any process running in the kernel
  • Release by low priority processes of resources
    needed by a high-priority process.
  • Ex. Solaris.
  • One issue that can affect the dispatch latency
    arises when a higher priority process needs to
    read or modify kernel data that are currently
    being accessed by a lower priority process. Or a
    chain of lower priority processes.
  • Problem Priority inversion.
  • Solved by Priority-inheritance protocol.

Priority Inversion
Priority Inversion Priority Inheritance
Real-Time CPU Scheduling
  • Scheduling Deciding how to allocate a single
  • among multiple clients.
  • In what order and for how long.
  • Usually refers to CPU scheduling.
  • CPU Scheduling decisions may take place when a
  • Switches from running to waiting state
  • Switches from running to ready state
  • Switches from waiting to ready
  • Terminates.

Real-Time CPU Scheduling
  • Two types of Real Time
  • Soft Real Time Meet Deadline most of the time,
    but not mandatory.
  • Example Live audio-video systems are usually
    soft real-time violation of constraints results
    in degraded quality, but the system can continue
    to operate.
  • Hard Real Time Must meet deadline, otherwise
    can cause fatal error.
  • Example a car engine control system is a hard
    real-time system because a delayed signal may
    cause engine failure or damage.

Real-Time CPU Scheduling
  • Periodic processes require the CPU at specified
    intervals (periods)
  • p is the duration of the period
  • d is the deadline by when the process must be
  • t is the processing time

Real-Time CPU Scheduling
  • Unusual about this scheduling is that a process
    may have to announce its deadline requirements to
    the scheduler.
  • Using Technique an Admission Control algorithm
    the scheduler
  • either admits the process, guaranteeing that the
    process will complete on time,
  • or rejects the request as impossible if it cannot
    guarantee that task will be serviced by its

Real Time CPU Scheduling Algorithms
  • Rate Monotonic Scheduling
  • Earliest Deadline First Scheduling
  • Proportional Share Scheduling
  • Pthread Scheduling

Rate Monotonic Scheduling
  • It schedules periodic tasks using a static
    priority policy with preemption.
  • If a lower priority process is running and a
    higher priority process becomes available to run,
    it will preempt the lower priority process.
  • Each periodic task is assigned a priority
    inversely based on its period
  • The shorter the period , the higher the priority.
  • The longer the period, the lower the priority.
  • Rate monotonic scheduling assumes that the
    processing time of a periodic process is the same
    for each CPU burst.
  • Every time a process acquires the CPU, the
    duration of its CPU burst is the same.

  • Two Processes P1 and P2.
  • The periods for p1 50 and p2 100.
  • The Processing times are t1 20 for P1 and t2
    35 for P2.
  • The deadline for each process requires that it
    complete its CPU burst by the start of its next
  • The CPU utilization of a process Pi as the ratio
    of its burst to its period ti/pi so, for P1 it
    is 20/50 0.40 and for P2 it is 35/100 0.35.
    so total CPU utilization of 75 percent.
  • First, suppose we assign P2 a higher priority
    than P1.

Example - continue
  • Now suppose we use rate monotonic scheduling, in
    which we assign P1 a higher priority than P2.

Missing Deadline with rate monotonic scheduling
  • Assume that Process P1 has a period of p1 50
    and CPU burst of t1 25.
  • For P2, the corresponding values are p2 80 and
    t2 35.
  • The total CPU utilization of the two processes is
    (25/50) (35/80) 0.94.

  • CPU utilization is bounded.
  • The worst case CPU utilization for scheduling N
    processes is 2(2(1/n)-1).
  • With one process in the system, CPU utilization
    is 100 percent, but it falls to approximately 69
    percent as the number of processes approaches
  • With two processes, CPU utilization is bounded at
    about 83 percent.

Earliest Deadline First Scheduling
  • It dynamically assigns priorities according to
  • The earlier the deadline, the higher the
  • The later the deadline, the lower the priority.
  • If two tasks have the same absolute deadlines,
    chose one of the two at random (ties can be
    broken arbitrarily).

  • Suppose we have two Process P1 and P2.
  • P1 has values of p1 50 and t1 25.
  • P2 has values of p2 80 and t2 35.

  • Unlike the rate monotonic algorithm, EDF
    scheduling does not require that processes be
    periodic, nor must a process require a constant
    amount of CPU time per burst..
  • The only requirement is that a process announce
    its deadline to the scheduler when it becomes
  • The appeal of EDF scheduling is that,
    theoretically it can schedule processes so that
    each process can meet its deadline requirements
    and CPU utilization will be 100 percent.
  • Its impossible due to the cost of context
    switching between processes and interrupt

Proportional Share Scheduling
CPU bandwidth
  • Associate a weight with each application and
    allocate CPU bandwidth proportional to weight
  • T shares are allocated among all processes in the
  • An application receives N shares where N lt T
  • This ensures each application will receive N / T
    of the total processor time

  • Assume that a total of T 100 shares is to be
    divided among three processes, A, B and C.
  • A is assigned 50 shares, B is assigned 15 shares,
    and C is assigned 20 shares.
  • This scheme ensures that A will have 50 percent
    of total processor time, B will have 15 percent,
    and C will have 20 percent.

Proportional Share Scheduling
  • Proportional Share Schedulers must work in
    conjunction with an admission control policy to
    guarantee that an application receives its
    allocated shares of time.
  • An admission control policy will only admit a
    client requesting a particular number of shares
    if there are sufficient shares available.

Pthread Scheduling
  • The Pthread (POSIX Thread) Library is set of
    functions that enable C/C code to spawn
    multiple threads of execution to do multiple
    tasks simultaneously.
  • The Pthread API provides functions for managing
    real-time threads.
  • Pthreads defines two scheduling classes for
    real-time threads
  • (1) SCHED_FIFO - threads are scheduled using a
    FCFS strategy with a FIFO queue. There is no
    time-slicing for threads of equal priority
  • (2) SCHED_RR - similar to SCHED_FIFO except
    time-slicing occurs for threads of equal priority

Pthread Scheduling API
  • include ltpthread.hgt
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • define NUM THREADS 5
  • int main(int argc, char argv)
  • int i, policy
  • pthread_t tidNUM THREADS
  • pthread_attr_t attr
  • / get the default attributes /
  • pthread _attr_ init(attr)
  • / get the current scheduling policy /
  • if (pthread_attr_getschedulepolicy (attr,
    policy) ! 0)
  • fprintf (stderr, Unable to get policy.\n)

Pthread Scheduling API
  • else
  • if (policy SCHED_OTHER)
  • printf(SCHED_OTHER\n)
  • elase if (policy SCHED_RR)
  • printf(SCHED_RR\n)
  • else if (policy SCHED_FIFO)
  • printf(SCHED_FIFO\n)
  • / set the scheduling policy - FIFO, RT, or
    OTHER /
  • if (pthread_attr_setschedpolicy (attr,
    SCHED_OTHER) ! 0)
  • / create the threads /
  • for (i 0 i lt NUM _THREADS i)
  • pthread _create (tidi, attr, runner, NULL)

Pthread Scheduling API
  • / now join on each thread /
  • for (i 0 i lt NUM _THREADS i)
  • pthread _join (tidi, NULL)
  • / Each thread will begin control in this
    function /
  • void runner(void param)
  • / do some work /
  • pthread _exit(0)

An Example VxWorks 5.x
  • A popular real-time operating system providing
    hard real-time support.
  • Commercially developed by Wind River Systems.
  • It is widely used in automobiles, consumer and
    industrial devices, and networking equipment such
    as switches and routers.
  • It is also used to control the two rovers
    Spirit and Opportunity that began exploring the
    planet Mars in 2004.

The Organization of VxWorks
Wind Microkernel
  • The Wind microkernel provides support for the
  • (1) Processes and threads using Pthread API
  • (2) preemptive and non-preemptive round-robin
  • (3) manages interrupts (with bounded interrupt
    and dispatch latency times)
  • (4) shared memory and message passing as
    communication between separate tasks. Also allows
    tasks to communicate using a technique known as
    pipes. Also provides semaphores and mutex locks
    with a priority inheritance protocol to prevent
    priority inversion.

Interesting approach to memory management
  • Supports two levels of virtual memory.
  • First Level
  • Quite simple, allows for control of the cache on
    a per-page basis.
  • Enables and application to specify certain pages
    as non-cacheable.
  • Second Level
  • Virtual memory requires the optional virtual
    memory component VxVMI along with processor
    support for a memory management unit(MMU).
  • VxWorks allows pages containing kernel code along
    with the interrupt vector to be declared as

  • Operating System Concepts, 8th edition by
    Silberschatz, Galvin and Gange.

Thank you
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