Daryl Strohbehn - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Daryl Strohbehn


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Daryl Strohbehn

"Take the Time"
Daryl Strohbehn Iowa Beef Center Iowa State
What is this Take Business?
  • Take the Time
  • Take it to the Bank
  • Take Care
  • Take Charge
  • Take Ownership
  • Take Me, For Instance
  • Take This Job and

"Be all you can be!"
But most of all, Be Prepared!
Not being prepared can be a disaster!
"Somethings we just can't prepare for."
5/20/2003 Canada Confirms Single BSE Case in a
Cow From Alberta by Roger Bernard Canadian
agriculture officials today confirmed that they
have a case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy
(BSE) or "mad cow" disease.
How many of you are Angus breeders?
  • If you can answer the following question then I
    know you are prepared?
  • Do you know why the person that invests your
    money is called a broker?
  • George Carlin

Okay, if you couldnt answer that one
  • Do you know if Lipton Tea employees take a coffee
  • George Carlin
  • What hair color do they put on the drivers
    license of bald men?
  • George Carlin

Okay, here is one that all Angus breeders can
  • Whatever happened to Preparations A thru G?
  • George Carlin
  • Now, if you cant answer these questions well..

"Take the Time"
Use this conference to hone your skills and
improve your business strategy and savvy.
Take the Time .to plan for Success
  • What is success?
  • Degree or measure of a favorable outcome.

Success is the ability to go from one failure to
another with no loss of enthusiasm. Sir Winston
What best describes a successful cattlemen to me?
  • Talented in many areas..
  • Have the ability to be well organized see both
    the big and small picture, and are capable of
    time management, balancing the jobs at hand and
    communicating the appropriate direction to others.

Hone Your Success Traits
  • Success Traits
  • Visionary

Imagination is more important than
knowledge Albert Einstein
"Take the Time"
Hone Your Success Traits
  • Success Traits
  • Astuteness
  • Setting Goals
  • Customer Oriented

"Take the Time"
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest
source of learning. Bill Gates, Business _at_ The
Speed of Thought
Hone Your Success Traits
  • Success Traits
  • Taking Action
  • Flexibility Business Agility
  • Passionate/Competitive Drive
  • Compassionate
  • Communicator

"Take the Time"
Communication is the universal solvent. Unknown
Hone Your Success Traits
  • Success Traits
  • Tenacity
  • Working smart
  • Positive Outlook
  • Courage

Courage is being scared to death - but saddling
up anyway. John Wayne
"Take the Time"
Hone Your Success Traits
  • Success Traits
  • Reliability and Integrity

A lie can travel halfway around the world while
the truth is putting on its shoes. Mark Twain
Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense
and plain dealing. Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1841
Hone Your Success Traits
  • Trait of Success
  • Accuracy
  • Continuous learner
  • Joy in sharing success

"Take the Time"
What are some of the Meat Marketing Trends?
Well, maybe I should get on with some subject
  • Lets take a trip down memory lane

Pre World War II
Just give me something to eat Product innovation
-- non existent Brands were not well
established Processing and marketing were
disconnected Knew producer of my food Higher
percentage of income spent on food
After World War II The June Cleaver Era
Consumers could buy more - but were not use to
choices Commodity producers owned the market and
drove the demand for commodity brands No
communication up and down the production
marketing line Beginning of emotional
marketing Processor is still the driver
Late 60s, early 70s Era of Concentration
Era of Concentration
  • Commodity wholesale companies that created brands
    were proliferating brands
  • Efficiencies were everywhere
  • Took less money to buy and had more choices
  • Processing and packaging increased -- didnt see
    the food anymore
  • Total disconnect from their food system
  • Number of people connected to the land--
    dramatically dropped
  • Actively isolated the consumer from production
  • Producers no longer saw and touched food as they
    knew it

1980 90s WalMart Model
WalMart Model
  • Information flowing in a system
  • Organized information
  • Tracks consumer behavior
  • Retailer calling shots with processors
  • Wants to include everyone as a customer
  • Exclusionary policy toward suppliers

Today ???
  • Are we switching power from the retailer to the
  • The Consumer Wants to Know !!!
  • Or at least that is the message being touted..

Global Product Expectation is a changing
  • World Competition may dictate necessities in our
    future production systems.
  • Source and animal identity
  • Verifying production processes
  • Quality assurance
  • Production supply chains
  • Cattle Care Guidelines

Industry Trends
  • End Product Side
  • Source Verification
  • Traceability

Our World Competitors
  • Paul Clayton Jan., 2003 NCBA Meeting
  • Ear/Tail tags 11 countries
  • Electronic ID 2 countries 3 planning
  • Paper trail 5 countries, 1 planning
  • Computer tracking 4 countries, 1 planning
  • Birth to consumer track 5 countries

Industry Trends
  • End Product Side
  • Case-ready revolution
  • Branded Beef Programs
  • Changes in Marketing Grids/Formulas

The Look of Case-Ready
Impact of Case-Ready -forcing packing industry to
sell beef with 0 trim -current packer standard is
¼ trim with seam fat -case-ready cuts it to 0
fat trim -CURRENTLY cooler sort meets supply -but
what about the future?
From Tyson-IBP Web Site
  • IBP Fresh Meats Consumer Friendly Products will
  • Allow you to redirect labor more productively
  • Reduce out of stock conditions caused by time,
    pressure and workload
  • Reduce marketing losses, ie, reworks, rewraps,
    markdowns, etc.
  • Enhance sales because of recipe/preparation
    instructions on every package, as well as safe
    handling instructions
  • Expand the variety of cuts currently offered
  • Enhance greater food safety
  • Extend marketing life over and above store cut
  • Allow you to improve your bottom line

Will case-ready products have an impact on us?
  • 2000 9 of all beef sales
  • 2001 18
  • Expected in 2003 35
  • Expected by 2010 80

Will this cause a change in grid market premiums
Industry Trends
USDA Certified Beef Programs
  • End Product Side
  • Branded Beef Programs
  • The race to brand beef products seems to be
    leveling off, but heat and eat is proliferating.

Industry Trends
  • End Product Side
  • Heat Eat Products Convenience Items

With all these product changes what changes are
taking place in the commercial industry?
Has there been a change in use of Grid Marketing?
Schroeder, et.al., Kansas State University, 2002
  • Fewer cattle will be sold on the cash live and
    carcass dressed basis.
  • Percentage of cattle sold using grid markets
  • 1996 16
  • 2001 45
  • 2006 exp 62

Industry Trends
  • Commercial Side
  • Supply chain development from cow-calf through
  • More retained ownership through the supply chain
    to capitalize on genetic and management
  • Demand for seedstock that positions commercial
    production correctly for the supply chain
    correct end product quality, cutability and
  • Refocus on profit traits Genetic emphasis on
    efficiency reproduction and feed conversion
  • Continued pressure to develop animal and
    environmental friendly systems?

Industry Trends
  • Commercial Side - Additional production aspects
  • Supply chain access will require source and
    process verification.
  • Market targets will continue to become better
  • Easier access to end product data will occur.
  • Database management and analysis will be
  • High valued reputation feeder cattle will need
    to have years of data to back up the claim

Industry Trends-Seedstock
  • Full service providers- Ritchie, 03
  • Not only specification type seedstock, but
  • Feeder cattle merchandising
  • Arrangement of retained ownership programs
  • Alignment with feedyard and carcass data feedback
  • Contract matings
  • Embryo services for commercial producers wishing
    to raise their own bulls for bio-security
  • Replacement heifer programs for both seedstock
    and commercial customers
  • Seedstock alliances to accommodate commercial

Informational managers!
Industry Trends-Seedstock
  • Even greater focus on profit traits
  • Development of more EPDs and gene markers
  • Especially for Reproduction, Health and Efficiency

The John Airy Beef Cattle SymposiumVisions for
Genetics and BreedingMay, 2003
5 renown International Geneticists all spoke
about their efforts in genetic developments on
animal diseases.
  • Dr. Michel Georges, U of Liege, Belgium
  • Dr. Morris Soller, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Dr. Jay Hetzel, Genetic Solutions, Australia
  • Dr. Merete Fredholm, Royal Vet. AG University,
  • Dr. Stephen Bishop, Roslin Institute, UK

Industry Trends-Seedstock
  • The role of molecular genetics will not diminish
    the importance of phenotypic recording and EPDs.
  • Dr. Jack Dekker, ISU Molecular Geneticist _at_
    Brown Bagger

Industry Trends-Seedstock
  • And finally, due to the increased number of EPDs
    and gene markers selection and profit indexes
    will be demanded by your future customers.

Closing Thoughts
"Take the Time"
  • Improve your competitive edge
  • Better understand each others problems
  • Improve your communications with customers and
    other segments
  • And do your best to learn new skills

"Get Prepared!"
"Take the Time"
When you come to a fork in the road, take
it. Yogi Berra
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