Title: The next topic of renovation technologies comprehension is
1The next topic of renovation technologies
comprehension is Metophysiological pulsing as a
universal method of continuous health renovation
Did you notice how pharaohs and Gods of ancient
Egypt depicted in statues and murals hold a
Thus pharaohs and Gods show us the basics of
The statue that fully shows this wonderful
2 Metophysiological Pulsing is one of the
most important sections of SENSPHYSIOLOGY as a
Homo Sensus -a person of continuous health
3The concept metophysiological pulsing derives
from the following definitions Meto (Ukrainian
Meta English - aim) as an address to the aim
and sense of organismss actions, Physiological
Logical sequence of physiological actions of
the organism in the process of achieving its aim
Pulsing - pulsation The technology of
metophysiological pulsing is easy and is based on
a project formula of humans organism creation
The formula of Homo Sensus creation "Human's
organism is a mobile vertical system programmed
for verticality and gravitation"
Metophysiological pulsing restores a feeling of
verticality in the organism of a person, i.e. a
feeling of parity of gravitation and
antigravitation forces (interaction of forces of
the Sky and the Earth) on the basis of health
formula of sensphysiologyBETWEEN THE SKY AND
4The health formula of Homo sapiens Between the
scky and the Earth!
SENSPHYSIOLOGY PROVED That humans organism is
built based on the formula of GRAVITATION AND
ANTIGRAVITATION forces interaction in the
AIR-WATER MEDIUM, which is represented by the
atmosphere of the Earth.
5As Homo Sensus you also know that physiological
culture as a technology of continuous health
renovation doesnt require any middle-man between
you and your organism such as drugs, diets,
gymnastics, apparatuses and even other people
during renovation process.
6But application of metophysiological pulsing is a
a mediation, and I would like to give this
knowledge to you, because only those who are
reading and listening to this video-book at the
moment can get possession of comprehension.
Comprehension of possibilities of personal
organism to restore the state of continuous
health to the level of primary state at any
moment of life! But you will agree with me that
there are a lot of sick people that can be healed
by renovation technologies, but they have no
access to this book and they are deprived of an
opportunity to develop skills in physiological
culture. There are also ill people because
they do not trust their organism. There are also
people that are readily fall ill, because they do
not trust themselves Help them.
Your mission as Homo sensus, the person who has
received this knowledge, is to train principles
of physiological culture others based on your own
experience. You should also ask those trained by
you to teach others. Those unknown that are far
away from you to help all the weak to enjoy the
happiness of life without dieases, using methods
of sensphysiology.
7 It is important to train others based on
own experience EVEN ON YOUR MINIMAL
ACHIEVEMENTS! Because both the Universe and
everything in it is built out of primary
MINIMAL! To teach preventive principles of
physiological culture as a technology of
continuous health renovation. Especially to teach
to comprehend such fundamental laws of the
Universe as the Law of axis, the Law of
correspondence, the Law of Analogies, the Law of
3-dimensional model of the Universe and a
person. To teach the main knowledge about
health, i.e. except a tree, a post and a penguin
VERTICALITY. But with this verticality it is only
Homo Sapiens unlike quasi vertical penguin is a
mobile self-sufficient system, which has a
possibility to manipulate in the space. To teach
that if the fact of vertical mobility is a factor
of rationality (of creation of Homo Sapiens),
then a state of continuous health of humans
organism and vertical mobility ARE ALSO
you again to ask those trained by you to train
other people so that the methods of
sensphysiology can help all the weak people
8 There are people, for example, children and
elderly people in your surrounding the
surrounding of Homo sensus (you became this type
of a person when you comprehended physiological
culture as sensphysiological parameters of the
organism and a person, i.e. a person who realized
a computer program of construction and
functions of the organism, i.e. a program
introduced by the Creator into each cell, each
action of the organism as an ideally protected
system and ideally protecting system) that are
not readily perceiving physiological culture.
But in my opinion they, in the first turn, need
to be in the state of continuous health. Do you
agree with me?! And they cannot do without
mediation (your mediation) Between them and the
problems of their health.
Give them the keys to health!
Cut them from illnesses!
9For the sake of spiritual mediation between you
and them I have developed (based on
sensphysiological laws) an easy and completely
safe and efficient method of self- and mutual
help one of which is represented by
Metophysiological pulsing or the therapy by
CIRCULATION (similar to principles of water
circultation in nature).
One of the sections of metophysiological pulsing
has been shown to me by pharaohs and gods of
ancient Egypt, the rest are based on the
knowledge of fundamental laws of the Universe,
laws of physics and chemistry on Oriental
metaphysical techniques, rituals and religious
rites, medical schools of Tibet, China, India,
ancient Greece, Maya civilization, achievements
of western medicine, etc. Because this knowledge
is an actual and practical material of
physiological culture as a basis for continuous
10But since there is a lot of information even this
video-book will not allow me to convey all (even
basic ones) principles and methods of
metophysiological pulsing. Because this is a big
and a separate layer of knowledge of renovation
measures. Thats why you as Homo sensus should
understand its easy philosophy and logics (i.e.
sensphysiology of such phenomenon as pulsing) And
this is very easy!!! AND THEN YOULL INVENT LOTS
OF THEM YOURSELF! Consider, that I use the
concept self-help when I describe
metophysiological pulsing not accidentally.
Mutual help
Because anybody can use any method of pulsing,
because of easiness, logicas and philosophy of
different types of pulsing not only to cure
others, but also to cure himself/herself with an
effect that is not worse than with the help of a
11 The first thing that you need to understand is
that Metophysiological pulsing is a reproduction
of action of Law of axis.
The second principle, which such technology of
continuous health renovation as Metophysiological
pulsing (literally vibratory shaking) is based on
is the fact that Homo sapiens consists of water.
12Thats why any disease (from cold to cancer) are
stagnation processes of liquid circulating in the
organism and blockage of information exchange
between organisms molecules of water.
The system of information circulation depicted by
a philosophy of trigrams
Thats why a consciously implemented
Metophysiological pulsing immediately restores
general circulation, inter-molecular interaction
(circulation of information) and, consequently
circulation of chemical and physical as well as
exchange processes.
13For you to comprehend the philosophy and logics
of metophysiological pulsing I offer only two
dominating ones for you, which are applied when a
patient is sitting or lying only. Attention!
Metophysiological pulsing when a patient is
sitting can also be useful. But sitting as an
extremely distressful situation for humans
organism to protect your life requires from a
middle-man, who actually does pulsing,
comprehension of the highest levels of action of
vibration processes to protect verticality.
Thats why Im not talking about it at this stage.
A person sitting on a chair or in an arm-chair
creates in the internal water medium of the
organism a fear of constant oscillation of
14The main type of metophysiological pulsing is
dominant due to preservation of gravitation
stability feeling. It is also simultaneously a
pulsing of restoration of antigravitation
feeling. It is carried out like this A
suffering person (for example, the one who is
suffering from spinal pains, pains in legs,
subnormal blood pressure etc this list can
accommodate all the diseases of Homo sapiens),
but the one who can stand on the feet, stands in
front of you, stretches his/her arms along the
body and starts turning thumb nails of both
hands, simultaneously watching that the direction
of the nail matches the direction towards the
center of the planet.
This picture is a computer analysis of
information cycles on a hand (you can see a
thumb here) It is an amazing confirmation of
Correspondence theory developed by professor Pack
Ji Vu the author of Su Jock therapy (the lines
on a nail create a picture of a head!)
15 The person who carries out metophysiological
pulsing sits or stands behind the patient, puts
his/her forefinger (or all the fingers, depending
on your preferences) on the sacrum and starts
pushing forward very-very easily.. Attention!
To achieve a therapeutical or preventive effect 1
mm amplitude is enough!
16The idea behind the efficiency of the procedure
(except that mentioned earlier) is to restore
interaction of vagus and pelvic nerves by
creation of such information circle vagus nerve,
large intestine, pelvic nerve, spinal cord, vagus
nerve again, etc. And establishment of the ribs
system and the diaphragm into project
physiological parameters.
Pelvic and vagus nerves should always communicate
17Did you pay attention to the above mentioned
scheme of this interaction? And now have a look
at schemes of vibration meridians from Chinese
Direction of force
Vibration meridians
Please, recall also physics lessons from your
school (The rule of left and right hand). It says
that the force of electric and magnetic streams
are concentrated at the end of a thumb, pointed
in a specific direction, (here during pulsing
towards the center of the planet).
The figure shows the influence of physical laws
on a thumb.
18Do you know that the organism of Homo sapiens is
a mobile vertical system and the main purpose and
function of the organism is to preserve mobile
verticality? Remember that the organism is
programmed and built to be vertical and the
renovation of verticality is consequently the
renovation of continuous health, because it
restores primary parameters of circulation of
liquids in the organismfrom the top to the
bottom and in reverse direction Keeping a
person between the sky and the Earth!
Then youll understand the reason of
unquestionable efficiency of metophysiological
pulsing for a specific person with a specific
19 As you know lungs not only participate in
breathing, they also perform a function of a
balloon that raises your body and keeps it
vertical above the planet. Thats why when you
(or your patient) activate a nail of a thumb
(this is where vibration meridian of lungs
starts), This vibration information re-groups
process of all intercostal muscles in the
direction of vibration of lungs vibration
meridian. This restores processes, which were
blocked due to different reasons.
Vibration meridian of lungs and its vibratory
influence on the spine and rib system
20Vibration of re-grouping of intercostal muscles
will lead to restoration of mobility of
vertebro-costal and brestbone-costal joints. And
they will have to restore their primary work by
normative vibration (like a rusty lock restores
its work after moving a key inside and addition
of a lubricant). And this will allow you to
achieve establishment of rib system (especially
important!) and a diaphragm into PHYSIOLOGICAL
Besides during metophysiological pulsing youre
using FEAR. Panic fear of the organism not to
fulfill its function! And allow a person to fall
down i.e. not to allow him/her to realize the
21Literally saying, by easy pushing the body in the
area of the sacral bone (this is the place where
processes responsible for maintaining verticality
are concentrated), You make the organism fall.
In order to avoid this blunder it calls out a
special type of memory from the layers of habits
the memory of a function.
Fear of falling makes the organism activate
the synergism of all its processes nervous,
liquor, muscular, tendinous, endocrine and others
to rescue the verticality. Its aim and objective.
Thats why those processes, systems and organs
that are out of order, i.e. are out of
interaction system because of specific blockage,
will definitely be returned to fulfillment of
their obligations preservation of calm vital
activity of Homo sapiens (your freedom) by this
method (artificial falling).
22The effect of metophysiological pulsing can be
felt this way At some point of time the body in
the area of sacrum and pubis will bend forward
IMMEDIATELY. Another factor of effectiveness of
metophysiological pulsing is the fact that taking
into consideration the weight of the head
(approximately 4,5 kg), substantial weight of
both hands and shoulder girdle, during body
shaking their weight will influence by inertia
(nothing more but physics) all the cartilaginous
and muscular tissues of the spine. And since
normal mobility of the spine starts from 4th-5th
neck-bones, then due to pulsing vagus nerve will
be unblocked. Because it is this blockage that
leads to diseases.
You already know that this nerve organizes
automatism of interaction of all the organs and
systems of the organism.
23Metophysiological pulsing AS A VIBRATORY
when a patient is lying (on the back or abdomen)
It is carried out by slight and tender swinging
of the body on the tailbone or pubis zone. It can
be supplemented by round movements of a thumb.
At the same time a hand of the middle-man
should be feeling as if he/she is swinging a
soft vial with water (and this is true, since a
person is 80 of water) Sometimes a patient may
move a hallux and move a head to different sides
from time to time. The result of pulsing in a
lying position are similar to those of standing
position. The pelvis of a patient is falling
in under a hand of the person who is carrying
out pulsing. (yet not forward, but downward, and
patients always feel this), This will be a
signal of liquidation of spasms in the organism.
24By the way, movement of hallux during pulsing is
a very important addition. When the halluxs
vibration goes through a zone of a tailbone or
pubis, then combined vibrations from the hallux
and a thumb of the person, who is carrying out
pulsing are resonating due to overlaying. This
enhances the effect of pulsing several
times! Thus a vibration wave quickly approaches
muscles of shoulder girdle, neck and head...
It is similar to a famous example from physics,
when a company of soldiers destroyed the bridge
while marching due to a resonance of vibrations
those of marching and of a bridge itself.
Moving a head to different sides includes into a
vibratory wave the structures of either left or
right sides of the organism depending on which
of them is more blocked combined vibration
restores all the tendomuscular connections. This
allows a person to raise and to maintain
25How to carry out metophysiological pulsing for
yourself. You can stand and point your thumb
down towards the centre of the planet. Turn the
nail as if you were looking for the centre of the
planet. At the same time slightly swing your
body, watching the movement of the sacrum and
feeling the vector of the heads weight movement
on the spine.
Now you also know the secret of statues on the
Easter island
This is a message to us about metophysiological
26The effect of self-pulsing can be felt this way
The ends of thumbs will be pulled to the center
of the planet (like by the magnet), the arm will
be stretched out, the shoulder girdle will be
drawn downwards and the head and body will be
drawn upwards. Attention! THIS IS JUST A FEELING,
actually youll be pulled out of earth by
somebody, who is pulls upwards, makes you stand
up and transports.
The Lord is somebody who makes you raise
If you want you can help the one who pulls
upward and transports! To do this, put the back
side of a hand with a joint of the middle finger
on the sacrum, the other hand should make a tight
fist and put with the bone of the middle finger
onto the center of straightened palm of the first
hand. Start pushing your sacrum forward, turning
the thumbs. The legs should remain where they
were. Then, in order to renovate the action of
the Law of axis, change hands. The effect of this
help to the one who pulls upwards and transports
(of such self-aid as self-pulsing) is felt
correspondingly, i.e. youll instinctively stand
on tiptoes!!! By the way there are many folk
dances with such position of hands. Why? You
already know it. You as a Homo sensus use a
non-random randomness. In this case in the form
of seld-pulsing, but not a dance.
27Have you stood on tiptoes?! This is a signal of
flight into a state of ideal verticality and a
symbol of the fact that the balloon of lungs is
full of warm air now and raised above the Earth!
(this is the one who pulls up is pulling you by
the crown of the head!) Freeze in this position
(on tiptoes) for a while if you dont want, then
walk around with a happy smile. Because the one
who pulls upwards has ALREADY selected you out of
others! Why? Because you have sense and use
un-random randomness.
28An addition to independent metophysiological
pulsing (and when you have others) is
Mesopotamia position, when a thumb of an arm
bent in elbow is stretched forward. Mesopotamia
position provides a quick unblocking of functions
of large intestine and kidneys
In the middle you can see a picture of the
Goddess Inanna, who shows the gods Adad and
Marduck how to move thumbs and what is the effect
of metophysiological pulsing (growth of wings in
the area of shoulder-blades and origination of
force in toes). There is already known Egyptian
variant of the same information (message) from
the right and a Sumerian statue from the left,
which shows (except the effect of pulsing) the
position of hands and a thumb as well as how to
take energy from Re.
29 Or a special womens pulsing when a thumb
makes turns with a palm parallel to the surface
of the planet and the elbows are drawn back. And
then swing a little finger. Oretc. Well stop
here, because this is not covered in this
Lets better proceed to the second basic type of
metophysiological pulsing, which is carried out
in a vertical position. The patient stands
facing the doctor, who holds his/her hands on the
hip joints (you need to know, where they are) or
just on hips. The patient puts his/her palms on
the palms of the doctor, but DOESNT PRESS!
You need to know, where these very important hip
joints are!
30Again, using the technology of metophysiological
pulsing there needs to be soft and tender
swinging (1 mm amplitude is enough) of the
patients body (vibratory shaking) forwards and
backwards, as well as to the sides
The effect of the end of procedure The palms of
the patient will press your palms to his/her hips
(like pulled by a magnet). The same technology
is used for pulsing, when a patient is lying or
even sitting. The only difference is that it is
preferably that the patient controls pressing
of knees himself/herself.
31And the last, adhesion, which is the relaxation
of spasm in elbows and shoulder girdle, is a
signal of restoration of verticality feeling. To
be precise, the feeling of anti-gravitation.
Thats why, the hands, which in the beginning of
metophysiological pulsing were instinctively
strained to rescue the organism in case of
falling, get free from this obligation and
transfer the power, the right and the obligation
to the one that is adapted to this, i.e. to the
What a joy!!!
32But besides the general effect of this type of
metophysiological pulsing there is one more
important aspect feminine when this type of
pulsing rescues not only womans life, but also
life of her children. The problem of diseases of
womens sexual system lies in the fact that the
ovaries and a system of transfer of an ovum to
the uterus are situated on a vector (see figure),
which unites movements of both hip joints.
Besides, this rotation cycle in the hip joint is
provided by the same innervation system like in
the system of ovaries with oviducts. It is also
important to know that ovaries are located almost
on the hip joint in the middle of the pelvis
That is the ovaries receive as much nutrients as
the hip joint when needed.
I ask women that want to have continuous health,
become mothers and give birth to healthy children
to remember this always.
33 A woman of sense should always remember
by the same innervation and muscle system like
that of ovaries... We can draw a conclusion
mobility of a woman in the hip joint, her ability
to become pregnant and provide continuous health
for herself and her sexual organs COMPLETELY
DEPENDS on her squatting. During the process of
squatting the hip joint makes a full
physiologically important revolution. This is a
non-specific, but full gymnastics of womens
There is a pelvic nerve, so important for mum!
When the mother squats to take something both of
us will be healthy.
rotation ability in the hip joint and its
constant mobility!!!
A statue of ancient Sumers and a fresco of
ancient Egyptians inform about dependence of
mammary glands on easiness of hands movement and
the functioning of hip joints.
Statistics shows a 50 increase!!! In the amount
of sterile women and the same amount (and even
more) of children born with physical and
psychical drawbacks. WHAT IS THE REASON?!
Sensphysiology investigated the reason of such
social epidemic (I called it Physiological
Armageddon). After investigation of
sensphysiology of a problem I made a conclusion
WERE NOT BORN YET lies in the fact that women and
girls almost without exception wear ...trousers.
35Trousers pushing the whirl bone into the hip
joint and having a specific cut liquidate THE
the ways of life support of womens legs go.
Trousers also do not allow the hip joint to
achieve completness of physiological rotation
and, consequently, completeness of lymph and
blood supply to womens sexual organs!... This
happens especially often because of fear to make
bubbles on knees when a woman is seating on a
chair! Women in trousers do not squat... and
even CANNOT SQUAT! Thus almost completely
blocking the work of the hip joint and
development of their life and life of their
children, which were not born yet and
consequently, of the mankind....
"Poor Yorick (poor women and their children)
Hamlet said
he repeated and repeated To be or not to be?!
acquired diseases and early deaths of women
because of trousers
The conclusion of physiological logics
36A great harm from trousers could have been
off-set by constant and natural for women
squatting invented by the Creator for such
natural process as urination. BUT WOMEN ARE
away from women by a WC pan. Squatting to a
child or to put on shoes or to pick up something
from the floor could help a woman to stay alive.
But as I mentioned before 50 of them cannot have
children (nobody to squat to) and fear of making
bubbles on trousers deprives women of squatting
to put on shoes or to pick up something from the
This is a sad conclusion of sensphysiological
investigation of epidemics of womens diseases!
The results of investigation show that the only
way to get pregnant and to help those who will
deliver children with walking problems because of
trousers is to understand the tremendous weight
of trousers on the scales of life, and the most
important to understand dependence of ovaries
function and all womens organs on physiology
of Rotation freedom of whirl bone in the hip
joint. Information It is normally possible only
when the whirl bone is loaded by the weight of
the head of a woman when shes sitting vertically
(like a Queen is sitting on a throne with a crown
on) when shes standing (when legs are put one
behind the other, forming mermaids tail) when
shes squatting to pick up something, to a child
or to urinate.
37 When treating sick women I always ask my female
patients to let me know, which part of their
bodies is moving, when they are breathing? And
there is only one answer the abdomen. Then I
ask them to free the knees from trousers, thus
giving freedom to the hip joint, which is pushed
by the whirl bone. And then again I ask about
breathing and again there is only one answer
the breast. And then I tell the female patient
what she knows from school All men breathe with
abdomen, all women breathe with breast! WHY
SO?! Everything is very easy. A true woman
should not bother a baby that is developing
inside her with movements of her abdomen, when
shes breathing My female patients immediately
GET TO UNDERSTAND the main reason of why neither
she, nor her baby can be healthy. It is true that
all the civilizations starting from ancient Egypt
developed a skirt for women not in vain (why
trousers were developed for men later on). Id
like you to pay special attention to the fact
of Immediate reformation of hormonal status from
masculine to feminine after the whirl bone gets
free from trousers!
38Besides metophysiological pulsing as a method of
continuous health renovation, including
continuous health of womens sexual organs
offered above Id like to offer you a wonderful,
easy and effective metophysiological pulsing to
renovate a programmed function of your spine, hip
joint and pelvis architecture when youre lying.
It is called Mermaids pulsing or golden fish.
All of us are golden fishes (women are
Mermaids) that are swimming in the air full
with moisture
It is conducted this way a patient is calmly
lying on his/her back. The doctor takes the
patients heels (or a heel, depending on
strength) and raises legs a little. Then puts
them back down slowly. If there is a problem, the
patient will feel that the way down is blocked.
Then the doctors starts swinging legs in this
position up and down, left and right..
39During the therapeutic and preventive effect the
legs will go down themselves by their own
weight (a spasm of spines muscles and under
knees is eliminated). So, gradually raise the
legs higher and higher to the next point of
blockage on the way up or down And by this
gentle lowering you LOOK FOR BLOCKAGE PHASE
(spasm of muscles in the patients pelvis and
abnormal knitting of its joints). This is the
phase, where gentle metophysiological pulsing is
conducted. The end effect of renovation of
rotation capability of hip joints and freedom of
spines joints is always pleasant and unexpected.
Legs will easily go behind the patients head
into a posture from Yoga called plow. But the
effect is much higher here. It is self-dependant!
stretching of all parts of the patients spine
and each of intervertebral cartilages into a
normal state. The most useful metophysiological
pulsing for women is when their legs are crossed.
At the same time her feet are form a tail of a
Mermaid. Its outcome is appearance of gait of an
ideal model, when halluxes stand on one line!
40 On this page of a video-book devoted to
metophysiological pulsing I will definitely
explain one of many special metophysiological
pulsing types. It is more applicable to women.
Many of them suffer from development of a hunch
collar zone of the neck. No matter how hard they
massage it, how they treat it, it continues
growing! For some reasons its common name is a
widows hunch...
widow's hunch...
widow's hunch...
Sensphysiology states This is really
true!!! This becomes evident when you examine
what is the opposite (based on the Law of axis)
of the widows hunch. This is pubic zone. The
lack of movement in this zone (due to different
reasons) leads to this reaction in the opposite
Collar zone of the neck.
A picture of vivid opposite
41 I want those of you who have problems to know
that you can ELIMINATE the widows hunch
yourself! Put your hands in a wrist-lock grip
behind the head and watch the pressure of
fingers, especially that of the index finger
feel the weight of elbows tips and start moving
them (several centimeters will be enough) back
and forth. Simultaneously start turning the
pelvis (like you do with a hula-hoop), but
without participation of the waist zone. When you
feel that the elbows are moving easily, the
procedure is over. And now touch the problem.
Youll say (like all my female patients) ITS
NOT THERE!!! Many of them will not have the
widows hunch any more. This is a spasm of
pelvic muscles developed such protective action
like the widows hunch. If you didnt achieve
any effect of metophysiological pulsing after the
first treatment this means only one thing either
you have to repeat (do not forget about combined
movements (one centimeter will be enough) of
elbows and pelvis), or instead of
metophysiological pulsing you were just taking
exercise, without comprehension of easiness and
fundamental nature of the Law of axis! (who
prevents you from becoming a Homo sensus and
comprehension of this Law?!) Or why not use the
advice of sensphysiology in general SOMEBODY
Professor Alexandr Kharchenko Lutsk, phone
80508760217 E-mail sensfjzjologika_at_gmail.com