Title: Bill J. Ellis
1Proving Exception Freedom within High Integrity
Software Systems
- Bill J. Ellis
- (bill_at_macs.hw.ac.uk)
- Dependable Systems Group
- Heriot-Watt University
- (Project page http//www.macs.hw.ac.uk/air/clams
2High Integrity Software
- Software standards encourage or enforce proof for
high integrity software - MOD 00-55 requirements for the procurement of
safety critical software in defence equipment. - Formal methods and proof mandatory
- ITSEC Information technology security evaluation
criteria - Formal methods mandatory
3Praxis and SPARK
- SPARK is developed by Praxis Critical Systems for
building high integrity software - Formally defined safe subset of Ada
- Information and data flow static analysis
- Supports proofs of
- Partial correctness
- Exception freedom (No run time errors)
- SPARK is used in industry
- BAE prove exception freedom (Unnamed project)
- Praxis completed SHOLLIS and MULTOS CA
- Many more...
4SPARK Proof In Industry
- Partial correctness (Rare)
- User supplied specification
- Proofs usually deep
- Very limited automation
- Exception freedom (Increasingly common)
- Automatic specification
- Proofs usually shallow
- Good (90) automation via Praxis Simplifier
- Remaining 10 may number in the thousands...
5Exception Freedom in SPARK
- Storage_Error ? (Static memory requirement)
- Program_Error ?
- Tasking_Error ?
- Constraint_Error ? (Some can occur in SPARK)
- Access_Check ?
- Discriminant_Check ?
- Tag_Check ?
- Division_Check ?
- Index_Check ?
- Range_Check ?
- Overflow_Check ?
Proving exception freedom in SPARK is proving
variables stay within legal bounds
6Exception Freedom VCs
7The Strategy
Prove Exception Freedom VCs
Try proof again
Discover properties (Typically invariants)
Prove properties
8Abstract Interpretation (AI)
- Evaluate a program, replacing concrete variables
with abstract values. - Concrete integer variable -32768 to 32767
- An abstract integer variable -,0,.
- Abstract interpretation provides a framework to
reason about programs in the abstract.
9Abstracting to Bounds
- Variable
- type(lower, upper)
- equal(expression)
- fromto(lower, upper)...
- between(expression, expression)
- Array
- As many variables
- Generalise across ranges where possible
subtype Index is Integer range 0 .. 9 type D is
array (Index) of Integer R0 --check
Rgt-32768 and Rlt32767 For I in Index loop
-- Want to discover invariant here! --Igt0
and Ilt9 if D(I) gt 0 and D(I) lt 100 then
R R D(I) --check Rgt-32768
and Rlt32767 end if end loop
subtype Index is Integer range 0 .. 9 type D is
array (Index) of Integer R0 For I in Index
loop if D(I) gt 0 and D(I) lt 100 then
R R D(I) end if end loop
subtype Index is Integer range 0 .. 9 type D is
array (Index) of Integer R0 --check
Rgt-32768 and Rlt32767 For I in Index
loop --invariant Igt0 and Ilt9 and --forall J
in 0..9 D(J)gt-32768 and D(J)lt32767
--check Igt0 and Ilt9 if D(I) gt 0 and D(I)
lt 100 then R R D(I)
--check Rgt-32768 and Rlt32767 end if end
12Example (AI Flowchart)
Invariant N
Loop junction node
Simple junction node
D(I)? 0 and D(I)? 100
Normalised form of a SPARK for loop
13Recurrence Relations(Loop junction)
- Liner recurrence relations with constant
coefficients (LRRCs) - anc1an-1ckan-kf(n)
- ngtk
- Only use first powers of previous terms (an-11)
- Coefficients ck are constants
- f(n) is a function
- Example ana(n-1) 1
- Can automatically solve LRRCs (and a few other
special cases) using - Mathematica
- The Parma University's Recurrence Relation Solver
(PURRS) - Others?
- First assignment to a variable inside a loop
- Build recurrence relations.
- The assignment Af(A) is recorded as A n
equal(recurrence(f(A n-1 ))) - All other assignments
- Perform the assignment.
- The assignment Af(A) is applied to all
expressions in A. - Eliminate non-constants from expressions
- Generalise to extreme bounds.
- Replace non-constant f(B) in Aequal(f(B)) with
bounds of f(B). - A fromto(extreme-lower(B), extreme-upper(B))
15Example (Variable R)
Invariant N
16Example (Variable R)
recurrence(R (n-1)0) ? RnR(n-1)0 RnR0 ? 0
R nType(-32768, 32767), equal(0)
recurrence(R (n-1)100) ? RnR(n-1)100 RnR0100
n ? 0100n ? 100n
Arriving at the loop
between(0, 100n)
n is in range 0 to infinity 0lt100n
fromto(0, 100n)
R nType(-32768, 32767), merge(equal(0), between
(recurrence(R (n-1)0),
recurrence(R (n-1)100)))
merge(equal(0), fromto(0, 100n)) equal(0) is
inside fromto(0, 100n)
R nType(-32768, 32767), fromto(0, 100n)
Returning from first iteration
Starting second iteration...
17Property Discovery (Eliminate n)
Properties for R
R nType(-32768, 32767), fromto(0, 100n)
Express n in terms of I I nn ? nI n
I nType(-32768, 32767), equal(n), fromtoexit(-32
7681, exc(91)), fromtoexit(exc(91), 327671)
Replace n with I in R R nType(-32768,
32767), fromto(0, 100 I)
Rule out type 0 ? -32768 100 I ? 32767 ? 100 9
? 32767
Properties for I
Some details...
R ? 0 and R ? 100I
I ? 0 and I lt 10
18Example (Discovered invariant)
subtype Index is Integer range 0 .. 9 type D is
array (Index) of Integer R0 --check
Rgt-32768 and Rlt32767 For I in Index
loop --invariant Igt0 and Ilt9 and Rgt0 and
Rlt100I and --forall J in 0..9 D(J)gt-32768 and
D(J)lt32767 --check Igt0 and Ilt9 if
D(I) gt 0 and D(I) lt 100 then R R
D(I) --check Rgt-32768 and Rlt32767
end if end loop
19And the proofs?
- Invariant property VCs
- Rippling reduces VC to a residue
- Prove residue using proof planning
- Exception freedom VCs
- Transitivity based proof planning
20Implementation (Underway)
SPARK code
Add new properties to code
Light weight SPARK Parser
Praxis Examiner
Rule files
SPARK structure
Subprogram Spider
Method Abstracting to bounds
Proof Planner
Subprogram Details
Method Rippling
Proof scripts
21Related Work
- RUNCHECK (Steven M. German) (1981)
- Proves exception freedom VCs for Pascal
- Uses a few rewrite rules (7) to solve recurrence
relations as a final stage - Does not exploit program context
- Limited treatment of arrays (Considered array
initialisation) - Abstract Interpretation (Patrick Cousot, Radhia
Cousot) (1976) - Is algorithmic and always generates correct
results - No heuristics
- Good automatic linear property generation for
programs with linear assignments and no arrays - Used for compiler optimisation, exception
detection, program documentation, program
- Generate properties via (unsound) abstract
interpretation - Will contain heuristics
- Exploit off the shelf recurrence relation solvers
- More powerful (Include arrays, generate
non-linear relationships) - Can fail!
- Prove via
- Proof planning
- Automated
- Can fail!