Title: SDR Transformation Initiative DoD WebSDR DLMS Change Proposals
1SDR Transformation InitiativeDoD WebSDRDLMS
Change Proposals
- Information Exchange under the DLMS
SDR Committee Meeting, Dec 6, 2006
- DLMS Change Process
- Relevant Approved DLMS Changes (ADCs)
- IUID-related changes discussed separately
- Coordination of outstanding Proposed DLMS Changes
(PDCs) - New changes in draft and under development
3Core Mission Responsibilities
Business Process Transformation Interoperability
- Facilitate continuous process improvements to
logistics management and operations - Build consensus for business which support the
needs of the DoD enterprise - Support the DoD logistics information exchange
infrastructure - Publish detailed procedures identifying who does
what, when, and how - Delineate organization responsibilities
- Establish metrics
- Prescribe information exchange formats
- Standardize data elements and codes
4DLMS Process Inputs Outputs
OSD Policy Guidance Trading Partner
Requirements SMEs DLMSO SMEs Technical
Expertise DAASC Technical Expertise
Structured Collaboration Model
Fully Staffed Approved
- Business Rules
- Business Objects
- Meta Data
- Functional Rqmts
Negotiation Consensus Builders
5Process Change Origination
DLMSO Process Activation
Policy Driven
Processes, Business Rules, Objects and Data
Functional Need
6Change Process
Step 1
Process Review Committee (PRC) Chair
receives/reviews/updates/ distributes Proposed
DLMS Change (PDC) proposal
Services/Agencies assess/ review/comment on PDC
PRC Chair consolidates Comments/obtains
component approval
Change Implementation resource/priority
PRC Chair issues implementation package
PRC Chair negotiates implementation date with
Prepare XML - X12 mirror image (EDISIM) -
Context Inspired Component
Architecture (CICA)Step 1 Submit to X12 Step
2 Monitor status and promote thru X12 process
BTA oversight for Implementation Convention (IC)
structural changes Step 1 - Functional Working
Groups (FWG) Step 2 - Compliance Check Step Step
3 - Electronic Data Interchange Standards
Management Committee (EDISMC) / Federal EDI
Standards Management Coordinating Committee
ANSI coordination Step 1 Prepare X12 data
maintenance (DM) actionStep 2 Submit to
X12Step 3 Monitor status and promote thru X12
7Related Approved DLMS Changes
- ADC 144 Documents SDR transaction exchange
business rules - Derived from recommendations during SDR IPT
Meeting, April 13-14, 2004 - Updates Joint Instruction to include DAAS/WebSDR
processing and edits - Updates Disposition/Reply Codes
8Related Approved DLMS Changes
- ADC 158 Clarifies pre-positioned material
receipt (PMR) requirements - Receiving DD required to submit SDR to ICP when
new procurement material is received without
prior PMR - Other unexpected material receipts, including
returns and/or redistributions which are not
ICP/IMM directed, and unscheduled returns to/from
maintenance, may be reported by prior direction
of the owner/managerZ3 Distribution Depot
Receipt Not Due-In
9Related Approved DLMS Changes
- ADC 181A Adds clarifying information for
submission of FMS SDRs for Quality Deficiencies - Lists substantiating documentation for latent
defects - Documents intent to process quality-related SDRs
under PQDR procedures
10Related Approved DLMS Changes
- ADC 184 Establishes new type R SDRs (properly
routes discrepant Redistribution Order shipments
identified at receipt to the DD that shipped the
material). - Specific business rules for (1) short shipment,
(2) over shipment, (3) wrong material shipment - Action copy to shipping DD
- Info/Reply to SoS
- (4) the receiving depot identifies a DLA unique
Q-series discrepancy or suspends the material
into J, K, L or Q supply condition codes - Action to SoS
11Related Approved DLMS Changes
- ADC 187 Enhances system capability to forward
SDRs sent to wrong action activity back through
WebSDR to correct action activity - Additional e-mail addresses in transaction for
e-mail distribution - Source of Supply (SoS) inserted at DD for reply
- Procedures for Reply Code 504
- Triggers new report to correct action activity
and notifies submitter - Date forwarded, new action activity, the party
forwarding the SDR
12Related Approved DLMS Changes
- ADC 188 Establishes new Quality related
discrepancy codes for DD to notify ICP regarding
specific quality related issues (receipt
storage) - Q11 Returned or stock screen item, PQDR
exhibit deficiency - Q22 New procurement receipt, customer return,
redistribution order or stock screen item quality
deficiency, contractual noncompliance - Q33 Returned, redistribution order, or stock
screened item suspected material deficiency (DLA
CRII items only) - Q44 New procurement receipt, customer
return, redistribution order or stock screen item
contracting deficiency, for specification and/or
technical data deficient - Q77 New receipt, customer return,
redistribution order or stock screen item
identified as a Critical Safety Item (CSI) - Q55 Item under investigation
- Q66 Customer return or stock screen item
failed under use - Q99 New receipt item received for First
Article Test
13Related Approved DLMS Changes
- ADC 196 Establishes new rules and WebSDR
capability to route SDRs resulting from
DLA-directed lateral redistribution of NAMI-owned
(AJ2) material to NAMI for initial processing - Phased implementation programming in progress
- Programmatic recognition of LRO under TAV with
routing to NAMI
14Related Approved DLMS Changes
- ADC 206 Establishes new discrepancy code for
discrepant wood packaging material (WPM) - New code available September 1, 2006
- Report WPM which is not consistent with the
international standards for the regulation of WPM
transiting international boarders and Department
of Agriculture regulations governing importation
of regulated WPM. Compliant WPM must display
certification marking as prescribed in reference.
Use discrepancy code P215 and provide remarks as
applicable. - P215 Non-conformance to specified requirements
for WPM - Corrective actions and options shall be based
upon the circumstances of the quarantined/frustrat
ed shipment, value and priority of the shipment,
access to the shipment by DOD personnel, and
location of the consignee. Alternatives
include (1) inspection, certification, and
marking of compliant WPM (2) replacement of the
WPM (3) consignee pick-up of the material only
(4) return to origin or designated location.
Costs for repacking and appropriate disposal of
the WPM will be the responsibility of the source
of supply.
15Related Approved DLMS Changes
- ADC 207 Establishes new discrepancy codes to
identify discrepant hazardous material at receipt
or in storage - Effective 1 October, 2006
- C1 In a condition other than shown on supply
document or on the supporting inspection/test
certificate (if hazardous material use code H1) - C2 Expired shelf life item (if hazardous
material use code H5) - HAZARDOUS MATERIAL
- H1 Hazardous item in a condition other than
shown on supply document or on the supporting
inspection/test certificate - H3 Lack of a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
in Hazardous Material Information Resource
System (HMIRS) - H4 Non-radioactive item classified as
radioactive, or non-hazardous item classified as
hazardous H5 Expired hazardous shelf life
16Related Approved DLMS Changes
- ADC 210 Enhances web-entry for specific user
groups - Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service
(DRMS) Gives DRMS capability to distinguish
different types of SDRs, e.g., sales, donations,
demil - National Inventory Management Strategy (NIMS)
Allows NIMS sites to properly identify their
submissions for DD/ICP processing - Non-DSS DD Allows storage sites to submit type
8, 9, R (depot receipt type) SDRs directly into
WebSDR to be routed electronically to the
owner/manger/shipper as applicable
17Related Proposed DLMS Changes
- PDC 230 Establishes new discrepancy codes for
discrepancies related to passive RFID tags - Improper Markings. Prepare a SDR to report any
omitted, incomplete, illegible, or misplaced
markings, packing documentation, or other
identification. Report improper identification
of containers or items which requires the
container to be opened or which results in
improper storage of the material regardless of
cost. Improper marking includes discrepancies
related to passive radio frequency identification
(RFID) tags as follows - Report all missing, damaged, or unreadable
passive RFID tags when such tags are required by
contract provisions, DoD policy, or specified by
prior shipment notice/status reflecting passive
RFID content. Report duplication of tag
identification associated with a previously
processed receipt. - SDRs may be used to report a tag read which does
relate to an advance shipment notification
containing passive RFID content when such advance
shipment notification is required by contract
provisions or DoD policy. - P314 Passive RFID tag is missing
- P315 Passive RFID tag is visibly damaged
and unreadable - P316 Passive RFID tag is present but
unreadable (not visibility damaged) - P317 Passive RFID tag read has no
corresponding advance shipment notification - P318 Passive RFID tag read duplicates
previously used tag identification
18Related Proposed DLMS Changes
- PDC 231A Modifies and adds Disposition/Status
Codes available for use in SDR replies. - Current
- 126 Stock not available for reshipment. Your
requisition has been reinstated and will be
placed on backorder. - Proposed
- 126 Stock not available will not be reshipped in
response to SDR. - 150 Your requisition will be reinstated and
placed on backorder. - 151 Replacement/revised disposition/status
prior response is superseded. - 932 Transaction rejected. Missing or invalid
wrong item information.
19Related Proposed DLMS Changes
- PDC 240 Creates a trigger to obtain an
information copy from DOD WebSDR - WebSDR/DAAS creation/ transmission of information
copy SDR in response to an SDR reply reject code
sent to DAAS. - The reject condition is applicable when the
source of supply (SoS) is DLA (Routing Identifier
SMS) the Distribution Depot (DD) is the action
activity and DLA cannot process the DD reply due
to lack of a record establishing the basic
report. - If report found in WebSDR database, an
information copy will be sent to the organization
submitting the reject reply.
20Related Proposed DLMS Changes
- DRAFT PDC 176A Requires mandatory use of
four-character packaging discrepancy codes for
USAF Material - Implementation options
- Applicable to USAF customers
- Applicable to USAF-directed shipments
- Applicable DoD-wide to automated SDR submissions
21Related Proposed DLMS Changes
- DRAFT PDC 212 DAAS edit to systemically reject
SDRs with invalid document numbers back to
submitter or submitting system (establishes
duplicate criteria) - Requires WebSDR/DAAS to validate the Document
number field when it is manually entered into
WebSDR or when it is received from another system - Standard document number edits
- Duplicate document number edit
- What is a duplicate?
22Related Proposed DLMS Changes
- PDC under development for new DLA requirement
- Provides a query to identify/measure DLA Customer
Interaction Center input on behalf of customer
using hard copy or other reporting method.
23Related Proposed DLMS Changes
- PDC under development for new USAF requirement
- Creation of a drop down menu which would trigger
info copy of SDRs to the appropriate Logistics
Support Centers (LSC) - Several USAF bases and Forward Supply Locations
have cited examples of receiving duplicate
shipments or receipts not due-in as a result of
shipments directed by one of the RSSs or LSCs.
Generally these shipments are connected to
MICAPs, and when one does get messed up, the
receiving activity submits an SDR via WebSDR to
the shipping activity. Generally the shipping
activity is another Air Force Base or a depot,
and that activity really didn't do anything
wrongit's usually a simple case of the RSS or
LSC not running the SPR for the receiving base.