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Presentation Format MGNREGA PMGSY Rural Housing : IAY BRGF Integrated Action Plan – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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  • Rural Housing IAY
  • BRGF
  • Integrated Action Plan

MGNREGA in Jharkhand (2010-11)
Latest Progress Latest Progress Latest Progress
Sl. No. Particulars 2010-11
1 No. of households issued Jobcard 3912909
2 No. of households demanded work 1718462
3 of households demanded work against Jobcard holders 43.92
4 No. of households provided work 1710798
5 of households provided work against demand 99.55
6 Avg. days of employment to HH provided emp. 42.09
7 No. of HH provided 100 days of employment 109071
8 Persondays Generated (in Lakh) 720.02
9 Persondays Generated among Women (in Lakh) 231.96
10 of mandays for women 32.22
MGNREGA in Jharkhand (2010-11) Contd..
Latest Progress Latest Progress Latest Progress
S. N Particular 2010-11
11 Financial Progress (Rs. in Lakh) Financial Progress (Rs. in Lakh)
11 Total Available Fund 165845.83
11 Fund Released by MoRD 96286.92
11 Fund Released by State 8008.89
11 Expenditure on Material Component 29721.72
11 of Expenditure on Material Component 27.38
11 Expenditure on Unskilled Wages 73409.48
11 Total Expenditure 108554.97
11 of Expenditure against total available fund 65.46
12 Physical Progress Physical Progress
12 Total No. of Schemes Taken 243754
12 Completed 40034
12 Ongoing 203720
12 of completion 16.42
13 Total cost of Approved Labour Budget (Rs. in Lakh) 227700
MGNREGA Projection for the year 2011-12
  • Total consolidated LB for the State based on
    District LB.
  • Proposed LB 4657.79 Crore.
  • Persondays 25.08 Crore
  • Wage rate Rs. 120.00
  • Projected HH demand for employment 30.03 Lakh
  • Approved LB 1532.37 Crore
  • Approved Persondays 8.33 Crore
  • Reasons for proposed increase in size of Labour
  • Severe drought for the second successive year in
    the state.
  • Large number of water harvesting/ irrigation
    schemes taken up in the current and next
    financial year to improve the availability of
    water for irrigation.
  • Elected panchayats are in place after 32 year in
    the state.
  • Delegation of financial power to Mukhiya.
  • Payment of wages through Panchayat Bank is
    shortly going to be started through CSC acting as
    BC to cut delay and address complaints regarding
    wage payment in 160 Blocks.
  • Increase in the wage rate to Rs. 120.

MGNREGA Sectoral Coverage for FY 2011-12
MGNREGA Plan Outlay for 2010-11 Proposed for
Sl. No. Head State Plan Outlay for 2010-11 State Plan Outlay for 2010-11 Proposed State Plan Outlay for 2011-12
Sl. No. Head Approved Amount Latest Release Approved Amount
1 2505- Rural Employment (State Share for MGNREGS) 10000.00 8008.89 10000.00
  • Delay in release of funds to the districts.
  • Chatra 3 months,
  • Deoghar 3 months
  • Garhwa 2.5 months
  • Funds to the districts released in more than two
    installments in contravention to operational
  • In the districts of Bokaro, Gumla, Jamtara,
    Latehar,Pakur, Palamu, Ranchi Simdega more than
    two installments have been released. Total
    release less than approved LB.
  • Full second tranche not released to the districts
    of Pakur, Latehar, Jamtara, Gumla etc as per
    provision of operational guidelines
  • Lack of High speed connectivity at Block and
    Panchayat level caused delay in the MIS reporting
    of MGNREGA implementation
  • Capacity Constraint of Bank P.O for making
    payment to the cardholders in time

  • PMGSY targets to connect all habitations of 500
    population (250 in case of Schedule V areas). As
    per the States Core Network (finalised in 2006)
    this requires about 17350 km of New
  • The current target under Bharat Nirman LWE
    (upto March 2012) is construction of about 13750
    km. Out of this, 11442 km(83) has been
    sanctioned by GOI and 6003 km (44)has been
  • In LWE and IAP areas, all habitations of 250
    population have been made eligible as per GOI
    guidelines of March 2011. This will benefit 14
    districts in Jharkhand. But revision of Core
    Network is needed accordingly.

PMGSY (Status)
Physical Financial Status under PMGSY Physical Financial Status under PMGSY Physical Financial Status under PMGSY Physical Financial Status under PMGSY Physical Financial Status under PMGSY Physical Financial Status under PMGSY Physical Financial Status under PMGSY Physical Financial Status under PMGSY Physical Financial Status under PMGSY Physical Financial Status under PMGSY
(Feb.11) (Feb.11)
PMGSY Physical Progress (Length in KM) Physical Progress (Length in KM) Physical Progress (Length in KM) Physical Progress (Length in KM) Physical Progress (Length in KM) Financial Progress (Rs. in Cr.) Financial Progress (Rs. in Cr.) Financial Progress (Rs. in Cr.) Financial Progress (Rs. in Cr.)
PMGSY Target Sanctioned Sanctioned Sanctioned Completed Target Sanctioned Sanctioned Completed
Overall PMGSY (all habitations of 500, 250 in schedule V area) 17350 11442 (66) 11442 (66) 11442 (66) 6003 (35) 4800 2987.72 (63) 2987.72 (63) 1677.96 (34)
Bharat Nirman (All habitations of 1000, 500 in schedule V area) 9000 8100 (90) 8100 (90) 8100 (90) 4215.70 (47) 2500 2115.00 (85) 2115.00 (85) 1178.00 (47)
LWE/IAP (All habitations of 250) 10264 7304 (71) 7304 (71) 7304 (71) 3337 (33) 3200 1921.86 (60) 1921.86 (60) 978.21 (31)
PMGSY (Status)
Habitation wise Status under PMGSY
PMGSY Habitation wise Connectivity Habitation wise Connectivity Habitation wise Connectivity
PMGSY Target Sanctioned Completed
Overall PMGSY (all habitations of 500, 250 in schedule V area) 10389 5793 2384
Bharat Nirman (All habitations of 1000, 500 in schedule V area) 2991 2539 1428
LWE/IAP (All habitations of 250) 5919 3529 1354
  • The Physical/Financial achievements over the
    first 4 years under Eleventh Five Year Plan has
    been as follows-

Year Length Completed (km) Expenditure (Rs. in Cr.) Habit. Connected
2007-08 275.00 69.67 130
2008-09 215.00 214.00 180
2009-10 1530.00 460.12 474
2010-11 ( upto Feb) 1440.40 472.78 1055
PMGSYProjections for 2011-12
No. of Roads to be completed Length to be Completed No. of Habitations to be Connected Expenditure expected 1000 4000.00 km 2500 Rs. 1200.00 Cr.
PMGSY ( Issues)
  • Revised Core Network has been prepared by the
    State and is under the consideration of GOI.
    This is essential not only to include some of the
    left out habitations of earlier Core Network but
    also to prepare proposals under the revised
    eligibility guidelines for LWE IAP districts.
  • Proposal under Phase IX has been discussed with
    GOI. This comprises of 2006 KM of roads and 49
    Long Span bridges in the LWE districts. Sanction
    of the same is awaited.
  • Full central funding of all Long Span Bridges
    will result in faster completion of the project
    as the dependence on State share is removed.

IAY Sanction Completion Position during
Sl District Name New Construction New Construction New Construction
Sl District Name Target (2010-11) Sanction Completion
1 Bokaro 12282 12282 16897
2 Chatra 5302 5302 7545
3 Deoghar 6409 6409 2530
4 Dhanbad 8416 8416 3477
5 Dumka 8829 8829 8023
6 E.Singhbum 9560 9560 11615
7 Garwa 6039 6039 6097
8 Giridih 11560 11560 5948
9 Godda 7977 7977 6931
10 Gumla 6747 6747 11750
11 Hazaribag 7102 7102 13323
12 Jamtara 4447 4447 1692
13 Khunti 3673 3673 327
14 Koderma 2606 2606 1388
15 Lathehar 4749 4749 7244
16 Lohardaga 2601 2570 3747
17 Pakur 5668 5668 3674
18 Palamu 10433 10433 19092
19 Ramgarh 5549 5549 8789
20 Ranchi 12138 12138 4092
21 Sahebganj 6726 6726 2574
22 Sariekela 5418 5418 2637
23 Simdega 4885 4885 2162
24 W.Singhbum 9575 9575 15644
Total Total 168691 168660 167198
State Target (2010-11) Sanction
State 168691 168660 99.98
State Target Completion
State 168691 167198 99.11
IAY Financial Performance of LWE districts as
on Feb 2011
Sl District Name Balance as on 1.4.11 Total Central Release Total fund available including state share (in Rs. Lakh) (NewUp) Total fund available including state share (in Rs. Lakh) (NewUp) Total fund available including state share (in Rs. Lakh) (NewUp) Expenditure up to the month (in Rs. Lakh) (NewUp) Expenditure up to the month (in Rs. Lakh) (NewUp) Expenditure up to the month (in Rs. Lakh) (NewUp) Exp. ((Normal IAY NAXAL Package)
Sl District Name Balance as on 1.4.11 Total Central Release Normal IAY Spl.Package NAXAL TOTAL Normal IAY Special Package NAXAL Total Exp. ((Normal IAY NAXAL Package)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 Bokaro 4353.27 2072.47 5730.26 2120.64 7850.90 3668.26 2097.73 5765.99 73.44
2 Chatra 1803.56 894.77 2375.00 835.85 3210.85 1773.32 815.85 2589.17 80.64
3 Garhwa 952.83 1019.04 895.36 949.43 1844.80 679.24 860.58 1539.82 83.47
4 Gumla 1703.84 1973.30 2902.10 1154.56 4056.66 1828.32 916.99 2745.31 67.67
5 Hazaribagh 2040.33 1198.47 3381.91 1395.79 4777.70 2275.54 1357.40 3632.94 76.04
6 Kodarma 148.35 735.21 806.22 0.00 806.22 625.69 0.00 625.69 77.61
7 Latehar(n) 1079.88 801.41 1544.68 795.58 2340.27 1301.73 655.44 1957.17 83.63
8 Lohardaga 26.68 874.00 1042.47 4.55 1047.02 625.95 1.96 627.91 59.97
9 W.Singhbhum 3636.67 1615.88 4277.18 1900.82 6178.00 3250.65 1603.95 4854.60 78.58
10 Palamu 3162.79 3521.19 3319.13 2162.10 5481.23 2685.93 2040.65 4726.58 86.23
11 E. Singhbhum 1597.82 3226.54 4494.91 867.30 5362.21 2508.52 867.30 3375.82 62.96
12 Ramgarh 825.36 1599.91 1798.12 1231.63 3029.75 1520.05 1207.52 2727.57 90.03
13 Simdega 307.77 1648.72 1406.91 0.00 1406.91 1277.83 0.00 1277.83 90.83
14 Saraikela(n) 171.16 1465.38 1941.29 0.00 1941.29 1357.41 0.00 1357.41 69.92
Total Total 21810.31 22646.29 35915.54 13418.26 49333.80 25378.44 12425.36 37803.80 76.63
IAY Physical Performance of LWE districts as on
Feb 2011
Sl District Target for house Construction (No.) (NewUp) Target for house Construction (No.) (NewUp) Target for house Construction (No.) (NewUp) Houses Constructed (No.) (NewUp) Houses Constructed (No.) (NewUp) Houses Constructed (No.) (NewUp) against Total target
Sl District Normal IAY (2010-11) Special Package Naxal (Target for 2009-10) Total Normal IAY Special Package Naxal Total against Total target
1 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 Bokaro 12282 11597 23879 5762 11135 16897 70.76
2 Chatra 5302 6077 11379 2430 5115 7545 66.31
3 Garhwa 6039 6919 12958 2960 3137 6097 47.05
4 Gumla 6747 7733 14480 4889 6861 11750 81.15
5 Hazaribagh 7102 8700 15802 5578 7745 13323 84.31
6 Kodarma 2606 0 2606 1388 0 1388 53.26
7 Latehar(n) 4749 4299 9048 3103 4141 7244 80.06
8 Lohardaga 2601 2983 5584 761 2986 3747 67.10
9 Pachim Singhbhum 9575 10979 20554 4980 10664 15644 76.11
10 Palamu 10433 11959 22392 7664 11428 19092 85.26
11 Purbi Singhbhum 9560 10960 20520 655 10960 11615 56.60
12 Ramgarh 5549 5800 11349 3029 5760 8789 77.44
13 Simdega 4885 0 4885 2162 0 2162 44.26
14 Saraikela(n) 5418 0 5418 2637 0 2637 48.67
Total Total 92848 88006 180854 47998 79932 127930 70.74
IAY Issues
  • State Action Plan for eradication of
    Shelterlessness shall be in position soon,but
    following actions are necessary for steady
    progress in rural housing.
  • Allotment of Physical target may be maintained 2
    lacs at least per year .
  • Total Release of installment from GoI be made by
    December every year.
  • All districts may get full releases of

Outlay Expenditure in 2010-11
  • Rs. in Crore

Sl No. Sub Head Outlay Sanctioned Amount Amount Allotted Exp.
1 BRGF IAP 708.00 695.96 695.96 695.96
2 PMEYSA 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 RGSY 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 State Plan 17.85 17.74 15.96 15.00
Total Total 726.00 713.70 711.92 710.96
Outlay Proposal for 2011-12
(No Transcript)
Progress Report of Integrated Action Plan (IAP)
  • Amount Released by GOI Rs. 350.00 crore in Dec.
  • 1st Instalment _at_ Rs. 12.50 crore released to each
    district by taking advance from J.C.F. vide
    Sanction order 36(Aa) dated 23.12.2010
  • 2nd Instalment _at_ Rs. 12.50 Crore released to each
    district by provision in 2nd supplementary budget
    vide sanction order 39(Swi) dated 03.02.2011.
  • Under IAP total No. of 9420 Schemes have been
    sanctioned by the three member committee of DC,
    SP DFO. Total estimated cost of all schemes is
    Rs. 663.98 cr. Total latest expenditure is Rs.
    13.42 cr.

Progress Report of Integrated Action Plan (IAP)
  • Major schemes taken under IAP are Construction of
    Anganbari Center, Construction of Health Sub
    Center, Construction of Bridge/Culvert Roads,
    Renovation of Pond, Construction of Checkdam,
    deep Boring schemes, Supply of Bench Desk in
    Schools, solar light and Micro Lift Irrigation
  • For speedy implementation of IAP schemes Power of
    Administrative approval and limit of execution of
    tender have been relaxed vide Govt. order no.38
    dated 17.02.2011 and 297 dated 28.02.2011

  • All the 21 BRGF Districts have claimed for
    release of 2nd installment for 2010-11.
  • In the year 2010-11 2nd installment of BRGF
    Development Grant has been released to all the 21
    BRGF Districts.
  • Govt. of India has released 2nd installment of
    BRGF Development Grant in between March 22 to 30.
  • Against the annual entitlement of Rs. 322.56
    Crore the Districts have got 100 is Rs. 322.56
    Crore as a Development Grant in 2010-11
  • Total expenditure under BRGF Development Grant in
    the year is Rs. 271.02

13th Finance Commission
  • (1) Against the General Area Basic Grant
    entitlement of Rs. 141.30 Crore the State has got
    Rs. 139.48 Crore in the last week of March 2011
  • (2) Against the Special Area Basic Grant
    entitlement of Rs. 35.00 Crore the State has got
    100 release
  • (3) The amount received under 13th F.C. grant
    has been allotted to all the Panchayats as untied

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