Development of One-Dimensional Band Structure in Artificial Gold Chains - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Development of One-Dimensional Band Structure in Artificial Gold Chains


Title: Scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) Author: ZhuangWu Last modified by: patent Created Date: 9/26/2005 9:25:37 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Development of One-Dimensional Band Structure in Artificial Gold Chains

Development of One-Dimensional Band Structure in
Artificial Gold Chains
  • J. R. Edwards
  • Pierre Emelie
  • Mike Logue 
  • Zhuang Wu

1-D Band Structure in Gold Nano-Chains
  • Background
  • Theoretical
  • Experimental
  • Next Step

Background Work
  • Atoms exhibit different properties than
    bulk---with a continuum of properties in-between
  • Metal clusters exhibit absorption behavior
  • Small metal aggregates exhibit catalytic behavior

Metal clusters exhibit absorption behavior
Small metal aggregates exhibit catalytic behavior
Problems in Background Work
  • Preparation and analysis of well-defined
    nano-structuresis difficult
  • Continuum of Sizes
  • Different Geometries

Geometric structures and Size Continuum
  • Geometric structures near the bulk transition
  • 2-D states on surface
  • 1-D states in step edges
  • Geometric structures near the atom transition
  • Nano-clusters

Single Cu atoms evaporated at 15 K on Cu(111).
  • The Cu atoms form an island with local hexagonal
  • Single Cu atoms are trapped in front of a
    descending step edge

Au/Ti02 catalysts prepared by deposition-precipita
  • Uniform clusters are difficult to prepare
  • Both size and geometry varies

How is this work different from background work
  • Nano-chain structure is near atom transition
  • Nano-chains are well-defined and readily-modified
    geometries that provide useful analysis

What is being studied
  • Interrelation between geometric structure,
    elemental composition and electronic properties
    in metallic nanostructures.
  • The behavior of matter in the atom-to-bulk
    transition range for well defined 1-D structures.
  • How values for the effective mass and density of
    states of the 1-D, 20-atom length, gold chain
    compare to known results from other experiments.

Why do this
  • To be able to understand the electronic
    properties of metallic nanostructures on the size
    of a few atoms as related to geometric structure
    and elemental makeup.
  • Demonstrate a strategy for studying this
  • Use the knowledge gained to be able to control
    the intrinsic properties of metallic
    nanostructures whose size is in the
    atomic-to-bulk transition range.

Why gold chains on NiAl(110)
  • The NiAl(110) structure is made up of alternating
    rows of Ni troughs and protruding Al rows.
  • This structure acts as a natural template for
    building the 1-D gold chain.
  • The distance between adjacent Ni bridge sites
    (2.89 Å) matches almost exactly the nearest
    neighbor distance (2.88 Å) in bulk Au.

How are the electronic properties measured
  • STS-Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy
  • Uses the STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscope) to
    take very precise and accurate measurements of
    the electronic properties
  • Why use STS?
  • Because of its sensitivity to vibrational,
    optical, and magnetic properties.
  • Because it can move atoms around as well as image
    atomic scale surfaces

Scanning tunneling spectroscopy(STS)
?s is the density of the electronic state of the
sample surface ?t is the density of the
electronic state of the tip
How to move the atoms
The atoms are added to the chain one after an
Conductivity changes during this process
Measurements are taken in the center of the
chains Peak splits due to strong coupling
between atoms, and there is a downshift of the
peaks Due to the overlap between neighboring
peaks, conductivities become indistinguishable
for chains with 4 or more atoms
1-D quantum well
The energy levels are discrete For infinity 1-D
quantum well, the wave function of the electron
at certain energy level En is fnsin(npx/r0) The
wave function of the electron is the
superposition of a series of fn
?(x)SAnSin(npx/r0) The probability to find a
electron at x-point is proportional to ?(x)2
Measuring at different positions
The derived coefficients are c10.31, C20.29,
c30.26, c40.11 for 0.78 V C50.26, C60.50,
c70.24 for1.51 V and c60.13, C70.29,
c80.39, c90.19 for 2.01 V.
  • P(x)SCnSin2(npx/L)

  • This can be simulated very well by 1-D infinity
    quantum well ?(x)SCnSin(npx/L)
  • To account for a finite barrier height, the
    absolute length of the well (L) is treated as an
    adjustable parameter. For Au20, L varies from 59
    to 62 Å with increasing energy.
  • The measured dI/dV signal is high, when the
    sample bias matches one of the energy levels En.

Conductivity changes during this process
Measurements are taken in the center of the
chains Peak splits due to strong coupling
between atoms, and there is a downshift of the
peaks Due to the overlap between neighboring
peaks, conductivities become indistinguishable
for chains with 4 or more atoms
Density of States (DOS) comparison
  • The picture to the left compares the relative DOS
    for a Au20 chain to that of a 60 A long quantum
    well and a 1D free-electron gas. Quantum well
    states are marked with bars along the left axis.
  • This data corresponds well with the predictions
    of an E-1/2 dependence and variations from the
    perfect 1-D behavior is attributed to the finite
    length of the chain and the limited number of
    states on the parabolic band.

What have we learned?
  • Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Preparation of
    well-defined nanosized structures
  • Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy - dispersion
    relation - effective
    mass - density of states

  • Can we improve this STM/STS approach?
  • What are the alternative techniques?
  • What is the next step?

Preparation of nanosized structures
  • STM is a very useful tool to manipulate single
    atoms at low temperature
  • It has also been used to manipulate single
    molecules at room temperature
  • Problem time required to obtain these
    structures by STM

M. F. Crommie et al., Science, 262 218 (1993)
M. T. Cuberes et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 69 3016
Preparation of nanosized structures
  • Novel approach use tip geometries combined with
    millisecond voltage pulses
  • Facet terminated STM tips are employed
  • Polarity of the field is arranged to have the tip
  • Both electrodes are of the same material
  • Field enhanced evaporation

Preparation of nanosized structures
No pulse
  • 0.4 µm Au thin films with Au tips

  • Halo creations
  • diameters around 210 ?
  • walls extend to 70 ? laterally
  • manufacturing time 106 faster

P. A. Campbell et al., Nanotechnology, 13 69
Photoelectron Spectroscopy (UPS)
  • UPS is one of the many complementary/alternative
    techniques to STS to study the electronic
    properties of nanosized structures
  • Based on the absorption of a photon by an
    electron in the valence band
  • Applications - electronic structure of
    solids - adsorption of molecules on metals

Next Step
  • 2D and 3D systems can be analyzed by this STM/STS
  • Electronic and optical properties have to be
    characterized to potentially develop nanosized
    devices with novel applications
  • Preparation and manufacturing of these nanosized
    structures will be a challenge
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