Title: Preliminary Analysis of Global Aerospace Employment
1Preliminary Analysis of Global Aerospace
Right Skills, Right Place, Right Time
- Labor Aerospace Research Agenda
For more information on aerospace workforce
research at MIT, see the publications presented
by MITs Labor Aerospace Research Agenda
http//mit.edu/ctpid/lara and MITs Lean
Aerospace Initiative http//web.mit.edu/lean.
For more information on the IAM and High
Performance Work Organizations, see
http//www.goiam.org under visit IAM
2Chart 1 US and EU Aerospace Employment since
3Chart 2 Major Non-U.S. Aerospace Employer
Countries since 1980 ( gt 30,000 employees with
time series data available)
4Chart 3 Sales and Employment for U.S. Aerospace
Industry (SIC 372 and 376) since 1980
5Chart 4 Sales and EmploymentSIC 372 - Aircraft
and Part since 1980
6Chart 5 Sales and EmploymentSIC 376 - Guided
Missiles, Space Vehicles, and Parts since 1980
7Chart 6 Sales and Employment for EU Aerospace
Industry since 1980
8Chart 7 Sales and Employment forCanadian
Aerospace Industry since 1984
9Chart 8 Sales and Employment for Brazilian
Aerospace Industry since 1995
10Chart 9 Sales and Employment for Japanese
Aerospace Industry since 1988