Title: Firm Foundations
1Firm Foundations
- Lesson 22
- God Sent Plagues on Egypt
- God Passed Over Israel
Key verse Nahum 17
- Israelites were enslaved in Egypt by a powerful
Pharaoh - God was going to make a way to deliver them!
3Pharaoh refused to obey Gods command
- Exodus 51-2
- God spoke to Pharaoh through Moses and Aaron
- Egyptians didnt worship the true God
- Worshipped the Nile
- Worshipped sun, moon, and animals
- Even worshipped Pharaoh
- Most people had turned away from true knowledge
of God - God had called Abraham, made him Father of nation
of Israel - Pharaoh didnt want to listen to God
4God wanted to show Israel that He was their God
- Israelites had never seen Gods power
- Had heard about what He did for Abraham, Isaac,
Jacob, and Joseph - Exodus 61-8
5wanted to show Egyptians He was the only God
- Egyptians were intelligent
- Writers, mathematicians, chemists, etc.
- But, enslaved to Satan
- Gods they trusted were unable to protect them
- Only He is the true and living God over the whole
earth - Pharaoh determined to fight God
- Exodus 74-5
6The Lord sent 9 plagues on Egypt
- Egypt refused to released the Israelites, so God
showed His power - Described in Exodus 714-1029
- Turned waters into blood
- Next, plagues of frogs, gnats, and flies
- Next, plagues on livestock
- Next, terrible boils on their bodies
- Next, hailstorm, locusts, and thick darkness
- Couldnt save themselves
- Each plague pointed to one of their false gods
- God protected the Israelites from these plagues
- Loved them
- Remembered promises to Jacob
- Wanted king of Egypt to know He was One True God
- Pharaoh responded same way to each plague
- Called for Moses to remove it
- Promised to let them go, God removed the plague
- Once plague was gone, changed his mind
- Became more hardened each time
7Gods last judgment on the Egyptians
- Pharaoh still refused to obey
- God knew that Pharaoh would refuse
- knows everything before it happens
- knew that Pharaoh would release them after the
final plague - Exodus 111, 4-7
8The Lords instructions to Moses
- Told Moses to prepare for the final plague
- Israelites deserved plague, God would spare them
- God was merciful to them
- Remembered promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
bring them back to promised land - God gave them 3 things they must do
91. Choose a lamb or goat without blemish
- Exodus 121-5
- Head of each home to choose a lamb or goat.
- Lamb had to be perfect no spots or blemishes
- Why?
102. They must kill lamb and catch blood in basin
- Exodus 126
- Keep lamb 14 days
- Kill lamb in evening of 14th day
- Blood must flow out
- Punishment for sin is death
113. Place blood on doorposts and above door
- Exodus 127
- Catch blood in basin
- Dip branch in blood
- Paint blood on doorposts, over the door
- Blood would save firstborn from judgment
124. Stay in house on where blood was painted
- Exodus 1222
- They must not go out
135. Not break any of lambs bones
- Exodus 1246
- God does not allow people to save themselves in
their own way - Everything to be done exactly as God commanded
14The Lords promise to the Israelites
- Exodus 1212-14
- God promised He would pass over their houses, not
kill first born - Only if blood was painted over door, on doorposts
15Israels faith and obedience
- Israel feared God, obeyed
- Exodus 1228
- What if an Israelite chose not to kill the lamb?
- Lamb had to die
- Punishment for sin is death
- Israelites had to trust God
16All of Egypts firstborn died
- Exodus 1229-30
- Firstborn children, firstborn of livestock all
died - Always does what He says
- No escape from His determined judgment
- God passed over those with blood on door
- Always does what He says
17Pharaoh told Israelites to go
- Exodus 1231-36
- Pharaoh thought He could fight God, but was wrong
- Remember Gods promises to Abraham
- 400 years had passed
- Now Egyptians were giving gold silver to slaves
(Israelites) as they left - God never forgets His promises
- The Lord delivered as He had promised
- God punishes those who fight against Him
- God shows mercy to those who trust Him