Writing a Myth or Legend - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Writing a Myth or Legend


Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Gateshead LEA Last modified by: Jane Armstrong Created Date: 3/9/2004 3:59:33 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Writing a Myth or Legend

Writing a Myth or Legend
  • This week we will write our own myth or legend,
    step by step

Lets just remind ourselves what features are
common to these genres
  • Checklist for a myth
  • Story about gods and goddesses
  • Includes magical elements and powers
  • Features heroic characters
  • May explain a strange/important happening in
  • Features danger and violent acts
  • Includes attack/revenge
  • Set in ancient times
  • Uses powerful imagery
  • May mention strange creatures
  • Checklist for a legend
  • Story about people
  • Little mention of gods/goddesses
  • Possible basis of truth
  • Features heroic characters
  • Emphasis on bravery and daring deeds
  • Battles or confrontations likely
  • Distinction made between honour and dishonour
  • Good defeats evil
  • Features a traditional ending.

Long ago, near the beginning of time, there
existed an exquisite Greek island which lay in
the middle of the glorious Mediterranean Sea.
Every day the sun would blaze down upon the
idyllic island, making the calm waves shimmer and
sparkle like precious gems. One islander, was
a remarkable man called Lucas. He lived with his
gentle mother and was well liked by everyone who
lived on the island. He had a generous and caring
nature, however he was also a strong athlete and
had won all sporting contests held on the island.
Little did he know but his real father was none
other than Hephaistos, an Olympic god. His mother
was at pains to keep the secret of his true
parentage hidden for fear of the wrath of
Hephaistos own wife, the goddess, Aphrodite.
You would imagine, that on such island of
perfection, Lucas and all the people who lived
there would have been desperately content.However
a great danger lay over the people like a thick
black cloud.
A few years earlier and much to their immense
delight and pride of the King, the Queen of the
island give birth to a much longed for baby girl.
To them, she was both sun and moon. The
incredible jealousy, the Kings own sister, felt
for their happiness, was like a vicious cancer
feeding upon her so she put a enchanted curse on
the newly born princess. The curse meant that
when the princess turned eighteen, the ferocious
beast of the island, Crocodon, would kidnap the
princess and take her prisoner.
Eventually this day arrived. The Kings sister
kept to her word and the princess was captured by
Crocodon. The King and Queen were distraught.
They knew there was nobody who could stand up to
the power of Crocodon. He was a formidable beast,
half human and half reptile, with poisonous skin
and with a whip-like, powerful forked tongue. He
was a mortal enemy to all humankind and attacked
all who came near him. His dark and dismal cave,
just off the island, was virtually impossible to
reach. Many had tried before to slay the scaly
skinned brute but their attempts had always ended
in fatal tragedy.
The king held an emergency royal meeting, where
it was suggested the young, brave athlete,could
be the one to rescue the captivating princess
from the evil Crocodon. Immediately the
kings guards went to summon Lucas. Lucas was to
be their brave champion and only hope in their
desperate world. He accepted the quest bravely as
he was always so keen to help others. Before
leaving, the king gave Lucas his own magic sword.
The only thing Lucus had to worry about was
getting close enough to Crocodon, to kill him as
the poisonous fumes the creature emitted from his
mouth and the highly toxic reptilian skin he was
covered in meant if any human came into direct
contact with him, their own skin would burn and
smoulder, bubble and blister and result in an
agonising death.
Early the following morning, Lucas embarked on
his adventure. He launched his boat into the sea
and headed for Crocodons cave.As the journey
went on, the weather became worse the result of
the evil sisters black magic, the sea became
stormier and Lucas began to get an uneasy feeling
in the pit his stomach. Would he ever return to
his beloved island? Just then, Lucas saw
the open mouth of the cave on the horizon and he
sailed as fast as he could to get there. Upon his
arrival on the shore littered with festering
human remains, he was greeted by the formidable
sight of Crocodon, who was not pleased to see the
hero, with his magic sword in hand. Little did
the boy wonder know that the very sword, he
brandished had been intricately fashioned in the
strongest metal by his own father, God of all
Blacksmiths. No physical harm would come to the
holder of this miraculous sword and instant death
to anyone wounded with it.
At once Crocodon launched himself at Lucas,
however Lucas was to quick for the huge,bulky
monster and he quickly dodged out of the way.
Now, Crocodon was fuelled with rage and his ear
piercing roar could be heard for miles. Lucus was
not afraid, he swiftly ran to the back of
Crocodon, raised his sword and plunged it into
Crocodons slimy, scaly spine. Instantly the
monster let out a blood curdling wail and slowly
stumbled to the ground. He collapsed at the feet
of Lucus, simmering and writhing until at last
everything was silent and still. Crocodon was
Suddenly, out of the silence, Lucas could hear a
quiet whimpering sound. He realised at once, it
must be the princess and dashed into the cave.
Before him, was the most amazing sight he had
ever seen. The beautiful princess sat as helpless
as a kitten, chained to a marble pillar.
Amazingly she was physically unharmed by the
beast. He immediately untied her, covered her
with his cape and carried her as if she were a
delicate glass treasure, to his humble boat and
then to safety, all the way back to the royal
  • When Lucas and the princess arrived back, the
    king and queen were overwhelmed. Their joy was
    the breeze in a scorching Greek summer. They
    could not thank Lucas enough. They gave him a
    reward of money which meant he was able to live
    like a king for the rest of his days and the hand
    of the fair princess, who could love no other.
    Also the king allowed for Lucas to keep his magic
    sword, so Lucas hung it on his wall as a constant
    reminder of his courage and bravery. As for the
    evil sister, she spent the rest of her venomous
    days exiled on the very same bay where the
    Crocodon had lived his short but blood thirsty
  • From Mount Olympus, his father shone proudly on
    his heroic son. He was well pleased with the
    exploits of his secret son.

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