Trends in Numerical Relativistic Astrophysics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Trends in Numerical Relativistic Astrophysics


Title: Astrophysical Finite Element and Finite Difference Techniques: Possible Applications to Numerical Relativity Author: David L. Meier Last modified by – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Trends in Numerical Relativistic Astrophysics

Trends in Numerical Relativistic Astrophysics
  • David Meier
  • Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • Caltech

Introductory Remarks
  • Purpose of this lecture
  • To discuss some of the numerical astrophysical
    research our group is doing now and in the near
  • To indicate where the field might go in the next
    10 years or so
  • To stimulate thinking, especially in the younger
    members of the audience, on what types of
    problems and techniques may be addressable in the
    next 1/3 of a century
  • Outline
  • New astrophysics, same physics
  • New physics, new astrophysics
  • New numerical techniques on present-day computers
  • New numerical techniques on future machines
  • NOTE few equations will be presented refer to
    IPAM tutorial on relativistic astrophysics (Meier

I. New Astrophysics, Same Physics
  • Numerical simulation of magnetized cosmic jets
  • Non-relativistic flow
  • Relativistic flow
  • General Relativistic MHD of accretion disks with
  • Optically thin cooling magnetospheres jet
  • Optically thick cooling standard thin, cool
  • Evolving GRMHD and neutron star mergers effects
    of magnetic fields

Cosmic Jets
  • Occur in many types of objects

  • Often show wiggles

Non-Relativistic MHD Simulations of Cosmic Jets
in Decreasing Density Galactic Atmospheres
(Nakamura Meier 2004)
  • Jet is more stable if density gradient is very
    steep ( ? z -3 ) and jet is mildly PFD (60)
  • Jet is more unstable to m 1 helical kink if
    density gradient is shallow ( ? z -2 ) and jet is
    highly Poynting-flux dominated (90)
  • (helical kink or m1 current-driven or
    screw instability)

Non-Relativistic MHD Simulations of Cosmic Jets
in Decreasing Density Galactic Atmospheres (cont.)
  • Cause of the instability force-free magnetic
    field is unstable, but it can be stabilized if
    the plasma rotates (adds centrifugal force to
    radial force balance)

High magnetic field twist slow rotation ?
Unstable to helical kink
High magnetic field twist rapid rotation ?
More stable to helical kink
Relativistic MHD Simulations of Cosmic Jets in
Decreasing Density Galactic Atmospheres
  • When flow is relativistic, new terms arise in the
    radial force equation, even without any plasma
    inertia (force-free!)
  • When the magnetic field rotation rate v? ? c
  • Conclusion Centrifugal force of the magnetic
    field inertia (?B) can balance pinch/hoop stress
  • Question Are relativistic magnetized jets
    self-stabilizing, even without appreciable
    plasma? We will be investigating this shortly.

GRMHD Simulations of the MRI in Accretion Disks ?
WITH Optically Thin Radiative Cooling
  • Present-day magneto-rotational instability disk
    simulations start with a thick torus with a weak
    magnetic poloidal field and differential
    (Keplerian) rotation
  • (see IPAM 1 talks by Hawley, Gammie, Stone)
  • Biggest deficiency of these simulations is the
    use of an adiabatic energy equation
  • Accreting material remains very hot (101113 K),
    but e radiate copiously above 1010 K
  • IF ions couple well to e, the entire plasma will
    cool to 101011 K or less
  • Predicted new structure will have a strong
    magnetosphere and jet, as seen in real objects

A turbulent dynamo develops in a few rotation
times (the MRI)
McKinney Gammie (2004)
  • Question Does optically thin cooling produce
    a strong
  • magnetosphere and jet as predicted by Meier
  • Need to simulate MRI with GRMHD and cooling.

GRMHD Simulations of the MRI in Accretion Disks ?
WITH Optically Thick Radiative Cooling
  • The first accretion disks to be modeled
    analytically (Shakura Sunyaev 1973) will be the
    last (and most difficult) ones to simulate
    numerically geometrically thin, optically thick
  • Main scientific and computational issues
  • Difficult radiative transfer
  • Diffusion in disk interior
  • Free streaming outside of disk
  • Must handle photosphere carefully
  • Coupling between radiation and plasma may be
    important in luminous disks
  • Adaptive mesh refinement will be required to
    properly grid the disk

Geometrically Thin Torus
Geometrically Thick Torus
  • Question Do simulated thin disks behave in
    the manner predicted by analytic
  • theory? as observed in real systems?

EGRMHD Simulations of NS NS Mergers ? WITH
Magnetic Fields
  • Virtually ALL observed neutron stars have
    magnetic fields (109 1015 G)
  • Yet, NO present numerical relativity simulation
    of NS NS mergers includes magnetic fields in
    the dynamics
  • Examples Rasio Shapiro (1999), Shibata et al.
    (2003), Baumgarte et al. (2004)
  • Neutron stars merge, but do not form a black hole
  • Instead, a differentially-rotating, super-NS forms
  • How will the MRI change things (Balbus
    Hawley 1998)?
  • MRI will create a strong viscosity, as in
    B.H. accretion disks
  • Fastest growing MRI wavelength and growth
    rate (B Bi e?maxt)
  • ?max ? VA ?Kep ?max 0.75 ?Kep
  • Every rotation, magnetic field will increase
    by e?max?Kep 111
  • Even the WEAKEST fields (109 G) will grow to
    dyn. important strengths (1016 G) in only 3-4
    rotation times of the VORTEX
  • A differentially rotating, super-neutron-star
    likely will never form.
  • It will collapse to a black hole in a few
    dynamical times.
  • STRONG magnetic fields will likely lead to
    jets and ?-ray bursts
  • Ignoring magnetic fields in relativistic
    astrophysical simulations is like simulating tar
    using alcohol. The understanding of B.H.
    formation critically depends in magnetic

II. New Physics, New Astrophysics
  • General relativistic charge dynamics
  • Current sheets in pulsars
  • Reconnection

General Relativistic Charge Dynamics
  • GRCD equations (Meier 2004) were introduced in
    the IPAM tutorial on relativistic astrophysics,
    derived from the relativistic multi-fluid
  • Fluid equations ?T ? ?mU 0
  • ?T ? TFL TEMT 0
  • TFL ? ?m(ep)/c2U?U U?H H?U/c2 p
  • TEM ? F ? F ¼ (F F) I / (4 ?)
  • Charge equations ?T ? (?qU j)
  • ?T ? CT ?p2 (1 ? h?q)U hJ ? F/c ? ? J
    / (4 ?) (gen. Ohms law)
  • C ?q(eqpq)/c2U?U U?j? j??U pq g
    (charge/beamed current tensor)
  • GRCD will be important only on small scales (?x lt
    1023 ?D), where 4 ?
    ?T ? CT/ ?p2 E
  • For global simulations, ?x is 1057 times larger,
    so the standard Ohms law will suffice
  • GRCD will be important primarily in simulations
    of small-scale phenomena or those with AMR.

Current Sheets and Reconnection Phenomena
  • Pulsar Current Sheets
  • Present simulations (Spitkovsky 2005) have
    finally solved the pulsar magnetosphere problem
    however, they do not resolve the current sheet
    (where B changes sign)
  • The current sheet is believed to be a key to
    understanding the evolution and stability
    of the pulsar magnetosphere
  • The GRCD equations have all the physics
    necessary to simulate the structure and
  • evolution of the current sheet
  • But, adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR), of
    course, will be needed to resolve the current
  • One problem Plasma phenomena occur on very
    short time scales
  • Solution solve the generalized Ohms law
    (?T ? CT ) as an implicit structure problem,
  • setting ?/?t 0 in the Ohms law
  • With this technique, the current sheet will
    evolve on the pulsar time scale, not on the
  • time scale
  • Supersonic Reconnection
  • When the plasma shear flow is supersonic,
    ?U gt ?coll (particle collision frequency) and
    ?????? ??????the new Ohms Law terms will exceed
    the regular resistive term 4? ?T ? CT/ ?p2
    gt ? J
  • This is another source of anomalous
    resistivity (scattering off shear flow layers)
  • This, and other types of anomalous
    resistivity, may be important in reconnection

III. New Numerical Techniques for EGRD
(Numerical Relativity) On Present-day Machines
  • Constrained Transport and Discrete Exterior
  • Simple CT for MHD and full E M
  • CT for EGRD (numerical relativity)
  • Relation to DEC and lattice gauge simulations

Constrained Transport for MHD (Evans Hawley
  • Magnetohydrodynamics (and full electrodynamics)
    is analogous to numerical relativity in that it
    has an evolution equation for the field and a
    constraint that must be satisfied
  • B ?? c ? ? E ??B 0
  • Modern MHD codes work by satisfying ??B O(?r) ?
    10-14 on the initial hypersurface and then using
    a differencing scheme that ensures
  • ? (??B) / ?t ??B ??c ? ? ? ? E O(?r)
  • How is this accomplished numerically?
  • Answer by properly staggering the grid

??B ? 10-14
Constrained Transport for MHD (continued)
  • The grid is staggered in space and time
  • At t t0, B ? ? A and
  • ??B Bx ? Bx ? By ? By ? Bz ? Bz?
  • (Az4-Az2) (Ay4-Ay2) (Az3-Az1)
  • (Ax4-Ax2) (Az4-Az3) (Ax3-Ax1)
  • (Ay4-Ay3) (Ax4-Ax3) (Ay2-Ay1)
    (Ax2-Ax1) ?? ? ? A O(?r)
  • Then at t t½, similarly, ?? ? ? E O(?r) , so
    ??B O(?r)
  • So, at t t1,
  • ??B1 ??B0 ?t (??B½) O(?r)
  • Proper staggering of the grid creates vector
    fields in which the divergence of a curl vanishes
    to machine accuracy, propagating the constraint
    (vector/Bianchi identity satisfied)

CT for Electrodynamics (Yee 1966 Meier 2003)
  • Problem is more complicated in full
  • Both of Maxwells equations and both of the
    constraints must be satisfied
  • B ?? c ? ? E ??B 0
  • E ? c ? ? B 4?J ??E 4??c
  • creating the need for three interlaced updates
    (one each for B, E, and ?q)
  • ?2? 4??q, E ?? B ? ? A
  • E c ? ? B 4?J B ?? c ? ?
    E Evolve
  • ?q ?? J
  • ??E 4??q ??B 0
    ??E 4??q ??B 0 Implicit
  • ?? E 4? ?? J ??B 0
    ?? E 4??q
  • ?? E 4??q

CT for Electrodynamics (continued)
  • In covariant form, full electrodynamics appears
    much simpler
  • F dA
  • P ? (? ?F) 4? P ?J P ? (? ?F)
    0 Evolve
  • ? ?J 0
  • n ? (? ?F) 4? n ?J n ? (??F) 0 ? ?
    (? ?F) 0 Implicit

  • 4-dimensional Bianchi identities
  • Staggering the grid implicitly satisfies the
    Bianchi (and other simpler vector) identities to
    machine accuracy, and this implicitly propagates
    the constraints
  • A staggered grid has deep geometric significance

Staggered Grids in 4-D
  • The electrodynamics CT problem suggests a
    natural, simple, and elegant method for
    staggering finite difference grids in 4-D
  • Scalars
  • (hypercube
  • corners)
  • Vectors
  • (hypercube edges)
  • 2-Tensors
  • (hypercube faces
  • corners)

F00, F11,
Staggered Grids in 4-D (continued)
?121 ?222 ?323
  • 3-Tensors,
  • ?g, ?, etc.
  • (hypercube edges
  • cube body centers)
  • 4-Tensors
  • (hypercube corners,
  • faces,
  • body centers)

?111 ?212 ?313
R0000 R1122 R2323 R3333
R0100 R1220
Staggered Grids in 4-D (continued)
  • Some important features of generalized
  • Special cases have interesting forms
  • Kronecker delta (???) 4 ? 1s at cell corners
    12 ? 0s at cube faces
  • Other identity tensors (?????, ??????? ) ?1 at
    corners 0 otherwise
  • Levi-Civita tensor (?????) ? at
    hypercube body centers 0 otherwise
  • Gives rise to the concept of a dual mesh and
    discrete differential forms
  • Shift origin to hypercube-centered point to
    create the dual mesh
  • ????? IS ????? as viewed from the dual mesh
  • As viewed from the dual mesh the Maxwell tensor,
    the dual of F (M F), is simply F

Staggered Grids in 4-D (continued)
  • This is much more than just numerology
  • Such techniques are strongly related to Discrete
    Exterior Calculus
    (the numerical method of the future)
  • Outgrowth of Finite Element Method
  • Currently under development in Engineering
  • Very formal mathematics (Differential Forms)
  • Still in its early stages needs to deal with
  • Vectors/Tensors
  • Spacetime
  • Curvature
  • Also potentially related to Lattice Gauge
  • Quantum fields also are gauge fields with Bianchi
  • Implementation on a staggered lattice satisfies
    these identities
  • Differential forms correspond to
  • Site variables (scalar, 0-forms)
  • Link variables (vectors, 1-forms)
  • Plaquette variables (2-tensors, 2-forms)
  • All gauge field simulations have a common link

    using staggered grids to satisfy the
    Bianchi identities

Discrete Differential Forms
Dual Primal
Hirani 2003
Langfeld 2002
WARNING In Numerical Relativity CT is no
Substitute for a Stable Method
  • Strongly vs. weakly hyperbolic scheme properties
    still must be respected
  • Strongly hyperbolic schemes still promote
  • Weakly hyperbolic schemes still promote
  • CT is simply a very low-diffusive method of
    propagating gauge field constraints

Gauge wave evolved for 104 light-crossing times,
3 different resolutions, using strongly-hyperbolic
, spatially-differenced CT method (Miller Meier
Gauge wave evolved for 104 light-crossing times,
3 different resolutions, using weakly-hyperbolic,
spatially-differenced CT method (Miller Meier
IV. New Numerical Techniques On Future Machines
  • Numerical Astrophysics in the past 70 years
  • 70 years ago
  • 35 years ago
  • Today
  • Numerical Astrophysics in the next 35 years

Numerical Astrophysics in the Past 70 Years
  • 1935 (70 years ago)
  • Stellar structure studied with polytropes and the
    Lane-Emden equation
  • 1/r2 d/dr (r2 d? / dr) ?n p(r)
    p(0) ?n1 ?(r) ?(0) ?n
  • Start at star center (r 0) and integrate until
    ? 0 (star surface) ? shooting method.
  • Machine used adding machine (1 FLOP, 10
  • 1965 Gordon E. Moore of Intel Corp. writes
    famous article on exponential growth of computer
    chip densities (Moore 1965), to become known as
    Moores Law
  • 1970 (35 years ago)
  • Stellar structure studied with 2-point boundary
    value techniques shooting method only used to
    create initial guess for the solution, which
    was relaxed until entire structure converged
  • Stellar collapse studied with state-of-the-art
    2-D MHD code, 40 x 40 grid, with adaptive
    shrinking mesh (LeBlanc Wilson 1970)
  • Machines used CDC 6600/7600 (1 10 MFLOPs, 1
    MBYTE) ? 1067 times improvement
  • 2003 Gordon E. Moore gives talk entitled No
    Exponential is Forever But We Can Delay
    Forever (Moore 2003), indicating that this
    pace can be sustained for at least another
  • 2005 (Today)
  • Stellar collapse, disks, jets, explosions, etc.
    studied with state-of-the-art 3-D MHD codes, 300
    x 300 x 1000 grid
  • Machines used 10 100 TFLOPs, 10 TBYTEs ?
    1067 times improvement
  • Stellar structure, even rotation, still studied
    with the quasi-spherical approximation (1-D!!)

Numerical Astrophysics in the Past 70 Years
  • Moore (1965) figures
  • Moore (2003) figure

Numerical Astrophysics in the Next 35 Years
  • 2040 (35 years from now) Three scenarios
  • Current pace will top out at machines 100 times
    more powerful than now
  • Current pace will continue unabated for 35 more
    years Machines 0.1 1 ZFLOPs, 0.1 1
    ZBYTE ? 1067 times improvement
  • Quantum computing will come of age and cause a
    quantum jump in capability
  • What could we do with a Zetta-FLOP/Zetta-BYTE
  • Suggested c.2040 astrophysics 1 more of the
  • Explicit, time-dependent simulations, more
    resolution, more time steps
  • New problems allowed those where high
    resolution is needed throughout comp. domain
  • However, 1067 times improvement only gives 100x
    better resolution in 3D, not enough to handle
    plasma phenomena, particle-particle interactions
  • Also, AMR coupled with other higher-order
    techniques (e.g., spectral methods) will already
    have achieved very high accuracy in traditional
    explicit simulations
  • More of the same is a naïve approach, and a
    poor use of the power of machines that will be
    available in future decades.

Numerical Astrophysics in the Next 35 Years
  • Suggested c.2040 astrophysics 2a gridding (and
    adaptive gridding) in time
  • Spacetime, after all, is a 4-D structure!
  • Todays simulations will simply be tomorrows
    starting models for full 4-D structures
  • The entire simulation, including all time steps
    and spacetime structure, will be kept in core
  • Time grid will be refined for rapid evolution,
    just like spatial grid is for steep gradients
  • Solution will be relaxed and converged for
  • Accuracy in regions with high spatial and time
  • Best gauge coordinate conditions at each point
    in the grid
  • Best global gauge/coordinate conditions to avoid
  • Suggested c.2040 astrophysics 2b implicit
    multi-time-scale techniques
  • Explicit schemes solve a marching
    problem qijkn1 qijkn fijk(q) ?t
  • Implicit schemes relax F(q) over
    space-time F(q) ? ?q / ?t f(q) 0
  • When ?t is small, time derivative of q is finite
    and solution evolves on short time scales
  • When ?t is large, ?q/?t ? 0, F(q) ? f(q), and a
    static or steady-state structure is relaxed
  • See Meier (1999) for
  • suggested finite-element scheme using 4-D
    rectangular elements (should be updated using
  • 4-D conservative, weak-form representations of
    all field and fluid equations, including Maxwell
    and Einstein fields
  • Problems addressable

Talk Summary
  • Short term (lt 10 yr)
  • RMHD accretion disks, jet production, jet
  • EGRMHD effects of magnetic fields on B.H.
    formation and gravitational waves
  • Mid-term (10 20 yr)
  • GRCD current sheet structure and evolution,
    reconnection with generalized Ohms law
  • CT/DEC for EGRD methods for numerical
    relativity more closely aligned with the
    mathematics behind the Einstein equations
    themselves (differential forms)
  • Long-term (20 30 yr)
  • Much faster computers
  • MASDA (multidimensional astrophysical structural
    dynamical analysis) will be in use
  • True 4-D spacetimes
  • Multi-time-scale evolution
  • Seamless multi-D stellar evolution from birth to
    black hole, GRB, and gravitational waves
  • Note
  • MASDA was the ancient chief Persian god (long
    before Islam)
  • His prophet was Zarathustra (of 2001 A Space
    Odyssey fame)
  • I expect MASDA to someday supplant ZEUS in the
    21st century, at least in numerical relativistic

  • Balbus, S.A. Hawley, J.F. 1998, Rev. Mod.
    Phys., 70, 1. Instability, turbulence, and
    enhanced transport in accretion disks.
  • Baumgarte, T.W., Skoge, M.L., Shapiro, S.L.
    2004, Phys. Rev. D, 70, 064040. Black
    hole-neutron star binaries in general relativity
    Quasiequilibrium formulation.
  • Evans, C.R. Hawley, J.F. 1988, Astrophys. J.,
    332, 659 677. Simulation of Magnetohydrodynamic
    Flows A Constrained Transport Method.
  • Gammie, C.F. 2005, IPAM 1 Lectures, April 6.
    Relativistic Plasmas Near Black Holes General
    Relativistic MHD and Force-Free Electrodynamics.
  • Hawley, J.F. 2005, IPAM 1 Lectures, April 6.
    General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic
    Simulations of Black Hole Accretion Disks.
  • Hirani, A.N. 2003, Ph.D. thesis, Caltech,
    3-095403. Discrete Exterior Calculus.
  • Langfeld, K. 2002, Univ. Tubingen lecture, April
    2225, http//
    ung/Langfeld/lattice.pdf. An Introduction to
    Lattice Gauge Theory.
  • LeBlanc, J. Wilson, J.R. 1970, Astrophys. J.,
    161, 541 551. A Numerical Example of the
    Collapse of a Rotating Magnetized Star.
  • McKinney, J.C. Gammie, C.F. 2004, Astrophys.
    J., 611, 977 995. A Measurement of the
    Electromagnetic Luminosity of a Kerr Black Hole.
  • Meier, D.L. 1999, Astrophys. J., 518, 788 813.
    Multidimensional Astrophysical Structural and
    Dynamical Analysis. I. Development of a Nonlinear
    Finite Element Approach.
  • Meier, D.L. 2003, Astrophys. J., 595, 980 991.
    Constrained Transport Algorithms for Numerical
    Relativity. I. Development of a
    Finite-Difference Scheme.
  • Meier, D.L. 2004, Astrophys. J., 605, 340 349.
    Ohms Law in the Fast Lane General
    Relativistic Charge Dynamics.

References (cont.)
  • Meier, D.L. 2005a, IPAM Tutorial Lectures, March
    11. Relativistic Astrophysics.
  • Meier, D.L. 2005b, in From X-ray Binaries to
    Quasars Black Hole Accretion on All Mass Scales
    , proc. of the Amsterdam meeting, 1315 July
    2004, in press. Magnetically-dominated Accretion
    Flows (MDAFs) and Jet Production in the Low/Hard
  • Miller, M.A. Meier 2005, in preparation.
    Constrained Transport Algorithms for Numerical
    Relativity. II. Hyperbolic Formulations.
  • Moore, G.E. 1965, Electronics, 38, ?? ??.
    Cramming more components onto integrated
  • Moore, G.E. 2003, talk at International Solid
    State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 10 February
    2003. No Exponential is Forever but We Can
    Delay Forever .
  • Nakamura, M. Meier, D.L. 2004, Astrophys. J.,
    617, 123 154. Poynting-Flux Dominated Jets in
    Decreasing-density Atmospheres. I. The
    Non-relativistic Current-driven Kink Instability
    and the Formation of Wiggled Structures.
  • Rasio F.A. Shapiro, S.L. 1999, Class. Quant.
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    coalescing binary neutron stars.
  • Shakura, N.I. Sunyaev, R.A. 1973, Astron.
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    Systems. Observational Appearance.
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    neutron stars of unequal mass in full general
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  • Stone, J.M. 2005, IPAM 1 Lectures, April 8.
    Studies of the MRI with a New Godunov Scheme for
  • Yee, K.S. 1966, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,
    AP-14, 302 307. Numerical solution of initial
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