Title: Species and Specimen Thematic Network Report
1IABIN Species and Specimens Thematic Network
Erick Mata and María Mora, Instituto Nacional
de Biodiversidad, INBio
IABIN Executive Committee/Coordinating
Institution Meeting. Tierras Enamoradas, Costa
Rica. February 16-18, 2011
- Introduction
- Current Status of Systems, Standards, and Tools
- Summary of Data Providers
- Sustainability of the SSTN infrastructure and
integration with international initiatives
- 2006 - 2008 The SSTN executed all activities
corresponding to component 1 (interoperability
and data access). - 2009 INBio assumed the cost of maintaining and
further enhancing developed tools. - 2009 2010 Development of Component 3 tools
A Decision Making System based on Conservation
Categories and Biodiversity Uses and A
Scenarios Modeling System for Development Action
or Potential Threats to Biodiversity - 2010 INBio continued developing Ara but
requested funding to maintain portal. - 2011 INBio started developing the new version of
Atta based on Ara and will continue supporting
the current users of Ara. - 2011 Data Portal maintenance and integration of
species and specimen data to EOL and GBIF.
4SSTN - Current Status of Systems, Standards, and
Component 1 All activities were concluded in
2008 Plinian Core Standard, Ara software tool,
and a Portal based on GBIFs Data Portal
5Toolkit for the Establishment of Biodiversity
Information Systems
It integrates two software tools
Biodiversity Data Portal
Data Entry Tool (Ara)
6Toolkit for the Establishment of Biodiversity
Information Systems
It integrates two software tools
- 1. Biodiversity Data Portal
- Based on the GBIF Customizable Portal, it
integrates species and specimen data from
heterogeneous databases (based on Darwin Core,
Plinian Core, TAPIR, and DiGIR). - The system manages information about countries,
datasets, specimens, species records, taxonomic
classification, and common names. - It offers overview maps that present the specimen
records distribution for each species or group of
organisms, for each country, data provider, or
dataset. - The system is web-based, multilingual, and
7Toolkit for the Establishment of Biodiversity
Information Systems
It integrates two software tools
- 2. Data Entry Tool (Ara)
- Allows the user to digitize, generate, manage,
analyze, and share information on species (e.g.,
species descriptions, conservation, demography,
taxonomic information, references, and
distribution) and specimens (collections and
observations). - Includes the following sub-systems Taxonomy
(Species records, all required taxonomic
hierarchy levels) Inventory (Gathering/observatio
ns, specimens/observations, identifications)
Geographical Information (Localities) Multimedia
(Images and Videos) Administration (Collections,
Audiences, Institutions, People, Selection lists,
among others) and Security. - Manages integrated information from multiple
biological collections. - The Species Description Module could be
customized according to different species
standards or the group of fields that any given
institution needs. - The system is easy to install and use, web based,
multilingual, and multiplatform. - It is distributed under the GNU GPL v 3. license.
8Toolkit for the Establishment of Biodiversity
Information Systems
Ara Users
- Installed and in operation
- Museo Entomológico de León (Nicaragua)
- Museo de Malacología de la Universidad de Panamá
(Panamá) - National Biodiversity Centre (Bután)
- In process
- Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Abomey
Calavi (FSA/UAC), Benin. - INBio
9Toolkit for the Establishment of Biodiversity
Information Systems
SSTN Portal access statistics
10Component 1 E-learning Tool
SSTN - Current Status of Products, Standards and
11SSTN - Current Status of Products, Standards and
- Component 3 Two proposals approved and
implemented A Decision Making System based on
Conservation Categories and A Scenarios
Modeling System for Development Action or
Potential Threats to Biodiversity.
12Summary of Data Publishers
Data publishers - 20 specimen data publishers (28
resources). - 5 species data publishers. - About
3,900,000 specimen records. - About 5,000 species
- Component 2 grants in process.
- Pending to integrate about 15 more data
publishers (Red de Herbarios de Centro América)
outside Component 2.
Source Jarvis Andy, Ramírez Julián, Reymondin
Louis, Amariles Daniel, Tobón Hector, Camacho
Jorge Tello Jhon. (2011). Providing means for a
better understanding of biodiversity improving
primary data and using it for threat assessment
and in situ conservation planning in South
America. CIAT Progress Report.
13Sustainability of the SSTN Infrastructure
1. Additional funding to further develop Ara
- CONICIT 62,000, 2 years project. Improvements
to modules taxon, label printing, specimen
transactions. INBio is developing the new version
of Atta based on Ara. - JRS Biodiversity Foundation. 182,000. 2 year
project (in process). A Technological Package
for the Implementation of the National
Biodiversity Information System (NBIS) of Benin.
14Sustainability of the SSTN Infrastructure
andIntegration with International Initiatives
2. Integrate Specimen Data to GBIF
GBIF Data Portal
GBIF Mirror
SSTN Data Portal
Every two months
Regional Data (Americas)
SSTN New Specimens Records Data Publishers
15Sustainability of the SSTN Infrastructure
andIntegration with International Initiatives
3. Integrate Species Information to EOL
SSTN Data Portal
GBIF Mirror
GBIF Data Portal
Every two months
Regional Data (Americas)
Queries through URL
EOL Data Portal
SSTN New Species Records Data Publishers
- A Data Portal was developed based on the Global
Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
Customizable Portal using international protocols
and standards (the portal is available at
http//ara.inbio.ac.cr/SSTN-IABIN/) - More than 3,900,000 specimen records from 19 data
publishers were integrated to the network.
Additionally, more than 5,000 species records are
available coming from 5 data publishers. - Two regional workshops to train the trainers for
managing the developed software were held in
Heredia, Costa Rica (28 participants from 23
American countries). - More than 600,000 specimen records were digitized
form 30 biological collections of the American
Continent. - English and Spanish training materials were
produced (some of them are at http//www.inbio.ac.
17Thank you!