Title: Body Scheme Learning Through Self-Perception
1Body Scheme Learning Through Self-Perception
- Jürgen Sturm, Christian Plagemann, Wolfram Burgard
2Research question
- Can we learn a body scheme for a manipulator?
- Introduction
- The concept of Body Schemes in Neurophysiology
- Approach
- Problem formulation
- Structure learning
- Forward and inverse models
- Demo / Experiments / Evaluation
- Future work
- Sensor model
- Motion model
- I.e., for manipulators
- Kinematic model
- Dynamic model
- Typically, those models are
- derived analytically in advance
- fixed up to a number of parameters
- require (manual) calibration
- Problems with fixed models
- Wear-and-tear (wheel diameter, air pressure)
- Recovery from failure (malfunctioning actuators)
- Tool use (extending the model)
- Re-configurable robots (unknown model structure)
7Biological inspiration
- Same problems in humans/animals
- Changing body properties (growth)
- Injured body parts
- Simple tool use (writing, operating a gripper)
- Complex tool use (riding a bike)
8The concept of Body Scheme in Neurophysiology
- Multi-modal mapping
- Localize and track sensations
- Spatially coded
- Modular
- Coherent
- Plasticity
- Interpersonal
9Research question
- Can we learn a body scheme for a manipulator?
- Elements
- Proprioception (joint configurations)
- Spatial representation
- Visual perception (body part locations in space)
10Related Work
- Neurophysiology
- Adaptive body schemes Maravita and Iriki, 2004
- Mirror neurons Holmes and Spence, 2004
- Robotics
- Self-calibration Roy and Thrun, 1999
- Cross-model maps Yoshikawa et al., 2004
- Structure learning Dearden and Demiris, 2005
11Problem formulation
- Proprioception of m actuators (actions)
- Spatial representation of n body parts
- Visual self-perception of n body parts
- Unknown correspondences between actuators and
body parts!
(homogeneous transformation matrix, 6D position
in space)
(observation noise)
12Mathematical formulation
- State vector (unobservable)
- Observation vector
- Observation history (Evidence)
Assumption actions are noise-free observable
13Mathematical formulation
- Body scheme as the probabilistic cross-modal map
- Full mapping
- Forward model
- Inverse model
14Earlier work
- Learning the body scheme with function
approximation - Nearest neighbor
- Neural nets
- Gaussian processes
15Earlier work
- Learning the full mapping
- is a high-dimensional problem
- requires lots of training examples
- Idea Factorize the body scheme (e.g. body parts)
16Idea Body Scheme Factorization
- Body scheme represents a kinematic chain
- Bayesian network
(remember that we previously defined
17Local forward models
- Define local transform between body part i and j
- Define local action subset
- Learn local forward models
- These local forward models
- can be approximated with GPs!
18Local forward models
19Body Scheme Factorization
- Consider ALL local forward models
- ..
- Total number of local models
20Minimum Spanning TreeForward Model
- Compose the full body scheme by concatenating the
local models of the minimum spanning tree
21Body Scheme Factorization
- Find minimal spanning tree
- Translate each local model into nodes and edges
- Nodes body parts
- Edges
- Large search space!
- Heuristic search (from simple to complex local
22Model selection
- Split the data in two parts
- Training set
- To train local models
- Test set
- To evaluate data likelihood of each local model
- Also possible prediction accuracy
23Inverse model
- Given a target pose, find the configuration
- Compute Jacobians of forward model
- Gradient Descent towards target pose
- Demo video (real robot, 2-DOF)
- Experiment 1 Prediction
- Experiment 2 Control
- Demo video (simulated robot, 7-DOF)
- Experiment 3 Partial observability
25Demo video
- Real robot
- 2-DOF manipulator
- 3 body parts
26Experiment 1 Prediction
- Real robot
- 2-DOF manipulator
- 3 body parts
27Experiment 1 Prediction
- Real robot
- Simple models learn faster than complex models
- High accuracy
- Decomposition into two 1st-order local models
28Experiment 2 Posture Control
- Real robot
- Same body scheme
- Gradient descent
- Approach target position
29Demo video
- Simulated robot
- 7-DOF manipulator
- 10 body parts
30Experiment 3 Partial observability
- Simulated robot
- 7-DOF manipulator
- 10 body parts
- Hidden body part
- 2nd-order local model needed
31Experiment 3 Partial observability
- Simulated robot
- 7-DOF manipulator
- 10 body parts
- Hidden body part
- 2nd-order local model needed
32Experiment 3 Partial observability
- Simulated robot
- 7-DOF manipulator
- 10 body parts
- Hidden body part
- 2nd-order local model needed
- Body scheme learning without prior knowledge
- Structure learning
- Model learning
- Purely generated from self-perception
- Fast convergence
- Accurate prediction
- Accurate control
34Future work
- Track natural visual features
- Identify geometrical structure (joint types,
rotation axes..) - Dynamic adaptation of the body scheme, e.g.,
during tool-use - Imitation and imitation learning