Length contraction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Length contraction


Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: tiem leong yoon Last modified by: ptpm Created Date: 9/1/2002 5:13:12 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Length contraction

Length contraction
  • Length measured differs from frame to frame
    another consequence of relativistic effect
  • Gedankan experiment again!

  • Two observers O on Earth, O traveling to and
    fro from Earth and alpha centauri with speed u
  • Total distance between Earth - alpha centauri
    Earth, according to O (Earth observer), L0
  • O sees O return to Earth after Dt0
  • Observer O in a spaceship is heading AC with
    speed u and returns to Earth after Dt according
    to his clock

Use some simple logics
  • In O 2L0 uDt0
  • In O 2L0 uDt0
  • Due to time dilation effect, Dt0 is shorter
    than Dt0 , i.e. Dt0 gt Dt0
  • Dt0 is related to Dt0 via a time dilation
    effect, Dt0 Dt0 /g , hence
  • L0 / L0 Dt0 /Dt0 1 / g , or

  • L0 L0 / g
  • L0 is defined as the proper length length of
    object measured in the frame in which the object
    (in this case, the distance btw Earth and AC) is
    at rest
  • L0 is the length measured in the O frame, which
    is moving wrp to the object
  • The length of a moving objected is measured to be
    shorter than the proper length length

  • If an observer at rest wrp to an object measures
    its length to be L0 , an observer moving with a
    relative speed u wrp to the object will find the
    object to be shorter than its rest length by a
    foctor 1 / g .

  • A stick moves to the right with a speed u. (a)
    The stick as viewed by a frame attached to it (b)
    The stick as seen by an observer in a frame at
    rest relative to the stick. The length measured
    in the rest frame is shorter than the proper
    length by a factor 1/ g

  • Length contraction only happens along the
    direction of motion
  • In 3-D, the length contraction effect is a
    shortening of length plus a rotation

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An observer on Earth sees a spaceship at an
altitude of 435 moving downward toward the Earth
with a speed of 0.97c. What is the altitude of
the spaceship as measured by an observer in the
  • Solution
  • One can consider the altitude seen by
    thestationary (Earth) observer as the proper
    length (say, L'). The observer in the spaceship
    should sees a contracted length, L, as compared
    to the proper length. Hence the moving observer
    in the ship finds the altitude to be
  • L L' / g 435 m x 1- (0.97)2-1/2 106 m

Relativistic kinematics
Lorentz Transformation
  • All inertial frames are equivalent
  • All physical processes analysed in one frame can
    also be analysed in other inertial frame and
    yield consistent results
  • A transformation law is required to related the
    space and time coordinates from one frame to

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  • O' frame uses x',y',zt to denote the
    coordinates of an event, whereas O frame uses
  • How to related x',y',z',t to x,y,zt
  • In Newtonian mechanics, we use Galilean
  • But GT must not be valid when u ? c because it is
    not consistent with the constancy of the light
    speed postulate
  • The relativistic version of the transformation
    law is given by Lorentz transformation

Derivation of Lorentz transformation
  • Consider a rocket moving with a speed u (O'
    frame) along the xx' direction wrp to the
    stationary O frame
  • A light pulse is emitted at the instant t' t 0
  • when the two origins of the two reference frames
  • the light signal travels as a spherical wave at a
    constant speed c in both frames
  • After some times t, the origin of the wave
    centered at O has a radius r ct, where
  • r 2 x2 y2 z2

  • From the view point of O', after some times t'
  • the origin of the wave, centered at O' has a
  • r' ct , (r )'2 (x) 2 (y)2 (z)2
  • y'y, z' z (because the motion of O' is along
    the xx) axis no change for y,z coordinates
  • The transformation from x to x (and vice versa)
    must be linear, i.e. x ? x
  • From the view point of O
  • x ct corresponds to x 0, so we assume the
  • x k(x - ct ) k some proportional constant
  • Likewise, from the view point of O,
  • x -ct corresponds to x 0, so we set
  • x k(x ct )

  • With
  • r ct , r ct , x k(x ct ),
  • x k(x - ct),
  • we solve for x',t' in terms of x,t to

  • the constant k is identified as the Lorentz
    factor, g
  • Note that, now, the length and time interval
    measured become dependent of the state of motion
    (in terms of g) in contrast to Newtons
  • Lorentz transformation reduces to Galilean
    transformation when u ltlt c (show this yourself)

To recap
  • the LT given in the previous analysis

Which relates x , t to x, t , for which O is
moving at velocity u wrp to O
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From the view point of O
  • Equivalently, we could also perform the analysis
    from the view point of O that O is moving in the
    u direction.

From the view point of O
We wish to express x, t in terms of x, t
Mathematically, this simply means making the
The two transformations above are equivalent use
which is appropriate in a given question
Length contraction can be recovered from the LT
  • Consider the rest length of a ruler as measured
    in frame O is L Dx x2 - x1 (the proper
    length) measured at the same instant in that
    frame, hence t2 t1
  • What is the length of the rule as measured by O?
  • The length in O, according the LT is
  • L Dx x2 - x1 g (x2 - x1) u(t2
  • The length of the ruler in O is simply the
    distance btw x2 and x1 measured at the same
    instant in that frame, hence t2 t1, hence L
    g L

  • How would you recover time dilation from the LT?
  • DIY as an exercise during Raya

Lorentz velocity transformation
  • How to relate the velocity in the O (ux) frame
    to that of the O frame (ux)?

  • By definition, ux dx/dt, ux dx/dt
  • The velocity in the O frame can be obtained by
    taking the differentials of the Lorentz

  • Combining

where we have made used of the definition ux
Compare the Lorentz transformation of velocity
with that of Galilean transformation of velocity
GT reduces to LT in the limit u ltlt c
  • Please try to understand the definition of ux ,
    ux , u so that you wont get confused

LT is consistent with the constancy of speed of
  • in either O or O frame, the speed of light seen
    must be the same, c
  • Say object M is moving with speed of light as
    seen by O, i.e. ux c
  • According to LT, the speed of M as seen by O is

  • That is, in either frame, both observers agree
    that the speed of light they measure is the same,
    c 3 x 108m/s
  • In contrast, according to GT, the speed of light
    seen by O would be

Which is inconsistent with constancy of speed of
light postulate
To recap
  • the LT given in the previous analysis relates ux
    to ux in which O is moving with u wrp to O,

From the view point of O
  • Equivalently, we could also perform the analysis
    from the view point of O that O is moving in the
    u direction.
  • We would be able to express ux in terms of ux in
    the same spirit as we derive ux in terms of ux

From the view point of O
Mathematically, this simply means making the
The two transformations above are equivalent use
which is appropriate in a given question
  • Rocket 1 is approaching rocket 2 on a
  • head-on collision course. Each is moving at
    velocity 4c/5 relative to an independent observer
    midway between the two. With what velocity does
    rocket 2 approaches rocket 1?
  • C.f. In GT, their relative speed would just be
    4c/5 4c/5 1.6 c which violates constancy of
    speed of light postulate. See how LT handle this

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  • The observer in the middle is the stationary
    frame, O
  • Choose rocket 1 as the moving frame O
  • Call the velocity of rocket 2 as seen from rocket
    1 ux. This is the quantity we are interested in
  • Frame O' is moving in the ve direction as seen
    in O, so u 4c/5
  • The velocity of rocket 2 as seen from O is in the
  • -ve direction, so ux - 4c/5
  • Now, what is the velocity of rocket 2 as seen
    from frame O', u x ? (intuitively, u x must
    be in the negative direction)

  • Use the LT

i.e. the velocity of rocket 2 as seen from rocket
1 (the moving frame, O) is 40c/41, which means
that O sees rocket 2 moving in the ve direction
(to the left in the picture), as expected.
Read other examples from the texts and also the
lecture notes
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
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