Title: CSAT Strategic Planning Conference
1CHANGE IS ON ITS WAY Dont know what it will look
2CSAT Strategic Planning For Providers to Improve
Business PracticesArlington, October 21-23, 2009
3NJ DelegationProviders James Curtin Glenn
Duncan Luis R. Nieves Alan Oberman Kristina
Raymond Shelly SchefflerDivision of Addiction
Services Raquel Mazon Jeffers Lew Borselino
4Time For Change We Need To Prepare
6Every Modality of Substance Abuse Treatment Will
Change Because
7The Evolving LandscapeAlan ObermanExecutive
DirectorJohn Brooks Recovery Center
8The economic climateTechnological advances
EHR, InteroperabilityResults-oriented
evaluation and funding
Change Drivers
9Change Drivers (cont.)
- Expanded pay systems
- Best practices
- for treatment
- for solvency
- Healthcare reform
10Change Drivers (cont.)
- New funding alternatives Linkages long term
residential, halfway houses - Fee for Service will expand
- Interwoven with EHR
- Integration of Medical, Clinical, Fiscal
11Change Reasons (cont.)
- Value proposition Do More With Less
- Leverage and Interoperate Technology
- Stigma remains
- Educate holdouts within treatment community
regarding MAT
12Change Reasons (cont.)
- Broader acceptance of psychoactive medication in
treatment settings in general
13Survival will depend on your application of
business principles and practices
14Integrating Business PracticesLuis R. Nieves,
MBA, Psy.D., ABPPExecutive DirectorNew Horizon
Treatment Services, Inc.
15Key Business Principles
- Effective use of scarce resources
- Change in funding options and sources.
16Basic Management Issues
- Financial management
- Staffing- work force
- Service requirements
- Evidence-based practices
- Continuity of care
- Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC)
17Treatment Assumptions
- Clients need more than any one system can
provide -
- Expect/plan for integration with medical and
other services - Imagine broader qualification for substance
abuse treatment
18Treatment Assumptions (cont.)
- More has to be done for clients- broader, longer
- More people need treatment than are receiving
treatment - Envision greater outreach, more robust linkages
across modalities, with greater transparency and
fewer barriers
19Finally Our models of treatment must expand to
reach more people
20Health Reform
- Health reform defines parity between SA, Mental
Health - Join healthcare networks
- Business Plan co-located with Strategic Plan in
leadership landscape.
21Suggested Strategies
- Provider networks
- Embrace healthcare reform
- Integrate technology
- Innovate
- Use ROSC
22State-Level Strategies
23What to Expect At The State Level
- New contracting
- Pay for Performance
- New customers
- New providers
- Expanded services
- Addl. Serv. Sites
- New business models
24Tom McLellans suggestions
- Expand your market
- Shift model cure chronic
- More services to more people
- Integrate w/mainstream
- Align w/primary care
- SBIRT Model Screening-Brief Intervention-Referral
25McLellan Suggests (cont.)
- Early intervention
- Specialized care for offenders
- Longer term treatment
- Teach self-management
- Recovery Support Services
- Align w/Corrections
26Data Driven
- Treatment
- Business
- Marketing
- Financials
- Performance
28 In ConclusionJames Curtin,MBASenior
VP/Executive DirectorDaytop New Jersey
29Key Concepts
- Healthcare reform
- Electronic Health records (technology)
- Business practices
- Network Models
- Evidence Based Practice
- Performance Improvement models
30Thats The Beginning.! Thank You!