Title: Program Manager
1 Program Manager Infantry Combat Equipment
Mr. Dan Fitzgerald, Program Manager Infantry
Combat Equipment, Marine Corps Systems
Command E-mail daniel.fitzgerald_at_usmc.mil Office
Phone 703-432-3334
2Our Mission
Program Manager Infantry Combat Equipment
fields, sustains and assesses clothing and
equipment while anticipating the needs of and
maintaining contact with the Operating Forces in
order to enhance the performance, capability,
survivability, and mobility of Marines.
3PM ICE Organization
Program Manager Infantry Combat Equipment 2200
Lester Street Quantico, VA 22134-6050 http//www.m
Mr. Dan Fitzgerald Program Manager daniel.fitzgera
ld_at_usmc.mil 703-432-3334
Major Renee Holmes Deputy Program
Manager renee.holmes_at_usmc.mil 703-432-3312
Mr. Allen Schweizer Operations Officer allen.schwe
izer_at_usmc.mil 703-432-4755
Vacant Finance Manager
Mr. Lou Curcio Team Leader Combat, Cold Weather,
and Dress Clothing louis.curcio_at_usmc.mil 703-432
Mr. Scott Adams Team Leader Individual Armor and
Load Bearing Scott.adams1_at_usmc.mil 703-432-3323
Mr. John OBrien Team Leader Support Equipment
Mountain Cold Weather john.obrien_at_usmc.mil 703-43
4PM ICE Active Projects
Combat, Cold Weather and Dress Clothing
Individual Armor and Load Bearing
Support Equipment Mountain Cold Weather
-Flame Resistant Organizational Gear -
clothing and textiles that prevent burn
injuries -Footwear, Hot Temperate Weather
-All Purpose Environmental Clothing
System (APECS) -Combat Desert Jacket (CDJ) -Cold
Weather Clothing Glove System
Winter Camouflage Over-Garment
Mountain Cold Weather Boot
Layering System -Certification of all clothing
optional items -Improved Undergarments
and PT Trunks -Accessories Streamers,
Flags, etc. -Sea Bag Items All Weather
PT Uniform (new) Dress Blues (added)
Khaki Shirt (improved)
- -Family of Ballistic Protection
- Helmet, Goggles, Spectacles)
- -Modular Tactical Vest (MTV)
- -Cooling Vest
- -Family of Load Bearing
- Equipment
- Individual Load Bearing
- Equipment (ILBE)
- Pouches
- -Full Spectrum Battle Equipment
- (FSBE)
- -Non-Destructive Testing
- -Water Purification
- Flame Resistant materials for
- ballistic protection systems
- -Next Generation Ballistic
- Protection
-Family of Combat Field Feeding Systems
Beverage Containers Expeditionary Field
Kitchen (EFK) -Mountain Cold Weather Equipment
Skies, Snowshoes Marine Assault
Climbers Kit (MACK) Sleep System
(3 seasons) -General Property Support
Equipment Enhanced Bed Net System
MARPAT Poncho Liner Family of Flashlight
Individual Flashlight/UHIMIS
Field Tarps/Breachers Kits/
KneeElbow Pads Martial Arts Kits
5Individual Armor and Load Bearing Team
Mr. Scott Adams Team Leader
6Current Ballistic Protection for Marines
Interceptor Outer Tactical Vest (OTV)
OTV with Side SAPI
E-SAPI Front/Back Plate
Side-Small Arms Protective Inserts (S-SAPI)
7Current Ballistic Protection forMarines
Lightweight Helmet (LWH)
Ballistic Eyewear
Combat Arms Earplugs (Ballistic Hearing
8Ballistic Protection Successes
9System IntegrationModular Tactical Vest (MTV)
- Objective To optimize ballistic protection with
integrated - and modular/scalable load carrying capability
- Enables Marines to configure components to best
meet operational requirements (APL concept) - Optimizes/balances human factors (comfort and
usability), protection (from enemy threats and
environment), and cost (production and
maintenance) - Coordinated effort between MCCDC, PM MERS, and PM
ICE - Gathered user input during two SME conferences
during Dec 05 - Brought together Armor and Load Bearing industry
leaders during Dec 05 to assess strategy and
determine maturity of COTS solutions - Conducted FUE in CLNC during July 06
- Source Selection conducted August 06
- Executing two simultaneous acquisition approaches
- Near term solution in FY06/07
- Next generation solution in FY08/09
10Modular Tactical Vest (MTV) UUNS CDTS06044UA
11Long-term EffortsHeadborne System
- Long-term efforts will involve the development of
an encapsulated - system which will integrate ballistics, hearing
and optical protection, - multi-spectrum vision, NBC capability,
communications and advanced - displays compatibility.
12Improved Load Bearing Equipment
ILBE Pack System
Recon Variant
Medical Bag (old)
Medical Bag (new)
Drop Down Holster
13Sustaining Marines
Individual Water Purification System (IWPS)
Desalinization Capability
Block I
Block III
Block II
Limited Quantities Fielded
14Mountain, Cold Weatherand Support Equipment Team
Mr. John OBrien Team Leader
15Mountain Cold Weather Equipment
- Cold Weather Canteen
- Insulated for use down to 40 degrees
- Keeps water/liquid from completely freezing for
- 48 hours.
Modular Sleep System Improvement Reduce weight
by ¼ - 1/3 Reduce cube/bulk by ¼ - 1/3
Marine Assault Climbers Kit (MACK)
Validate and Modernize SL3
Individual Stove
Component of the Mountain Cold
Weather Infantry Kit
1 stove per 2 Marines
Primary Use Melting Snow
make water
16Family of Combat Field Feeding Systems
Field Food Service System (FFSS)
Tray Ration Heating System
Ruggedized Food Containers
Enhanced Tray Ration Heating System
17Field Food Service System (FFSS)
- Three-ISO standard containers (8x8x20)
- Sub-components
- 1) The Mobile Rapid Deployable Kitchen
(MRDK) employs two of the - ISO containers.
- 2) The Field Sanitation Unit (FSU) employs one
ISO container. - Capable of feeding 800 Marines in 4 hours, two
meals per day (based upon B-rations). However,
the FFSS is capable of cooking any combination of
rations. - All electric field kitchen requiring 200 KW to
- operate entire system. Uses either
non-pressurized - or pressurized water source up to 40 psi.
- Requires 12 Marines to operate. Two shifts of 6
- personnel.
18Enhanced Tray Ration Heating System (ERTHS)
- Components
- Current TRHS 250 Marines x 2 meals daily
- Quad Cold Quadcon sized refrigerator that is
also used to store and transport the system. - 2 Field Range Cabinets Fueled by JP8
- 2 additional tables
19Miscellaneous Combat Equipment
Field Tarp
Poncho Liner
Enhanced Bed Net System
20Marine Corp MACS Sack and Enhanced Bed Net System
- MACS Sack
- 5 liter, nylon compression sack with a purge
valve - Each ILBE will have 4 MACS Sacks
- Initial Fielding is 2 MACS Sacks per ILBE to
provide as many Marines as possible with this
capability. - Enhanced Bed Net System (EBNS)
- Identical to the IBNS with an added Rain Fly
- Developing conversion kits to turn IBNS into EBNS
- Use on a cot or directly on the ground
21Combat, Cold Weather, and Dress Clothing Team
Mr. Lou Curcio Team Leader
22Flame Resistant Organizational Gear (FROG I and
Nomex Gloves
Combat Shirt Trousers
CVC Coveralls
iCVC Coveralls
Flight Suit
Long Sleeve FR Undershirt
Available through DLA
Fielding 3rd Qtr FY 07
Begin Fielding APR 07
Fielding FROG I items 2nd Qtr FY 07
23Flame Resistant Organizational Gear (FROG)UUNS
CDTS Unknown
- Description
- FROG provides increased protection against
fire/flame exposure. - FROG I Base Layers balaclava, improved
gloves, long sleeve t-shirt. - FROG II Outer Layers combat shirt trouser
ensemble or CVC/flight suit.
- Acquisition Strategy
- RD on fabrics/designs.
- Lab tests, including PYROMAN.
- Items selected offer optimal level of protection
and wear ability. - Funding - 44M.
- Contract Awards shirts 11 Dec 06 gloves 12 Dec
06 combat shirt trouser - 20 DEC 06.
- Numerous contracting strategies employed
GSA/Prime Vendor/MCSC Contracting.
1 ea. Light weight 1 ea. MID weight
1 pr
2 per
2 per
2 per
- Sustainment Concept
- PM ICE will POM for and provide sustainment for
FROG for the foreseeable future. Replacements
will be forecasted and force fed to the
STAP/CARDF or as directed by PPO/MARCENT. -
- Fielding
- Quantity Required 60,000 (1 per).
- Fielding Schedule
- FROG I Begins Jan 07 - Aug 07 Complete
- FROG II Begins Apr 07- Apr 08 Complete
24Base Layering for Cold Weather Operations
Combat Utility Uniform
Fleece Pullovers (100/300 wt)
- All Purpose Environmental Clothing System (APECS)
- Combat Desert Jacket (CDJ)
25Improved Hot Temperate Weather Boots
- Enhanced outsole
- Increased Durability
- New types of leather
Field User Evaluation Completed (In Source
26New Initiatives
- CMC Directed
- PT Uniforms
- Development Stage
- FUE 3rd Qtr FY 07
- SEABAG 1st Qtr FY 08
- Dress Blue Uniforms
- SEABAG Issue 1st Qtr FY 08