Floater - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Floater & Inverse Floater The inverse floater is a derivative security synthetically created from the fixed rate debt instrument as the underlying collateral. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Floater

Floater Inverse Floater
  • The inverse floater is a derivative security
    synthetically created from the fixed rate debt
    instrument as the underlying collateral.
  • The many variations of inverse floaters are known
    as reverse floater, bull floaters, yield curve
    notes, and maximum rate notes.
  • The incentive to create synthetic security is to
    create value and reduce risk.
  • Example Consider the collateral is a 6.5 percent
    par bond with 25 years to maturity and market
    value Pc of 250 million. From the collateral two
    distinct securities are created a floater (Pf)
    with market value of 200 million and inverse
    floater (Pif) with market value of 50 million as
    defined as follows
  • Pc Pf Pif

  • Suppose the coupon of the floater is set as
  • LIBOR 1 ½
  • The coupon of inverse floater is set to take into
    account the amount of floater relative to an
    inverse floater known as leverage factor L, the
    index (LIBOR) as well as a constant term (q) as
    is defined as follows
  • q L (Index)
  • The floater coupon is capped and zero floor is
    imposed on inverse floater coupon so that
    weighted average coupon WAC is no greater than
    6.5 the coupon of the collateral.
  • WAC .80 LIBOR 1 ½ . 20q 4 (LIBOR)

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  • Orange County Retirement Fund invested in
    interest rates futures betting the rates are
    expected to go down.
  • It also invested heavily in the highly leveraged
    inverse floater.
  • The rates continued to go up forcing significant
    margin calls as the interest rate futures
    plummeted due to rising interest rates in 1994
    and the fallout resulted in a loss of 1.7
  • The fund sued Merry Lynch as an investment
  • The inverse floater is structured to help an
    active portfolio manager the opportunity to bet
    in the direction of interest rates, particularly
    those with greater price sensitivity with a
    higher leverage factor.

Barbell Bullet
  • The portfolio underlying the fixed rate is
    considered a bullet, while the derivative
    portfolio of the floater and the inverse floater
    is known as barbell. The barbell portfolio is
    embedded with option and possesses a positive
    convexity that is highly valuable in the active
    bond portfolio management.
  • Suppose the duration of the floater created from
    the collateral is six months and the duration of
    the inverse and the collateral is as follows
  • Duration
  • Inverse 61.75
  • Floater ½
  • Collateral 12.35
  • Dif (L1) Dc . Pc / Pif

Active Portfolio Management
  • Brandywine Asset Management fund has invested 5
    percent of its portfolio of 1.8 billion in the
    inverse floater with the current yield of 18
  • The higher yield in the inverse floater is due to
    falling interest rates that make the inverse
    floater such an attractive issue at this time.
  • The portfolio manager, betting that interest
    rates are expected to go down, presumably has
    acquired the inverse floater and it appears that
    his bets have paid off.
  • However, the earlier example of Orange County
    reveals the other side of the bet where rates
    move in the direction opposite to the bet.

Creating Synthetic Fixed Rate
  • The investor synthetically creates a 6.5 fixed
    rate by buying a floating rate note and
    simultaneously selling a swap that pays floating
    rate and receives a fixed rate as shown in the
    above Exhibit.
  • The synthetic fixed rate enables investors to
    adjust the portfolio position by terminating
    (unwinding swap) without the cost of selling and
    repurchasing the entire amount of the principal.

Prepayment risk
  • Prepayment risk exposes the investors into two
    types of risk
  • Extension risk
  • Contraction risk
  • The extension risk arises as the pass-through
    underlying mortgage pays slowly as the interest
    rate rises. When interest rates rise, the
    prepayments decline, as it does not payoff to
    prepay the mortgages. In this scenario, as the
    underlying mortgage debt price falls due to
    rising interest rates, the price of the
    pass-through securities falls even more as
    prepayment slows. The slower prepayment under a
    rising interest rate scenario contributes to
    extension risk that is undesirable to
    pass-through class of securities.
  • For example, banks and other financial
    intermediaries that raise capital in the short
    end of the market and invest in long-term debt.
    The assets are long term and their liabilities
    are short term creating a mismatch. The
    pass-through security is long term in nature and
    exposes the financial institutions to extension
  • Insurance companies find pass-through
    unattractive, exposing them to extension risk in
    the event rates increase and prepayment slows.
  • The cash flows from the pass-through securities
    are uncertain, making them undesirable from
    assets liability management for institution such
    as insurance companies.

Contraction risk
  • The contraction risk arises in the event of
    falling interest rates as prepayments speeds up.
  • The fall in interest rates makes refinancing
    attractive for mortgagors or individual
    relocating and selling property.
  • The pass-through life therefore shortens and
    subjects the investors to contraction risk.
  • When the rates fall the price of the plain
    vanilla bonds increases, however, the price of
    the callable pass-through is not expected to go
    up as much.
  • The upside potential of the pass-through
    securities is truncated due to negative convexity
    as the prepayment slows, this callable bond is
    expected to be called.
  • Pension funds are exposed to contraction risk, as
    the nature of their liabilities is generally long
    term. The pass-through exposes the long-term
    investors to reinvestment rate risk.

Mortgage and Asset Backed Derivatives
  • Pooling single or multi-family mortgages creates
    the pass-through security in a portfolio by
    repackaging their cash flow into new securities
    and selling the new securities to the broader
    classes of investors.
  • The objective of repackaging an ordinary coupon
    paying instrument into shares or participation
    certificate through securitization is aimed
  • at increasing liquidity,
  • marketability,
  • as well as realizing economic rent, as investment
    banking firm realizes the difference between what
    it pays for the securities in the pool and what
    it receives from the shares when shares are sold
    in the secondary market.

PO IO Derivatives
  • Stripped mortgage-backed securities issued in
    early 1987 separated coupons from the corpus of
    the underlying pool of mortgages into a class of
    securities known as
  • interest-only (IO) securities, with all of the
    principal going to another class known as
  • principal-only (PO) securities.

  • Suppose the pass-through underlying the
    collateral is 200 million mortgage securities
    with 6.5 percent coupon and priced at par with
    maturity of 25 years.
  • The PO backed by this pass-through is worth 50
    million, since it is a deep-discount bond. The PO
    investors (who receive no coupon interest) will
    receive a dollar return of 150 million (200
    million principal less initial investment of 50
    million) over 25 years, or 5.7 percent annualized

Collateralized Mortgage Obligations CMO
  • The CMO and stripped mortgage backed securities
    SMBS are derivatives created by redistributing
    cash flow underlying pass-through (the
    collateral) to transfer and mitigate
  • The prepayment risk from some classes of bonds to
    other classes based on an established payment
    rules for disbursing the coupon interest
    payments, prepayments and principal repayments to
    different classes.
  • The contraction and extension risks, to the
    classes of bonds with risk-return characteristics
    different to that of the underlying mortgages
    that is appealing to the needs and expectations
    of certain segments of investors.

Sequential Pay Structure
  • The principal payment accrues sequentially to the
    first class until it is paid off, while the
    coupon is paid to all of the classes.
  • Once the first class is retired the next class
    receives all of the principal and prepayments
    until it is paid off, while other classes only
    receive coupon interest based on their
    outstanding principal in the underlying
    collateral at the beginning of the period.

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Commodity Linked Debt
  • Commodity-linked debt or equity instruments
    provide the issuer the opportunity to hedge
    against the volatility of the price of its input
    and reduce and stabilize the volatility of its
  • Revenue and profit of the producer of the
    underlying commodity tends to go up or down as
    the commodity price goes up or down worldwide in
    good economic time or periods of recession.

Gold Linked Note
  • Freeport-McMoran Copper and Gold Inc. raised 230
    million in 1993 by issuing gold-denominated
    preferred stocks for 37.8 per share in exchange
    for 1/10 of an once of gold in its funding of the
    expansion of the its gold mining operation.
  • To manage its exposure to commodity price changes
    the firm essentially sold forward 600,000 ounces
    of its gold at the current price of 378/ounce
    for delivery at the maturity of the preferred
  • At the inception of the contract, the issuer
    issued 6 million shares of preferred stock at
    37.80 that amounts to forward sale of 600,000
    ounces of gold for 230 million net of
    underwriting cost.

Emerging Market Bonds Socks
  • The emerging market economies provide fertile
    ground for diversification for investors on both
    sides of the Atlantic. The process of actually
    buying shares in these economies raises few
    problems for investors and portfolio managers.
    For example,
  • The bid/ask spreads are usually much higher for
    shares of stocks/bonds in smaller newly
    developing economies.
  • The foreign exchange rate risk adds an additional
    element of uncertainty for individuals and
    portfolio managers.
  • The host country may also impose capital control
    in order to mitigate the flight of capital that
    hinders the asset allocation decisions.
  • Total return swap Can mitigate all of the above
  • Example Suppose College Retirement Equity Funds
    (CREF) portfolio manager wishes to allocate and
    diversify 5 billion into stocks of emerging
    market economies. CREF may swap total return on
    its growth portfolio with that of the return on
    the Morgan Stanley International Index (MSII) for
    the emerging market over the next two years with
    semiannual settlement. For example, if the
    annualized return on NASDAQ is equal to 11
    percent and the corresponding return on the MSII
    is equal to 14 percent, the CREF portfolio
    manager will receive 75 million from the

Catastrophe Bonds
  • Property casualty companies issue catastrophe
    bonds by shifting and reallocating business risk
    to large classes of investors.
  • The yield on these bonds is slightly higher than
    on comparable bonds, and the bonds are embedded
    with an option that reduces the coupon interest
    or principal payments to investors should
    theissuer suffer large losses due to earthquake
    or hurricane.

Liability Management
  • For most corporations in the United States and
    for multinationals, liability management is
    intended to reduce the cost of borrowing through
    innovative derivatives.
  • The objectives of liability management are to
    organize the firms financing activities by
    blending various classes of securities to achieve
    the lowest cost of financing.

Exposure Management
  • Bank B has 200 million variable rate loan in its
    assets portfolio the rate is to be reset in the
    next three months. The revenue is exposed to
    interest rate risk.
  • Bank B wishes to manage its exposure by selling
    3x6 FRA with notional principal of 200 million.
    Exhibit 9.13 presents the cash flow stream that
    is exchanged.

  • Swaptions are a right, not an obligation, to
    enter into interest rate swaps sometime in the
    future over a given period.
  • For example, a 2x3 swaption at a strike price of
    6.75 percent is a one-year swap starting in two
    years, where the buyer is expecting interest
    rates to go up in two years.
  • If the rates go up the buyer of put swaption
    forces the seller to pay floating and receive
    strike price (fixed rate of 6.75 ).
  • Call swaptions The buyer of the call swaptions
    however, has the right not an obligation to enter
    into an interest rate swap to pay floating and
    receive fixed where the buyer is expecting the
    rates in the future to fall below the strike
    price forcing the seller to pay the strike price
    and receive the floating rate. The seller is
    obligated to pay fixed and to receive float in
    the event the rates go down.

Spread on Treasury Yield Curve
  • The yield spread on the Treasury bonds and
    Treasury notes is expected to flatten in the next
    three months.
  • A portfolio manager buys Treasury bonds March
    2003 futures and simultaneously sells Treasury
    notes futures for delivery in March 2003.
  • The ratio spread or the hedge ratio has to be
    estimated as the underlying futures respond
    differently to changes in interest rates, as the
    volatility of the Treasury bonds is greater than
    that of its Treasury notes.
  • The portfolio manager buys Treasury bonds March
    2003 futures at 111-19, or 111.59375, and
    simultaneously sells Treasury notes March 2003
    for113-29, or 113.90625 as quoted by the Wall
    Street Journal on October 12.
  • To estimate the ratio spread, dollar value of 1
    basis point (DVO1) needs to be calculated for
    both futures and weighted by the respective
    cheapest to deliver (CTD) conversion factors for
    10- and 30-years bonds. The conversion factor for
    the 10- and 30-year CTD bonds, respectively, is
    equal to .8568 and .9353 for March 2003. The DVO1
    is estimated as follows
  • DVO1 Treasury bonds
  • P 111,430.82 Yield 5.24
  • P 111,758.01 Yield 5.22
  • P 327.19 327.19 /2
  • DVO1 Treasury bonds 163.59 / .9353
  • DVO1 Treasury notes
  • P 114,048.88 Yield 4.26
  • P 114,224 Yield .26
  • P 175.12 175.12/2 87.56
  • DVO1 Treasury notes 87.56/.8568 102.19
  • Ratio spread or the hedge ratio is estimated as
  • h DVO1 Treasury bonds/ DVO1 Treasury

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