Title: Cavendish Experiment
1Procedure I
- Set Up
- Level the experiment using the threaded feet,
making sure that the mirror is hanging freely in
the center of the case, and center the pendulum
in the middle of the mesa. - Make sure large masses rotate easily.
- Move the large masses through the full range of
motion and verify that both masses touch the
window of the case. Do this carefully not to
cause large disturbances from hitting the glass
case with the masses. If not make note of which
mass doesnt touch. - Calibration
- Using a strong magnet move the balance through
the full range of motion and mark on the chalk
board where the small masses touch the glass. - Measure halfway between the two maxima. Note
distance between actual equilibrium (which should
be measured) and center point. Use right
triangles to determine the angle adjustment
needed to center the actual equilibrium on the
center point and adjust the torsion screw
accordingly. - Measure the distance from the mirror to the
chalkboard. - Taking Data
- Move the large masses to where one is touching
the glass. This will be the starting position
for the measurement. Before taking data you must
wait for the small masses to come to rest. The
waiting time can be reduced by slowly bringing a
strong magnet near one of the small masses,
thereby damping the oscillations. - Once the balance has come to equilibrium,
carefully turn on the laser pointer.
2Procedure II
- Making measurements
- At t0, after the small masses have stabilized in
Position I, make a mark to indicate initial
position and switch the Masses to Position II - Make marks every 15sec for 45min for each
position - Switch to Position I, and repeat the same process
- Marking extrema may improve results
- It may be helpful to write down the time every
few minutes, to keep track of data when
calculating - Calculating Equilibrium positions
- Take two separate averages of all marks for
positions I and II, making sure there are an
equal number of maxima in each direction
3Fall 2012 Equilibrium Data
- The measurements resulted in G5.12x10-11
m3/kg/s223 less than the accepted value - Given that the experimental error is within 16 ,
this result is confusing. We do not have an
explanation for it at this time.
4Fall 2012 Constant Accel. Data
- The measurements from Series 1 resulted in G
5.23x10-11 m3/kg/s222 less than the accepted
valueand the measurements from Series 2 resulted
in G 6.16x10-11 m3/kg/s27.7 less than the
accepted value. - Given that the experimental error is 10 and 9,
respectively, the first result is confusing and
the second is acceptable. We do not have an
explanation for this at this time.
5Error Discussion
- There were giant problems with error
- Constant acceleration method had 1951919335
error - Equilibrium method had 117983750 to
138881057 error - However, there are still errors beyond Pascos
estimates - Possible sources of error include
- The mirror is not planar, it is concave.
- If mirror moves laterally, lasers incident angle
will change. - If laser is not centered properly on the mirror,
incident angle will not change linearly with
mirror rotation. - Inaccuracies in measuring the equilibrium
positions on the graphs - Definitely accounts for some of the error.
- The separation of the large and small balls, b,
is taken to be constant - it actually changes throughout the experiment.
6Compare With Coulomb Experiment
A Note on Previous Presentations
- Previous versions of this PowerPoint contained
the following slide
- Forces are much smaller
- Typical Coulomb force 10-4 N (with V 6kV for
both spheres, and distance 8cm) - Typical Cavendish force 10-9 N (with distance
46.5 mm, m120g, m21.5kg - Both require a correction factor
- Coulomb experiment requires a correction factor
of 1/(1-a3/R3) - a is the radius of the sphere, R is the distance
between spheres - This is because the sphere is not a point charge
- Cavendish experiment requires a correction factor
of 1/(1-b) - b is the distance between the spheres
- This is because there is gravitational force
between each small mass and both large masses,
but only one is considered in the calculations.
- This inserts a correction factor with no
explanation of its derivation.
7A Note on Previous Presentations
- Fcorrection G m1 m2 / h2
- h (2d)2 (b sin ?)21/2
- Torquecorrection d x Fcorrection d
Fcorrection sin ? - Torquegrav-corrected 2 F d 2 d Fcorrection
sin ? ?? 2G m1 m2 d / b2 2G m1 m2 d /
(2d)2 (b sin ?)2 - G ?? / (2 m1 m2 d / b2 2 m1 m2 d / (2d)2
(b sin ?)2 ? deltaS (4L)-1 (2 m1 m2 d / b2
2 m1 m2 d / (2d)2 (b sin ?)2)-1 4 pi2 I
deltaS (4LT2)-1 (2 m1 m2 d / b2 2 m1 m2 d /
(2d)2 (b sin ?)2)-1 8 pi2 m2 (d2 2/5r2)
deltaS (4LT2d)-1 (2 m1 m2 / b2 2 m1 m2 /
(2d)2 (b sin ?)2)-1 pi2 (d2 2/5r2) deltaS
/ (L T2 d m1) / (1/ b2 1 / (2d)2 (b sin
deltaS / (4L))2)
8A Note on Previous Presentations
- Using Mathematica to equate the result on the
previous slide with the result derived earlier,
the correction factor is (4 d2 b2
SindeltaS/(4 L)2)/(b2 4 d2 b2
SindeltaS/(4 L)2)So multiplying the original
result by this factor gives the corrected result
for G. Using the values stated earlier, this
gives a correction factor equal to approximately
0.83. - Since this is not negligible, we must include it
in our final result.
9Procedure I
- Set Up
- Level the experiment using the threaded feet,
making sure that the mirror is hanging freely in
the center of the case , and center the pendulum
in the middle of the mesa. - Make sure that when the large masses are moved
that the small masses only experience small
oscillations. - Move the large masses through the full range of
motion and verify that both masses touch the
window of the case. Do this carefully not to
cause large disturbances from hitting the glass
case with the masses. If not make note of which
mass doesnt touch. - Calibration
- Using a strong magnet move the balance through
the full range of motion and mark on the graph
paper where the small masses touch the glass. - To center the natural equilibrium position, we
would move one small tick mark. Then we would
watch which direction the masses moved towards
and would move it another small tick if the
movement was away from the center. Initially, one
could move 2 small tick marks if one was not near
the center already. The angular variation in
equilibrium points from switching the
mass-positions was approx. 0.01 rad 0.8º. The
total angular variation from maximums was 2.5º. - Measure the distance from the mirror to the
midpoint between the marks where the small masses
touch the glass. - Taking Data
- Move the large masses to where one is touching
the glass. This will be the starting position
for the measurement. Before taking data you must
wait for the small masses to come to rest. The
waiting time can be reduced by slowly bringing a
strong magnet near one of the small masses,
thereby damping the oscillations. - Once the balance has come to equilibrium,
carefully turn on the laser pointer.
10Procedure II
- Making measurements
- At t0, after the small masses have stabilized in
Position I, make a mark to indicate initial
position and switch the Masses to Position II - Make marks every 15sec for 2min, then every 30sec
for 30min, moving down a row for each precession - Switch to Position I, and repeat the same process
- For better results, make marks every 15sec for
45min for each position - Marking extrema may improve results ()
- It may be helpful to write down the time every
few minutes, - to keep track of data when calculating
11Procedure III
- Calculating Equilibrium positions
- Two methods amplitude and frequency
- For amplitude, take two separate averages of all
marks for positions I and II, making sure there
are an equal number of maxima in each direction - For frequency, average the marks closest to ¼ and
¾ the time of each period
12Spring 2010 Equilibrium Data
- The measurements resulted in G7.03 x 10-11 - 4
greater than the accepted value - Given that the experimental error is within 10,
these are excellent results - Note that the equilibrium position on the first
data set is above the apparent value - This may be due to experimental error
- Probably due to the method of calculating the
equilibrium position
13Spring 2010 Constant Accel. Data
- The measurements resulted in G 8.68 x 10-11 -
30 greater than the accepted value - Given that the experimental error is around 30,
these results are very good
14Error Discussion I
- Neither method had serious problems with error
- Constant acceleration method had 15 to 30
error (ours was 30) - Equilibrium method had 10 to 20 error (ours
was 4) - However, there are still errors beyond Pascos
estimates - Possible sources of error include
- The mirror is not planar, it is concave.
- If mirror moves laterally, lasers incident angle
will change. - If laser is not centered properly on the mirror,
incident angle will not change linearly with
mirror rotation. - Inaccuracies in measuring the equilibrium
positions on the graphs - Definitely accounts for some of the error.
- The separation of the large and small balls, b,
is taken to be constant - it actually changes throughout the experiment.
15Error Discussion II
- Uncertainty in the b value given by apparatus
manual - Value given for separation between masses in
manual is a constant - b changed throughout experiment as arm rotated
- The equilibrium points were not at the center
between windows - At position 1, the equilibrium was .571 m (3.9o)
from the center position - At position 2, the equilibrium was .469 m (3.2o)
from the center position - Total change in b (window to center) in our
experiment was 0.19 cm, or 0.4 of accepted value
of b - Not a significant source of error
16Procedure I
- Set Up
- Level the experiment using the threaded feet,
making sure that the mirror is hanging freely in
the center of the case , and center the pendulum
in the middle of the mesa. - Make sure that when the large masses are moved
that the small masses only experience small
oscillations. - Move the large masses through the full range of
motion and verify that both masses touch the
window of the case. Do this carefully not to
cause large disturbances from hitting the glass
case with the masses. If not make note of which
mass doesnt touch. - Calibration
- Using a strong magnet move the balance through
the full range of motion and mark on the graph
paper where the small masses touch the glass. - To center the natural equilibrium position, we
would move one small tick mark. Then we would
watch which direction the masses moved towards
and would move it another small tick if the
movement was away from the center. Initially, one
could move 2 small tick marks if one was not near
the center already. The angular variation in
equilibrium points from switching the
mass-positions was approx. 0.01 rad 0.8º. The
total angular variation from maximums was 2.5º. - Measure the distance from the mirror to the
midpoint between the marks where the small masses
touch the glass. - Taking Data
- Move the large masses to where one is touching
the glass. This will be the starting position
for the measurement. Before taking data you must
wait for the small masses to come to rest. The
waiting time can be reduced by slowly bringing a
strong magnet near one of the small masses,
thereby damping the oscillations. - Once the balance has come to equilibrium,
carefully turn on the laser pointer.
17Procedure II
- Making measurements
- At t0, after the small masses have stabilized in
Position I, make a mark to indicate initial
position and switch the Masses to Position II - Make marks every 15sec for 2min, then every 30sec
for 30min, moving down a row for each precession - Switch to Position I, and repeat the same process
- For better results, make marks every 15sec for
45min for each position - Marking extrema may improve results ()
- It may be helpful to write down the time every
few minutes, - to keep track of data when calculating
18Procedure III
- Calculating Equilibrium positions
- Two methods amplitude and frequency
- For amplitude, take two separate averages of all
marks for positions I and II, making sure there
are an equal number of maxima in each direction - For frequency, average the marks closest to ¼ and
¾ the time of each period
19Spring 2010 Equilibrium Data
- The measurements resulted in G7.03 x 10-11 - 4
greater than the accepted value - Given that the experimental error is within 10,
these are excellent results - Note that the equilibrium position on the first
data set is above the apparent value - This may be due to experimental error
- Probably due to the method of calculating the
equilibrium position
20Spring 2010 Constant Accel. Data
- The measurements resulted in G 8.68 x 10-11 -
30 greater than the accepted value - Given that the experimental error is around 30,
these results are very good
21Error Discussion I
- Neither method had serious problems with error
- Constant acceleration method had 15 to 30
error (ours was 30) - Equilibrium method had 10 to 20 error (ours
was 4) - However, there are still errors beyond Pascos
estimates - Possible sources of error include
- The mirror is not planar, it is concave.
- If mirror moves laterally, lasers incident angle
will change. - If laser is not centered properly on the mirror,
incident angle will not change linearly with
mirror rotation. - Inaccuracies in measuring the equilibrium
positions on the graphs - Definitely accounts for some of the error.
- The separation of the large and small balls, b,
is taken to be constant - it actually changes throughout the experiment.
22Error Discussion II
- Uncertainty in the b value given by apparatus
manual - Value given for separation between masses in
manual is a constant - b changed throughout experiment as arm rotated
- The equilibrium points were not at the center
between windows - At position 1, the equilibrium was .571 m (3.9o)
from the center position - At position 2, the equilibrium was .469 m (3.2o)
from the center position - Total change in b (window to center) in our
experiment was 0.19 cm, or 0.4 of accepted value
of b - Not a significant source of error
/Cavendish/Pasco8215.pdf http//physics.nist.gov/c
uu/Constants/codata.pdf http//www.physik.uni-wuer
zburg.de/rkritzer/grav.pdf http//www.npl.washing