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Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Rosalyn James Hafan Cymru Prosiect Sbectrwm – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

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Rosalyn James Hafan Cymru Prosiect Sbectrwm
Spectrum Project
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The Spectrum Project
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Preventing Abuse. Promoting Healthy
Relationships Atal Camdriniaeth. Hybu Perthynas
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How ?
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By delivering awareness raising sessions in
schools and other educational establishment. Sut?
Drwy gyflwyno sesiynau mewn ysgolion a
sefydliadau addysgiadol eraill.
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Variety of Approaches used in the
project Amrywiaeth o ddulliau cyflwyno a
ddefnyddir gan y cynllun
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  • Peer discussion and sharing of differing
  • Interactive/workshop style
  • Kinesthetic/tactile resources
  • Use of popular music/lyrics
  • Reference to contemporary examples
  • Reference to Soap Opera storylines
  • Simple but effective drama techniques
  • Trafodaeth gyda chyfoedion a rhannu safbwyntiau
  • Arddull gweithdy rhyngweithiol
  • Adnoddau cinesthetig/cyffyrddol
  • Defnydd o ganeuon/geiriau poblogaidd
  • Cyfeirio at enghreifftiau cyfoes
  • Cyfeirio at storiâu mewn Operâu Sebon
  • Technegau drama syml ond effeithiol

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  • All of the sessions are presented in an inclusive
    manner which allows pupils a safe environment in
    which to explore and discuss a potentially
    sensitive issue
  • All sessions conclude with a discussion around
    where young people can access support, both
    within the school community and from external
  • The sessions promote safe Discussion not
  • Cyflwynir bob sesiwn mewn arddull cynhwysol syn
    galluogi disgyblion i drafod pwnc a all fod yn
    sensitif iawn, mewn awyrgylch diogel
  • Mae pob sesiwn yn diweddu wrth drafod ble y gall
    disgyblion ddod o hyd i gymorth neu gefnogaeth o
    fewn a thu allan i gymuned yr ysgol
  • Maer sesiynau yn hybu Trafod diogel ac nid
    Datgelu cam-drin

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E-mail/ E -bost
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How do we begin to raise the issue of abuse? Sut
mae mynd ati i godir pwnc o Gam-drin?
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  • The underlying cause of abuse is an imbalance of
    Power and Control within a relationship.
  • This is the key message that runs throughout our
    work in schools
  • We deliver this central message through the use
    of different themes, normally within the PSE
    curriculum, beginning in Year 7 and ending with a
    session in Year 12/13 that meets the requirements
    of the Welsh Baccalaureate
  • Anghydbwysedd o Bwer a Rheolaeth mewn perthynas
    sydd wrth wraidd y broblem o gam-drin.
  • Dymar brif neges syn llifo drwyn gwaith ni o
    fewn ysgolion.
  • Fe gyflwynir y neges drwy nifer o themâu
    gwahanol o fewn cwricwlwm AbCh fel arfer, gan
    gychwyn ym Mlwyddyn 7 a diweddu gyda sesiwn ym
    Mlwyddyn 12/13 syn ymateb i ofynion y
    Bagloriaeth Cymru.

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Expanded our Domestic Abuse Resources. Datblygu
ac ymestyn adnoddau ar gam-drin domestig.

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White Paper / Papur Gwyn
Consultation on legislation to end violence
against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence
(Wales) This White Paper consultation outlines
the policy and legislative proposals aimed at
ending violence against women, domestic abuse and
sexual violence. Ymgynghoriad ar ddeddfwriaeth i
roi terfyn ar drais yn erbyn menywod a cham-drin
domestig (Cymru) Maer Papur Gwyn hwn yn
amlinellur polisi ar cynigion deddfwriaethol
sydd âr nod o ddileu trais yn erbyn menywod,
cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol.
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White Paper / Papur Gwyn
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Violence against women has been defined by the
United Nations as any act of gender-based
violence that results in, or is likely to result
in physical, sexual or psychological harm or
suffering to women . . . The proposals in the
White Paper seek to address Better education
and awareness from the cradle to the grave,
which includes the public, frontline staff and
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White Paper / Papur Gwyn
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Mae 'Trais yn erbyn menywod' yn derm sydd wedi
cael ei ddiffinio gan y Cenhedloedd Unedig fel
unrhyw weithred o drais ar sail rhyw syn arwain
at, neun debygol o arwain at niwed neu
ddioddefaint corfforol, rhywiol neu seicolegol i
fenywod . . . Mae'r cynigion yn y Papur Gwyn
hwn yn ceisio mynd i'r afael a Gwell addysg ac
ymwybyddiaeth o'r 'crud i'r bedd', sy'n cynnwys y
cyhoedd, staff rheng flaen a gweithwyr
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A right to information that keeps you safe. The
educational setting proposals presented in this
White Paper are seeking to deliver attitudinal
change that will support the prevention agenda
and deliver better outcomes for young children
directly affected by these issues. (Domestic
Violence, Violence against Women and Sexual
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'Hawl i wybodaeth sy'n eich cadw'n
ddiogel.' Mae'r cynigion o ran lleoliad addysgol
a gyflwynir yn y Papur Gwyn hwn yn ceisio sicrhau
newid agwedd a fydd yn cefnogi'r agenda atal ac
yn cyflawni canlyniadau gwell i blant a phobl
ifanc y mae'r materion hyn yn effeithio'n
uniongyrchol arnynt. (Trais yn erbyn menywod,
cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol)
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  • By changing attitudes and increasing the
    understanding of children and young people to
    violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual
    violence we are seeking to bring about
  • Less acceptance of violence
  • Less acceptance of damaging gender stereotypes.
  • Less victim-blaming
  • A recognition of healthy relationships
  • An increase in disclosure and referrals to the
  • services.

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Drwy newid agweddau a chynyddu dealltwriaeth
plant a phobl ifanc o drais yn erbyn menywod,
cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol, rydym yn
ceisio sicrhau Llai o barodrwydd i dderbyn
trais. Llai o barodrwydd i dderbyn
stereoteipiau rhyw niweidiol. Llai o barodrwydd
i feio dioddefwyr. Cydnabod cydberthnasau
iach. Cynnydd mewn datgeliadau ac atgyfeiriadau
at y gwasanaethau arbenigol (e.e. Llinell Gymorth
Cam-drin Domestig a Thrais Rhywiol Cymru Gyfan).

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  • Welsh Government Proposals to address the
  • Educational Settings
  • Ensure that education on healthy relationships
    is delivered in all schools.
  • A duty on each local authority to identify a
    regional Ending Violence Against Women, Domestic
    Abuse and Sexual Violence Champion to promote a
    whole school approach for dealing with this issue
    in educational settings.

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Maes y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu ymdrin â
yn yddeddfwriaeth Lleoliadau addysgol
Sicrhau bod addysg ar 'gydberthnasau iach' yn
cael ei chyflwyno ym mhob ysgol. Dyletswydd ar
bob awdurdod lleol i nodi Hyrwyddwr rhanbarthol
ar gyfer rhoi terfyn ar Drais yn erbyn Menywod,
Cam-drin Domestig a ThraisRhywiol i hyrwyddo
ymagwedd ysgol gyfan ar gyfer delio âr mater hwn
mewn lleoliadau addysgol.
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Healthy Relationships Sexual Violence
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Perthynas Iach Trais Rhywiol
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In Context
  • 2011 YouGov poll (representative of 16-18 year
  • Nearly a third of girls have experienced
    unwanted sexual touching at school.
  • Almost three quarters of 16-18 year olds say
    they have heard sexual name-calling such as
    slut or slag towards girls at school daily or
    a few times per week.
  • Nearly a quarter of 16-18year olds have not been
    told by their teacher that unwanted sexual
    touching, sharing of sexual pictures or sexual
    name calling are unacceptable.
  • Four out of ten 16-18 year olds said they didnt
    receive lessons or information on sexual consent,
    or didnt know whether they did.

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Yn ei cyd destun
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Arolwg barn YouGov 2011(Cynrychioliadol o bobl
ifanc rhwng 16 a 18 mlwydd oed) Mae bron
traean o ferched wedi cael profiad lle mae rhywun
wedi cyffwrdd â hwy yn rhywiol yn yr ysgol.
Dywed bron tri chwarter y bobl ifanc rhwng 16 a
18 mlwydd oed eu bod wedi clywed rhai yn galw
enwau rhywiol ar ferched fel "slwten" neu "slag
yn yr ysgol bob dydd neu sawl gwaith yr
wythnos. Nid oedd bron chwarter y bobl ifanc
rhwng 16 a 18 mlwydd oed wedi cael gwybod gan eu
hathrawon bod cyffwrdd yn rhywiol, rhannu lluniau
rhywiol neu alw enwau rhywiol yn annerbyniol.
Dywedodd pedwar allan o ddeg o bobl ifanc rhwng
16 a 18 mlwydd oed nad oeddent yn cael gwersi na
gwybodaeth am ganiatâd rhywiol, neu nad oeddent
yngwybod a oeddent yn eu cael.
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Healthy Relationship Sexual Violence
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  • Consent KS3 lesson
  • To raise awareness of the law regarding sexual
  • To understand the concept of consent in relation
    to sexual activity.
  • To consider why it may be difficult to establish
    consent, and to understand that just because
    someone hasnt said no it doesnt mean they have
    given consent.
  • To raise awareness of the support available to
    young people to help make positive relationship
    choices, and to those who may have experienced
    sexual violence

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Perthynas Iach Trais Rhywiol
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  • Cydsynio gwers CA3
  • I godi ymwybyddiaeth or gyfraith ynglyn â
    chydsynio rhywiol.
  • I ddeall y cysyniad o gydsynio / cytundeb yn
    gyd-destun gweithgaredd rhywiol.
  • I ystyried pam y gall fod yn anodd sefydlu
    cytundeb, ac i ddeall er nad yw unigolyn wedi
    dweud na , nid ywn golygu eu bod wedi cytuno /
  • I godi ymwybyddiaeth or gefnogaeth sydd ar gael
    i bobl ifanc fel y gallant wneud dewisiadau
    perthynas cadarnhaol ac i gefnogi'r rheini sydd
    wedi eu heffeithio gan drais rhywiol.

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Is it legal?
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Look at the statements and decide if these
activities are legal (allowed by law) or illegal
(against the law) in Wales.
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A ywn gyfreithlon?
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Edrychwch ar y datganiadau a penderfynwch a ydynt
yn gyfreithlon (fei caniatair gan y gyfraith)
neun anghyfreithlon (yn erbyn y gyfraith) yng
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  • Purpose of activity - Young people to understand
  • Why these laws are in place?
  • That various aspects of their behaviour are
    controlled and governed by law.
  • To ascertain the pupils knowledge of the law
    regarding sexual consent

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  • Pwrpas y gweithgaredd Pobl Ifanc i ddeall
  • Pam bod gennym ddeddfau?
  • Bod agweddau oi hymddygiad yn cael ei rheoli
    gan ddeddfau.
  • I ddeall gwybodaeth pobl ifanc or deddfau syn
    ymwneud â chydsynio rhywiol.

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Consent Form
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  • Show pupils an imaginary consent form.Discuss
  • Does it have enough information?
  • Is it the right information?
  • Is it clear/ do they understand the content?
  • Is it age appropriate?
  • Does it give control to the individual? (can they
  • Do they understand the consequences?

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Ffurflen Cydsynio
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Dangos ffurflen cydsynio ddychmygol ir
disgyblion gan drafod A oes yna digon o
wybodaeth? Ai dymar wybodaeth gywir? A
ywn glir / a ydynt yn deall y cynnwys? A ywn
addas i bobl or oed hyn? A ywn rhoi rheolaeth
ir unigolyn? (a allant wrthod?) A ydynt yn
deall yr oblygiadau?
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Consent Form
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  • Purpose of activity is to get young people to
    understand the term consent as
  • Giving permission / agreeing to something
  • Thinking carefully about whether they want to do

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Ffurflen Cydsynio
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Pwrpas y gweithgaredd yw annog pobl ifanc i
ddeall y term cydsynio fel Cytuno / rhoi
caniatâd am rywbeth Meddwl yn ofalus am yr hyn
maent am wneud.
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How does this fit in with sexual violence?
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The law in Wales says that both people need to
give their consent before physical closeness and
consent is needed every time. When we enter into
a sexual relationship we dont usually carry a
consent form but in a fair and respectful
relationship our thought process should be the
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Sut maen cysylltu gyda trais rhywiol?
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Maer gyfraith yng Nghymru yn dweud bod yn rhaid
i ddau berson rhoi eu caniatâd cyn unrhyw
agosatrwydd corfforol ac mae angen rhoi'r
caniatâd hwn bob tro. Pan rydym yn dechrau
perthynas rhywiol nid ydym fel arfer yn cario
ffurflen cydsynio ond mewn perthynas teg a
pharchus dylai ein meddylfryd fod yr un peth.
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Consent - Sex
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  • Key Messages
  • Both partners need to consent
  • Consent needs to be sought every time for every
    sexual activity
  • Sexual contact with someone who hasnt given
    consent or who is under legal age can be a
    criminal offence.
  • Consent to sexual activity should be an informed
    choice where both understand and consider
  • Either partner has the right to withdraw consent
    at any time.
  • In control - Consent should be given freely,
    without pressure or persuasion.

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Cydsynio - Rhyw
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  • Negeseuon Allweddol
  • Mae angen i ddau bartner rhoi eu caniatâd
  • Mae angen caniatâd bob tro ar gyfer bob
    gweithred rywiol
  • Mae cyffyrddiad / cyfathrach Rywiol gyda rhywun
    sydd heb roi caniatâd neu sydd yn iau nar oedran
    cyfreithiol yn Drosedd Cyfreithiol.
  • Dylai unigolion roi caniatâd i weithgaredd
    rhywiol ar ôl iddynt ddeall yn union beth yw eu
    dewisiadau ac ar ôl ystyried a deall oblygiadau'r
    hyn a wneir.
  • Gall unrhyw bartner stopio neu wrthod caniatâd
    ar unrhyw adeg.
  • Mewn rheolaeth Dylai unigolyn fod yn rhydd i
    roi ei ganiatâd heb berswâd a heb deimlo pwysau
    gan unigolyn arall.

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In control or are we?
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  • Sometimes is it difficult to say no to sexual
  • Why?
  • Listen and look at the lyrics of the song
  • Baby its Cold Outside sung by Tom Jones and
    Cerys Matthews.
  • She does not want to stay but is finding it
    difficult to say no.
  • List the reasons for being unable to say no.

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A ydym bob amser yn rheoli?
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Weithiau maen anodd dweud na i weithgaredd
rhywiol. Pam? Gwrandewch ac edrychwch ar
eiriau'r gân Baby its Cold Outside a genir
gan Tom Jones a Cerys Matthew. Nid ywn dymuno
aros ond maen cael hin anodd gwrthod a dweud
na. Rhestrwch y rhesymau pam y caiff anhawster i
ddweud na.
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Baby its Cold Outside
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I really can't stayBut baby, it's cold
outsideI've got to go awayAh, baby, it's cold
outsideThis evening has beenBeen hoping that
you'd drop inSo very niceI'll hold your hands,
they're just like iceMy mother will start to
worryBeautiful, what's your hurryMy father will
be pacing the floorListen to that fireplace
roarSo really I'd better scurryOh beautiful,
please don't hurryMaybe just a half a drink
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Baby its Cold Outside
Why don't you put some records on whileThe
neighbours might thinkOh baby, it's bad out
thereSay, what's in this drinkThere's no cabs
to be had out thereI wish I knew howYour eyes
are like starlight nowTo break this spellI'll
take your hat, your hair looks swellI ought to
say no, no, no, sirMind if I move a little
closerAt least I'm gonna say that I triedWhat's
the sense of hurting my prideI really can't
stayBaby don't hold out Ahh, but it's cold
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Baby its Cold Outside
I simply must goOh, baby, it's cold outsideThe
answer is noYou know it's cold outsideThis
welcome has beenI'm lucky that you dropped inSo
nice and warmLook out the window at that
stormMy sister will be suspiciousOh, your lips
look deliciousMy brother will be there at the
doorLike waves upon a tropical shoreMy maiden
aunt's mind is viciousEww, your lips are
deliciousWell maybe just a cigarette
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Baby its Cold Outside
Never such a blizzard beforeI've got to go
homeAh, baby, you would, freeze out thereSay
lend me a coatYou know it's up to your knees out
thereYou've really been grandI thrill when you
touch my handBut don't you seeHow can you do
this thing to meThere's bound to be talk
tomorrowMaking my life long sorrowAt least
there will plenty impliedIf you caught pneumonia
and diedI really can't stayGet over that hold
outAh but it's cold outside.
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  • Being persuaded or manipulated by the other
    person Making my life sorrow / Whats the
    sense of hurting my pride / Oh baby, its bad
    out there
  • Flattery Beautiful, whats your hurry
  • Being drunk / under the influence of drugs Say,
    whats in this drink
  • Not wanting to offend the other person This
    evening has been so very nice
  • No means of escape Theres no cabs to be had
  • Feeling that you have led someone on and now
    have to follow through How can you do this thing
    to me
  • No resources / money Say lend me a coat
  • Fear
  • Being asleep
  • Peer Pressure
  • Not wanting to be called frigid
  • Feeling ashamed
  • Dont want to say no to a person in authority
  • (Many aspects listed here are about power and

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  • Cael eu perswadio neu manipiwleiddio gan berson
    arall Making my life sorrow / Whats the
    sense of hurting my pride / Oh baby, its bad
    out there
  • Seboni Beautiful, whats your hurry
  • Yn feddw / dan ddylanwad cyffuriau Say, whats
    in this drink
  • Ddim eisiau siomi person arall This evening has
    been so very nice
  • Dim modd o ddianc Theres no cabs to be had
  • Teimlo eich bod wedi annog yr unigolyn ac felly
    yn gorfod dilyn i weithred ir pen. How can you
    do this thing to me
  • Dim arian / adnoddau Say lend me a coat
  • Ofn
  • Yn cysgu
  • Pwysau gan gyfoedion
  • Dim eisiau cael eich galw yn oeraidd (frigid)
  • Teimlo cywilydd
  • Ddim eisiau dweud na wrth berson mewn awdurdod
  • (Llawer iawn i wneud a phwer a rheolaeth)

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Healthy Relationships
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Violence Against Women KS3
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Perthnasau Iach
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Trais yn erbyn Menywod Sesiwn
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Healthy Relationships
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Violence against women has been defined by the
United Nations as any act of gender-based
violence that results in, or is likely to result
in physical, sexual or psychological harm or
suffering to women . . . The proposals in the
White Paper seek to address Better education
and awareness from the cradle to the grave,
which includes the public, frontline staff and
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Perthnasau Iach
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Mae 'Trais yn erbyn menywod' yn derm sydd wedi
cael ei ddiffinio gan y Cenhedloedd Unedig fel
unrhyw weithred o drais ar sail rhyw syn arwain
at, neun debygol o arwain at niwed neu
ddioddefaint corfforol, rhywiol neu seicolegol i
fenywod . . . Mae'r cynigion yn y Papur Gwyn
hwn yn ceisio mynd i'r afael a Gwell addysg ac
ymwybyddiaeth o'r 'crud i'r bedd', sy'n cynnwys y
cyhoedd, staff rheng flaen a gweithwyr
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Violence against Women KS3 Session
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  • Aim of session
  • To raise awareness of the prevalence and impact
    of violence against women and girls.
  • To consider reasons why violence against women
    and girls continues to be prevalent.
  • To discuss possible action young people can take
    to help end violence towards women and girls.

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Trais yn erbyn Menywod CA3
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  • Nod y sesiwn
  • Codi ymwybyddiaeth o effaith ac amlder trais yn
    erbyn menywod a merched.
  • Ystyried rhesymau pam bod trais yn erbyn menywod
    a merched yn dal i ddigwydd mor aml.
  • I drafod gweithredoedd posib y gall merched a
    menywod eu cymryd i ddiddymu'r trais hwn.

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Does this statement apply to you?
  • General statements Change places . . .
  • Everyone who likes Maths
  • Everyone who has had breakfast today
  • Everyone who has been to France
  • Specific statements that begin to introduce topic
    of violence against women and girls
  • Everyone who thinks men and women are equal
  • Everyone who thinks violence is sometimes ok
  • Everyone who thinks girls or women being hurt
    isnt their problem.

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A ywr datganiadau hyn perthyn i chi?
Datganiadau cyffredinol Newidiwch le os . . .
Rydych yn hoffi Mathemateg Ydych wedi cael
brecwast bore ma Os ydych wedi bod yn
Ffrainc Datganiadau penodol syn cyflwyno'r pwnc
o drais yn erbyn menywod a merched Pawb syn
credu bod dynion a menywod yn gyfartal Pawb
syn credu bod trais ar adegau yn iawn Pawb
syn credu bod anafu menywod neu ferched ddim yn
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Discussing responses
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  • Equality
  •  Does being equal mean doing the same things or
    does it mean having equal value and respect in
  • Violence 
  • When might young people think violence is ok?
    (possible answers)
  • War / smacking children to teach them a
  • Hurting (Violence against) Women / girls 
  • Why might some people think hurting women and
    girls isnt their problem ?
  • Hurting women / girls is a problem for everyone
    in society. Men and women.
  • Human cost and economic impact.
  • In Wales the cost of domestic abuse alone is
    likely to be over 8 million a year (Welsh
    Government White Paper Consultation on
    legislation to end violence against women ,
    domestic abuse and sexual violence 2012)

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Trafod yr ymateb
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Cydraddoldeb Gwneud yr un pethau neu a ywn
golygu cael yr un gwerth a pharch yn y
gymdeithas? Trais  Pa bryd y bydd pobl ifanc
yn meddwl bod trais yn dderbyniol? (atebion
posibl) Rhyfel / Bwrw plentyn i ddysgu gwers
iddynt. Anafu (Trais yn erbyn) Menywod /
Merched  Pam y bydd rhai pobl yn meddwl nad yw
anafu menywod neu ferched yn broblem? Mae anafu
menywod / merched yn broblem i bawb yn y
gymdeithas. Dynion a menywod. Cost ddynol a chost
economaidd. Yng Nghymru mae cost cam-drin
ddomestig yn unig yn costio dros 8 miliwn y
flwyddyn (Papur Gwyn Ymgynghoriad ar
ddeddfwriaeth i roi terfyn ar drais yn erbyn
menywod a cham-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol
  • Run to
    the dates
  • Look at the 6 dates placed on the floor. Run to
    the year that you think the statement relates to.
  •  1928
  • 1860
  • 2009
  • 1991
  • 2011
  • 1999
  • Discuss briefly if today pupils think these
    things would be fair, were they surprised about
    timing of these events ?

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Rhedwch ir dyddiad
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Edrychwch ar y 6 dyddiad a osodwyd ar y llawr.
Rhedwch ir flwyddyn y credwch fod y datganiadau
yn perthyn iddo.  1928 1860 2009 1991 2011 1999 T
rafodwch yn fyr gyda disgyblion os ydynt yn credu
yr ystyrir nifer o rain yn deg heddiw, a oeddynt
wedi syfrdanu gan amseru rhai or dyddiadau?

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The year it was made illegal for children under12
to work underground in mines in Wales - 1860
Some parts of the world children are still
working in mines in appalling conditions there
are estimated to be over 200,000 children working
in mines in Africa
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Y flwyddyn y gwnaethpwyd yn anghyfreithlon i
blant o dan 12 i weithio o dan y ddaear yng
Nghymru - 1860 Mewn rhai ardaloedd or byd mae
plant yn dal i weithio dan ddaear dan amodau
gwael. Amcangyfrifir bod tua 200,000 o blant yn
gweithio dan ddaear yn Affrica.
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The year women over 21 in Britain were allowed
the vote 1928 In some countries Women are
still not allowed to vote, this is the case in
Saudi Arabia although there are currently plans
for women to be given the vote in 2015. In
Lebanon women can vote but only after proving
they have had elementary education, this is not
the same for men .
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Y flwyddyn y cafodd menywod ym Mhrydain dros 21 y
cyfle i bleidleisio 1928 Mewn rhai gwledydd
ni all menywod bleidleisio o hyd, ystyrir
cyflwyno pleidlais i fenywod yn Saudi Arabia yn
2015. Yn Lebanon fe all menywod bleidleisio os
allant brofi eu bod wedi cael addysg elfennol,
nid yw hyn yn wir am ddynion.
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  • The year a survey carried out in England and
    Wales showed 14 of men and 19 of women thought
    it was OK for a man to hit his wife or girlfriend
    if she moaned at him.
  • 2009 (MORRI opinion poll)

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  • Y flwyddyn y gwnaeth arolwg yng Nghymru a Lloegr
    ddangos bod 14 o ddynion a 19 o fenywod yn
    meddwl ei fod yn iawn i ddyn fwrw ei wraig neu
    gariad os oedd hi yn cwyno ato.
  • 2009 (MORRI )

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  • The year black people were allowed to go to the
    same places as white people
  • (Apartheid abolished in South Africa) 1991

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Y flwyddyn y rhoddwyd caniatâd i bobl du fynd
ir un lle a phobl gwyn yn Ne Affrica.
(Gwaharddwyd Apartheid yn Ne Affrica) 1991

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The year teachers were banned from using the cane
or any kind of physical punishment on pupils in
all schools in Wales. 1999
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Y flwyddyn y gwaharddwyd athrawon o ddefnyddio'r
gansen neu unrhyw fodd o gosb gorfforol ar
ddisgyblion ym mhob ysgol yng Nghymru. 1999

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  • The year a survey discovered three quarters of
    16-18 year olds said they often heard girls being
    called slag or slut in school -2011 (YOUGOV
    survey. )
  • What is the impact of these derogatory term most
    usually used against girls or women?
  • Commonly understood definitions  
  • Slag A woman people disapprove of because she
    has had lots of sexual partners
  • Slut A person who engages in casual sexual
    behaviour sleeps around

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  • Y flwyddyn y darganduodd arolwg bod bron i dri
    chwarter y bobl ifanc rhwng 16 a 18 mlwydd oed eu
    bod wedi clywed rhai yn galw enwau rhywiol ar
    ferched fel "slwten" neu "slag yn aml yn yr
    ysgol. 2011 (YOUGOV survey. )
  • Ystyrir beth yw effaith yr enwau hyn os y
    defnyddir yn erbyn menywod a merched?
  • Commonly understood definitions  
  • Slag A woman people disapprove of because she
    has had lots of sexual partners
  • Slut A person who engages in casual sexual
    behaviour sleeps around

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  • Purpose of Activity
  • To demonstrate that throughout history society
    and government have changed opinions on what is
    fair and acceptable.
  • Key learning point
  • In the past things have been considered
    acceptable that most people would not agree with
    or consider fair today. However it appears that
    violence against women and girls is still viewed
    as acceptable to some extent in UK

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  • Pwrpas y Gweithgaredd
  • I ddangos bod agwedd cymdeithas ar llywodraeth
    ar beth syn deg ac yn dderbyniol yn y gymdeithas
    yn newid gydag amser.
  • Pwynt Dysgu Allweddol
  • Yn y gorffennol ystyriwyd pethau yn deg na fyddai
    y rhan fwyaf o bobl heddiw yn ystyried yn deg.
    Serch hyn mae ymddengys bod trais at fenywod yn
    dal i gael eu hystyried yn dderbyniol i ryw
    raddau yn y DU.

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Miss Trunchbull Looking at the concept of
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  • Introducing
  • Violence
  • When someone uses force to harm someone else.
    Violence is not always physical, unwanted name
    calling or bullying, unwanted sharing of pictures
    or texts can also be classified as violence.
  • Violence against women - violence targeted
    specifically at girls or women.
  • Violence Power and Control
  • Violence is the way a bully or perpetrator get
    their own way.

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Miss Trunchbull Edrych ar y cysyniad o drais
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  • Cyflwyno
  • Trais
  • Pan ddefnyddia unigolyn grym i niweidio eraill.
    Nid yw trais bob amser yn gorfforol, ystyrir
    bwlio, galw enwau, rhannu lluniau neu text
    annerbyniol hefyd fel
  • Trais yn erbyn menywod trais wedi targedu yn
    uniongyrchol at fenywod neu ferched.
  • Trais Pwer a rheolaeth
  • Trais yw'r ffordd y mae bwli neu droseddwr yn
    cael ei ffordd.

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Miss Trunchbull Looking at the concept of
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  • Miss Truchbull is the violent headmistress from
    Roald Dahls book Matilda.
  • Look at a clip from the film Matilda or read
    extracts from the book where Miss Trunchbull is
  • List all the ways in which Trunchbull is violent
    (uses force to harm someone else )

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Miss Trunchbull Edrych ar y cysyniad o drais
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Mae Miss Truchbull yn bennaeth treisgar o lyfr
Roald Dahl Matilda. Edrychwch ar ddetholiad
or ffilm Matilda neu darllenwch ddetholiad or
llyfr lle mae Miss Trunchbull yn dreisgar.
Rhestrwch yr holl ffurf y mae Trunchbull yn
dreisgar (defnyddio grym i niweidio eraill)
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Miss Trunchbull How is she violent?
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  • Responses may include
  • Physical violence swinging child by the hair
    / smashing plate over boys head
  • Intimidation Shouting, staring, aggressive
    body language .
  • Use of Weapons (the riding crop)
  • Chasing ,Matilda and Miss Honey.
  •   Humiliation, forcing boy to eat chocolate cake
    in front of the rest of the school
  • Aggressive Language

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Miss Trunchbull Sut maen dreisgar?
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Gall ymatebion gynnwys Trais Corfforol
siglo plentyn gerfydd ei gwallt / torri plât dros
ben bachgen. Dychrynu Gweiddi, syllu, iaith
gorfforol ymosodol. Defnyddio arfau Cwrso
Matilda and Miss Honey.   Bychanu, gorfodi
bachgen i fwyta siocled o flaen gweddill yr
ysgol Iaith Fygythiol
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Power and Control
  • Learning Point Miss Trunchbull is violent as she
    has a need to overpower and control others.
  • Discuss why pupils think Trunchbull is violent?
  • Loosing Power and control - When Matilda uses
    magic to defeat Trunchbull she begins to loose
    power and control and thus becomes more violent.
  • Lack of respect - Trunchbull has no respect for
    children and does not value them, she feels her
    behaviour is justified - she thinks five year
    olds are grubs that havent hatched out yet
  • Physically bigger - Trunchbull has power and
    control because she is physically bigger and
    stronger than she people she picks on , because
    her victims have repeatedly experienced her
    violent behaviour they are scared of her .
  • Trunchbull knows that the children are unlikely
    to be believed if they tell people about her
    violence this is evidenced at the start of Bruce
    Bogtrotter and the Cake chapter.
  • Trunchbull is already in a position of power and
    control as head teacher of the school she feels
    she can do what she likes .

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Power and Control
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  • Comparisons - Violence Against Women and
  • Violence against women and girls is usually
    premeditated and motivated by power and control
  • Often it is repeated and is not a one off
  • Perpetrators of violence against women are
    usually known to their victims.
  • Female victims often do not report violence as
    they fear no one will believe them.
  • Perpetrators usually believe that women deserve

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Pwer a Rheolaeth
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  • Cymharu Miss Trunchbull a Thrais yn Erbyn Menywod
  • Mae trais yn erbyn menywod a merched fel arfer
    wedi cynllunio yn fwriadol ac wedi cymell gan
    angen i gael pwer ac i reoli.
  • Fel arfer digwydd yn gyson dro ar ôl tro.
  • Mae menywod fel arfer yn adnabod ei throseddwyr.
  • Anaml y bydd menywod syn dioddef trais yn ei
    reportio credant na fydd neb yn ei chredu.
  • Creda troseddwyr bod menywod fel arfer yn haeddu
    ei threisio.

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Challenging Stereotypes
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Purpose of activity to help pupils examine
attitudes regarding victims of violence ,and to
identify beliefs which are used to excuse
violence against some groups (especially women)
which prevent an end to violence in society .
  Method   In groups pupils discuss the images
below they rank the images from the person they
think is most likely to be a victim of violence ,
to the person they think is least likely .
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Herio Stereoteipiau
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Pwrpas y gweithgaredd i helpu pobl ifanc i
ystyried eu hagweddau at ddioddefwyr o drais, ac
adnabod credoau a ddefnyddir i esgusodi trais yn
erbyn rhai grwpiau (yn enwedig menywod) syn atal
diddymu'r trais yn ein cymdeithas. Dull   Mewn
grwpiau trafodwch y delweddau a gosodwch y
delweddau yn ôl pwy ywr mwyaf tebygol ar lleiaf
tebygol o fod yn ddioddefwyr o drais.
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Power and Control
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Support Support Cards Childline Samaritans
All Wales Domestic Abuse Helpline
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Pwer a Rheolaeth
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Cefnogaeth Cardiau Cefnogaeth Childline
Samariaid Llinell Gymorth Cam-drin Cymru

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Support Material
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  • Whole School Approach
  • Pamphlets / Posters
  • Cross Curricular Lessons
  • INSET Training

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Ymateb Ysgol Gyfan Pamffledi / Posteri Gwersi
Traws Cwricwlaidd H.M.S
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Thank you Diolch
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