Title: User-Perceived Performance Measurement on the Internet
1User-Perceived Performance Measurement on the
- Bill Tice
- Thomas Hildebrandt
- CS 6255
- November 6, 2003
- The Internet is different from LANs
- Diversely administered
- Users are relatively distant from the network
administrators - IP is the only service provided by the network
- SNMP or something like it? No
- Why user-perceived performance measurement is
important and also difficult - Existing solutions to the global network
measurement problem - NIMI
- E2E piPEs
- Client-side proxies and other solutions
4Performance Measurement on the Internet
- IP was designed around the end-to-end argument
certain functions are not required at low levels
of a system 1 - As a result, we have a dumb network with no
built-in performance measurement architecture - The tools we can count on are limited
5Performance Measurement on the Internet Example
- Packet Internet Groper (ping) Useful to test
connectivity and RTT between hosts - Traceroute Provides an approximation of the
network topology in the forward direction - Iperf Measures TCP and UDP performance,
including bandwidth, delay jitter and packet loss
6Performance Measurement on the Internet
- Ping and traceroute rely on ICMP, which is
increasingly being blocked by network
administrators - Active measurement based on the use of common
network services is more robust and perhaps more
realistic - DNS queries
- HTTP requests
7Performance Measurement Architectures
- There have been projects to create measurement
architectures either by deployment at nodes
within domains or at the users - NIMI
- E2E pIPEs
- AMP, Medusa Proxy, Liston Proxy, Network Weather
8NIMI(National Internet Measurement
- Software system for building network measurement
infrastructures - Diversely administered
- Facilitate many kinds of measurements
- Extensible and Modular
9NIMI Architecture
- Measurement servers (probes)
- 2 daemons nimid and scheduled
- Measurement Modules
10NIMI Architecture
- Configuration Point of Contact (CPOC)
- Configuration and Control Servers
- Several per domain
- Delegation of configuration access
11NIMI Architecture
- Measurement Client (MC)
- Only user point of contact with NIMI system
- Measurement requests
12NIMI Architecture
- Data Analysis Client (DAC)
- Data Collection
- Post-Processing
- Run at central location or at MC
13NIMI Measurement Modules
- NIMI has no knowledge of measurements
- Plug-ins
- Wrapped for a standard API
- Current Modules
- traceroute, treno, zing, mflect, traffic, ftp
14NIMI Measurements
- Request Received from MC
- Access Control List
- scheduled creates pending measurement
- Results sent to DAC by nimid
- All communications encrypted
15NIMI Deployment
- 35 hosts (as of 2001)
- Research laboratories and Universities
- Georgia Tech
- Dead?
16NIMI Difficulties
- Laboratory Conditions
- High bandwidth
- Dedicated Resources
- Not representative of Internet as a whole
17NIMI Difficulties
- Meaningful data for User Perceived measurements
- Not widely distributed
18NIMI Difficulties
- Hosts administration difficulties
- Tools requiring privileged access
- Updates
19NIMI Difficulties
- Difficult to distribute
- Whats in it for me?
- Not attractive to average user
20E2E piPEs
- End-to-end Performance Improvement Performance
Environment System - A framework to indicate performance capabilities
and locate performance problems along the path
between two computers connected by the Abilene
21E2E piPEs Architecture
22E2E piPEs Architecture
- One-Way Active Measurement Protocol An
Internet2 project - A UDP-based protocol to precisely measure network
characteristics - Loss
- Delay
- Jitter
- http//owamp.internet2.edu/ - Under construction
24E2E piPEs Status
- The initial deployment, which includes the
Abilene backbone network and two campuses only,
is scheduled for Fall 2003. - piPEfitters are still developing the system
one suggestion is to place PMPs at the end hosts.
25Other Tools Proxy-Based
- Liston Proxy
- Between browser and the Web
- Handles DNS resolution and content requests
- Logs information of interest
- DNS responsiveness
- Response time
26Proxy-Based Tools
- Medusa Proxy
- Cool name
- Monitors performance
- Akamai edge servers vs. origin servers
27Proxy-Based Disadvantages
- Privacy issues
- Overhead
- Limited Scope
28Distributed Tools
- AMP Network
- Distributed physical nodes
- High Performance Computing (HPC) Network
measurement, not user-perceived
29Distributed Tools Disadvantages
- Wide Distribution
- Need large amounts of diverse data
- How to do it
- Updates
- Security
- Network Weather Service
- Predicting network performance for applications
- Can be run by user to predict their performance
- Lots
- Zing
- Ping
- IPerf
- Traceroute
32NM Applications Disadvantages
- Limited Scope
- Generally Stateless
33User-Perceived Performance Measurement Why?
- Because the Internet was designed following the
end-to-end principle, end-to-end performance is
ultimately the most meaningful to measure - It is difficult to deploy a measurement
architecture in the Internet backbone - Network users see end-to-end performance directly
and could be effectively used as monitor points
34User-Perceived Measurement How?
- The infrastructure
- NIMI-like plug-in measurement modules
- Standardized communication between components
35User-Perceived Measurement How?
- Distribution
- Have to make it something users want to run
36User-Perceived Measurement How?
- Processing
- Centralized data collection and post-processing
- 1 J.H. Saltzer, D.P. Reed, and D.D. Clark.
End to End Arguments in System Design.
nd/endtoend.txt - 2 Vern Paxson, Andrew Adams, and Matt Mathis.
Experiences with NIMI. In Proceedings of
Passive and Active Measurement, 2000.
l - 3 Internet2. E2E piPEs. http//e2epi.internet2.
edu/E2EpiPEs/e2epipe_index.html - 4 Richard Liston and Ellen Zegura. Using a
Proxy to Measure Client-Side Web Performance.
Proceedings of the 6th International Web Caching
and Content Distribution Workshop, Boston, MA,
June 1999. http//www.cc.gatech.edu/liston/pubs/
proxy_wcw01.ps.gz - Network Weather Service http//www.npaci.edu/envis