Title: The BIG Christmas quiz
1The BIG Christmas quiz
2Where was Mary from?
- New York
- Jerusalem
- Nazareth
- Bethlehem
3How old was Mary?
- In her early teens
- In her early 20s
- In her early 30s
4Which town was Jesus born in?
- New York
- Jerusalem
- Nazareth
- Bethlehem
5Where did Mary give birth to her baby?
- At her house
- In a hospital
- In a local inn
- Behind the inn, in the place where they kept
6After being born, Jesus was placed in a manger.
What is a manger?
- A stable
- An animal feeding trough
- A wooden table
- A cot
7Who were the first people to hear about Jesus
- Some shepherds
- The inn-keeper
- Marys relatives
- The religious leaders in the town
8How many wise men came to see Jesus?
- One
- Two
- Three
- The Bible doesnt say
9What is frankincense?
- A form of gold
- An incense from a tree
- A jewel
- None of the above.
10What is myrrh?
- A musical instrument
- A spice used for burial
- A valuable wine
- None of the above
11December 25th has been celebrated as Christmas
since the Bible was written.
- True
- False
12Where was Mary from?
- New York
- Jerusalem
- Nazareth
- Bethlehem
13How old was Mary?
- In her early teens
- In her early 20s
- In her early 30s
14Which town was Jesus born in?
- New York
- Jerusalem
- Nazareth
- Bethlehem
15Where did Mary give birth to her baby?
- At her house
- In a hospital
- In a local inn
- Behind the inn, in the place where they kept
16After being born, Jesus was placed in a manger.
What is a manger?
- A stable
- An animal feeding trough
- A wooden table
- A cot
17Who were the first people to hear about Jesus
- Some shepherds
- The inn-keeper
- Marys relatives
- The religious leaders in the town
18How many wise men came to see Jesus?
- One
- Two
- Three
- The Bible doesnt say
19What is frankincense?
- A form of gold
- An incense from a tree
- A jewel
- None of the above.
20What is myrrh?
- A musical instrument
- A spice used for burial
- A valuable wine
- None of the above
21December 25th has been celebrated as Christmas
since the Bible was written.
- True
- False