Title: The Italian Roadmap to XBRL electronic filing
1The Italian Roadmap to XBRL electronic filing
- Paola Fumiani
- XBRL technical advisor at InfoCamere
- member of "Associazione XBRL Italia"
2The filing of annual financial statements
The filing of annual financial statements
- Is a mandatory provision for limited liability
companies - Managed by the Italian Business Register
- The Register is held by the Chamber of Commerce
network, on a territorial basis - about 6.000.000 of Businesses are registered as
per today - processes financial Statements from about 950.000
companies per year - It relies on
- UnionCamere, the Union of the 103 Italian
Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Handicraft - InfoCamere, the technology provider
- Hosting of the Italian Business Register
- Storing data on the relevant companys events
establishment, variations, winding-up,
3 Who is involved ?
- The accountants, actually drawing up annual
accounts for almost all companies in Italy - The Italian accounting software development
association - The Italian Company Registration System
4The key role of Assosoftware
- On-going collaboration with the public authority
Tax Agency, Ministry of Technology Innovations,
Business Register System - Creating and managing an updated tools set
- Supporting the accountants action on operational
duties - 85 IT firms represented
- 80 of the SME sector
- 160.000 accountants
- 5.000 notaries
- Creating the real effective e-filing background
5E-filing to the Italian Business Registrer
- Its the fundamental XBRL background
- mandatory since year 2003
6Steps to the XBRL e-filing
- The law requirements
- The Italian government pushes for the adoption of
a standard by approving the law decree (n. 223
of July 2006) providing for the "mandatory
deposit of annual financial statements related to
the year 2007 via electronic support and with a
processable format". - The jurisdiction
- September 2006 foundation of Associazione XBRL
7The Associazione XBRL Italia
- The association outreaches a community made up
of - 104.000 registered professional accountants
- 103 Chambers of Commerce
- 1.100 Financial analysts
- 250 Industrial enterprises association
- 193 Insurance companies
- 799 banks and 454 financial institutions
- 300 listed companies
8The members
- The highest Italian institutions in the field of
financial information - Associazione Bancaria Italiana (Italian Banking
Association) - Associazione Italiana Analisti Finanziari
(Association of Financial Analysts) - Consiglio Nazionaledei Dottori Commercialisti e
degli Esperti Contabili - (Doctors in commerce and Accountants and
commercial estimators) - Confederazione Generale dellIndustria Italiana
(Association of Industries) - Associazione Nazionale fra Imprese Assicuratrici
(Association of Insurance companies) - Associazione fra le società italiane per azioni
(Association of Italian Limited by shares
companies) - Organismo Italiano di contabilità (Italian
Standard Setter) - Unione Camere di Commercio Italiane (Union of
Italian Chamber of Commerce) - Banca DItalia (Central Bank of Italy)
- Borsa Italiana (Italian stock exchange)
- Istituto Italiano Vigilanza Assicurazioni)
(National institute of insurance oversight)
9The Roadmap 2007 pilot project set-up
- The commitment
- No extra investments !! by the Business Entities
while supplying their XBRL Annual Accounts - the environment (web sites, tutorial, training,
tools) - filing limited to PFS (Primary Financial
Statements) - figures of the pilot 2007 (voluntary filing)
- running from May 2007 ("Annual Accounts" filing
campaign ) - All 103 Chambers of Commerce involved
- 80 volunteer users software providers and
professional accountants - 905 instance documents filed
10The Roadmap 2007 Environment set up
- Publishing on the free access web site of
- the GAAP Italy Taxonomy
- an introduction to XBRL Technical
Specifications - the XBRL filing guidelines and tools tutorials
- Running training sessions on the XBRL standard
- Activating a rendering and validation tool for
XBRL instances on the InfoCamere public website
11The Roadmap 2007 instance generation support
- .. for the users work station a downloadable
package based on MS Office/Open Office,
generating XBRL instances by - Data entry on a specific application form
- Automatic import in the application form of the
financial facts directly from the accounting
management software using customized mapping
12The outcomes for XBRL instance documents
- 12 of incorrect XBRL instance documents
- XBRL related errors
- Calculation errors missing data in the sub
total fields - invalid mappings between taxonomy elements and
the accounting process - "abstract" items filled with values
- XML related errors
- incorrect usage of data types (numeric/alphanumeri
c) - Special characters used in the company name
element ( typically '' ) - usage of delimiters in numeric items ( i.e.
1,000 ) - usage of decimal digits (i.e. 2459,00 while
the Italian Code provisions states that values
must always be integers ) - XML validation errors not well-formed files
13The Roadmap 2007 the feedback
- Taxonomy design
- Concepts definition is governed and verified
against the civil code provisions. - Elements of the taxonomy have to describe the
financial concepts consisting of elements and an
un-limited number of nested sub-elements.... - common practice is
- Most companies are able to draw up their
financial reports using the Italian GAAP
taxonomy - while exceptions are
- some companies want to deeply detail their
financial facts no limits on detailing are
imposed by the civil code - How can a financial report with un-limited
details be translated in an XBRL document,
referring a mandatory taxonomy schema?
14The Roadmap 2007 towards the legal provision
- Technical strategies/alternatives analized by the
Italian XBRL Jurisdidtion - allowing companies to define their own taxonomy
extensions - the consequence is a loss of standardization and
interoperability. - Adopting a maintenance program to update the
existing taxonomy on demand and managed by the
Xbrl jurisdiction - increased work for the taxonomy management
(definition of acceptance criteria, editing,
testing etc) - Organizational solution proposed to the Ministry
of Reforms and Innovation in the Public
Administration - Companies needing extra facts definitions are
allowed to add the PDF Annual account to the XBRL
instance document
15The Roadmap the law decree enforcement
- The gradual adoption of XBRL
- 2008
- Mandatory for companies closing their fiscal year
after March 2008 - About 10.000 companies starting filing after
August 2008 - Limited to PFS (Primary Financial Statements)
- 2009
- Mandatory for all companies
- Based on approved and recognized taxonomies by
the Italian jurisdiction
16Revision of existing filing procedure
- 2008 the filing process changes slightly
according to the pilot 2007 steps - Download the e-filing software from the central
server - Make the Dossier PDF
- XBRL mandatory
- eSign the Dossier components
- eFile the Dossier into the central server
17Financial reports different formats for the
same information
Business Register (Registro Imprese Italiane)
financial information to be consumed directly by
software applications
Deeply detailed PDF financial report
18Information handling through XBRL
- Benefits coming from XBRL are well known
- selection of key figures using a query language
- Multi-language features on viewing and reporting
- merging data from different Data Bases
19The link to XBRL exploitation Brite case
- XBRL is becoming a strategic data format
- XBRL has been adopted by some research projects
- Brite Business Registers Interoperability
across Europe - BriteCBD turnover figures
20The taxonomy building team
- The technical support for the development of the
GAAP Italy taxonomy by the Trento University - Professor Luca Erzegovesi head of (Department
of Computer and Management Sciences ). - Doctor Davide Panizzolo researcher of
(Department of Computer and Management Sciences ).