Argo Status - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Argo Status


Argo Status M. Belbeoch, Argo TC (inputs from AST) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Argo Status

Argo Status
  • M. Belbeoch, Argo TC(inputs from AST)

Argo Infrastructure
  • Argo is internationally managed by the Argo
    Steering Team.2 co-chairs, National Argo
    programmes representatives, TC
  • Argo Data Management team coordinates data issues
  • Argo Data Management is a distributed system
  • National Data Centres (DACs) feed GTS of WMO and
    Internet GDACs
  • REAL TIME ( GTS, GDACs) with standard/automatic
  • DELAYED-MODE files replace RT files (GDACs,
    after 6-12 months)
  • 2 Global Data Centres (USA, FR) - mirrored
  • Regional Centres being developed
  • Long term archival centre at US NODC
  • Argo Information Centre/JCOMMOPS/Argo Project

Argo Status what has been achieved ?
  • Argo has achieved the 3000 floats milestone
    with global distribution and a comprehensive data
    management system
  • Argo Core Mission (3200 floats between 60N and
    60S, no marginal seas) is NOT YET ACHIEVED
  • All floats are nor performing well ...
  • All floats are not operating where they should ...

Argo Status network density
Float density (1004 floats) good floats
onlyChallenge in South Indian, and South Atlantic
Argo Status network density
436,000 Argo profiles were collected during
2004-2008. Left profiles per 1o box, 2004-mid
2008.(Roemmich, Gilson, Scripps/USA)
More floats (600) are needed in the southern
hemisphere, especially the South Indian and South
Atlantic. Of the 3300 active floats, gt600 are
either in marginal seas, high latitudes,
over-sampled regions, or greylisted.
Argo floats per degree of latitude (black).
Argos design requirement (red) Equal area
sampling (blue). (Freeland, IOS/Canada)
Argo Status network density
How effective is Argo in estimating large-scale
(10o x 10o x 3 months) variability? Estimates of
large-scale signal variance (black, green) and
noise (red) are made using (a,b) altimetric
height subsampling experiments, (c) subsets of
Argo data, and (d) related datasets such as SST.
More floats (600) are needed in the southern
hemisphere signal-to-noise ratio is good in
Argo Status deployment plans
Argo groups are making substantial efforts to
plan their deployments and optimize the array
coverage taking into account network density
/age. Implementing an empty ocean ? maintaining
a global array. All deployments are registered
on line from a draft state to the final
confirmation/notification. GODAE gt Maps of
dispersion to help planning
Argo logistical challenge
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Total 116 295 452 672 869 1008 933 747 848
6344 units deployed !
Ship time is an issue Sustained funding and
cooperation critical
Argo logistical challenge
  • Most floats are deployed by opportunistic use of
    commercial ships and RVs.
  • In some remote regions this is not sufficient.
  • U.S./New Zealand collaboration has resulted in
    deployment of over 600 floats (plus drifters)
    using a cost effective vessel, RV Kaharoa (28 m
    length, 5 crew).
  • Future uncertain (lack of funding)

New Zealands Minister of Research, Science and
Technology studies float deployment. Photo by A.
Blacklock, NIWA.
Deployment positions of Argo floats from
dedicated RV cruises. Kaharoas Argo-10 voyage to
the South Indian Ocean (previous slide) is
planned for late 2009.
Argo is the most internationally collaborative
program in the history of oceanography
A dozen countries are sustaining the global
network, another dozen takes care of regional
gaps, and many other are supporting Argo. Euro
Argo contribution growth needs to balance the
potential USA contribution decrease.
Argo makes a lot of efforts to foster
participation by new countries
Argo 100 000 profiles / year
  • All Profiles 562230
  • DM Profiles 289774
  • 90 optimal quality (but not for all
  • 90 reach the GTS/GDACs within 24h

Argo QC issues
  • Salinity Drift bio-fooling and others reasons
  • DMQC (dedicated working group)
  • Comparison with CTD data, and nearby float data
  • Accuracy of temperature versus pressure
  • Applications of Argo data for climate change
    issues requires highest quality possible (heat
    content, steric sea level change).
  • Years required to detect small biases (comparison
    with CTD)
  • Free data gt educate users
  • Recent problem on SBE CTD pressure most of new
    deployments will be postponed

Argo QC issues
  • Salinity drift is estimated and adjusted (Owens
    and Wong, 2008).
  • An issue is small systematic errors in pressure.

The effect of 1-dbar time-varying pressure bias
on temperature .009oC on steric height
(0/2000) 5 dyn mm.
Systematic errors of this magnitude are difficult
to detect and correct. Example SBE 41 changeover
from Amatek and Paine p-sensors to Druck in
2003. Global change research requires long
time-series and careful standardization.
Shipboard CTD data are critical for Argo. The
dataset requires several years to achieve best
quality. Users need to understand the limitations!
Argo QC issues, pressure sensor severe pb.
  • micro leaks in the Druck sensor used in SBE
    CTD, on all floats
  • Recent study (by UW Scripps / USA)
  • Increase in the occurrence rate of floats showing
    negative surface pressure
  • Before 2007 3
  • 2007 12
  • 2008 10-30
  • most of new deployments will be postponed
  • Manufacturer doing tests but still in phase of
  • Equip some CTD with new pressure sensor (Paine)
  • Return floats and repair CTDs
  • It takes more than a year for a float to exhibit
    such negative pressure offset
  • In general to have feedback on a float generation
    and impact of new features we need to wait years

Argo QC issues
  • DM QC time consuming activity (resources
    required) 67 achieved

Argo is revolutionizing global oceanography ...
2000 -2008 August XBT profiles(gt 300m, source
1951-2000 August hydrographic T/S stations (gt
1000m, source WOD)
2004-2008 August Argo T,S profiles
... and its impact will be greatest in the
southern hemisphere where there are large climate
signals and there is little historical data.
Argo benefits
  • Operational use requirements for long term
  • 14 Operational Centres using Argo data
  • Research applications growing
  • Training WorkshopsCapacity building initiatives
    on data use
  • Argo has enormous potential valuein education
  • Google Ocean Argo partnership network status
    (gateway) products (T, S, anomalies)
    stories by oceanographers climate
    change focus
  • To be extended to other networks monitored by
  • GODAE, myOcean prepare KML

Capacity Building cooperation with GODAE ?
  • Raising capacity in Argo national programs (3
    DMQC, 1 float technology workshop, one-on-one
    visits and training)
  • Increasing Argos international user community
    (e.g. PI-GOOS Marine Data Workshop). All nations
    should benefit from global ocean observations.
  • Secondary and tertiary education (teacher
    training workshops).

South Atlantic Argo training workshop on US Navy
vessel HSV-2 Swift.
PI-GOOS Marine Data Workshop in Fiji to acquaint
meteorological service and fisheries scientists
with Argo and other ocean datasets.
SEREAD (Argo-sponsored) teacher training workshop
in Samoa.
Argo Float Technology float reliability improving
45 of floats deployed in 2004 are still active
at age 4 years. Deployment failure rate 2.5
  • Still room for improvement all floats do not
    reach yet the 4 years lifetime
  • This target will likely be reached and
  • This will help to fill gaps without
    deploying more floats

Argo Float Technology Telecom. slowly improving
8 of deployments with Iridium (2007, 2008)
Argos 3 pilot projects started More are
anticipated in 2009 (Australia)
Argo Float Technology Cycles rather homogeneous
80 of the fleet is set up to drift at 1000 dbar
as decided by the AST 70 to profile at a depth
gt 1500 dbar 80 to cycle on a 9-11 days basis
Argo Float Technology new designs, new sensors
  • New generation floats are longer-lived, smaller,
    and more capable.
  • Extended domains are being explored or
    considered under ice, marginal seas, boundary
    currents, abyssal ocean.
  • New sensors are being developed and tested
    (oxygen, bio-optical, surface layer, )
  • At present 150 Argo floats carry dissolved
    oxygen sensors.
  • First floats are providing SST (at no cost). This
    is likely to be extended to all floats.

Left to right SOLO/SOLO-II w/Iridium, ARVOR,
PROVOR w/optical sensor, APEX w/SBE oxygen sensor.
  • Feedback from data users on requirements
    (networks design, data issues, ...)
  • Argo Science Workshops , OceanObs 09, (next ADMT
    in Toulouse ...)
  • 3x 3 everywhere ?
  • How many T/S levels are assimilated by models ?
    (50 or 1000 needed?)
  • Metadata required?
  • Routine feedback from operational centres on data
    quality tools to be developed and maintained
  • DBCP/SOT operational system
  • Argo being developed (e. g. Altimetry QC by
  • JCOMMOPS acts as a centralized relay tool data
    users data producers
  • UKMO maintain blacklists
  • Integrated QC from data centres (GODAE Server)
  • JCOMMOPS can help to design, finalize and promote
  • Continuous demonstration of the value of the Argo
  • Specific impact studies
  • E.g. What would give the models with half Argo
    array ?

Argo Objectives
  • Objectives for the Argo Program in the coming
    years related to array performance are
  • Achieve mean float lifetimes of 4 years or
    longer, needed to sustain the core Argo array
    with 800 floats deployed per year.
  • Deploy more floats in the southern hemisphere to
    achieve the arrays design requirements.
  • Extend instrument capabilities for profiling to
    2000 m everywhere in the oceans.
  • Sustain funding (Argo is 20 underfunded)
  • GODAE/Argo
  • What should be Argos sampling plan for high
    latitudes or marginal seas ?
  • Should Argo sample the deep ocean ?
  • Should Argo be denser in all WBC regions ?
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