Peel and the Irish Problem - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Peel and the Irish Problem


Peel and the Irish Problem Peel and Ireland Peel had plenty of experience in Irish Affairs when he came to power in 1841. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Peel and the Irish Problem

Peel and the Irish Problem

Peel and Ireland
  • Peel had plenty of experience in Irish Affairs
    when he came to power in 1841.
  • He had been Chief Sec. for Ireland 1812-18 and
    was Home secretary in Wellingtons government
    when Catholic Emancipation was passed in 1829
  • The Irish nationalist Daniel OConnell possibly
    unfairly nicknamed Peel Orange Peel
    associating him with protestant opinion in Ireland

OConnells Repeal Movement
  • On coming to power Peel was faced with a movement
    for the repeal of the 1800 Act of Union between
    England and Ireland which had made Ireland part
    of the UK.
  • This was led by the ageing Irish nationalist
    Daniel OConnell.
  • OConnell was an peaceful protestor however
    there was also a growing Young Ireland
    movement committed to independence for Ireland
    using any means. Some historians have suggested
    that Peels policy in Ireland indirectly resulted
    in the growth of such Fenianism (militant Irish

How Effectively did peel deal with the Repeal
  • OConnell and his supporters hoped that Chartism
    would provide a distraction for the British
    whilst their campaign progressed
  • Peel showed he had no intention of being
    distracted when in 1843 ne passed a Coercion Act
    which banned OConnells proposed mass meeting
    for repeal at Clontarf
  • OConnell was arrested on a charge of conspiracy
    and Peel turned his attention to the Irish Problem

Consequences of Clontarf
  • Irish nationalism started to move away from
    OConnells peaceful constitutional means towards
    more violent means the British government had
    shown its colours!
  • Peel introduced a number of measure in an attempt
    to appeal to moderate opinion in Ireland and
    improve the lot of Irish peasant farmers

Economic Problems
  • Except for a few in the North there were no
    industries in Ireland and very few raw materials
  • Population was rising quickly and the vast
    majority had to live off the land (5 million to
    8.25 million 1800-1845)
  • Most of the land was owned by the English or
    Anglo Irish protestants the Irish had to rent
    land to farm it at excessive rents and with short
    and unextendable leases.
  • Farming was unprogressive and almost medieval
    tiny small holdings, no crop rotation, highly
    labour intensive
  • Living conditions were just about the worst in
    Europe. The majority of the population lived in
    single room huts (constructed of mud) and the
    staple diet was the potato as this was all that
    could be grown in sufficient bulk to feed the
    population this single crop reliance meant that
    when the potato blight of 1845 arrived a famine
    occurred which killed over 1 million Irish

Peels Policy Pre-Famine
  • Peel as a Conservative wanted to conserve or
    keep the Union between England and Ireland.
  • To achieve this he introduce measures to
  • Improve the lives of ordinary Irish peasant
  • Win over moderate Catholic opinion
  • Resist by coercive measures if necessary
    movements for Irish nationalism violent or

The Devon Commission 1843
  • In 1843 Peel appointed Lord Devon to set up a
    committee to investigate the problem of land
    tenure in Ireland with the intention of
    legislating on his recommendations
  • Devon identified 3 main problems
  • Leases British landlords leased the land to the
    Irish peasants on very unfavourable terms high
    rents, short leases there was therefore no
    incentive for those who farmed the land to make
    improvements in their methods
  • Low Prices - Irish agriculture had been in
    recession since 1815 prices were low and much
    farming little more than subsistence
  • Population growth and lack on industry meant that
    a rapidly growing population had to be sustained
    by the land
  • Small holdings, high rents, insecure leases, low
    prices and rising population all led the Irish to
    a reliance on the crop which could sustain life
    the easiest the potato

Peels Defeat over Devon Commission
  • In the light of the Devon Commission Peel
    attempted to pass a law which whilst leaving the
    terms of existing leases intact would offer
    financial incentives to tenant farmers who either
    innovated in farming methods or introduced
    improvements on their farms.
  • The Bill was rejected overwhelmingly by the Tory

Governance for Ireland
  • Peels next policy was to introduce a form of
    separate administration for Ireland he hoped
    that this would be more responsive to Irish needs
  • Lord Heytesbury was appointed Lord Lieutenant of
    Ireland and given considerable local powers over
    infrastructure, transport, the administration of
    the Poor Law etc.
  • Heytesbury was instructed to listen to and grant
    concessions to moderate Catholic opinion a
    partial success and certainly an improvement on
    what went before

Irish (Provincial) Colleges Bill 1844
  • Peels idea was to improve relations between
    Catholics and Protestants by introducing non
    sectarian approach to education.
  • He introduced 3 new Colleges fore Queens College
    which were to be open to all Irishmen regardless
    of religion. These were set up in Belfast, Cork
    and Galway.
  • The measure was resisted furiously by both sides
    of the divide Anglicans and ultra Tories saw it
    as a betrayal and OConnell and the Catholics
    labelled them as Godless Colleges

The Maynooth Grant 1845
  • This was a further attempt by peel to win over
    moderate catholic opinion.
  • Maynooth College was the place where Irish
    catholic priests were trained.
  • In 1845 Peel granted them an extra 30,000 pounds
  • This was clever peel saw the crucial role the
    priesthood had in Ireland
  • Despite a rebellion of 149 Tory M.Ps the bill
    was passed and the grant given
  • Peel was again subject to accusations of betrayal
    by Anglicans and Tories

The Famine
  • The greatest human tragedy of the 19th century
    I million dies and 0.5 million emigrated
  • The famine pushed Peel into repealing the Corn
    Laws during the struggle for which he argued that
    no human foodstuff should be taxed in such
  • The repeal of the CLs had little impact on
    famine, the causes of which were structural and
    based on the settlement of Ireland in the 16th
    century by the English, the appropriation of all
    the land, the short leases and high rents, rising
    population and ultimate reliance on one crop.
  • Arguably as a direct result of the Famine and the
    inadequate response to it by the British, Irish
    nationalism moved away from the peaceful
    constitutional approach permanently indeed
    there followed a period of violent revolts in
    Ireland and terrorist attacks in England between
    1865-7 called the Fenian Outrages

Coercion Bill and Peels resignation
  • Post the Repeal of the CLs Peels last act as PM
    was an attempt to restore order in Ireland by
    introducing a Coercion Bill which would have
    allowed for emergency special powers in Ireland.
  • The Bill was defeated by an alliance of ultra
    Tories still smarting from the CLs, the whigs and
    the Irish M.P.s and Peel resigned.
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