Title: China National EHR How Far We Are?
1 China National EHRHow Far We Are?
- Huilong Duan, Ph.D.
- School of Biomedical Engineering Instrument
Science - Zhejiang University
- Email duanhl_at_zju.edu.cn
2Global Challenges in Health Care
- Cost-containment and affordability
- Expanded access
- High quality of health care
- Chronic disease management (e.g. Cardiovascular
diseases, diabetes) - Infectious disease prevention and management
(e.g. H1N1 Flu, AIDS, SARS, TB)
3Current Health Care in China
57 population in rural areas 80
hospitals in cities
- Uneven distributed limited health care
resources - Limited medical insurance coverage
- Increasing costs
Large amount of migrant people (0.147 billion)
Limited health Infrastructure (2.75 bed/1000)
Aging population (0.144 billion)
4Medical Expenses in China
32 gt 17 government 48 gt 29 society 20 gt
54 private
Difficulty and high cost in seeking medical
service is the TOP ONE concern! -- Society of
China Analysis and Forecast Blue Book, 2007
5Reform to Provide Better Health Care
Establish national essential drug system
medical insurance systems that will cover all
urban and rural residents.
medical insurance systems that will cover all
urban and rural residents.
Rural health
Rural health
Public health
Public health
Community health
Community health
6Health Care Reform in China
7HIT Supports in the Reform
8EHR is Critical in e-Health
Healthcare Face-To-Face
- Passive treatment to proactive prevention
- Seamless access to health services
Heal th service
City hospital
- Isolation of the medical resources to
subdivision, share, synergy regionalization
Government agencies
Data center
County or city level hospital
- Medical and health technology
- based on modern electronics, engineering,
information and bio-engineering
Related medical and health institutions
Urban and rural community health service agencies
Electronic health record as the core Resources
sharing as the basic
9Case 1 Community health service in
Dongcheng district of Beijing
10Case 2 Health Information System in Xiamen City
Civil Affairs
Price Control
Drug administration
e-Health Administration
e-Community Healthcare
Regional Health Data Center
e-Health Supervision
e-family healthcare
Up level health data center
11Case 3 Regional health information network
(????) of Shanghai
- Goal
- Connect hospitals and share medical information
- Improve HIT adoption in hospitals
- Provide economical and convenient healthcare
- First phase
- Share information among hospitals patients
basic information, medical record, laboratory
result, medical image and report - Web port query, consult, appointment
- Public Health statistics, monitoring
Avoid unnecessary repeated lab test and
medical imaging examination
12Case 4 National e-Health Key Technology and
Regional Trial Implementation in Zhejiang
- Supported by Ministry of Health, Ministry of
Science and Technology, and Zhejiang Province - 7 tasks to evaluate key technologies and the
applications in e-health
Zhejiang Province 22 regions Covering 8 million
13Task 1EHR modeling
- Define health meta data and data sets from
fetus to death - Model EHR to cover all the key health points of
entire life - Define the services to integrate all the health
information together
Health care service cover the entire life
14Task 2Standards and specifications development
Cooperation with organizations such as Ministry
of Health, Chinese Association of Health
Information, Standardization Administration of
China, to develop and integrate standards that
will meet the needs of e-health
- Data classification and coding specification
- Data collection and exchange norms
- Standardize business processes
Health Record basic infrastructure and data
specification(on trial) EMR basic
infrastructure and data specification (Draft)
15Task 3Applications development on EMR
- Advanced clinical information systems
- Data mining and analysis technologies on EMR
16Task 4Regional health information exchange
social insurance
business insurance
blood station
antiepidemic organization
Regional Data Center
maternity and child healthcare
health supervision
emergence center
community health service center
17Task 5EMR based Tele-medicine platform
18Task 6Prompt clinical pathway and other CDSS
adoption in hospitals
19Task 7Regional implementation and evaluation
- Every 1,500 residents has a family doctor
- Health examinations for EHR (free of charge)
every 2 years - Depends on the adoption of HIT
20EHR related Actions in China
- Starting in 2009, a unified health record for all
residents will be established throughout the
country, promoting equality in right to basic
health service - -- National Human Rights Action Plan of China
(2009-2010) - Focus on developing regional health information
platform upon resident electronic health record,
and hospital information platform upon EMR - -- major work plan of Ministry of Health in
the year 2009
21Establish a National EHR in China
- Interoperability
- Health policy level
- Health services level
- Semantic level
- Technical and functional level
- Security and privacy
- Laws, regulations, and standards
- Security and privacy education
- Technical practices
- The cost
- Government role in investment
22Semantic Interoperable EHR
- Generic reference models for representing
clinical (EHR) data - e.g. EN 13606, HL7 CDA, openEHR Reference
Model - Agreed clinical data structure definitions
- e.g. openEHR archetypes, HL7 templates,
generic templates and data sets - Clinical terminology systems
StandardizedData Structures
StandardizedData Vocabularies
StandardizedFunctional Behaviour
23Major difficulties to achieve interoperability
- Chinese version medical terminology standard,
code systems and message exchange standard - Management and regulation lag behind the
requirement of HIT - Agreed EHR/EMR conception and recognition
- Standard-based HIT systems and products
- Clinical informatics research and knowledge base
- Difficult to share data between information
islands - Clinical information system adoption is low,
clinician get insufficient benefits from HIT - Repeated low-level HIT applications exhausted
most of the investment
24Security and Privacy
- MOH Measures for the Administration of
Electronic Certification Services in Healthcare
(on trial) begin trial implementation at Jan. 1,
2010 - Privacy Security standard and implementation
specifications like HIPAA in the US are not
available - Should coordinate with interoperable architecture
design work and general privacy legislation
procedure - Electronic certification service provider is
needed to support the future national EHR - Both clinicians and patients lack security and
privacy consciousness
25Governments role
- Many roles for the government to choose in
e-health. Different role has different cost and
risk - Planner and investor
Strategic investor
System developer
Standard maker
Construction supervisor
Policy maker
Industry supporter
Strategy Planner
Infrastructure constructor
Best practice promoter
System operator
26HIT standards break out in China
Ministry of Health of China published several HIT
standards since 2009
- Health Record basic infrastructure and data
specification (on trial) at May 19, 2009. - EMR basic infrastructure and data specification
(Draft) at August 4, 2009. - Technical Solution for Regional Health
Information Platform based-on EHR (on trial) at
December, 2009 - National Health Data Dictionary and Meta Data
Management System at December, 2009 - Measures for the Administration of Electronic
Certification Services in Healthcare (on trial)
at December, 2009 - Electronic Medical Record basic specification (on
trial) at March, 2010
27A Study on Information Infrastructure of A
nationwide EHR
- Jointly funded by China NSF and Chinese Academy
of Engineering - Part of the study on national long term
development strategy of engineering science and
technology of China
Project Director Huilong Duan
28National EHR Roadmap
Operation Refinement (2025-2030)
Preparation Trial (2010-2016)
Construction Development (2017-2025)
2015 50 3-level hospital 30 urban community
health center 20 rural hospital or
clinic Adoption interoperable EMR/EHR Demonstratio
n regional EHR
2025 100 3-level hospital 90 urban community
health center 80 rural hospital or
clinic Adoption interoperability EMR/EHR A
nationwide interoperable health information
network formed
2020 80 3-level hospital 50 urban community
health center 50 rural hospital or
clinic Adoption interoperable EMR/EHR Establish
above 10 province level EHR systems.
29Preparation and Trial (2010-2016)
- Tasks
- Medical informatics basic construction
- Enterprise information construction
- Regional EHR demonstration
- Plans in detail
- Establish a national organization to lead and
coordinate the national wide Health IT efforts
and responsible for drawing the detail blue
print of National EHR - Establish professional standard organizations
- Modify and new law and regulation adjusting to
e-health - Healthcare information security and privacy act
- EMR regulation
- Launch finance and policy to accelerate
standard-based interoperability EMR adoption in
30Construction and development (2017-2025)
- Tasks
- Widespread standard-based interoperability EMR in
hospitals - National EHR infrastructure construction
- Plans in detail
- Nationwide high speed networks for health
information exchange - Construct national standard EHR information
infrastructure, such as Identity, Service,
Auditing Service, Encryption Service, User
Authentication Service, et al. - Promote knowledge systems and applications such
as clinical decision support system, digital
clinical guideline, clinical pathway - Promote self-care and household medical systems
and devices integrated in the EHR - Online billing in the new medical security
systems, develop funding monitoring tools
31Operation and refinement (2025-2030)
- Tasks
- Refine the operation mode and regulation system
- A complete e-health system based on national EHR
- Plans in detail
- Establish professional national EHR operator,
gradually operates in market mode - Study the deep utilization of national EHR data
resource and add value for enterprise connect in
national EHR networks - Popularize the self-care and family-care health
service supported by professional systems and
applications - Accelerate the new healthcare service mode
- Community health deal with most of the health
problems - 3rd level hospital only accept transfer patient
from GP
32EHR in translational medicine
Standard semantic interoperable EHR provide the
possibility to reuse the data for research
- Integration of genomic information in EHR may
lead to genotype-to-phenotype correlation
analysis - China national EHR, on 1.3 billion persons
health and medical data and information, will
have a significant impact on translational
33Colorectal Cancer Translational Research Center
at ZJU
- Participating institutions
- -- School of Medicine
- -- Sir Shaw Run Run Hospital
- -- School of Biomedical Engineering Instrument
Science - Provide efficient communications and resource
sharing between biomedical and clinical
researches in colorectal cancer - Benefit patients with medical discoveries
34Information infrastructure to enable
translational research
35Translational EHR in future
36China National EHR long way ahead
- Most of the hospitals still use paper-based
medical records - Currently available standards are far from enough
for e-health - a common problem in most countries, especially in
China - Lack of professional talents in both research and
industry - medical informatics education just began
- Short of products and systems in the market
- Some social obstacle will exist for a long time
- hospitals unwilling to share their data
- clinician unwilling to change their workflow
- people unwilling their privacy under risk
37Thank you!