Title: A Practical Dynamic Buffer Overflow Detector (CRED)
1A Practical Dynamic Buffer Overflow Detector
- Olatunji Ruwase Monica S. Lam
- Transmeta Corp. Stanford University
Network and Distributed Security Symposium. Feb
2Buffer Overruns
- 50 of the 60 most severe vulnerabilities (posted
on CERT/CC) - Over 60 of CERT/CC advisories in 2003
- Slammer, CodeRed, Blastercaused billions of
dollars worth of damages - gt 800K at Stanford for Blaster alone
3Unsafe C Programs
- Legacy software cannot be rewritten
- Sound static analysis
- Finds all errors many false positives
- Unsound static analysis
- Finds less false positives, but not all errors
- Must still insert dynamic tests, since
bounds-checking is undecidable at compile time
4Dynamic Overrun Checkers
- Cannot catch all buffer overruns
- Stackguard
- Insert canary word
- Can bypass by skipping canary word
- Break existing code
- Change pointer representation
- Inefficient
5Dynamic Bounds-Checking
- Insert bounds checking automatically
- Use static analysis to reduce overhead
- Catching all errors ? 100 coverage
- Effective optimization ? 10 coverage
6State-of-the-art Checker
- Referent objects Jones and Kelly
- Objects and object table (splay tree)
- In-bounds address? start, end of object
- Given in-bounds pointer p to object o, derived
pointer q must also point to o
- GNU C compiler patch
- DLL of bounds checking functions for object table
lookups and updates - DLL also includes bounds checking versions of C
standard library functions - Instrumentation in GCC front end of non-copy
pointer operations, object allocations and
de-allocations - Splay tree improves object table lookups
8Out-of-bounds Pointers
- Ansi C and C
- Common idiom
- int A10
- for (p A p lt A 10 p)
- Can generate, test, but not deref one byte past
buffer - Cannot generate, test, or deref any other
out-of-bounds addresses
9Jones and Kellys Solution
- Pad all allocated objects by 1 byte
- Pointers past one byte are replaced by -2
- Subsequent non-copy use of -2 pointer flagged
as error
10Experiment 20 programs, 1.2 Mloc
Pass Kloc Pass Kloc Fail Kloc Fail Kloc
ccrypt 4.4 apache 73.6
gzip 5.8 binutils 596.5
monkey 2.5 bison 25.1
polymorph 0.4 coreutils 69.5
tar 18.2 enscript 22.1
WsMp3 3.4 gawk 36.4
wu-ftpd 18.3 gnupg 71.2
zlib 8.3 grep 20.8
hypermail 27.6
openssh 43.4
openssl 162.7
pgp4pine 3.3
Total 61.3 1152.2
11Programs Not Ansi-C Compliant
12Our solution to out-of-bounds (OOB) pointers
- Unique OOB object created for every OOB pointer
- Referent object and OOB value of pointer stored
in OOB object - OOB pointer points to its own OOB object
- OOB object table (hashtable)
13Our solution to out-of-bound (OOB) pointers
- Use OOB addr for computations and tests, but not
dereference - OOB objects deleted as referent objects are
deleted (no leaks)
14 Out-of-bounds pointers Uninstrumented
- 1 char p, q, r, s
- 2
- 3 p malloc(4)
- 4 q p 1
- 5 s p 5
- 6 r s 3
referent object
p malloc(4)
q p 1
s p 5
r s 3
15 Instrumentation with Jones and Kelly Checker
- 1 char p, q, r, s
- 2
- 3 p malloc(4)
- 4 q p 1
- 5 s p 5
- 6 r s 3
referent object
p malloc(4)
q p 1
s p 5
r s 3
s (-2)
16Instrumentation with CRED
- 1 char p, q, r, s
- 2
- 3 p malloc(4)
- 4 q p 1
- 5 s p 5
- 6 r s 3
p malloc(4)
q p 1
s p 5
referent object
r s 3
obj value
OOB object
- Buffer overflow attacks caused by user supplied
string data - Restrict bounds checking to only strings
- Objects of all types maintained in object table
to handle casts - Common downcasts to char pointers when copying
data - Experimental results indicate effective
protection and improved performance
- C Range Error Detector (CRED), built on Jones and
Kellys implementation - Compatibility
- Evaluation of full checking instrumentation
- Rigorous evaluation using app test suites
- Passed all the 1.2 M loc tests
- Overflow bugs found in ssl, coreutils and bison
test suites
- Against attacks on
- Gawk, gzip, hypermail, monkey, pgp4pine,
polymorph, WsMp3 - Against Wilander Kamkars 20 tests
- ProPolice passed 50
- StackGuard, StackShield, Libsafe and Libverify
are worse
- Focus of this work Compatibility
- Simplicity ? correctness ? thorough
compatibility tests (1.2 M loc) - Buffer overruns in C programs can be detected
dynamically - Can apply static analysis to reduce overhead
22CRED is Open Source
- Merged into publicly available GNU C bounds
checking patch maintained by Herman ten Brugge - http//web.inter.nl.net/hcc/Haj.Ten.Brugge/
- http//sourceforge.net/projects/boundschecking/