1New RulesNew GameRelating Public Policy
Changes to Program Evolution in Cardiac
Pulmonary Rehab
2Presentation Objectives
- Describe Medicare Account Contractors (MACs)
- Describe AACVPR Health Public Policy Committee
Functions - Report on current AACVPR national local public
policy initiatives - Discuss programming opportunities given the new
rules - Describe national lobbying strategies and 2012
DOTH activities
3CMS MAC-15 Update What is a MAC?
- CMS Medicare Account Contractor (MAC) ?
Integrate centralize information and create
efficient processes for delivery of comprehensive
care to Medicare beneficiaries. - Goals
- Full and open competitions to replace existing
system of Fiscal Intermediary (FI) contractors - Increased efficiencies
- Consistent approach to medical coverage across
the service area - Competition among current MACs to encourage
quality cost efficient service to health
providers. - Focus on financial management to achieve more
accurate claims payments and greater consistency
in payment decisions.
4Section 911, Medicare Prescription Drug,
Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003
- 15 MAC Geographic Regions
5CIGNA Government Services (CGS) Functions
- CMS will ensure its MAC contracts focus on three
critical areas - Customer service
- Operational excellence
- Financial management.
- Medicare coverage and billing requirements, and
the receipt, processing, and payment of Medicare
fee-for service core claims processing operations
for both Part A and Part B. . - Interpret national coverage determination NCD
language and intent in the development of
MAC-LCDs - Maintain a staff of experts knowledgeable of all
aspects of the fee-for-service program
6AACVPR MAC J-15 Committee
- Dalynn Badenhop, OH
- Mike Bichsel, OH
- Elaine Bohman, OH
- Sherri Bradley, KY
- Peggy Cox, KY
- Tammy Garwick, OH
- Jim Rosneck, OH
- Rich Sukeena, OH
- Stephanie Tucker, KY
- (Physician Liaison Rich Josephson, OH)
7AACVPR J-15 Committee Functions
- Maintain Communication
- Insure that CGS ? Cardiac Pulmonary Rehab local
coverage determination (LCD) represents the
letter and intent of the recent national coverage
determination. - Coordinate activities with AACVPR national HPP
committee members leadership. - Communicate issues effectively with OACVPR
KACVPR leadership to insure that member and
nonmember programs are aware of HPP issues.
8MAC J-15 Current History
- CGS Cutover from NGS (Fiscal Intermediary)
management October 17, 2011 - LCD Postings at least by September 1st 2011
- October 2012 CGS decision to adhere to the
National Coverage Determination NCD for Pulmonary
Cardiac rehab rules coverage interpretation.
9MAC J-15 CGS Strategy
- Watchful Waiting
- Announcement of CGS LCD writing group
- J-15 action committee will directly contact CGS
medical directtor Gary Oakes MD. - Educate
- Petition for adherence to Medicare NCD statute
- Involve AACVPR national officers PRN
10Current PR LCD?
11 NCD Components of Pulmonary Rehab
- Physician prescribed exercise
- Patient centered
- Some aerobic training included in each session
- Education
- Tailored to individual needs
- Tailored to behavioral change
- Brief smoking cessation
- Nutrition
- Proper medication use adherence
- Psychosocial Assessment
- Include assessment of home support
- Objective measure of progress (Pre Post Testing)
12NCD Components of Pulmonary Rehab
- Outcomes assessment
- Baseline assessment patient centered goals
- Individual progress via objective measurements.
- Pretesting - Goal Setting Post testing
- Individualized Treatment Plan
- Diagnosis
- Type, amount, frequency and duration of the items
and services - Patient centered goals
- Established reviewed and signed by a physician
- Reviewed signed by the medical director
13NCD Components of Pulmonary Rehab - Diagnosis
- Moderate, severe and very severe COPD (GOLD
guidelines) - Billing code G0424
- Non-COPD
- All other previously recognized diagnoses
- Billing code G0239 Group Exercise
- Billing code G0238 Individual Exercise q15min
- Billing code G0237 Individual Education
q15min - LCD will eventually determine the status of
Non-COPD diagnosis
Require the 59 modifier
14Pulmonary Program Evolution
- Necessity of ECG monitoring?
- Aerobic exercise requirement (PR/session -
CR/day) - Two daily sessions
- 36 sessions / 36 weeks (PR limited 72 lifetime)
- Sessions in excess of 36
- No restrictions re program crossover
- Educational Psychosocial requirements
- GOLD standard increased PR patient eligibility
- Program individualization per patient focused
needs - Knowledge translated to behavioral change
Require the KX modifier
15NGS CGS Cardiac Rehab Coverage
- Physician directed supervised
- Components include
- exercise prescription
- risk factor modification
- psychosocial assessment
- outcome assessment
- Individual treatment plan
- diagnosis
- individual goals
- type, amount, frequency and duration of items and
services provided. - Reviewed and signed by a physician every 30
days - Non-physician practitioner (NPP) may order the
Cardiac Rehabilitation if it is within his/her
scope of state practice under licensure
DOTH 2012 issue
16Pulmonary Rehab Coverage Scenarios
T. B. A.
17Cardiac Rehab Performance Measures
18NGS vs. CGS Cardiac Rehab Coverage
- NGS heart valve surgery, PTCA or stenting and
stable angina must begin a program within 6mths
- CGS accepted diagnosis can begin a program
within 12mths of procedure or diagnosis
- NGS clause re angina assessment via
angiographic changes during GXT. - CGS angina diagnosis is determined by the
referring physician
19Medical justification for extended participation
- Once a patient has reached the exit criteria
(i.e. 36 sessions), further CR will not be
considered reasonable and necessary. - Proof of ischemia or dysrhythmia per GXT
- Achievement of 7lt METs a stable level of
exercise tolerance (AHA Class I or normal FWC) - 6lt minutes on a Bruce Protocol (or equivalent)
- Significant ischemia or dysrhythmia gt 6 minutes
GXT - Heart Transplant lt 90 predicted VO2 peak
- CGS Medical necessity proactively documented by
the referring / supervising physician
201st Talking Point NPP Supervision of CAH - CP
- Issue Critical Access Hospitals (CAH) programs
in jeopardy due to physician supervision language
in current statute. (Imposes strict requirements,
describing the direct physician supervision
standard for PR, CR services) - Technical Correction to existing 2008
legislation codifying Cardiac Pulmonary rehab. - Bi-partisan co-sponsors
- No additional involved.
- Prevents use of Medicare services by constituents
served by CAHs.
212nd Talking Point Cost Reporting
- 2009 CMS commissioned Research Triangle Institute
(RTI) to investigate HOPPS rate setting
processes. - RTI data indicated a reimbursement of gt
100/session (Current CR 69.50PR 37.43) - RTI found the CMS processes mapping
cost-to-charge relationships in CP programs was
flawed and easily corrected. CMS chose to not
heed this advise. - HOPPS final rule page 101CMS-1504-FC 101 (2011
rule changes this process allows for the use of
the non-standard methodology) - CRUCIAL all programs should contact their
reimbursement depts. to insure they use this
method of reporting costs to CMS.
223rd Talking Point Excessive Medicare Advantage
- Medicare Advantage Pulmonary Cardiac Rehab
Disadvantage !!! - Medicare pays a fixed amount every month to the
companies offering Medicare Advantage Plans. - Mandated to follow rules set by Medicare.
- Each Medicare Advantage Plan however has the
freedom to require per-session co-pays greatly in
excess of the typical 20 (7.49) per session
fee. - High co-payments denial of services
23Thank youquestions