Notes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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533D: Animation Physics ... Notes – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Notes

Simplifications of Elasticity
Rotated Linear Elements
  • Green strain is quadratic - not so nice
  • Cauchy strain cant handle big rotations
  • So instead, for each element factor deformation
    gradient A into a rotation Q times a deformation
    F AQF
  • Polar Decomposition
  • Strain is now just F-I, compute stress, rotate
    forces back with QT
  • See Mueller et al, Interactive Virtual
    Materials, GI04
  • Quick and dirty version use QR, Fsymmetric part
    of R

Inverted Elements
  • Too much external force will crush a mesh, cause
    elements to invert
  • Usual definitions of strain cant handle this
  • Instead can take SVD of A, flip smallest singular
    value if we have inversion
  • Strain is just diagonal now
  • See Irving et al., Invertible FEM, SCA04

Embedded Geometry
  • Common technique simulation geometry isnt as
    detailed as rendered geometry
  • E.g. simulate cloth with a coarse mesh, but
    render smooth splines from it
  • Can take this further embedded geometry
  • Simulate deformable object dynamics with simple
    coarse mesh
  • Embed more detailed geometry inside the mesh for
    collision processing
  • Fast, looks good, avoids the need for complex
    (and finnicky) mesh generation
  • See e.g. Skeletal Animation of Deformable
    Characters," Popovic et al., SIGGRAPH02

Quasi-Static Motion
  • Assume inertia is unimportant---given any applied
    force, deformable object almost instantly comes
    to rest
  • Then we are quasi-static solve for current
    position where FinternalFexternal0
  • For linear elasticity, this is just a linear
  • Potentially very fast, no need for time stepping
  • Schur complement technique assume external
    forces never applied to interior nodes, then can
    eliminate them from the equationJust left with
    a small system of equations for surface nodes
    (i.e. just the ones we actually can see)

Boundary Element Method
  • For quasi-static linear elasticity and a
    homogeneous material, can set up PDE to eliminate
    interior unknowns---before discretization
  • Very accurate and efficient!
  • Essentially the limit of the Schur complement
  • See James Pai, ArtDefo, SIGGRAPH99
  • For interactive rates, can actually do more
    preinvert BEM stiffness matrix
  • Need to be smart about updating inverse when
    boundary conditions change

Modal Dynamics
  • See Pentland and Williams, Good Vibrations,
  • Again assume linear elasticity
  • Equation of motion is MaDvKxFexternal
  • M, K, and D are constant matrices
  • M is the mass matrix (often diagonal)
  • K is the stiffness matrix
  • D is the damping matrix assume a multiple of K
  • This a large system of coupled ODEs now
  • We can solve eigen problem to diagonalize and
    decouple into scalar ODEs
  • M and K are symmetric, so no problems here -
    complete orthogonal basis of real eigenvectors

  • Say U(u1 u2 u3n) is a matrix with the
    columns the eigenvectors of M-1K (also M-1D)
  • M-1Kui?iui and M-1Dui?iui
  • Assume ?i are increasing
  • We know ?1?60 and ?1?60(with u1, , u6
    the rigid body modes)
  • The rest are the deformation modes the larger
    that ?i is, the smaller scale the mode is
  • Change equation of motion to this basis

Decoupling into modes
  • Take yUTx (so xUy) - decompose positions (and
    velocities, accelerations) into a sum of modes
  • Multiply by UT to decompose equations into modal
  • So now we have 3n independent ODEs
  • If Fext is constant over the time step, can even
    write down exact formula for each

Examining modes
  • Mode i
  • Rigid body modes have zero eigenvalues, so just
    depend on force
  • Roughly speaking, rigid translations will take
    average of force, rigid rotations will take
    cross-product of force with positions (torque)
  • Better to handle these as rigid body
  • The large eigenvalues (large i) have small length
    scale, oscillate (or damp) very fast
  • Visually irrelevant
  • Left with small eigenvalues being important

Throw out high frequencies
  • Only track a few low-frequency modes (5-10)
  • Time integration is blazingly fast!
  • Essentially reduced the degrees of freedom from
    thousands or millions down to 10 or so
  • But keeping full geometry, just like embedded
    element approach
  • Collision impulses need to be decomposed into
    modes just like external forces

Simplifying eigenproblem
  • Low frequency modes not affected much by high
    frequency geometry
  • And visually, difficult for observers to quantify
    if a mode is actually accurate
  • So we can use a very coarse mesh to get the
    modes, or even analytic solutions for a block of
    comparable mass distribution
  • Or use a Rayleigh-Ritz approximation to the
    eigensystem (eigen-version of Galerkin FEM)
  • E.g. assume low frequency modes are made up of
    affine and quadratic deformations
  • Do FEM, get eigenvectors to combine them

More savings
  • External forces (other than gravity, which is in
    the rigid body modes) rarely applied to interior,
    and we rarely see the interior deformation
  • So just compute and store the boundary particles
  • E.g. see James and Pai, DyRT, SIGGRAPH02 --
    did this in graphics hardware!

Inelasticity Plasticity Fracture
Plasticity Fracture
  • If material deforms too much, becomes permanently
    deformed plasticity
  • Yield condition when permanent deformation
    starts happening (if stress is large enough)
  • Elastic strain deformation that can disappear in
    the absence of applied force
  • Plastic strain permanent deformation accumulated
    since initial state
  • Total strain total deformation since initial
  • Plastic flow when yield condition is met, how
    elastic strain is converted into plastic strain
  • Fracture if material deforms too much, breaks
  • Fracture condition if stress is large enough

For springs (1D)
  • Go back to Terzopoulos and Fleischer
  • Plasticity change the rest length if the stress
    (tension) is too high
  • Maybe different yielding for compression and
  • Work hardening make the yield condition more
    stringent as material plastically flows
  • Creep let rest length settle towards current
    length at a given rate
  • Fracture break the spring if the stress is too
  • Without plasticity brittle
  • With plasticity first ductile

Fracturing meshes (1D)
  • Breaking springs leads to volume loss material
  • Solutions
  • Break at the nodes instead (look at average
    tension around a node instead of on a spring)
  • Note recompute mass of copied node
  • Cut the spring in half, insert new nodes
  • Note could cause CFL problems
  • Virtual node algorithm
  • Embed fractured geometry, copy the spring (see
    Molino et al. A Virtual Node Algorithm

Multi-Dimensional Plasticity
  • Simplest model total strain is sum of elastic
    and plastic parts ??e ?p
  • Stress only depends on elastic part(so rest
    state includes plastic strain)??(?e)
  • If ? is too big, we yield, and transfer some of
    ?e into ?p so that ? is acceptably small

Multi-Dimensional Yield criteria
  • Lots of complicated stuff happens when materials
  • Metals dislocations moving around
  • Polymers molecules sliding against each other
  • Etc.
  • Difficult to characterize exactly when plasticity
    (yielding) starts
  • Work hardening etc. mean it changes all the time
  • Approximations needed
  • Big two Tresca and Von Mises

  • First note that shear stress is the important
  • Materials (almost) never can permanently change
    their volume
  • Plasticity should ignore volume-changing stress
  • So make sure that if we add kI to ? it doesnt
    change yield condition

Tresca yield criterion
  • This is the simplest description
  • Change basis to diagonalize ?
  • Look at normal stresses (i.e. the eigenvalues of
  • No yield if ?max-?min ?Y
  • Tends to be conservative (rarely predicts
    yielding when it shouldnt happen)
  • But, not so accurate for some stress states
  • Doesnt depend on middle normal stress at all
  • Big problem (mathematically) not smooth

Von Mises yield criterion
  • If the stress has been diagonalized
  • More generally
  • This is the same thing as the Frobenius norm of
    the deviatoric part of stress
  • i.e. after subtracting off volume-changing part
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