Title: What is The Poincar
1What is The Poincaré Conjecture?
- Henri Poincaré
- Millennium Problems
- Poincaré Conjecture exact statement
- Why is the Conjecture important and what do the
words mean? - The Shape of The Universe
- About the proof of The Conjecture
3Henri Poincaré(April 29, 1854 July 17, 1912)
- Mathematician, physicist, philosopher
- Created the foundations of
- Topology
- Chaos Theory
- Relativity Theory
4Millennium Problems
- The Clay Mathematics Institute of Cambridge,
Massachusetts has named seven Prize Problems - Each of these problems is VERY HARD
- Every prize is 1,000,000
- There are several rules, in particular
- solution must be published in a refereed
mathematics journal of worldwide repute - and it must also have general acceptance in the
mathematics community two years after
5The Poincaré conjecture (1904)
- ConjectureEvery closedsimply
connected3-dimensional manifoldis homeomorphic
to the3-dimensional sphere - What do these words mean?
6Why is The Conjectue Important?
- Geometry of The Universe
- New directions in mathematics
7The Study of Space
- Simpler problem understanding the shape of the
Earth! - First approximation flat Earth
- Does it have a boundary (an edge)?
- The correct answer "The Earth is "round"
(spherical)" can be confirmed after first space
travels (A look from outside!)
8The Study of Space
- Nevertheless, it was obtained a long time
before! - First (?) conjecture about spherical shape of
Earth Pythagoras (6th century BC) - Further development of the idea Middle Ages
- Experimental proof first circumnavigation of the
earth by Ferdinand Magellan
9Magellan's Journey
- August 10, 1519 September 6, 1522
- Start about 250 men
- Return about 20 men
10The Study of Space
- What is the geometry of the Universe?
- We do not have a luxury to look from outside
- "First approximation"The Universe is infinite
(unbounded), three-dimensional, and
"flat"(mathematical model Euclidean 3-space)
11The Study of Space
- Universe has finite volume?
- Bounded Universe?
- However, no "edge"
- A possible modelthree-dimensional sphere!
12What is 3-dim sphere?
What is 2-dim sphere?
13What is 3-dim sphere?
The set of points in 4-dim spaceon the same
distance from a given point
Take two solid balls and glue their
high-pitched sound
Short wavelength High frequency
low-pitched sound
Long wavelength Low frequency
16Doppler Effect
Higher pitch
17Wavelength and colors
Star at rest
Moving Star
20Expanding Universe?
Alexander Friedman,1922
The Big Bangtheory
Georges-HenriLemaître, 1927Edwin Hubble, 1929
21Bounded and expanding?
- Spherical Universe?
- Three-Dimensional sphere(balloon) is inflating
22Infinite and Expanding?
Not quite correct!(it appears that the Universe
has an "edge")
23Infinite and Expanding?
Distancesincrease The Universestretches
Big Bang
24Is a cylinder flat?
25Triangle on a cylinder
a ß ? 180o
26Sphere is not flat
a ß ? gt 180o
27Sphere is not flat
28How to tell a sphere from plane
- 1st method Plane is unbounded
- 2nd method Sum of angles of a triangle
- What is triangle on a sphere?
- Geodesic shortest path
29Flat and bounded?
30Flat and bounded?
and Flat Torus
313-dim Torus
Section flat torus
32Torus Universe
33Assumptions about the Universe
- Homogeneous
- matter is distributed uniformly(universe looks
the same to all observers) - Isotropic
- properties do not depend on direction(universe
looks the same in all directions )
Shape of the Universe is the same everywhere So
it must have constant curvature
34Constant curvature K
Pseudosphere (part of Hyperbolic plane)
Plane K 0
Sphere Kgt0(K 1/R2)
a ß ? gt180o a ß ? 180o a
ß ? lt 180o
35Three geometries and Three models of the
Plane K 0
Elliptic Euclidean Hyperbolic
K 0
K lt 0
K gt 0
a ß ? gt180o a ß ? 180o a
ß ? lt 180o
36What happens if we try to "flatten"a piece of
37How to tell a torus from a sphere?
- First, compare a plane and a plane with a hole
38Simply connected surfaces
Simply connected
Not simply connected
39Homeomorphic objects
continuous deformation of one object to another
43Can we cut?
Yes, if we glue after
44So, a knotted circle is the same as usual circle!
45The Conjecture
- ConjectureEvery closedsimply
connected3-dimensional manifoldis homeomorphic
to the3-dimensional sphere
462-dimensional case
- Theorem (Poincare)
- Every closedsimply connected2-dimensional
manifoldis homeomorphic to the2-dimensional
47Higher-dimensional versions of the Poincare
- were proved by
- Stephen Smale (dimension n 7 in 1960, extended
to n 5)(also Stallings, and Zeeman)Fields
Medal in 1966 - Michael Freedman (n 4) in 1982,Fields Medal in
48Perelman's proof
- In 2002 and 2003 Grigori Perelman posted to the
preprint server arXiv.org three papers outlining
a proof of Thurston's geometrization conjecture - This conjecture implies the Poincaré conjecture
- However, Perelman did not publish the proof in
any journal
49Fields Medal
- On August 22, 2006, Perelman was awarded the
medal at the International Congress of
Mathematicians in Madrid - Perelman declined to accept the award
50Detailed Proof
- In June 2006,Zhu Xiping and Cao
Huaidongpublished a paper "A Complete Proof of
the Poincaré and Geometrization Conjectures -
Application of the Hamilton-Perelman Theory of
the Ricci Flow" in the Asian Journal of
Mathematics - The paper contains 328 pages
51Further reading
- "The Shape of Space"by Jeffrey Weeks
- "The mathematics ofthree-dimensional
manifolds"by William Thurston and Jeffrey
Weeks(Scientific American, July 1984, pp.108-120)
52Thank you!