Title: Reference Sources
1Reference Sources
Id like you to write a paper on the history of
information theory from the end of World War II
to the rise of the World Wide Web in the 1980s.
3- Encyclopedia
- Dictionary
- Handbook
- Manual
- Yearbook
4(No Transcript)
5From the Oxford English Dictionary
6Locating Facts or Specific Details
In the 1960s, the average size of an American
family was. Well, let me see. Greg, Marcia,
Jan, Peter, Cindy, Bobby. Would I count Alice?
8- Almanac
- Atlas
- Biographical Dictionary
- Directory
9Locating Other Sources of Information
10- Abstracts
- Bibliographies
- Indexes
11Reference Sources
12Browsing the Reference Shelves
13Library Catalogue
History HistoryBibliography HistoryDictionaries
HistoryDirectories HistoryHandbooks, manuals,
etc. HistoryIndexes HistoryYearbooks
14Guides to Reference Works
- Print Sources
- UWO Library Web Page
- Resources by Subject
- Electronic Sources
- Librarians Index to the Internet
- --Reference desk
- http//www.lii.org/
15Evaluating Reference Sources
- Scope and coverage
- Timeliness
- Authority
- Presence of bibliographies and cross-references