Title: Childhood Blindness in Qatar A high incidence of homocystinuria
1Childhood Blindness in QatarA high incidence of
- Richard Scawn, Dawn Sim, Charles Claoue
- Queens Hospital, Essex, UK
Richard Scawn has received travel sponsorship
from Rayner The authors have no financial
interest in the subject of this e-poster
2Aim and Background
- The aim of our study was to determine the causes
of childhood blindness in Qatar - One previous survey of blindness in adults and
children of Qatar was carried out in 1977 1 - The State of Qatar is an Arab emirate bordered by
Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf. - With the discovery of oil in the 1940s came large
changes in the socioeconomic wealth and
population growth. - It is estimated that only about 30 of the
countrys population (gt1.4million), are citizens. - All Qataris receive free medical care
3Al-Noor Institute, Doha, Qatar
- Qatars only blind school
- Opened in September of 1998
- Provides a free education for citizens and
residents -
- Students with blindness, low vision, and special
- A visiting Ophthalmologist examined all children
attending the Al-Noor Institute - The classification method used was that of the
British Ophthalmological Surveillance Unit (BOSU)
study 3 - (1) entirely unavoidable/untreatable,
- (2) entirely preventable, or
- (3) potentially treatable
- Outcomes of the consultation were grouped into 7
categories, including recommendations for - (1) surgery, (2) further investigations, (3)
low vision assessment, - (4) refraction / contact lens / glasses, (5)
mainstream school, - (6) blind school(7) blind school with special
6Genetically-determined and Acquired causes of
Genetic causes Total () Acquired causes Total ()
Microphthalmia Lebera Amaurosis Retinitis Pigmentosa High Myopia Retinal detachment Congenital Cataracts Homocystinuria Congenital Glaucoma Albinism Congenital nystagmus Cone Dystrophy Squint/Refractive/Ambylopia Congenital Ptosis Corneal Opacities (Genetic) Neurological (Genetic) 18 (11) 17 (10) 5 (3) 13 (8) 8 (5) 14 (8) 41 (19) 17 (10) 4 (2) 5 (3) 2 (1) 10 (6) 1 (1) 17 (10) 7 (4) Corneal Opacities (Acquired) Neurological (Acquired) Retinopathy of Prematurity Squint / Ambylopia Congenital Ptosis Macular Coloboma 5 (12) 13 (30) 13 (30) 10 (23) 1 (2) 1 (2)
Total 168 (79) 43 (21)
7Blindness by BOSU classification
Entirely unavoidable/untreatable 65 (30.8)
Entirely preventable 25 (11.8)
Retinopathy of prematurity Traumatic brain injury Refractive error/Ambylopia 13 1 11
Potentially treatable 121 (57.3)
High Myopia Retinal detachment Congenital Cataracts Homocystinuria Congenital Glaucoma Corneal opacities Cerebral palsy Hydrocephalus 13 8 14 41 17 22 4 2
8Comparison of the causes of blindness with 1977
Categories 1977 Current Difference ()
Trachoma 36 0.5 -35.6
Infectious diseases 6.1 1.4 -4.7
Retinal disease 15.0 27 12.0
Trauma 23.8 1.4 -22.4
Genetically determined 17.0 79.8 62.6
- Homocystinuria was by far the most common single
diagnosis. - In this group further intervention via cataract
surgery or YAG laser capsulotomy required in 17
(n7), refraction or low vision assessment was
needed in 63 (n26). - A small number of these children (n4, 9.8) had
visual acuities that would enable them to attend
mainstream school.
- Homocystinuria incidence
- Western Europe 1 in 20,000-60,000 4
- Norway 1 in 6400
- Qatar 1 in 3125 5
- Original Qatari tribes amount to about 200,000
people -
- Until the beginning of the 20th century the local
Qatari tribes were genetically isolated, with a
high level of intermarriage. - As in other Gulf States today it is still common
for first- or second-degree cousins to marry6.
54 in Qatari population7 - Consequent founder effects are responsible for
the high prevalence and unusual burden of
inherited disorders in Qatari population8
- There has been a dramatic shift in the leading
cause of blindness following economic development
in Qatar -
- In our study genetic diseases account for almost
80 - Improved education, genetic counseling and
screening programs8 may reduce the future
incidence of genetically determined causes of
blindness in Qatar
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