Title: Integrity Management Workshop
1Comprehensive Inspection Protocols for Risk
Analysis Preventive and Mitigative Measures
- Integrity Management Workshop
- July 23-24, 2002
2Risk Analysis
- Risk Analysis in Integrity Management Rule
195.452 - Element of Baseline Assessment Plan with respect
to establishing assessment schedule c (1) iii - Integration of information on pipeline integrity
and consequences of failure f(3), g - Evaluation of the need for additional preventive
mitigative measures i(1,2)
3 Risk Analysis
- Risk Analysis in Integrity Management Rule
195.452 - Evaluation of leak detection capability i(3)
- Evaluation of additional EFRDs i(4)
- Assessment interval determination j(2,3)
4Risk Analysis
- All that being the case, what types of areas
will be looked at during the comprehensive
inspections? - Process for Analyzing Risk (Risk Process)
5Risk Analysis
- All that being the case, what types of areas
will be looked at during the comprehensive
inspections? - Process for Analyzing Risk (Risk Process)
- Application of Risk Process
6Risk Analysis Process
- What is the described risk process?
7Risk Analysis Process
- What is the described risk process?
- Are all relevant risk factors included?
- Required and others as appropriate (e.g.,
operational contributions to failure risk)
8Risk Analysis Process
- What is the described risk process?
- Are all relevant risk factors included?
- Required and others as appropriate (e.g.,
operational contributions to failure risk) - What are the technical assumptions and associated
9Risk Analysis Process (contd)
- What measures of risk are produced by the
10Risk Analysis Process (contd)
- What measures of risk are produced by the
process? - Are Information Analysis requirements met?
- Risk analysis and paragraph (g) requirements
11Risk Analysis Process (contd)
- What measures of risk are produced by the
process? - Are Information Analysis requirements met?
- Risk analysis and paragraph (g) requirements
- Periodic update/revision of process?
12Risk Analysis Application
- Are input data adequate and utilized
13Risk Analysis Application
- Are input data adequate and utilized
appropriately? - Is the pipeline appropriately segmented?
14Risk Analysis Application (contd)
- How are results integrated with integrity
assessment results? With other pipeline
integrity information? With other risk factors
not in the process?
15Risk Analysis Application (contd)
- How are results integrated with integrity
assessment results? With other pipeline
integrity information? With other risk factors
not in the process? - How are the results used in support of each of
the associated integrity management elements?
(e.g., segment ranking for assessment plan )
16Preventive and Mitigative Measures
- Required element of Integrity Management
- Program f (6)
- Requirements outlined in Section i
- Identification of additional actions i(1)
- Risk analysis i(2)
- Leak detection evaluation i(3)
- EFRD evaluation i(4)
17Preventive and Mitigative Measures
- As with risk analysis, look at two general areas
- Process for evaluating Preventive and Mitigative
Measures - Application of the evaluation process
18Preventive and Mitigative Measures Process
- What is the described process?
19Preventive and Mitigative Measures Process
- What is the described process?
- Are the relevant risk analysis and risk factors
20Preventive and Mitigative Measures Process
- What is the described process?
- Are the relevant risk analysis and risk factors
included? - What are the technical assumptions and associated
21Preventive and Mitigative Measures Process
- What are the additional action decision criteria?
22Preventive and Mitigative Measures Process
- What are the additional action decision criteria?
- Are additional EFRDs evaluated as required?
23Preventive and Mitigative Measures Process
- What are the additional action decision criteria?
- Are additional EFRDs evaluated as required?
- Periodic update/revision of process required?
- Review requirements?
24Preventive and Mitigative Measures Application
- Are input data adequate and utilized
25Preventive and Mitigative Measures Application
- Are input data adequate and utilized
appropriately? - Have risk factors in addition to the required
factors been considered?
26Preventive and Mitigative Measures Application
- How are the results used in support of each of
the associated integrity management elements?
27Preventive and Mitigative Measures Application
- How are the results used in support of each of
the associated integrity management elements? - What additional actions have been considered?
Timeliness of implementation?
28Preventive and Mitigative Measures Application
- How are the results used in support of each of
the associated integrity management elements? - What additional actions have been considered?
Timeliness of implementation? - Have any additional EFRDs been identified?
29Risk Analysis / Preventive and Mitigative Measures
- Inspection Expectations
- Process will be examined
30Risk Analysis / Preventive and Mitigative Measures
- Inspection Expectations
- Process will be examined
- Application of process will be examined
31Risk Analysis / Preventive and Mitigative Measures
- Inspection Expectations
- Process will be examined
- Application of process will be examined
- Documented evaluation of measures considered to
prevent and mitigate will be important
32Risk Analysis / Preventive and Mitigative Measures
- Inspection Expectations
- Process will be examined
- Application of process will be examined
- Documented evaluation of measures considered to
prevent and mitigate will be important - Risk analysis is a key input