Business Drivers of Software Architecture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Business Drivers of Software Architecture


Business Drivers of Software Architecture Managing Development and Support Resource Sharing and Re-use Replication, Redundancy, Distribution including Precedence and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Business Drivers of Software Architecture

Business Drivers of Software Architecture
  • Managing Development and Support
  • Resource Sharing and Re-use
  • Replication, Redundancy, Distribution
  • including Precedence and Concurrency
  • Establishing and Demonstrating Properties
  • Facilitating internal visibility
  • Handling anomalies and transitions
  • Organizational Boundaries and Responsibilities
  • Other

Managing Development and Support
  • New developers and maintainers need to learn the
    product, how to think about it and how to work
    with itUse the software architecture as a high
    level simplification slight errors resulting
    from oversimplification are tolerable if the
    violations can be identified and explained
  • Outsourcing, including subcontracting,
    collaboration, and use of COTS must be
    facilitatedLoose coupling can reduce interface
    and interaction between components, and
    well-defined interfaces can simplify acceptance
  • Different implementation strategies and project
    management are appropriate to different aspects
    of a systemPartition the architecture into
    homogeneous subsystems
  • Staffing decisionsAppropriate architectural
    partitioning can limit requirements for
    specialized skills for particular subsystems
    (e.g. speech recognition knowledge may only be
    required in part of HCI)

Managing Development and Support (cont.)
  • Need to allow for workarounds, to avoid known
    flaws in toolsAn architecture must not too
    tightly constrain implementation choices, amongst
    other reasons because flaws in development tools
    can prevent the obvious implementation strategy
    from being followed. Less obvious choices may
    need to be used as workarounds, especially for
    third-party tools which may never be repaired.
  • Need incremental delivery to in order to provide
    a marketable product before some components are
    available subsequent releases will provide more
    complete functionality as more components become
    available. Revenue from preliminary sales
    validates market existence for potential
    investors. Also accommodates fixed price or fixed
    delivery date contracts which must deliver
    incomplete functionality.Nested architectures of
    successive releases is key

Managing Development and Support (cont. again)
  • Beyond incremental development, need evolutionary
    development in a use-and-learn cycle to adapt
    requirements and implementation to lessons
    learned from early adoptersNested architectures
    for successive releases must be adapted by the
    ability to withdraw deployed functionality.
    Typically this flattens dependency graphs
  • Provide an easy method to install and use
    upgradesIf a product will change often over its
    lifetime, not only must the upgrade procedure be
    easy, and user awareness of changed facilities be
    assisted, but interoperation with data prepared
    by and for other releases must be supported.
    These require support in the architecture.
  • Need metrics to measure productivity and gate
    progress paymentsIn a concurrent engineering
    environment, traditional waterfall milestones are
    not a useful measure of work performed,
    especially when the contracting agency is asked
    to provide progress payments. Metrics based on
    architectural elements treated provides a finer
    grain framework for assessing work done, and also
    provides a measure of due diligence of
    alteratives considered and potential changes
    allowed for.

Resource Sharing and Re-use
  • Objective is to produce a commercial software
    product, i.e. one sold in essentially identical
    form to many customersSeparate common core from
    tailorable aspects and provide machinery for
    tailoring by customers and installers. Porting to
    other platforms and configuring to different
    needs are also important.
  • Objective is to producing a family of related
    productsA product line is a number of products
    that share a managed set of resources. Often
    members of the family are obtained by making a
    choice between alternate components or by
    inclusion or not of optional components. Common
    core can convey benefits beyond simply reduced
    development and support costs, e.g. common
    look-and-feel reduces training time for
    customers.Evolution over time can often usefully
    be thought of as a family of products.

Resource Sharing and Re-use (cont.)
  • Objective is to produce an internationalized
    product that can be localized to different
    culturesSeparate the parts of the application
    affected be internationalization issues from
    common parts, and provide machinery for carrying
    out localization.Internationalization issues
    include not just external representation of
    information but also what information and
    algorithms are appropriate.
  • Objective is to produce a product that must be
    closely integrated into customers other
    systemsConform to industry standards for API,
    protocols, or other interfaces. Industry
    standards such as SOAP, .Net, ODBC, SAPI can
    constrain functionality, but they exploit the
    users previous knowledge as well as possibly
    improving interoperability.

Resource Sharing and Re-use (cont. again)
  • Objective is to extend existing capabilityOften
    urgent modifications to extend existing
    capability collide with constraints in the
    original architecture. Kludging violations into
    the architecture can lead to maintenance
    problems. Revising the architecture to encompass
    the new requirements may be immediately more
    expensive, but over the longer term can result in
    savings. This is sometimes called refactoring.
  • Objective is to reduce the cost of future
    enhancementsOften time-to-market and available
    financing considerations cause shortcuts to be
    taken where a more complete implementation is
    obvious, and hooks can be left to guide such
    extension should it ever be required.Systems
    need to change with time, and although the
    specific changes are not predictable, often the
    kind of changes can to some extent be predicted.

Resource Sharing and Re-use (cont. again)
  • Objective is to produce a portable product,
    reflecting the idioms of the local platform where
    they existThe effect on the architecture can be
    significant, because although it is desirable to
    use common code as much as possible, it must be
    possible to override the common code by
    platform-specific native code when
    necessary.Architectural clashes with mative
    services are a big issue. User interface toolkits
    are a case in point, even just scroll bar
  • Objective is to exploit specialized resources if
    available (whatever supplier the resources are
    provided by), but not to depend on resources
    being provided at allProbes must be provided to
    learn what resources are available, and a common
    interface used to whatever services are found.
    Default services, possibly of modest capability,
    must be provided as a fallback.

Resource Sharing and Re-use (cont. again)
  • Objective is to package a service to be
    marketable in view of probable installed customer
    capabilitiesMost customers already have
    installed products which they are unlikely to
    replace lightly. Software packaged as an add-on
    is more likely to get market acceptance, but as
    an add-on to which existing software? Can an
    architecture be found that facilitates being an
    add-on to different products?
  • Where minimizing memory space is
    paramountSeparate applications that share
    dynamically loaded components may be as useful as
    lower level techniques such as indirect threaded
    code or a high level interpreter.Minimizing RAM
    used to be paramount, but minimizing backing
    store can be critical also.

Replication, Redundancy, Distribution
  • Objective is to provide a scalable product where
    an instance can be sized as requiredScalability,
    the ability of a product to meet the needs of
    different customers with widely differing load
    characteristics, is an essential requirement of
    many commercial software products. Beyond simply
    parametric declaration of sizes for tables and
    other data structures, introducing replication
    and remote placement of components in the
    architecture can accommodate large configurations
    without penalizing small ones.
  • Objective is to support high reliability or for
    safety critical applicationsRedundancy and
    runtime consistency checking strengthen component

Establishing and Demonstrating Properties
  • Provide testability, i.e. reduce testing cost and
    complexityExpose examples of properties that
    need to be demonstrated. This can also reduce the
    amount of testing required.
  • Support product tuningExpose properties that
    need to be monitored and provide machinery for
    parameter adjustment.
  • Obtain regulatory approvalFacilitate by
    software architecture which exposes critical
    aspects to more convenient verification and
  • Ensure security policies are enforcedLimit
    access to sensitive data and consequences of
    specific sensitive data
  • Compliance with export controls on
    technologyPartition application so restricted
    technology is contained within a replaceable
    component for which alternate versions can be

Establishing and Demonstrating Properties (cont.)
  • Facilitate different security models, e.g.
    privilege by user role vs. privilege by object t
    typePartition application into different
    sectionss corresponding to different models
  • Bounding spread of courruptionThe original use
    of the term firewall was that architectures
    could bound how much damage could be caused by
    corrupted data
  • Establishing an open third-party marketplace
    System properties are determined by
    architecture, independent of component
    implementation interface and interaction between
    components should be minimized.
  • Support Plug-and-play and interoperabilityLimit
    interaction with third-party products to specific
    components and connectors
  • Block software piracy by code partitioningA
    dongle is useless if a hacker can patch out
    probes for it within the application it is to
    protect. A dongle with ROM containing utility
    code so widely used throughout the application
    that patching it out is infeasible is harder to

Facilitating internal visibility
  • When fully automated algorithms are not
    available, support manual steering of
    computationIf human interaction iis to be used
    to steer computation, then nternal information
    about the computational state must be formatted
    and displayed in ain insightful way, and the
    control input must also be represented
    effectively for humans. Architectural support for
    these HCI issues often is independent from
    architectural support for the computation itself
  • When applications run continuously, operations
    staff oftem need to monitor progress or resource
    consumptionDisplay of current status can often
    be interpreted more intelligently in the context
    of predicted values or historical experience.
    Examples abound such as in process control,
    quality control, and project management. To
    support this, an architecture must provide
    history logging and display of internal state,
    even where these are not central to the purpose
    of the computation.

Handling anomalies and transitions
  • For high availability and resilience to
    outagesUse compartmentalization to prevent local
    failures from propagating across the system to
    cause global failure. Separate storage pools for
    instance. The term firewalls was used in this
    context is software systems as far back as the
    1950s, much more generally than the narrow
    networking context common today
  • Support corporate merger and acquisitionAmalgamat
    ing units typically have different business
    support systems,at least during the transition
    an integrated system is needed to support
    different business practices, or later to
    interpret historical business records
  • Disaster recovery and loading of databases are
    examples of unusual situations for which
    provision must be madeOften such anomalous
    situations, transitions and transients are best
    handled in separate programs, rather than the
    main application
  • Isolate dangerous commands to reduce risk of
    fatal blundersSome operator actions can have
    serious consequences if accidentally and
    unintentionally exercised. Undo capabilities and
    confirmation requests can reduce the risk, but
    isolation of the functionality is a safer way of
    avoiding things like accidental disk reformatting.

Recognizing Organizational Boundaries and
  • For strategic business partnerships where
    different partners provide complementary
    servicesCompatible software architectures
    improve interopertability Service-oriented
    architectures are another option.
  • Partitioning a project among complementary
    partners is common businss practice, but how does
    one allow for the not unusual experience of
    shifting partner relationships?The partition
    which is a single partners responsibility should
    be a viable product in its own right, and should
    have an architecture that provides for
    independent completion.
  • Where applications incorporate third-party
    services that are priced or a fee-for-service
    basisIt may be appropriate for the software
    architecture to provide buffering, caching, and
    proxies in order to control charges by these
    third parties
  • Post-delivery error reportingWhen a run-time
    error is discovered by an application, the most
    relevant information for the support organization
    is often available internally, and can be
    packaged automatically for shipment to the
    support organization. However, the purchaser of
    the software is often suspicious of autonomous
    attempts by the software to report to the
    developer, and would prefer to inspect any such
    communications before it is sent, to ensure
    proprietary information is not divulged. This
    affects the structure of the error reporting
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