Title: Economics
1Economics Mr. Kirby Clackamas High
School American Free Enterprise
2 Learning Objectives
- North Clackamas School District Social Studies
Priority Standards - Econ 53. Describe characteristics of command,
market, traditional, and mixed economies and how
they affect jobs and standards of living. - Econ 59. Demonstrate the skills and dispositions
needed to be a critical consumer of information.
3We will be using Cornell Note Taking Format Today!
- Will will turn this notes in today for points!
4Lesson Daily Learning Target
- I Can define and explain in writing the
- following key Economic concepts
- Economic Freedom
- Competition
- Voluntary Exchange
5Rubric for Daily Exit TicketsK.I.M.
Vocabulary, H.O.T. Questions and Summary Paragraph
Your K.I.M. vocabulary is detailed and complete (including memory device). Critical thinking answers and summary paragraph are detailed, clear and accurate with specific supporting details in complete sentences. Your K.I.M. vocabulary is complete (including memory device). Critical thinking answers and summary paragraph are clear and accurate with specific supporting details in complete sentences. Your K.I.M. vocabulary is complete . (including memory device). Critical thinking answers and summary paragraph are accurate with minimum supporting details in complete sentences. Your K.I.M. vocabulary is complete sloppy, rushed.Critical thinking answers and summary paragraph are and accurate with little supporting details in complete sentences.
6 7Features of American Free Enterprise
- Economic Freedom
- Competition
- Private Property
- Self-Interest
- Contracts
- Voluntary Exchange
- Profit Motive
8Economic Freedom
- Individuals work wherever they choose
- Businesses hire whomever they choose
- Government minimal intervention
- Producers have an incentive to beat the
competition - Consumers benefit as a result
10Discussion Question 1Think of one way that each
fast food provider has tried to beat the
11Discussion Question 2 Why are the Buffalo
almost extinct and Cows are not?
12Private Property
- Individuals and businesses can buy and sell
property and limit its use.
- Individuals and Businesses form written
agreements that are legally binding.
- Consumers and businesses operate to their own
benefit. Their decisions do not have to please
the government, other consumers, or other
15Voluntary Exchange
- Both consumers and producers gain from voluntary
exchange of goods/services.
16Profit Motive
- Profit is a powerful incentive that leads
entrepreneurs to accept the risk of failure.
17Taxes are what we pay for civilized society
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., 1904
- Discussion Question 3 Explain what this quote
18Discussion 4 Brainstorm a ListWhat
services does the Government provide to the
American People?
- Public Works
- Medicaid/Medicare
- Disaster Relief
- Unemployment
- Welfare
- Police, Fire
- Education
- Roads
- Social Security
- Public Transportation
- Grants
19Why does the Government Produce Goods and
- Public goods a good/service that can be used by
many at the same time without diminishing any one
persons consumption it is difficult to exclude
someone from the good.
21The "free-rider" problem
- Why dont towns charge admission for 4th of July
fireworks displays?
22Why does the Government Produce Goods and
- Externalities are defined as third party (or
spill-over) effects arising from the production
and/or consumption of goods and services for
which no appropriate compensation is paid.
23Examples of positive externalities
- a beautiful garden on a busy street
- the safer neighborhood for others that results
from some residents hiring private security
24Discussion 5 What is significant about this
picture? What does it tell you about private
- Someone who would not pay for a service, but
would get the benefits if it were a public good.
26Why is there pollution?
27Examples of negative externalities
- include an unmowed lawn in a suburban
neighborhood, or automobile exhaust, or
second-hand cigarette smoke.
- What are the externalities created?
- Snowplowing
- A poker room
- Garbage Pickup
- Homelessness
29Broken Windows Theory
"One unrepaired broken window is a signal that no
one cares, and so breaking more windows costs
30- Broken windows policing assumes that serious
crime can be reduced by strongly enforcing minor
crimes. - The "broken window" theory suggests that
neighborhood order strategies such as those
listed below help to deter and reduce crime. - Quick replacement of broken windows
- Prompt removal of abandoned vehicles
- Fast clean up of illegally dumped items, litter
and spilled garbage - Quick paint out of graffiti
- Finding (or building) better places for teens to
gather than street corners - Fresh paint on buildings
- Clean sidewalks and street gutters
31Discussion Question 6 Why does poverty exist
in the United States? What Safety nets exist?
32Public Goods that cannot be privately provided
33Why does the Government Produce Goods and
- Merit goods goods/services that have a social
value over and above their utility for the
individual consumer.
34Summary Paragraph Question What are the
benefits of having a good school in your
35 Problem Solving Activity 5 Competing for
Costumers using Price Point Advertising THIS
- Create a one page newspaper or magazine
Advertisement for three competing businesses or
products. (pizza, fast food, shoes, cars) - Your advertisements must be creative, colored and
shaded with a slogan and a Price Point (special
price, deal, bargain-two for the price of one,
½ off etc.) - Remember competition is good for customers and
ultimately brings the price down for consumers
because they are competing for your and my
36 Price Point Advertising Rubric
Excellent- final draft, quality. Very creative, all components present including colored/shaded Advertisements (3) , information and price . New York Here a Come! Good- final draft, quality. Creative, all components present including colored/shaded Ads (3) , detailed information. Downtown Portland Here I come! Good - final draft quality- all components present in your three Advertisements. Currently working my way up as a delivery person O.K.-A draft-all components present including 3 Advertisements, Looks like a rough draft effort Bare minimum Looking for Work!