Title: Why Programmable Logic ?
2Why Programmable Logic ?
- Custom logic without NRE
- needed for product differentiation
- Fast time to market
- shorter design life in a competitive world
- In-system programmability
- simpler manufacturing logistics
- easy field upgrade
- feature swapping
3Users Expect
- Logic capacity
- 50,000 to a million gates
- Clock speed
- 100 MHz and above
- Cost
- reasonable premium over ASICs
- Design effort and time
- powerful synthesis, fast compile times
- Power consumption
- must stay within limits
4Recent Developments
- Deep submicron arrivedunexpectedly early
- 0.5µ-0.35µ-0.25µ-0.18µ-?
- Deep submicron technologyprovides for free
- speed, density, low cost
- But it requires voltage migration
- 5 V - 3.3 V - 2.5 V - 1.8 V - 1.5 V - ?
5Design Alternatives
- Microprocessors
- Ideal, if fast enough
- Gates, MSI, PALs
- Outdated, inefficient inflexible
- Dedicated Standard Chip Sets
- Cheap, but no product differentiation
- Only for rock-stable, high-volume designs
- Programmable Logic
- For flexibility and performance
6ASICs Are Becoming Less Attractive
- Non-recurring engineering cost increases
- more masking steps, more expensive masks
- Minimum order quantity rises
- larger wafers, smaller die
- Silicon capability exceeds user requirements
- Suppliers are leaving this overly competitive
7FPGAs Are Gaining Acceptance
- gt 20x Bigger
- gt 5x Faster
- gt 50x Cheaper
8FPGAs Are Good Enough
- Adequate capacity, performance, price
- 200,000 gates, 85 MHz in 1998
- 1,000,000 gates, 200 MHz in 1999
- Standard product advantages
- steep learning curve, cost decline
- performance gain, speed binning
- IC manufacturing is best at mass-production
- custom devices have an inherent disadvantage
9FPGAs are Good Enough Better
- Deep submicron ASIC design is difficult
- second-order effects burden the traditional logic
abstraction - system designer needs help from EE
- Verification is very time consuming
- Hardware/software integration is delayed
- until a working chip is delivered.
10FPGAs Are Better
- User can focus on logic, not circuits
- Xilinx solves all circuit problems
- clock delay and skew
- interconnect delay
- crosstalk
- I/O standards
- FPGAs are 100 tested by generic test methods
- Easy verification, incremental design
- Early hardware/software integration
11FPGAs Are Better Vastly Superior
- Avoid the ASIC re-spin cost
- design error or market change
- Avoid the ASIC inventory risk
- over- or under-inventory
- obsolescence
- Reprogrammability
- last-minute design modifications
- last-step system customization
- field hardware upgrades
- reconfiguration per application
- reconfiguration per task
- ASICs will never offer these features
12The Programmable Frontier
- Then 1998
- 250k gates
- 100 MHz
- 5
- Now 1999
- 1 Million gates
- 170 MHz FIFO
- 420 MHz frequency counter
- 295 for SpartanXL
- 1 per Logic Cell
- 120 for XC9500XL
- 3 per Macrocell
Four times bigger and twice as fast at half the
price In ONE year!
13CPLDs Complement FPGAs
- CPLD strengths
- Wide address decoding
- Synchronous state machines
- Short combinatorial pin-to-pin delays
- Ideal for glue logic
- Low-cost
- Single-chip
- Non-volatile
- In-System Programmable
- Quick and easy to use
14The Compelling ConclusionProgrammable is the
Way to Go!
- FPGAs provide performance and flexibility
- The performance of custom-hardware
- The ease of design and inherent flexibility of a
microprocessor solution - FPGAs avoid the risks of ASICs
- The design risk
- The time-to-market risk
- The inventory risk
- CPLDs provide a fast, low-cost alternative
- Good for simple designs
15Silicon Xpresso
- Interactive web-based design tools and support
- software release 1.5i
- support.xilinx.com
- Internet Team-based Design (ITD)
- Internet Reconfigurable Logic
- Tools for the end product
- Java API for Boundary Scan
- JBits
- Remote debugging and field upgrades
- Internet Appliances
Use the web to improve hardware design
productivityandenable Internet-reconfigurable
applications for YOUR customers
16Xilinx Solutions in This Seminar
- Simple, Low-cost Solutions
- 100MHz System Solutions
- Design Productivity Solutions
17Simple, Low-cost Solutions
- Xilinx offers low-cost CPLD and FPGA devices and
a low-cost Foundation software package - The devices are fast and have systems-oriented
features - The software is powerful and easy to use.
You need not be rich or a genius to use our
programmable logic
18100MHz System Solutions
- The Virtex family provides efficient solutions
for - Electrical and thermal issues
- I/O, logic, and memory design
- Alliance software provides powerful tools for a
variety of design styles
You can achievereliable and predictable
performance automatically
19Design Productivity Solutions
- Designs are getting larger and more complex
- Design times are getting shorter
- Fast time-to-market is crucial
- Xilinx offers design methodologies and
well-documented, proven logic cores that
increase productivity and reduce risk
You can create large FPGA designswithout having
to re-invent the wheel
20Three new Xilinx families
- SpartanXL
- 3.3-V low-cost FPGA
- 5,000 to 40,000 gates
- XC9500XL
- 3.3-V In-System Programmable CPLD
- up to 200 MHz
- Virtex
- next-generation FPGA with system features
- up to a million gates
This seminar highlights the applications of
these three families
21Families Not In This Seminar
- XC3000A, XC3100A
- for existing designs
- XC4000E, EX, XL, XLA, XV
- the industrys most successful FPGAs
- XC5200
- for existing designs
- XC1700
- Serial configuration PROMs for all families
22Xilinx Solutions in This Seminar
- Simple, Low-cost Solutions
- 100MHz System Solutions
- Design Productivity Solutions