Title: Launching the
1- Launching the
- Public Administration Reform
- Sub-practice Community
Kim Henderson kim.henderson_at_undp.org Knowled
ge Network Facilitator for Democratic
Governance BDP/DGG, New York
- Knowledge Management - where have we been and
where are we going? -
- The PAR sub-practice community where does it
fit? -
- Becoming a sub-practice community tools and
principles? -
3 KM where have we been and where are we going?
- Introduced concepts of knowledge management
- Established the Practice Architecture
- Set up and are now restructuring the SURFs
- Established Global Knowledge Networks
- Begun codification and collection
- Focus on Connection
4KM where have we been and where are we going?
KM where have we been and where are we going?
- Consolidation and reflection
- The objective now is to further align UNDPs
organisational reality with the vision set
forward by the Administrators business plans and
operationalised in the MYFF. - Knowledge Management Roadmap Development
5KM where have we been and where are we going?
- UNDP needs systematic processes for gathering
distilling, organizing, finding, and presenting
information in ways that improve staff
understanding in key substantive and
administrative areas and that allow the
organization to operate more efficiently, gain
insight and understanding from its far-ranging
experience on the ground in 166 countries and
turn this understanding into a competitive
advantage in the development marketplace all
with the aim of using knowledge to further human
6KM where have we been and where are we going?
- The Roadmap sets out a strategy for how to do
thisat its simplest - When a project finishes, find out
- What did you learn?
- Who learned it?
- How can you share it?
- How can you repeat it?
- and improve it?
7KM where have we been and where are we going?
- The Intention is to
- Be more effective
- Save time (do less work)
- Promote collaboration
- Know more
8KM where have we been and where are we going?
- Proposed Knowledge Tools
- 1.How-to Guide to Project Design
- 2.Global Project Database
- 3.Best Experts and Institutions Roster
- 4.Policy Positions
- 5.Comparative Experiences
9KM where have we been and where are we going?
- Proposed Capacity Investments
- 1.Content Management
- 2.Systems and Tools
- 3.Staff Policy
- 4.Networks and Communities
- 5.Technology Infrastructure
- Connection and Collection
10The PAR sub-practice community where does it
- A key feature of connection is the Practice
Architecture and COP - The Practice Architecture is essentially a
- decentralization of responsibilities that focus
on 10 key objectives - Management, agenda setting, community building,
knowledge management, professional development,
policy development, advocacy, communications,
partnership building and resource mobilization
11Becoming a sub-practice community tools and
- Practices are communities of people from across
the organization collaborating in an area of
common interest - A sub-practice is community that forms around a
specific topic within a Practice area, because
the narrower topic allows for more meaningful
collaboration (e.g., PAR) - Sub-practices engage in the same kinds of
activities as Practices narrower focus
12Becoming a sub-practice community tools and
- Who participates in a sub-practice?
- Dedicated thematic experts - BDP staff in both HQ
and SURFs wo work in - Practitioners eg CO Focal points
- Bureaux and other Practice Members
13Becoming a sub-practice community tools and
- What are the fundamental sub-practice principles?
- No fixed organizational structure, and small
dedicated staff - Practitioner participation encouraged for
long-term career success - Nature of participation self-determined and
driven by professional interest and
entrepreneurial values - Strategic role, not just
reactive support. - Stakeholder-driven (based on programme country
needs, partner interests, and corporate mandates
14Becoming a sub-practice community tools and
- What does a sub-practice do?
- Shares comparative practices and builds practical
techniques/tools for supporting substantive
concerns - Builds strategic and long-term support among
regional governance focal points through the
identification of the community - Systematically setting and acting on strategic
priorities - Fulfills a wider range of organizational
responsibilities beyond knowledge sharing,
including advocacy, partnership building, and
professional development - Facilitates communication beyond e-mail
15Becoming a sub-practice community tools and
- What tools are available to support the
sub-practice? - In addition to those outlined in the Knowledge
Roadmap Process a number of tools are already
available the sub-practice community should also
focus on innovating to identify whether these or
others meet its needs and can develop new tools
16(No Transcript)
17Best Practices
18Becoming a sub-practice community tools and
- What do we want our sub-practice community to do?
Who are we? - Objectives
- Identity
- Issues
- Tools Diagnostic/Primers?
- Outputs
- Roles