Business Leadership Along the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Business Leadership Along the


Business Leadership Along the U.S.-Mexico Border The Honorable Lucy Killea Senior Fellow International Community Foundation Kenan Institute Cornerstone Conference – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Business Leadership Along the

Business Leadership Along the U.S.-Mexico
The Honorable Lucy Killea Senior Fellow
International Community Foundation Kenan
Institute Cornerstone Conference Chapel Hill,
North Carolina November 14, 2002
Presentation Overview
  • About ICF
  • An Overview of the U.S.-Mexico Border
  • A Review of the Maquiladora Industry
  • Making the case for Business Leadership
  • Case Study Sempra Energy
  • Conclusion

About ICF
  • A community foundation committed to assisting
    U.S. donors with international giving.
  • Assets over 1 million and 41 funds.
  • Over 895,000 in grants during FY-02.
  • Geographic focus the Americas and Asia with an
    emphasis in Mexico.
  • Over 46 of grants made to non-profits and
    charitable causes in Baja California border
  • Primary Areas of focus Environment, Health,
    Education, Sustainable Communities, and Culture.
  • Close working relationship with FINCOMUN, the
    community foundation for Baja California.

The U.S.-Mexico Border
  • A 200-kilometer zone that extends 100 kilometers
    on either side of the border stretching 3,141
    kilometers or 1,952 miles from the Pacific Ocean
    to the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Home to more than 10.5 million people, with about
    6.2 million in the United States and 4.3 million
    in Mexico
  • Fastest growing region in North America.
  • Border population expected to double to 24
    million by 2020.
  • US. Border area is poorest region in the
  • 39 Mexican municipalities, 25 U.S. counties and
    14 pairs of sister cities along the international
  • Communities sharing natural resources (including
    water, air, flora/fauna) along a common border
    with a wide range of trans-boundary
    socio-economic and environmental challenges.

North Americas Border Sister Cities
  • Rank Metropolitan Area 2000 1990 Change
  • 1 Detroit-Windsor 5,801,926 5,447,569 6.50
  • 2 San Diego-Tijuana 4,065,359 3,245,397 25.30
  • 3 Ciudad Juarez-El Paso 1,930,756
    1,389,709 38.90
  • Buffalo-St. Catherines-Niagara 1,547,877
    1,549,992 0.10
  • 5 Mcallen-Reynosa-Rio Bravo 1,073,720
    760,221 41.20
  • 6 Mexicali-Imperial County 913,787
    711,241 28.50
  • 7 Matamoros-Brownsville 752,460
    563,413 33.60
  • Nuevo Laredo-Laredo 509,451 352,807 44.40
  • San Luis Rio Colorado-Yuma 283,762
    217,425 30.50
  • 10 Piedras Niegras-Eagle Pass 177,763
    134,563 32.10
  • Sources National Census Bureau data for
    Mexico, 1990 and 2000, United States 1990, Canada
    2000, Demographia, estimates for United States
    2000 and Canada 1990.

Population Growth RateBaja California versus
rest of Mexico
Source INEGI, 2000
Baja California has the fastest growth rate along
the border and is 2nd in Mexico only to Quintana
Roo, located on the southern border with
Guatemala. The current rate of growth is
San Diego/Baja California Border Regional Issues
  • Sustainable Communities
  • Population 2000 4.1 million. 2020 6.4 million
  • 80,000 new residents to Tijuana per yearmostly
    through migration
  • Infrastructure (social, physical) not keeping
    pace with population growth
  • 50 of all new housing stock is in squatter
    communities without adequate sewer hook ups or
    potable water.
  • Environment
  • A variety of trans-boundary environmental issues
    conservation of natural resources protection
    of endangered species air quality water quality
    and supply hazardous waste management, emergency
  • Health
  • HIV/AIDS TB Hepatitis, substance abuse, mental
    health issues, high percentage of residents on
    both sides of border are uninsured.
  • Education
  • Educational attainment and skills gap issues
    high drop out rate among migrant children/youth.
  • Family and Childrens Issues
  • Domestic violence drug/gang violence teen
    pregnancy few safe recreational areas and
    after-school programs for children/youth

  • 50 of Tijuanas growth is in squatter
    communities like Maclovio Rojas, where basic
    infrastructure is limited and the environmental,
    health and social impacts are great.
  • 80 of adults in Maclovio Rojas work in the
    maquiladora industry.
  • Because of the borders high cost of living, the
    majority of households require two incomes to
    provide for their basic needs.

OverviewMaquiladora IndustryEffective October
  •  Number of Plants 3,375
  • Employment 1,047,587
  • of women in workforce 60
  • Average Direct Labor Wage/Hr.  US 2.38 (Fully
    burdened rate including benefits)
  • Gross Production 7.11 billion

Sources Maquila Portal Ceimex-WEFA
Examples of Border Area Maquiladoras
Maquilas by Country January 2001
US Maquilas represent the majority of total
Border Area Maquiladora Industry by Sector
Source INGEGI, 1998
Maquila Industry in Transition
  • Maquiladora employment has declined due to a
    number of key factors
  • Rising labor rates
  • NAFTA Article 303 results in tariff benefit
  • Post 9/11 tightening of border.
  • US recession and decreasing consumer demand.
  • Strong Mexican peso
  • Growing foreign competition (e.g.
    China-.043/hour, El Salvador-1.59/hr Dominican
    Republic-1.53 Vietnam-.05 versus 2.38/hour
    in Mexico)
  • Foreign investment in the maquiladora sector has
    strunk 23 within the last year.
  • Between June 2001 and March 2002, some 240,000
    maquiladora jobs, 18 of the total we lost--350
    plants shut down
  • Baja California lost 63,000 jobs during this time
  • Still, those industries with need to be close to
    US market remain (e.g. Heavy industry
    automobile some electronics)

A Sample of Recent Tijuana Maquilas Defections
  • Saft, French battery producer
  • Aldila, a golf club maker
  • Kisho Electronics, a Korean TV and computer
    circuit-board maker
  • Cannon, Inc, a Japanese ink-jet-printer factory
    (shifted production to Vietnam)
  • Casio, a Japanese electronics manufacturer.

A March 2002 poll by the Japanese Maquiladora
Assn found that 40 of the 71 companies surveyed
said they were considering eliminating assembly
operations or moving entire factories elsewhere
Source Business Week, April 29, 2002
Maquiladora Employment Percentage Change
Workforce employment has been down since 2001, a
product of the US recession, foreign competition
and 9/11 among other factors

Source Latin Focus, 2002
Making the Case for Business Leadership Along the
U.S.-Mexico Border
  • Since the passage of the North American Free
    Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the population and
    industry has grown along the U.S.-Mexico border
    but investment in social services and
    infrastructure has not kept pace.
  • While maquiladora employment has declined,
    unemployment and poverty have increased so the
    need for greater corporate leadership is now very
  • At the same time, corporate philanthropy on the
    border has been marginal at best
  • Absence of strong corporate HQs along border has
    kept region largely out of the loop on corporate
    foundation support.
  • Maquilas are cost centers and generally not
    disposed to philanthropy with a few exceptions
    (GM, Levi Strauss, Sony,. Mattel).
  • Other key non-maquila companies are beginning to
    show leadership (ATT, Citibank, Sempra)but more
    needs to be done.

Case StudySempra Energy
  • A Fortune 500 company based in San Diego with
    over 12,000 employees
  • 350 employees in Baja California
  • Has been active in Baja California for over 15
    years and currently has several projects
    throughout the state.
  • Natural Gas pipeline from US to Mexico
  • Gas-fired power plant under construction
  • Planned LNG facility in Ensenada
  • Natural gas offered to consumers via its Eco-Gas
    subsidary in Mexicali (50,000 residents to date)
  • Also operates in the border states of Chihuahua
    and Coahuila.
  • A committed corporate philanthropist, working
    through ICF to support a wide range of causes in
    the border area including the environment,
    education, health and social services.

A few Sempras Corporate Philanthropic
Initiatives through ICF in Baja California
Museo Sol del Niño Mexicali
Construction of Visitors Center Exhibit area, San
Pedro Martir National Park, Baja California in
conjunction with re-introduction of the
California condor.
Sports facilities and womens center in Maclovio
Rojas, Tijuana, B.C.
  • The U.S.-Mexico border faces severe
    socio-economic, health and environmental issues
    that warrant serious attention by companies and
    corporate foundations with a presence on the
  • While the lagging US economy hurting maquila
    production short-term, the sustainability of the
    border region is of strategic importance to a
    wide range of US and foreign companies.
  • Border area grantmakers (foundations, government,
    corporations) need to work together, leveraging
    resources and lessons learned to make a
    difference in this important underserved region
    of North America.
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