2Principle of Numerical Control (NC)A system
in which actions are controlled by direct
insertion of numerical data.
3NC Machine ToolFoundation for gt
Robotics gt Flexible Manufacturing Cell gt
Flexible Manufacturing gt CAD/CAM System gt
Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
4Traditional Machine ToolsMilling
MachinesLathesDrilling Boring
5Advantages of NCFlexibilityCapability
for Complex Work-piecesManage Large
Work-piecesReduced Jig Fixture CostHigher
6NC System ComponentsMachine
ToolMachine-Control Unit gt Data Processing
Unit (DPU) DPU processes coded data from hard
drive passes to CLU. gt Control-Loops Unit
(CLU) Motion control duties. Operates drives
Feedback on actual position. Acts as
a translator for machine commands (motor
on/off, tool speed, distance).
7Direct Numerical ControlAdvantages gt
Library of programs gt Instant modifications gt
Links with CAD gt Increase Information Response
gt Instant Reports
8Computer Numerical Control
(CNC)Advantages gt CRT allows review/editing
gt Pre-check/simulation gt Interface allows more
capability gt Accurate positioning gt More
9CAD/CAMComputer Aided DesignComputer
Aided ManufacturingAdvantages gt Eliminate
blueprints gt Database of parts gt Production
Schedules gt BOM gt Process instructions gt
10NC Motion Control ObjectiveExecute precise
motion in a given set of reference frames.gt
Generally described by Cartesian space X-Y-Z.
11NC Position MovementIncrementalgt Taking the
Last position as the zero position.Absolutegt
Locations on Part Fixed Reference Frame with
Home position for reference.
12Degree of Motion ControlPoint-to-Point
(PTP)gt Good for holes slotsgt Position tool
over point.Contouringgt Complex curved
surfacesgt Computers needed for complex
calculationsgt Motion control to motors varying
voltages to DC servo motors.
13NC Part ProgrammingBlock Formatsgt Each block
is a statement.Computer Languagegt Programming
language designed to execute complex
geometrical outlines. gtgtgt APT (Automated
Programming Tool) Geometrical data with motion
statements or NC.
14Available Block FormatsFixed
SequentialBlock AddressTab SequentialWord
Addressgt Used by CNC controller systems.
Alphabetic character is used as a code at the
beginning of each word. Utilize words that
describe an address (identifier) a number that
specifies its content.
15Example of Word AddressN01 G02 X1500
Y2000 F4 S400 T10 N identification numberG
preparatory commandX x axisY y axisZ z
axisI,J,K coordinate valuesF feed
rate Sspindle speedT tool number
16Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD)Machine code
used for numerical control.gt Easier to read than
binary.gt Four binary digits are required to
represent 0 to 9.gt Code that is saved in
RAM.Example 439 10000111001ASCII uses
channels 1 - 4 for digitschannels 5 7
indicate which group (numbers or
alphabetic)channel 8 is for parity.
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