Economic Geography - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Economic Geography


Economic Geography – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Economic Geography

Economic Geography
Economic Geography
  • The study of the flow of goods and services
    through space, as well as how people provide for
    themselves in different places.

Commodity Chain
  • Linking producers to consumers

  • Underdeveloped, Developed, and Developing
  • To say a country is underdeveloped would be
    politically incorrect, in light of the fact that
    the word underdeveloped had a negative
    connotations geographers developed a new way to
    groups nations in the core-periphery model.
  • This model characterized nations into either
    core, semi-periphery, and periphery nations.

Measures of Development
  • GNP-the measure of all the goods and services
    produced by a country in a year.
  • Provides a very vague vision of productivity. For
    it fails to account for the lost through the
    exploitation of natural resources.
  • GDP- similar to GNP but it omits any investments
  • Example Japan has a huge amount of investments
    abroad there for the GNP would be significantly
    larger than the GDP.

  • Characteristics of a Core Nation
  • Have achieved high levels of socioeconomic
    prosperity and high standards of living
  • Contain world cities such as London, Tokyo, and
    New York which serve as global centers of
    economic activity.
  • These nations include the U.S., Germany, Great
  • Technology, Education, Research
  • Characteristics of a Semi-Periphery Nation
  • Newly industrialized countries with diverse
    economic opportunities but have extreme gaps
    between rich and poor.
  • These nations are usual in a transition stage to
    becoming a core nation.
  • Examples Chile, brazil, India, China, and

  • Characteristics of a Periphery Nations
  • Usually poor regions that are very dependent upon
    core nations.
  • Low levels of economic productivity and lack
    infrastructure and have rapidly growing
  • These place have benefited little from
  • Keep in mind that the core-periphery model focus
    on the economic relationships among places.
  • The slow word of the periphery is often
    compared to the fast world of the core because
    of the lack of technology and communication in
    periphery nations.

Advantages of Production in Periphery Nations
  • Cheap Labor
  • Loose Labor Laws
  • Loose Environmental Regulations
  • Low Taxes
  • The distribution of natural resources by locating
    different aspects of production in different
  • Note Most MNCs are conglomerate corporations
    composed of many smaller firms that serve
    different functions. (i.e. distance to natural

World-System Theory
  • Immanuel Wallerstein said the world was and
    interdependent system of countries inked by
    political and economic competition.
  • When political and economic relations
    strengthened the areas connected (core nations)
    begin to thrive but the nation not connected
    (periphery nations) did not get these new
    technological advancements and innovations. This
    was Wallersteins theory as to why there are
    core, periphery, and semi-periphery nations.

Impact of Industrialization/Development
  • Neocolonialism the entrenchment of the old
    colonial system under a more economic than
    political society.
  • Tourism usually places a negative affect on
    periphery nations because eventhough it may
    support an economy it may take away from the
    local culture. It also takes away from the local
  • Tourism may promote awareness about a particular
    culture and intercultural contact it takes a
    harsh turn on the cultural landscape.

Models of Development
  • Liberal Model
  • Assume that all counties are at the same stage
  • All countries are capable of development
  • Structural Model
  • general term for models of economic development
  • A result of historically derived power relations
    within the global economic system
  • Only certain countries can become developed
  • The structure is already in place (maquiladoras)

Modernization Model-Rostow (1960)
  • This model states that all countries follow a
    similar path through 5 stages of development.
  • Traditional subsistent farming, rigid social
    structure, little technological change.
  • Preconditions progressive leadership,
    diversification, more flexibility
  • Introduction to technology such as the steal plow
  • Ability to mass produce food
  • Infrastructure is built
  • Development of political organization
  • Charismatic leader

Modernization (continued)
  • Take-off Manufacturing, some type of industrial
    revolution, sustained grown occurs. Urbanization
    increases, industrialization continues, mass
  • Drive to Maturity technology diffuses,
    specialization, international trade,
    modernization, population growth.

Modernization (continued)
  • High mass consumption High incomes, Widespread
    productions, mainly service sector jobs.
  • International trade

Dependency Theory
  • The structuralist view to Rostows model.
    Relationship between countries control and limit
    economic development
  • Development does not happen everywhere due to
    dependence on a core nation for money

Industrialization (Regions)
  • Soviet Union 90 of coal mined.
  • Largest manufacturing complexes.
  • After WWII, industrialization continued. Dames
    were created.
  • Lack of coal with poor quality.
  • Four Tigers South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and
  • Tied to a shift in labor intensive industries.
  • Created mainly automobiles, grand pianos to
    calculators and computers.
  • Europe Began to expand after WWI
  • Began in Italy, Spain and Scandinavia
  • Successful in the Ruhr
  • Industry rebounded through much of the continent
    while maintaining its position in the globe

Industrialization (continued)
  • North America
  • U.S. was the industrial power
  • Canada was a big part as well
  • American manufacturing Belt was formed and
  • Russia/Ukraine
  • St. Petersburg
  • Ukraine was threatened by the German army WWII
  • Reassembled in Samera

Changing World
  • The Fall of the Soviet Union
  • Led to the establishment of international
    boundaries. For example Ukraine became
    independent and Russia lost one of it key
    industrial heartlands, which took a toll on the
    supranationalism that was established.
  • Major Political and Economic Changes in
  • Mexico, Brazil, Thailand, and Malaysia
  • Until the end of the 1980s there were three
    major political-economic blocs
  • First World The Capitalist
  • Second World The Communist
  • Third World Mainly mixed economies
  • Due to the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the
    new polcies implemented by Tanzania, and Ethiopia
    the 3rd World party was no more.

Industrialization (continued)
  • Eastern Asia
  • Japan and China
  • Where large-scale industrialization 1st took
  • China
  • Industrial expansion took place during communism
  • Included manufacturing districs
  • Japan
  • Limited resources
  • Main manufacturing made from raw materials
    imported from the whole world
  • Established colonies
  • Four Japanese districts

Secondary Regions
  • Special Economic Zones (SEZ)
  • Open Cities and open coastal areas to
    encourage foreign investment
  • Secondary areas
  • Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam
    (possibly the Philippines
  • Most of the pacific rim

Categories of Economic Activities
  • Primary Economic Sector
  • These are the countries that harvest and extract
    raw materials.
  • Activities include fishing, agriculture,
    ranching, and mining.
  • Nations who do these kinds of activities are
    usually undeveloped nations trying to grow their
  • Examples Vietnam, Laos
  • Secondary Economic Sector
  • These are the countries that are associated with
    the assembly of raw materials in to goods for
  • Activities include Manufacturing, production of
    metal, and textile production.
  • This type of activity is characteristic to
    undeveloped and developing nations.
  • Example Japan

Categories of Economic Activities continued
  • Tertiary Economic Sector
  • Involved with the exchange of goods produced,
    from the manufacturer to consumer in the
    secondary service sector.
  • Activities include offices, banks, hospitals,
    and other basic service jobs.
  • These Nations are usually developing and
    sometimes developed nations.
  • Quaternary Economic Sector
  • Research and development, teaching, tourism, and
    other activities that have to do with generating
    or exchanging knowledge.
  • These jobs usually require a higher level of
    education and are characteristic to developed
  • Examples U.S., Great Britain, Germany

  • Deindustrialization is when industrial facilities
    leave an area, taking the economic base with
  • This occurred in places like the Midwest, Central
    Britain, the Great Lakes, and Flint, Michigan.
  • Example Flints economic base was in General
    Motors automobile industry. It moved to Mexico
    for 1)Cheaper Labor, 2) Flexible environmental
    regulations, 3)Inexpensive Land, and 4) Enticing
    tax breaks. Because of this the economy went
    into a slump. This par of the Midwest is now
    known as the Rust Belt.

Deindustrialization Continued
  • When one regions economic gain translate into
    anothers economic loss it called the backwash
    affect also know deglomeration when a firm leaves
    a region for to start up in a distant place.
  • One of the main reason firms began to move is
    because of the time-space convergence which is
    when the absolute distance between to places
    decreases because of the increase in technology
    and communication.
  • While deindustrialization was hurting some
    regions other were experiencing a different kind
    of economic rev or high tech boom.
  • With the rise of this new economy, nations became
    transnational or MNCs (Multi National
  • The rise of these new transnational nations was
    attributed to the advantages of production in
    periphery nations.

Deindustrialization Continued
  • Export-processing zones were also created through
    deindustrialization. These zones wer designated
    for manufacturing, and were often accessible for
    distribution, and worked well with the 5
    advantages to production in periphery nations.
  • In North America NAFTA was created in 1994 as a
    result of deindustrialization. This agreement
    allowed for free trade between the U.S., Canada,
    and Mexico. This brought economic growth and
    rising standards of living, which also
    strengthened the rules and procedures governing
    trade and investment.

Shifts in Manufacturing
  • Heavy industries were limited to N. Europe, E.
    Asia, N. America, Britain, France, Russia,
    Germany and Japan. These countries were known as
    industrial countries.
  • The geography of industrial production has
    shifted from core nations to periphery nations.
  • Many firms have relocated their factories to
    less-developed nations where it is cheaper to
    produce goods. For example when Multinational
    Corporations moved their factories to Mexico
    called maquiladoras.

Pre-industrial World
  • Industrial development did not being with the
    Industrial Revolution. It began during that
    period and diffused from certain areas of
    innovation to other parts of the world.

Industrial Revolution
  • During the 18th century, European markets were
    growing and there was not enough labor to keep
    pace with local or overseas trade.
  • Better machines were needed
  • the steam-driven engine was invented called the
    power loom, which revolutionized the weaving
  • Affected transportation and communication
  • . The 1st railroad was opened in 1819.
  • The Industrial revolution diffused eastward.

Webers Least Cost Theory
  • Transportaion The site chosen must entail the
    lowest possible cost of moving raw materials to
    the factory and finished products to the market.
  • Labor the availability of cheap semiskilled
  • Low price goods
  • and low-wage workers.
  • Agglomeration happens when a substantial number
    of enterprises cluster in the same are in a large
    industrial city that can provide assistance to
    each other through shared talents, services and

Shifts in Manufacturing Continued
  • Wealthier nations were shifting to information
    and service-based economies.
  • Their focus was on research and development,
    marketing, tourism, sales and telecommunications.
  • These jobs generally provided better pay, safer
    working conditions, less pollution, and higher
    standard of living. Yet, they required more
  • Newly industrialized countries include Mexico.
    China, and Malaysia.

Impact of other Variables on Economics
  • Infrastructure
  • Energy
  • Government
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