Reporting System of Biocidal Vigilance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Reporting System of Biocidal Vigilance


Egyptian Pharmaceutical Vigilance Center (EPVC) Biocides Vigilance Department (BVD) Reporting System of Biocidal Vigilance Hend Al-Hussieny BSc. Pharm, MSc. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Reporting System of Biocidal Vigilance

Egyptian Drug Authority (EDA) Egyptian
Pharmaceutical Vigilance Center (EPVC) Biocides
Vigilance Department (BVD)
  • Reporting System of Biocidal Vigilance

Hend Al-Hussieny BSc. Pharm, MSc. Head of the
Biocides Vigilance Department
  • BVD has been established in the Egyptian Drug
    Authority (EDA), Ministry of Health Population
    (MOHP) to be responsible for the collection and
    evaluation of information on biocidal products
    marketed in Egypt with particular reference to
    adverse reactions (Incidents). Furthermore, BVD
    is taking all appropriate measures to

Aims of Reporting
  • 1. Early detection of Adverse Reaction
    (Incident) other problem related to the use
    of Biocidal Products.2. Detection of
    increased frequency of Adverse Reaction
    (Incident) .3. Identification of predictors
    and possible mechanisms underlying Adverse
    Reaction (Incident) .4. Quantitative
    Estimation of risk/benefit profiles of Biocidal
    Products and dissemination of information needed
    to improve  its use.5. Prevention of
    preventable Adverse Reaction (Incident) .6.
    Encouraging rational and safe use of Biocidal
    Products.7. Communication and dissemination
    with international institutions working in
    Biocidal Products.

Biocidal Vigilance Rule
BVD Rule
Reporting System

Regulatory Authority (BVD)
Incident (ARs)
Spontaneous Reporting System Procedure
  • A HCPs, MAHs or Users reports a suspected adverse
    reaction (Incidents) related to one or more
    biocidal products, to The (BVD).
  • Reports are collected, collated, and validated by
    the (BVD) and are usually entered into a
  • The database is used to identify potential
    signals and analyze data in order to clarify risk
    factors, apparent changes in reporting profiles

N. B.
Serious reactions are handled with the highest
  • .

How do I report the Biocidal Product incident?
  • You do not have to be certain that biocidal
    product caused the effect in order to report it.
  • There are two ways you can report biocidal
    product incident
  • The biocidal product company (MAHs) as listed on
    the product label. They are required by
    ministerial decree to report all ARs (Incidents)
    related to their products to BVD. Or,
  • 2. BVD has biocidal products incident
    reporting forms (Blue Cards). Please use the form
    of report to report the adverse reaction
    (incident) you face and mail it to the address on
    the form. You must provide information about the
    product (name, registration number or active
    ingredient found on the label) and a description
    of the effect.

What to report?
How to submit Blue Card Report?
  • After filling the blue card All AR (Incident)
    reports can be sent to the BVD by
  • 1. Fax Special number for the AR (Incident)
  • 2. Postal mail (regular letters)
  • 3. E-mail Special account for AR(Incident)
  • 4. By Hand Contact person in hospitals, by
    biocidal distribution companies.
  • There is collaboration between BVD and some
    biocidal distribution companies to participate in
    collecting the filled Pesticides Incident Safety
    Report (PISR) then forward them to BVD.

  • Serious reports should be submitted in
    expedited manner i.e. as soon as possible no
    later than 15 calendar days
  • While other reports can be submitted on
    regular basis (every month) by any means.

Spontaneous Reporting of Adverse Reactions
  • The Spontaneous reporting structure is the
    voluntary and the most common way through which
    the regulatory bodies collect AR (incident)
    information for biocidal products once they are
    on the market

N. B.
  • We would like to confirm that there is no any
    legal responsibility or any liability whatsoever
    on the reporter of the ARs (Incidents), also the
    information in the report is confidential and
    totally protected including both consumer (user)
    and reporter identity. Moreover, this voluntarily
    reporting help to evaluate the safety of the

How do I report the Biocidal Product incident?
  • You do not have to be certain that biocidal
    product caused the effect in order to report it.
  • There are two ways you can report biocidal
    product incident
  • The biocidal product company (MAHs) as
    listed on the product label. They are required by
    ministerial decree to report all ARs (Incidents)
    related to their products to BVD. Or,
  • BVD has biocidal products incident reporting
    forms (Blue Cards). Antiseptic Disinfectants
    Incident Reporting Form and Pesticide Incident
    Reporting Form. Please use the form of report to
    report the adverse reaction (incident) you face
    and mail it to the address on the form. You must
    provide information about the product (name,
    registration number or active ingredient found on
    the label) and a description of the effect.

Benefits of reporting
  • Improvement on the quality of care offered to
  • Reduction of biocidal product related problems
    leading to better outcome
  • Improved knowledge
  • Access to feedback information on biocidal
    product related problems reported within the
    country and internationally
  • Satisfaction for the fulfillment of a moral and
    professional obligation.

Confidentiality Statement
  • Any information related to the identity of
    persons will be protected, any unsolicited
    information will be destroyed

  • It is important to provide as much information as
    possible. The more information collected, the
    better understanding (BVD) will have of the

  • It is important to appreciate
  • Firstly, that BVD database for IISRs ADISRs can
    detect duplicate reports. Therefore, if
    healthcare professional deems it necessary to
    submit a report they should do so even if there
    is a possibility that someone else might have
    done the same.
  • Secondly, different people will include different
    information when they complete a Blue Card, all
    of which is useful in creating a full picture of
    the reaction that has taken place.If there is
    not enough space provided for you to answer the
    question, you may attach a separate sheet with
    the text on it

  • How will the provided information be used by the
  • We use all available information to assess if the
    biocidal product was the cause of the reported
    effect. If so, we assess what the risk to
    Egyptians is and how similar incidents can be
    prevented. We do this by attempting to answer
    these questions

  • When and how did exposure happen?
  • Are the effects expected?
  • How many other incidents of this kind have been
  • How complete is the information in the report?
  • Was the product used according to the label
  • Is the product used a lot in Egypt?

  • Causality assessment
  • Causality assessment is the method by which the
    extent of relationship between the biocidal
    product and a suspected reaction is established.
  • Causality assessment
  • The evaluation of the likelihood that the
    biocidal product was the causative agent of an
    observed adverse reaction (incident). Causality
    assessment is usually made according established

  • four sections to validate the biocidal product
    incident safety report
  • An identifiable user
  • An identifiable reporter
  • Suspected Product
  • Suspected adverse reaction (incident)

Seriousness of Adverse reactions (Incidents)
  • A serious adverse event or reaction is any
    untoward medical occurrence associated with the
    use of a biocidal product in a user that, the
    consumer outcome is one of the following Examples
    of serious Ars
  • Death
  • Life-Threatening?????????????????????

  • As soon as possible
  • Reports on all suspected adverse reactions
    (incident) known or not, serious or not are
    welcome and useful If there is any doubt about
    whether or not it is an AR (incident) always it
    is best practice to submit a report

  • Part I Antiseptic Disinfectant Reporting Forms

What to report?
  • All suspected adverse reactions should be
    reported, especially those that are
  • Unexpected, regardless of their severity, i.e.,
    not consistent with product information or
    labeling or
  • Serious, whether expected or not or
  • Reactions to recently marketed antiseptic
    disinfectants products, regardless of their
    nature or severity.

What is a serious adverse reaction?
  • A serious AR (Incident) is one that requires
    in-patient (user) hospitalization or prolongation
    of existing hospitalization, causes congenital
    malformation, results in persistent or
    significant disability or incapacity, is
    life-threatening or results in death. ARs that
    require significant medical intervention to
    prevent one of these listed outcomes are also
    considered to be serious.

Requirements of Antiseptic Disinfectants
Incident Report Form (Blue Card)
  • Patients Details Name/ Initials (Optional), Sex
    (Male or Female), Age Weight in Kg.
  • Suspected Antiseptic or Disinfectant(s)

  • Product name Detailed name of suspected
    antiseptic or disinfectant must be provided.
  • Was the product effective as an antiseptic or
    disinfectant or not?
  • Active ingredient(s) The name of the active
    ingredient(s) of the suspected Antiseptic
    Disinfectants. e.g. Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Concentration The name of active ingredient(s)
    of the suspected Antiseptic or Disinfectants
    should be provided.
  • Minimum purity This item referred to the extent
    of active ingredient(s) purity e.g. 97 -90
  • Product type Either Antiseptic or Disinfectant.
  • Dilution provide the dilution of the product if
    it is applicable

  • Uses of the suspected Antiseptic Disinfectants
  • Disinfectant Critical use, Semi critical use
    and Non critical use.
  • Antiseptic
  • a. Personal use Personal Domestic use Personal
    Commercial use.
  • b. Professional use Professional Healthcare
    Food Premises.
  • Registration No. Provide the product MOHP
    registration number
  • Registration number examples 2213/2011.

  • Type of registration Provide the type of
    registration e.g. Local, Toll, Imported, Under
    license, Bulk or Toll.
  • Frequency of use Provide the frequency of use
    of the suspected Antiseptic or Disinfectants.
    Include the amount of Antiseptic Disinfectants
    applied (application rate), the location that the
    Antiseptic Disinfectants was applied to and the
    method of application. Application rate examples
    10 ml of Antiseptic Disinfectants /100CM 3.

  • Location of incident examples Home, Hospital,
  • Method of application examples Spray, Paint,
    Prose, Bait, etc.
  • Pharmaceutical form Describe the type of
    formulation e.g. Solution, Wipes, Foam, Spray,
    Gel, Shampoo, .......etc.

  • Type of Incident
  • There are four types of incidents
  • Human Health Incident.
  • Hard Surface Incident.
  • Veterinary Incident.
  • Medical device Incident.

A- In case of Human Health Incident
  • Describe what was exposed?
  • e.g. Eye, Skin, Oral, Respiratory
    (inhalation),.. etc.
  • Describe all symptoms. Include the length of time
    the symptom(s) lasted, the severity of the
    symptom(s), and how often the symptom(s)
    occurred. Also describe any medical treatment
    received, including medication prescribed, test
    results and length of hospitalization (if
  • Examples of user's reaction to Antiseptic
    Disinfectants exposure e.g. Dizziness, Headache,
    Blurred vision, Convulsion, Nausea/Vomiting,
    Itching, ....... etc.

B- In case of Hard Surface Incident
  • Describe what was exposed Floors, Benches,
    .... etc.
  • Describe what happened to surface Spotting,
    Bleaching (discoloration), Whitening
  • Describe how the incident happened, as well as
    any additional information concerning the

C- In case of Veterinary Incident
  • Mention who was observing this incident e.g.
    Animal owner, Veterinary professional, Witness,
    .. etc.
  • Describe all symptoms. Include the length of time
    the symptom(s) lasted, the severity of the
    symptom(s), and how often the symptom(s)
    occurred. Also describe any medical treatment
    that the animal received, including medication
    prescribed or test results.
  • Provide No. of animals affected
  • Mention the type of animal affected Dog, Cat,
    Bird, Horse, ....... etc.

  • Describe how was the animal exposed to the
    antiseptic or disinfectant? Include the amount of
    product the animal was exposed to, and how long
    or how often the animal was exposed to it.

D- In case of Medical device Incident
  • Describe the type of the medical device
  • Describe what the reaction was happened
    Corrosion, Spotting, Whitening,etc.

Incident's Details
  • Describe symptom(s) that appeared i.e. Itching,
    Severe headache that lasted for 2 days, Rash on
    forearms and hands that lasted 1 week. Saw doctor
    2 days after incident and was given a
    prescription for medication X, Vomited 3 times,
    approximately every 2 hours, burning
  • Date of incident Provide Day, Month Year
  • Are you the first observer of the event?
  • Do the symptoms reappear after reusing the

  • What was the outcome of the incident? Require
  • Life threatening, Permanent disability, Died,
    Congenital abnormalities, Required intervention
    to prevent damage,...etc.
  • Has this incident been reported to the

  • Reporters Details The One who filled in this
    form Patient, Physician, Pharmacist,
  • Name See confidentiality statement
  • Specialty (If physician, Address See
    confidentiality statement, E-mail, Telephone/
    Mobile, Date of reporting Signature.

  • Any More Comments
  • Any additional information can be provided in
    this space, or on a separate sheet.
  • Confidentiality Statement Any information
    related to the identity of persons will be
    protected. Any unsolicited personal information
    will be destroyed.

  • PART (II) Pesticides Reporting Forms (Blue

Consumer Product Safety
  • Pesticides are tested and evaluated for
    environmental and health risks before they are
    registered by the CAPA. However, some adverse
    effects may not become evident until the product
    is used under "real-life" circumstances. The
    information you are about to report will provide
    the BVD with valuable data regarding potential
    risks to humans from the use of pesticides in
    "real-life" circumstances.

  • If you require immediate medical attention, if
    you are experiencing symptoms, consult the First
    Aid instructions on the product label and contact
    your health care provider or call the
    nearest poison center. For environmental
    emergencies, contact your local authorities or
    the Biocidal Vigilance Department (BVD). All
    pesticides are tested and evaluated for safety
    before being registered for use by Egyptians. To
    continue to monitor for safety after they are
    registered, BVD collects pesticide incident
    reports from Egyptians.

Requirements of Pesticide Incident Reporting Form
(Blue Card)
  • Suspected Pesticide(s)
  • Product Name Detailed name of suspected
    Pesticide must be provided.
  • Active ingredient(s) The name of the active
    ingredient(s) of the suspected Pesticide e.g.
  • Product type Public Health or House Hold
  • Uses e.g. to control rodents, mosquito,
  • Application rate e.g. 10cm/100m2
  • Location of incident location where the incident
    occurred (see Confidentiality Statement) e.g.
    city, governorates

  • Type of formulation e.g. Liquid, Wettable Powder
    (WP), Dustable powder (DP), Aerosol,
    Pellets/bait, Tablet (TB)/ Balls, Granules,

  • Method of application Spray, Bait,
  • Type of pack Can, Aluminum sachet, Plastic

  • Is it registered at Ministry of Health If Yes
    (Write the CAPA Registration No.).
  • Was the product effective as an pesticide Yes
    or No

Patient Details (If the affected subject is human)
  • Name/ Initials (Optional) Name/ Initials
    (Optional), Sex (Male or Female), Age Weight in

Types of Incident
  • Human Health Incident
  • What was exposed? E.g. Eye, Respiratory
    (inhalation), Skin, .....etc.
  • 2- Domestic Animal Incident No. of animals
    affected e.g. 2,4,..etc.
  • Type of animal affected? i.e. cat, horse,
  • Environmental Incident What happened to the
    animal(s) or plant(s) after the initial
  • Packaging Incident Was the pesticide in its
    original container or not?
  • When did the packaging failure occur? e. g.
    During storage, Use of product,

A- In case of Human Health Incident
  • Describe what was exposed?
  • Eye, Skin, Oral, Respiratory (inhalation),
    ..... etc.
  • Describe all symptoms. Include the length of time
    the symptom(s) lasted, the severity of the
    symptom(s), and how often the symptom(s)
    occurred. Also describe any medical treatment
    received, including medication prescribed, test
    results and length of hospitalization (if
  • Example of patient's reaction to pesticide
  • Dizziness, Headache, Blurred vision, Convulsion,
    Nausea/Vomiting, .... etc.

B- In case of Packaging Failure Incident
  • Provide what was type of pack?
  • e.g. Can, Aluminum sachet, Plastic bottle ,
    Glass,.... etc.
  • Was the pesticide/chemical in its original
  • Provide when did the packaging failure occur?
  • e.g. (During storage, Use of product,
    Transportation, .. etc.
  • Describe how the packaging failed, as well as
    any additional information concerning the

C- In case of Domestic Animal Incident
  • Who is observing this incident?
  • e.g. Animal owner , Witness, Veterinary
    professional,..... etc.
  • Describe all symptoms. Include the length of time
    the symptom(s) lasted, the severity of the
    symptom(s), and how often the symptom(s)
    occurred. Also describe any medical treatment
    that the animal received, including medication
    prescribed or test results.
  • No. of animals affected. e.g. 2animals, 30
    animals, ..etc.
  • Type of animal affected Provide the type of
    affected animal, e.g. Cat, Bird,
    Horse..... etc.
  • How was the animal exposed to the pesticide?
    Include the amount of pesticide the

  • animal was exposed to, and how long or how often
    the animal was exposed to it.

D- In case of Environmental Incident
  • Describe what happened to the animal(s) or
    plant(s) after the initial observation?
  • Provide the total number of animals or plants
    affected (estimate if not counted)
  • Provide were environmental samples collected and

Incident's Details
  • Date incident occur dd/mm/yyyy.
  • Are you the first observer of the event or not?
  • What was the outcome of the incident? i.e. Life
    threatening, Hospitalization,
    Permanent Disability,
    Died, Required intervention to prevent
  • Has this incident been reported to the
    manufacturer or not?
  • How was the person exposed to the pesticide?
    Include, if available, the amount of the
    pesticide the person was exposed to, and how long
    or how often the person was exposed to it
  • Describe symptom(s) appeared the date

Reporters Details
  • The one who filled in this form Patient,
    Physician, Pharmacist, Nurse,
  • Name See confidentiality statement
  • Specialty (If physician, Address See
    confidentiality statement, E-mail, Telephone/
  • Date of reporting Signature.

  • Any More Comments
  • Any additional information can be provided in
    this space, or on a separate sheet.
  •  Confidentiality Statement Any information
    related to the identity of persons will be
    protected. Any unsolicited personal information
    will be destroyed.

  • Thank You
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