Workstation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Workstation Annual Expenses Introduction This analysis will contain a detailed layout in AutoCAD of the assembly area, capital costs, and the annual expenses that ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Workstation

  • Workstation

  • The assembly design is based on the demand for
    the peak quarter of year 5
  • Cycle Time 14.326 sec./unit
  • There will be three assembly lines that run two
    eight hour shifts with 102 workers and 4
  • Capital equipment will cost 118,180 for all
    three assembly lines.

Annual Expenses
A B C (B/420,000) D ( annual exp. Y5) x ( C )
Year Production Quantity Production Ratio Annual Expenses
1 413277 0.984 140,557.01
2 414958 0.988 22,222.19
3 416639 0.992 22,312.21
4 418319 0.996 22,402.18
5 420000 1.000 22,492.20
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  • This analysis will contain a detailed layout in
    AutoCAD of the assembly area, capital costs, and
    the annual expenses that will be required for
    years 1-5 based on the year 5 demand. The
    analysis will explain the techniques used to
    define the work elements needed for assembly and
    how standard times were developed for these
    elements. The analysis will also cover the
    calculations used and assumptions made in the
    design. Direct labor and capital costs of the
    assembly line will also be shown in the methods
    analysis. The design has been frozen due to the
    time constraints of this analysis.

Work Elements
  • An element consists of a group of small
    operations that must be performed to successfully
    assemble the product.
  • Work elements for the assembly of the Ultraquiet
    Foot Spa were determined by disassembling the
    prototype and deciding how to reassemble it.
  • There is a prototype box with the flaps labeled
    for elements 34, 37, and 38.

Standard element times were obtained by
performing a time study. This time study
consisted of performing ten time trials on each
element. The averages of each of the ten trials
were then computed.
Work Element QTY Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 4 Time 5 Time 6 Time 7 Time 8 Time 9 Time 10 Avg. Time Std Dev
1   45.15 48.26 43.34 45.4 50.01 42.25 44.76 46.08 48.12 45.21 45.86 2.35
2   60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60.00 2.00
3   41.94 44.51 39.48 45.34 44.11 39.72 41.21 42.35 44.09 43.13 42.59 2.01
4   37.16 33.2 35.32 33 34.19 36.11 31.23 34.2 32.65 31.44 33.85 1.94
5   13 10.33 11.18 11.4 10.8 11.17 12.4 11.8 11.75 12.15 11.60 0.79
6   28.86 24.65 27.84 29.07 23.28 27.83 25.2 27.45 24.97 26.18 26.53 1.96
7   18.87 20.6 18.35 18.83 17.25 17.03 18.93 19.93 20.01 18.24 18.80 1.16
8   54.64 57.54 53.89 55.91 54.01 51.1 53.23 59.13 57.36 51.29 54.81 2.67
9 2 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16.00 1.00
10 2 65.12 56.15 61.78 54.89 62.15 58.48 59.44 57.7 63 58.3 59.70 3.23
11 2 19.05 20.28 18.31 19.4 18.32 20.57 19.07 20.63 19.15 20.68 19.55 0.93
12   54.26 49.71 52.78 47.79 56.49 48.79 50.49 55.3 56.01 57.86 52.95 3.56
13   38.41 37.2 31.3 36.6 34.5 36.6 30.4 31.3 34.6 33.2 34.41 2.80
14   14.2 13.78 11.5 10.8 8.5 9.6 8.78 9.25 9.17 10.2 10.58 2.02
15   20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20.00 1.25
16   8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8.00 1.00
17   26.45 25.11 23.2 24.8 22.76 25.32 23.4 22.87 25.17 23.87 24.30 1.24
18   22.1 21.7 19.28 21.6 19.56 21.2 19.36 18.77 21.2 20.1 20.49 1.20
19   33.25 29.71 30.15 31.2 29.95 28.76 30.41 28.9 27.6 27 29.69 1.79
20   37.16 32.84 37.57 35.53 38.55 37.45 40.63 36.49 37.79 39.36 37.34 2.13
Work Element QTY Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 4 Time 5 Time 6 Time 7 Time 8 Time 9 Time 10 Avg. Time Std Dev
21   25.99 26.23 24.75 25.25 25.67 24.02 23.7 24.33 25.49 25.48 25.09 0.85
22   45.99 42.81 47.08 48.42 43.85 47.46 44.66 48.38 46.46 47.52 46.26 1.92
23   65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65.00 2.00
24 4 55.12 60.48 52.24 55.72 52.36 54.56 56.22 53.98 54.03 56.47 55.12 2.38
25   29.5 26.87 27.81 25.79 27.17 28.42 27 30.43 28.26 29.3 28.06 1.41
26 2 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20.00 1.25
27   17.68 15.4 16.2 16.75 15.4 17 17.8 15.71 16.13 15.67 16.37 0.89
28 2 18.47 17.1 15.7 19.15 16.6 17.1 17.75 16.89 17.57 15.96 17.23 1.06
29   31.5 34.69 34.36 34.25 29.13 34.15 35.69 34.9 34.8 33.41 33.69 1.95
30   30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30.00 1.50
31   8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8.00 1.00
32   25.53 25.56 27.04 26.58 24.97 27.41 26.6 23.7 25.18 26.12 25.87 1.11
33   11.77 8.89 9.67 8.67 9.94 8.22 7.51 9.14 10.28 9.82 9.39 1.19
34   9.05 12.22 12.38 10.82 11.01 10.21 12.24 8.7 9.38 11.63 10.76 1.38
35   44.76 38.74 43.41 39.01 43.41 43.25 40.41 44.35 42.8 45.81 42.60 2.41
36   8.62 9 9.52 10.96 10.61 9.26 9.39 7.61 9.47 9.17 9.36 0.94
37   36.35 36.95 37.3 33.35 37.11 35.2 37.03 36.48 34.17 35.45 35.94 1.35
38   28.97 34.99 23.71 25.22 26.91 31.97 26.58 28.62 27.58 30.24 28.48 3.30

  Indicates time has estimation Indicates time has estimation Indicates time has estimation Indicates time has estimation Total 18.90 minutes
Each element is given a 5 personal allowance, a
3 delay allowance, and the recommended
International Labor Office (ILO) fatigue
allowances. The fatigue allowances differ with
the level of difficulty of the task being
performed or the type of operation that is being
Work Element Station Average Time Personal Allowance Delay Allowance Fatigue Allowance Standard Time Std Dev with Allowances
1 WS1 45.858 5 3 4 51.36 2.64
2 S1 60 5 3 6 68.40 2.28
3 WS3 42.588 5 3 4 47.70 2.25
4 WS2 33.85 5 3 4 37.91 2.17
5 WS2 11.598 5 3 4 12.99 0.88
6 S4 26.533 5 3 4 29.72 2.19
7 S4 18.804 5 3 4 21.06 1.3
8 WS4 54.81 5 3 4 61.39 2.99
9 S5 16 5 3 4 17.92 1.12
10 S5 59.701 5 3 4 66.87 3.62
11 S5 19.546 5 3 4 21.89 1.04
12 WS6 52.948 5 3 4 59.30 3.98
13 WS8 34.411 5 3 4 38.54 3.13
14 WS2 10.578 5 3 4 11.85 2.26
15 S2 20 5 3 4 22.40 1.4
16 S2 8 5 3 4 8.96 1.12
17 S2 24.295 5 3 4 27.21 1.39
18 WS2 20.487 5 3 4 22.95 1.35
19 WS3 29.693 5 3 4 33.26 2.01
20 S3 37.337 5 3 6 42.56 2.43
Work Element Station Average Time Personal Allowance Delay Allowance Fatigue Allowance Standard Time Std Dev with Allowances
20 S3 37.337 5 3 6 42.56 2.43
21 WS1 25.091 5 3 4 28.10 0.96
22 WS5 46.263 5 3 4 51.81 2.15
23 WS7 65 5 3 4 72.80 2.24
24 S6 55.118 5 3 6 62.83 2.71
25 S6 20 5 3 4 22.40 1.58
26 S8 16.374 5 3 6 18.67 1.43
27 WS10 17.229 5 3 6 19.64 1.02
28 WS10 28.055 5 3 6 31.98 1.21
29 WS8 33.688 5 3 4 37.73 2.19
30 WS9 30 5 3 4 33.60 1.68
31 S7 8 5 3 4 8.96 1.12
32 S7 25.869 5 3 4 28.97 1.24
33 WS10 9.391 5 3 6 10.71 1.36
34 WS11 10.764 5 3 6 12.27 1.57
35 WS9 42.595 5 3 4 47.71 2.7
36 WS10 9.361 5 3 6 10.67 1.07
37 WS11 35.939 5 3 6 40.97 1.54
38 WS11 28.479 5 3 6 32.47 3.77
Total 21.28 minutes
  • The elements were timed in an environment that is
    not representative of the true working
    environment. It is assumed that the data
    recorded represents the true working environment.
  • It is assumed that ten time trials will be
    sufficient to get an accurate standard time.
  • Some elements were simulated due to lack of
  • All motors came with wires and bridge rectifiers
    already connected
  • The design process for the Manufacturing
    Processes (MP) team has not been completed.
    Elements 2 and 26 require machinery from the MP
    design and have estimated times.
  • Elements 9, 15, 16, 17 and 31 all involve gluing
    plastics. It is assumed that the glue will
    harden on contact.
  • Element 23 had to be estimated because the
    mechanical engineering collaboration had not
    finished design changes to the Ultraquiet Foot
  • Elements 12, 21, and 24 have estimation because
    of the time saved by using the screw presenter is
  • A 4 basic fatigue allowance is given to all
    elements and 2 is added for more difficult tasks
    and standing tasks.

Calculations for Line Balancing
  • The cycle time is the amount of time to produce
    each unit in order to meet production
    requirements. The cycle time is used in line
    balancing to set the flow of production at each
    assembly station. The cycle time calculated in
    this report is for the 3rd quarter of the 5th
    year. The cycle time calculation is given in the
    equation below.
  • (Number of production seconds each
  • Cycle Time ------------------------------------
    (Production volume in year 5 quarter with
    highest production)
  • The assembly line will run from 700A.M. until
    400P.M. with a 30 minute lunch break and two 15
    minute breaks. Assuming 50 working weeks per
    year, five working days per week, and one
    eight-hour shift per day, the number of seconds
    per quarter is as follows
  • Number of seconds (3600 sec./hr.)(8 hr./day)(5
    days/wk.)(50 wk./yr)(.25 yr/quarter)
  • Number of seconds 1,800,000 sec/quarter
  • Assuming one production line and one shift, the
    cycle time is as follows
  • Cycle Time (1,800,000 sec./quarter)/( 125,643
    units/quarter) 14.326 sec./unit
  • The cycle time must be larger than the longest
    standard time, which was 72.8 seconds. Since
    14.326 sec./unit is the cycle time for one line
    and one shift, an increase by a factor of 6 is
    needed to meet the production requirements.
  • Number of Production periods (72.8
    seconds)/(14.326 sec./unit) 5.0816
  • Rounding up 5.0816 will give 6 production
  • Cycle Time for line balancing (14.326
    sec./unit)(6) 85.98 sec./unit
  • Having three assembly lines for two shifts was
    the design chosen to make the Cycle Time for line
    balancing cover our longest task of 72.8 seconds.

Defining Workstations
  • Decision Science software was used to assign
    elements to different workstations to equalize
    work content across those workstations. The
    program computes a balanced line based on the
    cycle time of 85.98 sec./unit and the order in
    which elements must be completed. This software
    allows for flexibility, because changes to the
    design could be made quickly and easily. The
    software has several options for line balancing.
    The positional weight method is well known for
    its accuracy in line balancing, and it was the
    method of choice. A positional weight was
    assigned to each element by adding the succeeding
    elements standard times. Then, the elements are
    sorted in descending order based on positional
    weight. The elements are assigned to
    workstations in an effort to minimize idle time
    at each workstation. Idle time calculation is as
  • Idle time (85.98sec./unit) (cumulative
    workstation time)

  • Once the line has been balanced workers can be
    assigned to the workstations. The workers were
    assigned based on one worker per 85.98 seconds of
    tasks. There will be 17 workers per assembly
    line. Refer to handouts for number of workers per
  • The goal of assembly line balancing is to have
    the efficiency of the line to be as high as
    possible. The design chosen is based more on the
    flow of material than high assembly line
    efficiency. Several elements could be done
    without directly being on the assembly line.
    These elements were denoted sub-assemblies and
    were not included in the assembly line balancing.
    An alternative to this would be to balance the
    line with all elements included. With all
    elements included in the balancing, the
    efficiency was 92.79, and the assembly line will
    have fifteen workers. This data can also be
    found on page 1 of the Handout.

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  • Since the material handling requirements are
    very high, the benefits of having a flow based
    assembly line will outweigh the lost efficiency
    and the two extra workers per line. The
    efficiency and other relative statistics for the
    recommended assembly line design can be found in
    the table below.

Cycle time 85.98 seconds
Time allocated (cycle time stations) 1461.66 seconds/cycle
Time needed (sum of task times) 1276.53 seconds/unit
Idle time (allocated-needed) 185.13 seconds/cycle
Efficiency (needed/allocated) 87.33 percent
Balance Delay (1-efficiency) 12.66 percent
Number of Workers 17 workers
The assembly line will have great flow while
having an efficiency of 87.33. This is below
our goal of 90, but the line will have quality
inspections at workstations 4, and 9. The
quality inspections will be done by the workers
on those workstations and this will make up for
the lost efficiency and reduce the rework.
Workstations 10 and 11 have no parts being
assembled and do not require quality inspections.
The precedence chart is a flow chart that
illustrates which elements have to be performed
before other elements can follow.
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