Operational OB-GYN Practical Knowledge Test - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Operational OB-GYN Practical Knowledge Test


Operational OB-GYN Practical Knowledge Test Test your knowledge of operational medicine against the Undersea Medical Officers and Surface Warfare Medical Officers. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Operational OB-GYN Practical Knowledge Test

Operational OB-GYN Practical Knowledge Test
  • Test your knowledge of operational medicine
    against the Undersea Medical Officers and Surface
    Warfare Medical Officers.

Operational OB-GYN Practical Knowledge Test
  • These questions are from material presented at
    the Surface Warfare Medical Officer
    Indoctrination Course (SWMOIC) and Undersea
    Medical Officer Candidate (UMOC) Course.
  • After answering each question, the Medical
    Officers engage in a discussion, justifying their

LTJG Decatur started her first pack of OCPs 9
days ago.
  • She complains of nausea, depression, tender
    breasts, and thinks she may be pregnant.
  • Your ship left Norfolk yesterday for exercises
    off Guantanamo before a 6-month deployment to

You Should
  • A. Obtain a Pregnancy Test
  • B. Stop the OCPs
  • C. MEDEVAC for a mammogram
  • D. Continue the OCPs if the pregnancy test is
    negative and the symptoms mild
  • (A and D are the correct)

  • You should always obtain a pregnancy test
    whenever a woman believes she may be pregnant.
    She is often right.
  • It is not necessary to stop the BCPs. The
    side-effects shes experiencing are common in the
    first month and should disappear.
  • The first few days or weeks of a deployment can
    be very stressful, particularly for junior
    personnel on their first deployment.

LTJG Decatur returns 3 days later
  • The nausea and depression are gone.
  • Her breast tenderness is improved.
  • Her Division Officer complimented her on her good
    performance while underway.
  • She noticed a tiny amount of spotting after
    exercise yesterday.

Your Advice to LTJG Decatur
  • A.Transfer off the ship because of these endless
    gynecologic problems.
  • B. Bedrest for 4 days.
  • C. GYN consultation at Guantanamo
  • D. Spotting during the 1st cycle of OCPs is
    common and not dangerous.
  • (D is correct)

  • 80 of women starting OCPs have no side effects.
  • The other 20 may have spotting, nausea, breast
    tenderness, and headaches.
  • These usually disappear after the first month.
  • If they dont, switching to a different OCP from
    a different manufacturer, will generally solve
    the problem.

LCDR Dewey
  • Positive pregnancy test
  • LMP 6 weeks ago
  • C/O mild cramping and spotting
  • Uterus enlarged, sl. tender, cervix closed
  • Your ship is underway from Guam to Yokosuka,
    Japan, and due to arrive in 23 hours. It is a
    dark and stormy night.

Your Plans for LCDR Dewey
  • A. Helo MEDEVAC to USNH Yokosuka
  • B. Bedrest. Advise Yokosuka of your situation and
  • C. Give Methergine.
  • D. Give IV antibiotics
  • (B is correct)

LCDR Dewey Discussion
  • She has a threatened abortion which can likely be
    postponed by having her lie still. Antibiotics
    will not be helpful and Methergine may worsen
  • You are only 23 hours away from a safe, pier-side
    transfer of LCDR Dewey to an ambulance. Helo OPS
    at night in bad weather are very dangerous and
    not justified here.

SN Bainbridge
  • C/O urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria and
    hematuria x 10 hours
  • Bladder is tender, flanks are not
  • Temp 98.6
  • Similar episode 3 years ago
  • Her division is cleaning the CHT system today.

Your Plan for SN Bainbridge
  • A. Obtain urine culture and await results
  • B. Begin IV antibiotics
  • C. Begin oral antibiotics
  • D. Call for MEDEVAC
  • E. Caution her about malingering and send her
    back to her division
  • (C is correct)

Discussion of SN Bainbridge
  • She has symptoms of lower urinary tract infection
    and should be given oral antibiotics, regardless
    of any laboratory findings.
  • Aboard a ship at sea, the biggest risk is that a
    simple, lower tract infection will become
    pyelonephritis, which you are ill-equipped to
  • In the absence of more tangible evidence, I would
    keep my thoughts about malingering to myself.
    While cleaning the CHT system is not a popular
    task, she has symptoms and physical findings of a

BM1 Perry
  • Severe RLQ pain for the 12 hours
  • Marked rebound tenderness and rigidity
  • Negative pregnancy test
  • Temp 103.4
  • Your ship is off Mexico, 2 days from Acapulco and
    7 days from Pearl Harbor. You have started IV
    antibiotics. The operating room aboard your
    Submarine Tender is currently in use and an

Your Plan for BM1 Perry
  • A. Restore the OR and begin surgery
  • B. Wait for a response to the IV antibiotics
  • C. Call for MEDEVAC
  • D. Using battle lanterns over the wardroom
    table, perform an emergency appendectomy and
    receive the Navy Cross.
  • (C is correct)

Discussion of BM1 Perry
  • While you may have removed an appendix or two in
    medical school, you do not have an
    anesthesiologist, recovery room, ICU, nurses, or
    any other supporting services.
  • Considering your skills and the absence of
    support, the safest course for this patient is IV
    antibiotics and prompt MEDEVAC.
  • Should you decide to operate, dont count on a
    Navy Cross, even if things go reasonably well.

LT Isherwood
  • Found unconscious in the Officers Head.
  • BP 60/0, P150, RR30
  • Positive Pregnancy Test
  • Vaginal bleeding, distended abdomen
  • Your ship is in the Indian Ocean, 2 days from
    Diego Garcia

Your Plan for LT Isherwood
  • A. 2 Large-bore IVs
  • B. Oxygen
  • C. MAST Suit
  • D. Call for MEDEVAC
  • E. Prepare for blood transfusion
  • F. All of these
  • (F is correct)

Discussion of LT Isherwood
  • She is in shock, due to a ruptured ectopic
  • Blood can be life-saving, particularly fresh,
    whole blood, full of platelets, coagulation
    factors, serum, and healthy RBCs.
  • Your approach is supportive therapy until
    surgical intervention can be accomplished.

However, two days ago...
  • You saw LT Isherwood in Sick Call, complaining of
    LLQ pains, positive pregnancy test, and left
    adnexal tenderness.
  • You advised her to get more rest and see you next

Dont you wish you would have
  • A. Placed her on strict bedrest
  • B. Called for a MEDEVAC 2 days ago
  • C. Kept an IV line open
  • D. Prepared for blood transfusion
  • E. Told her to have someone else teach the daily,
    high-impact, aerobic dance class on the Helo
  • F. All of the above

Further Discussion of LT Isherwood
  • You cannot prevent an ectopic pregnancy, but you
    often can prevent them from rupturing in adverse
  • Unlike in a teaching hospital, operational
    medicine settings are typically unforgiving of
    errors in judgement or lack of foresight.

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