What Needs to Happen - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What Needs to Happen


What Needs to Happen Integration of Content Areas and Collaboration – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: ailey | alvin | happen | needs


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What Needs to Happen

What Needs to Happen
  • Integration of Content Areas
  • and
  • Collaboration

Making Authentic Connections
  • Incorporates each content area in a meaningful
    context (as appropriate and maintaining the
    integrity of each discipline)
  • Contains measurable student outcome(s)

Dance Connections to Math
  • Mathematics Grade 4
  • COMPETENCY GOAL 2  The learner will understand
    and use perimeter and area.
  • 2.01     Develop strategies to determine the area
    of rectangles and the perimeter of plane
    figures.2.02     Solve problems involving
    perimeter of plane figures and areas of

Perimeter Dance
  • Using forward, back, and lateral Latin dance
    steps, students will create "Perimeter" dances in
    which they dance in a square or rectangle and
    calculate the perimeter and area of their dances.
    As an extension, students will analyze the
    relationship of perimeter and area, creating
    multiple dances with the same area.
  • http//www.ncpublicschools.org/curriculum/artsed/r

Math in Your Feet
  • Dance is considered creative. Math is considered
    to be mostly problem solving. What they both
    have in common is that they both rely on
    creativity to solve problems.
  • Dance patterns can be charted (choreography).
    Dance steps include many variables and patterns.
    Shapes and geometric concepts can be and are
    often used in choreography.
  • Math in Your Feet is a program that teaches
    math using dance.
  • http//www.sciencedaily.com/videos/2008/0503-do_th

MUSIC Connectionsto mATH
  • Mathematics Grade 2
  • 1.02     Use area or region models and set models
    of fractions to explore part-whole relationships
    in contexts
  • -Represent fractions (halves, thirds, fourths)
    concretely and symbolically.
  • -Compare fractions (halves, thirds, fourths)
    using models.
  • -Make different representations of the same
  • -Combine fractions to describe parts of a whole

Music and Sound Waves
  • When composing music, students will have to
    understand the musical scales including sharps
    and flats, frequency, etc. For example
  • The A note has a frequency of 440 hz. That is 9
    white keys below middle C.
  • Frequencies between half tones is
  • To calculate the frequency of A, multiply 440
    hertz by 1.059. The answer will be 466.16376...
  • If this is repeated 12 times, it will place you
    at an octave higher, which would be 880 hertz.
    Doubling the frequency creates a note an octave
    higher. Dividing the frequency in half creates a
    note an octave lower.
  • The movement from one note to another is a
    constant 1.059463 therefore, students are able
    to calculate the number of vibrations per second
    between two random notes.
  • http//members.cox.net/mathmistakes/music.htm

Composition and Time Signatures
  • Students will create original compositions within
    specific guidelines and perform their
    compositions for the class. Compositions will be
    notated using traditional methods.
  • Students will be introduced to time signatures,
    so they will learn about fractions, beats, half
    notes, measures, etc.
  • http//

Theatre Arts Connections to Math
  • Introductory Mathematics (High School)
  • Competency Goal 4 The learner will understand and
    use linear relations and functions.
  • 4.01 Develop an understanding of function.
  • Translate among verbal, tabular, graphic, and
    algebraic representations of functions.
  • Identify relations and functions as linear or
  • Find, identify, and interpret the slope (rate of
    change) and intercepts of a linear relation.
  • Interpret and compare properties of linear
    functions from tables, graphs, or equations.
  • 4.02 Write an equation of a linear relationship
    given two points, the slope and one point on the
    line, or the slope and y-intercept.
  • 4.03 Solve problems using linear equations and
    inequalities justify symbolically and
  • 4.04 Solve problems using the inverse
    relationships of addition and subtraction,
    multiplication and division, squares and square
    roots, and cubes and cube roots.

Stage Lighting
  • Stage lighting students must know
  • The pie formula (the relationships of
    potential, current flow, and rate of doing work).
  • P IE or W VA (watts equals volts time
  • Many other arrangements are also suitable for
    solving specific problems. For example
  • P I/E I2R E2/R
  • R E/I E2/P P/I2
  • http//www.hstech.org/howto/electric/stgmath.htm

  • www.charles.kaiser.name/lighting2.htm --gt

Set Design for the Stage
  • www.oxfordreference.com/pages/samplep-17

  • ?
  • Students lay out a grid for the perspective
    sketch using precise measurements.
  • Students determine scale for models of the set
    and have to measure precisely.
  • Is it going to be ½ or ¼ scale?
  • http//www.stuorg.iastate.edu/ethosmagazine/april0
    7/images/set04sm.jpg ?
  • www.oxfordreference.com/pages/samplep-17

Visual Arts Connections to Math
  • Grade 3
  • COMPETENCY GOAL 1 The learner will model,
    identify, and compute with whole numbers through
  • 1.05     Use area or region models and set models
    of fractions to explore part-whole relationships.
  • Represent fractions concretely and symbolically
    (halves, fourths, thirds, sixths, eighths).
  • Compare and order fractions (halves, fourths,
    thirds, sixths, eighths) using models and
    benchmark numbers (zero, one-half, one) describe
  • Model and describe common equivalents, especially
    relationships among halves, fourths, and eighths,
    and thirds and sixths.
  • Understand that the fractional relationships that
    occur between zero and one also occur between
    every two consecutive whole numbers.
  • Understand and use mixed numbers and their
    equivalent fraction forms.

Human Proportions
  • The distance from the top of the head to the chin
    is about 1/7 of his total height (from head to
  • The width of the shoulders is ¼ the height of a
  • The length from top to bottom of the buttocks is
    1 head.
  • The length of the foot is equal to the length of
    the forearm.
  • The distance from the hip to the toes is 4 heads.

Facial Proportions
  • The eyes are halfway between the top of the head
    and the chin.
  • The bottom of the nose is halfway between the
    eyes and the chin.
  • The mouth is 1/3 to ½ way between the nose and
    the chin.
  • The corners of the mouth line up with the centers
    of the eyes.
  • The top of the ears line up above the eyes, on
    the eyebrows.
  • The bottom of the ears line up with the bottom of
    the nose.
  • The top center of the teeth and the eyes form a
  • The distance from one side of the head to the
    other side is equal to 5 eyes.

  • http//math.rice.edu/lanius/frac/

  • ?
  • A fractal is generally a rough or fragmented
    geometric shape that can be split into parts.
  • http//spanky.triumf.ca/
  • http//mathforum.org/alejandre/workshops/fractal/f
  • http//www.ccs.neu.edu/home/fell/COM1201/PROGRAMS/
    RecursiveFractals1.gif ?

Linear Perspective
  • Linear Perspective is used in theatre arts and in
    visual arts. The following links may inspire
    many ideas.
  • http//www.math.nus.edu.sg/aslaksen/projects/persp
  • http//studiochalkboard.evansville.edu/draw.html
  • http//www.myamericanartist.com/2006/12/linear_per
  • http//www.olejarz.com/arted/perspective/
  • http//rourkevisualart.com/wordpress/wp-content/up

Global Awareness Writing Theatre Arts
  • Identify some of the characters and ideas from
    the commedia dellarte, and write an essay that
    compares it to a similar style of theatre from
    another century (for example, Molieres comedies,
    slapstick comedy of the early 1900s, etc.).

Global Awareness Writing Visual Arts
  • Students identify and discuss certain firsts in
  • Research the contributions of an artist from
    another country and write a paper about the
    artist. Two examples are listed here
  • Graciela Rodo-Boulanger of Bolivia
  • Lim Kok Boon of Indonesia

Civic Literacy Social Studies Music
  • The learner will explore examples of and
    opportunities for active citizenship, past and
    present, at the local and state levels. Grade 8
  • Research songs from the past that were composed
    for the sake of political protest. Discuss their
    meanings and their purposes. Some examples are
  • Blowin in the Wind by Bob Dylan
  • War by Edwin Starr
  • Where Have All the Flowers Gone? by Pete Seeger
  • Compose a song of your own that tackles one of
    todays issues using appropriate notation, time
    signature, and expressive devices.

Health Literacy Physical Education Science
  • The learner will conduct investigations, use
    models, simulations, and appropriate technologies
    and information systems to build an understanding
    of the complementary nature of the human body
    system. Grade 7 SCS
  • Conduct a mini-unit on kinesiology, addressing
    specific muscle groups affected most by dance,
    including specific treatments for sore muscles.
  • Students should know who to contact in case of
    emergencies such as broken or fractured bones,
    dizziness, etc.
  • Make sure to provide a diagram of the
    musculoskeletal system and have students identify
    muscles and tendons affected by specific dance
  • http//www.geocities.com/vienna/strasse/5503/danc
    etips.html (Dance Tips).

Creativity/Innovation Skills Writing Dance
  • Give students a list of creative choices
    connected to new ideas that evolved as a result
    of necessity (e.g., creating the first
    automobile). Students then establish a structure
    of creative inventiveness.
  • Create dance movements that communicate their
  • Write an essay that explains the steps in their
    creative approach.
  • Revise and perform their dances. As an
    extension, relate how the steps they took are
    similar to the ways inventors/discoverers/
  • technicians approach creative solutions (or
    should approach creative solutions) to their

Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Science
Math Visual Arts
  • Fibonacci numbers are used in art, architecture,
    and music. They also appear in nature

Communication/Collaboration Skills
Writing/Speaking Music
  • Record the group singing or playing a piece of
  • In small, collaborative groups, evaluate the
    quality and effectiveness of the performance
    using specific criteria and offer constructive
    suggestions for improvement.
  • Explain in writing how each individual's part
    contributes to the overall sound quality of the
    group. Examine how the director communicates to
    the ensemble in order to facilitate the
    collaborative performance of the piece (tempo,
    dynamics, blend, balance, etc).

Information Literacy Writing Dance
  • Assign historical dance figures for students to
    research, such as Pierre Rameau, Carlo Blasis,
    Jerome Robbins, Agnes DeMille, Alvin Ailey, Twyla
    Tharp, Mikhail Baryshnikov, and Martha Graham.
    Supply students with specific questions to help
    them determine the credibility of their
    resources. Two sample questions might be
  • How recently was the article about your topic
  • Does it cover the topic in enough depth?
  • Students need to evaluate their sources
    carefully, and select only the sources that are
    reliable, accurate, and authoritative based on
    specific criteria.

Media Literacy Reading Music
  • Lead a discussion about how different media
    portrays popular music (e.g., feature news
    stories on broadcast news, editorials, newspaper
    articles, etc.). Get a variety of perspectives.
    Ask leading questions such as
  • How does the writer view particular artists whose
    albums and singles have reached the top 40 in the
  • Does the feature or article seem to be biased
    towards specific types of popular music?
  • How do you think the feature or article will
    affect the publics view of the music?

ICT Literacy Writing Arts
  • Discuss the role of publicist (for a dramatic
    production, dance recital, choral recital, art
    exhibition, etc.).
  • Have students act as publicists to compose a
    publicity package using various applications on
    the computer. The student will become familiar
  • creating and transferring files
  • transferring digital images to email attachments
  • inserting hyperlinks

Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Science
Theatre Arts
  • Discuss the scientific principles of color theory
    as they pertain to stage lighting. Have students
    divide into small groups.
  • Each group is to select a concept of stage
    lighting theory and prepare models, computer
    simulations, or other means of presentation, to
    test hypotheses relating to the concept.
    Examples may include
  • Gels (color filters) can dramatically transform
    colors onstage.
  • Principles of reflection, refraction, and
    absorption create varying effects onstage.

Productivity and Accountability Music
  • Have students listen to a recording of themselves
    singing or playing composed or original works of
    music (or, use a recording of a piece of music).
  • Collaboratively develop criteria for evaluating
    the quality and effectiveness of the performance
    or composition. This may be done by developing a
    rubric as a class. This rubric may then be used
    by students to apply the jointly developed
    criteria in their own personal listening and
    performing of music.

Planning Time
  • According to the teachers surveyed, no
    collaborative planning takes place with the
  • media coordinator (82),
  • technology facilitator (83),
  • dance, music, theatre arts or visual arts
    teachers (range of 90-98),
  • physical education teacher (90),
  • foreign language teacher (98),
  • special education teachers (75),
  • LEP (ESL) teacher(s) (86)

  • Ways to Collaborate

Written Communication
  • Common Planning Times

  • Informances" at PTA or other school events.
  • newsletters to educate students, staff, and
    parents of important aspects of the curriculum
    and how each content area fits into the total
    school program.

  • Whole school effort teachers, parents, and
    administrators see how the SCS is being delivered
    as well as how connections are being made within
    and across other content areas.
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