What if you didn - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What if you didn


What if you see this as a game? RTA* (RTDP with deterministic actions and leaves evaluated by f(.)) Game Playing (Adversarial Search) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What if you didn

What if you didnt have any hard goals..?And got
rewards continually?And have stochastic actions?
  • MDPs as Utility-based problem solving agents

can generalize to have action costs C(a,s)
If Mij matrix is not known a priori, then we
have a reinforcement learning scenario..
U is the maximal expected utility (value)
assuming optimal policy
Policies change with rewards..
(sequence of states behavior)
How about deterministic case? U(si) is the
shortest path to the goal ?
MDPs and Deterministic Search
  • Problem solving agent search corresponds to what
    special case of MDP?
  • Actions are deterministic Goal states are all
    equally valued, and are all sink states.
  • Is it worth solving the problem using MDPs?
  • The construction of optimal policy is an overkill
  • The policy, in effect, gives us the optimal path
    from every state to the goal state(s))
  • The value function, or its approximations, on the
    other hand are useful. How?
  • As heuristics for the problem solving agents
  • This shows an interesting connection between
    dynamic programming and state search paradigms
  • DP solves many related problems on the way to
    solving the one problem we want
  • State search tries to solve just the problem we
  • We can use DP to find heuristics to run state

SSPPStochastic Shortest Path Problem An MDP with
Init and Goal states
Not discussed (MDP variation closest to A)
  • MDPs dont have a notion of an initial and
    goal state. (Process orientation instead of
    task orientation)
  • Goals are sort of modeled by reward functions
  • Allows pretty expressive goals (in theory)
  • Normal MDP algorithms dont use initial state
    information (since policy is supposed to cover
    the entire search space anyway).
  • Could consider envelope extension methods
  • Compute a deterministic plan (which gives the
    policy for some of the states Extend the policy
    to other states that are likely to happen during
  • RTDP methods
  • SSSP are a special case of MDPs where
  • (a) initial state is given
  • (b) there are absorbing goal states
  • (c) Actions have costs. Goal states have zero
  • A proper policy for SSSP is a policy which is
    guaranteed to ultimately put the agent in one of
    the absorbing states
  • For SSSP, it would be worth finding a partial
    policy that only covers the relevant states
    (states that are reachable from init and goal
    states on any optimal policy)
  • Value/Policy Iteration dont consider the notion
    of relevance
  • Consider heuristic state search algorithms
  • Heuristic can be seen as the estimate of the
    value of a state.

Why are they called Markov decision processes?
  • Markov property means that state contains all the
    information (to decide the reward or the
  • Reward of a state Sn is independent of the path
    used to get to Sn
  • Effect of doing an action A in state Sn doesnt
    depend on the way we reached state Sn
  • (As a consequence of the above) Maximal expected
    utility of a state S doesnt depend on the path
    used to get to S
  • Markov properties are assumed (to make life
  • It is possible to have non-markovian rewards
    (e.g. you will get a reward in state Si only if
    you came to Si through SJ
  • E.g. If you picked up a coupon before going to
    the theater, then you will get a reward
  • It is possible to convert non-markovian rewards
    into markovian ones, but it leads to a blow-up in
    the state space. In the theater example above,
    add coupon as part of the state (it becomes an
    additional state variableincreasing the state
    space two-fold).
  • It is also possible to have non-markovian
    effectsespecially if you have partial
  • E.g. Suppose there are two states of the world
    where the agent can get banana smell

Added based on class discussion
What does a solution to an MDP look like?
  • The solution should tell the optimal action to do
    in each state (called a Policy)
  • Policy is a function from states to actions (
    see finite horizon case below)
  • Not a sequence of actions anymore
  • Needed because of the non-deterministic actions
  • If there are S states and A actions that we
    can do at each state, then there are AS
  • How do we get the best policy?
  • Pick the policy that gives the maximal expected
  • For each policy p
  • Simulate the policy (take actions suggested by
    the policy) to get behavior traces
  • Evaluate the behavior traces
  • Take the average value of the behavior traces.
  • How long should behavior traces be?
  • Each trace is no longer than k (Finite Horizon
  • Policy will be horizon-dependent (optimal action
    depends not just on what state you are in, but
    how far is your horizon)
  • Eg Financial portfolio advice for yuppies vs.
  • No limit on the size of the trace (Infinite
    horizon case)
  • Policy is not horizon dependent
  • Qn Is there a simpler way than having to
    evaluate AS policies?
  • Yes

We will concentrate on infinite horizon
problems (infinite horizon doesnt
necessarily mean that that all behavior
traces are infinite. They could be finite
and end in a sink state)
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How about deterministic case? U(si) is the
shortest path to the goal ?
Bellman equations when actions have costs
  • The model discussed in class ignores action costs
    and only thinks of state rewards
  • More generally, the reward/cost depends on the
    state as well as action
  • R(s,a) is the reward/cost of doing action a in
    state s
  • The Bellman equation then becomes
  • U(s) max over a R(s,a) expected utility
    of doing a
  • Notice that the only difference is that R(.,.) is
    now inside the maximization
  • With this model, we can talk about partial
    satisfaction planning problems where
  • Actions have costs goals have utilities and the
    optimal plan may not satisfy all goals.

Not discussed
Updates can be done synchronously OR
asynchronously --convergence guaranteed
as long as each state updated
infinitely often
Why are values coming down first? Why are some
states reaching optimal value faster?
Terminating Value Iteration
  • The basic idea is to terminate the value
    iteration when the values have converged (i.e.,
    not changing much from iteration to iteration)
  • Set a threshold e and stop when the change across
    two consecutive iterations is less than e
  • There is a minor problem since value is a vector
  • We can bound the maximum change that is allowed
    in any of the dimensions between two successive
    iterations by e
  • Max norm . of a vector is the maximal value
    among all its dimensions. We are basically
    terminating when Ui Ui1 lt e

Policies converge earlier than values
  • There are finite number of policies but infinite
    number of value functions.
  • So entire regions of value vector are mapped
    to a specific policy
  • So policies may be converging faster than
    values. Search in the space of policies
  • Given a utility vector Ui we can compute the
    greedy policy pui
  • The policy loss of pui is Upui-U
  • (max norm difference of two vectors is the
    maximum amount by which they differ on any

Consider an MDP with 2 states and 2 actions
n linear equations with n unknowns.
We can either solve the linear eqns exactly,
or solve them approximately by running the
value iteration a few times (the update wont
have the max operation)
Other ways of solving MDPs
  • Value and Policy iteration are the bed-rock
    methods for solving MDPs. Both give optimality
  • Both of them tend to be very inefficient for
    large (several thousand state) MDPs
  • Many ideas are used to improve the efficiency
    while giving up optimality guarantees
  • E.g. Consider the part of the policy for more
    likely states (envelope extension method)
  • Interleave search and execution (Real Time
    Dynamic Programming)
  • Do limited-depth analysis based on reachability
    to find the value of a state (and there by the
    best action you you should be doingwhich is the
    action that is sending you the best value)
  • The values of the leaf nodes are set to be their
    immediate rewards
  • If all the leaf nodes are terminal nodes, then
    the backed up value will be true optimal value.
    Otherwise, it is an approximation

What if you see this as a game?
If you are perpetual optimist then V2
If you have deterministic actions then RTDP
becomes RTA (if you use h(.) to evaluate leaves
MDPs and Deterministic Search
  • Problem solving agent search corresponds to what
    special case of MDP?
  • Actions are deterministic Goal states are all
    equally valued, and are all sink states.
  • Is it worth solving the problem using MDPs?
  • The construction of optimal policy is an overkill
  • The policy, in effect, gives us the optimal path
    from every state to the goal state(s))
  • The value function, or its approximations, on the
    other hand are useful. How?
  • As heuristics for the problem solving agents
  • This shows an interesting connection between
    dynamic programming and state search paradigms
  • DP solves many related problems on the way to
    solving the one problem we want
  • State search tries to solve just the problem we
  • We can use DP to find heuristics to run state

Incomplete observability(the dreaded POMDPs)
  • To model partial observability, all we need to do
    is to look at MDP in the space of belief states
    (belief states are fully observable even when
    world states are not)
  • Policy maps belief states to actions
  • In practice, this causes (humongous) problems
  • The space of belief states is continuous (even
    if the underlying world is discrete and finite).
    GET IT? GET IT??
  • Even approximate policies are hard to find
  • Problems with few dozen world states are hard to
    solve currently
  • Depth-limited exploration (such as that done in
    adversarial games) are the only option

Belief state s10.3, s20.4 s40.3
5 UPs
This figure basically shows that belief states
change as we take actions
Incomplete observability(the dreaded POMDPs)
  • To model partial observability, all we need to do
    is to look at MDP in the space of belief states
    (belief states are fully observable even when
    world states are not)
  • Policy maps belief states to actions
  • In practice, this causes (humongous) problems
  • The space of belief states is continuous (even
    if the underlying world is discrete and finite).
    GET IT? GET IT??
  • Even approximate policies are hard to find
  • Problems with few dozen world states are hard to
    solve currently
  • Depth-limited exploration (such as that done in
    adversarial games) are the only option

Belief state s10.3, s20.4 s40.3
5 UPs
This figure basically shows that belief states
change as we take actions
Claude Shannon (finite look-ahead)
Chaturanga, India (550AD) (Proto-Chess)
Von Neuman (Min-Max theorem)
Donald Knuth (a-b analysis)
John McCarthy (a-b pruning)
  • Loose ends from MDP
  • Horizon in MDP
  • And making rewards finite over infinite horizons
  • RTA (is RTDP with deterministic actions)
  • Min-max is RTDP with min-max instead of
  • And todays main topic
  • Its all fun and GAMES

Steaming in Tempe
Announcements etc.
  • Homework 2 returned ?
  • (!! Our TA doesnt sleep)
  • Average 33/60
  • Max 56/60
  • Solutions online
  • Homework 3 socket opened ?
  • Project 1 due today
  • Extra credit portion will be accepted until
    Thursday with late penalty
  • Any steam to be let off?
  • Todays class
  • Its all fun and GAMES

Steaming in Tempe
What does a solution to an MDP look like?
  • The solution should tell the optimal action to do
    in each state (called a Policy)
  • Policy is a function from states to actions (
    see finite horizon case below)
  • Not a sequence of actions anymore
  • Needed because of the non-deterministic actions
  • If there are S states and A actions that we
    can do at each state, then there are AS
  • How do we get the best policy?
  • Pick the policy that gives the maximal expected
  • For each policy p
  • Simulate the policy (take actions suggested by
    the policy) to get behavior traces
  • Evaluate the behavior traces
  • Take the average value of the behavior traces.
  • How long should behavior traces be?
  • Each trace is no longer than k (Finite Horizon
  • Policy will be horizon-dependent (optimal action
    depends not just on what state you are in, but
    how far is your horizon)
  • Eg Financial portfolio advice for yuppies vs.
  • No limit on the size of the trace (Infinite
    horizon case)
  • Policy is not horizon dependent
  • Qn Is there a simpler way than having to
    evaluate AS policies?
  • Yes

We will concentrate on infinite horizon
problems (infinite horizon doesnt
necessarily mean that that all behavior
traces are infinite. They could be finite
and end in a sink state)
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What if you see this as a game?
If you are perpetual optimist then V2
RTA(RTDP with deterministic actionsand leaves
evaluated by f(.))
S n
G1 H2 F3
G1 H2 F3
G2 H3 F5
RTA is a special case of RTDP --It is useful
for acting in determinostic, dynamic worlds
--While RTDP is useful for actiong in stochastic,
dynamic worlds
--Grow the tree to depth d --Apply f-evaluation
for the leaf nodes --propagate f-values up to the
parent nodes f(parent) min(
Game Playing (Adversarial Search)
  • Perfect play
  • Do minmax on the complete game tree
  • Resource limits
  • Do limited depth lookahead
  • Apply evaluation functions at the leaf nodes
  • Do minmax
  • Alpha-Beta pruning (a neat idea that is the bane
    of many a CSE471 student)
  • Miscellaneous
  • Games of Chance
  • Status of computer games..

Fun to try and find analogies between this and
environment properties
(just as human weight lifters refuse to compete
against cranes)
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Searching Tic Tac Toe using Minmax
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Evaluation Functions TicTacToe
If win for Max infty If lose for Max
-infty If draw for Max 0 Else
rows/cols/diags open for Max -
rows/cols/diags open for Min
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What depth should we go to? --Deeper the
better (but why?) Should we go to uniform
depth? --Go deeper in branches where
the game is in a flux (backed up
values are changing fast)
Called Quiescence Can we avoid the horizon
Why is deeper better?
  • Possible reasons
  • Taking mins/maxes of the evaluation values of the
    leaf nodes improves their collective accuracy
  • Going deeper makes the agent notice traps thus
    significantly improving the evaluation accuracy
  • All evaluation functions first check for
    termination states before computing the
    non-terminal evaluation

(so is MDP policy)
lt 2
lt 2
lt 5
lt 14
  • Whenever a node gets its true value, its
    parents bound gets updated
  • When all children of a node have been evaluated
    (or a cut off occurs below that node), the
    current bound of that node is its true value
  • Two types of cutoffs
  • If a min node n has bound ltk, and a max ancestor
    of n, say m, has a bound gtj, then cutoff occurs
    as long as j gtk
  • If a max node n has bound gtk, and a min ancestor
    of n, say m, has a bound ltj, then cutoff occurs
    as long as jltk

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An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole
world blind. -Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi,
born October 2nd, 1869.
Lecture of October 2nd, 2003
Another alpha-beta example
Project 2 assigned
(order nodes in terms of their static eval
Click for an animation of Alpha-beta search in
action on Tic-Tac-Toe
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Multi-player Games
Everyone maximizes their utility --How does
this compare to 2-player games? (Maxs
utility is negative of Mins)
What if you see this as a game?
If you are perpetual optimist then V2
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