Title: Eschatology and Our Time
1Eschatology and Our Time The Last Days
2Purpose of Life Three Blessings
One World Family
3The Purpose of History
Salvation Restoration
False Parents
True Parents
Adam Eve
Ideal Man
Ideal Woman
Fallen Man
Fallen Woman
True Love
False Love
Ideal World
Fallen World
Heaven on Earth
Hell on Earth
4Ideal World
Declares God, The time is coming whenI will
put My laws in their minds and write them in
their hearts They will all know Me from the
least of them to the greatest. Behold, the
dwelling of God is with men They shall not
hurt nor destroy in My holy mountain, for the
earth shall be full of the knowledge of the
Lord They will beat their swords into
plowshares. Nations shall not lift up sword
against nation, neither shall they learn war
Jeremiah 3133-34
Revelations 213
Isaiah 116-9
Isaiah 24
5Why is God Working to Save Fallen Man ?
1. God will not accept failure
What I have said that I will bring about what I
have planned, that will I do.
Isaiah 4611
6Why is God Working to Save Fallen Man ?
- 1. God will not accept failure
- 2. God created us as His children
- Our spirit self is eternal
7Gods Will - All People Are to Be Restored
God our Saviourwants all men to be saved and to
come to a knowledge of the truth. Your Father
in heaven is not willing that any of these little
ones should be lost. For God so loved the
world that He gave His one and only Son
1 Timothy 24
Matthew 1829
John 316
8Attempts to Restore the Ideal World
Last Days
9Noahs Time Complete Restoration Attempted
God said to Noah, I am going to put an end to
all peopleI am surely going to destroy both them
and the earth.
Genesis 613
10Attempts to Restore the Ideal World
Last Days
11Jesus TimeComplete Restoration Attempted
Surely the day is comingAll the arrogant and
every evildoer will be stubble The Kingdom of
Heaven is near.
Malachi 41
Matthew 417
12Attempts to Restore the Ideal World
Last Days
13Time of Returning Messiah -Complete Restoration
to be Attempted
Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will
it be in the days of the Son of Man.
Luke 1726
14Significance of Religion
- Reconnects God and humanity
- Central means of Gods influence in history
- Centre of culture
15Centre of Restoration
- Moral and Spiritual Leader
- Brings and embodies a higher expression of truth
from God - Shows Gods true love and forgiveness
- Fulfils the purpose of religion
- 1. New Adam
- Example of ideal person
- Overcomes Satan
- Begins new history
- 2. True Parents
- Remove original sin
- Restore ideal families
- Restore Gods love, life, and lineage
17Centre of Restoration
True Man
Enlightened One
Last Prophet
Son of God
New Adam
18Centre of Restoration
Messiah True Parents
True Man
Enlightened One
Last Prophet
Son of God
New Adam
19Position of the Messiah
Perfected Man
True Parents
Fallen Man
20History of Restoration
Complete Restoration
Spiritual Development
History of Religion
21Evidence for theHistory of Restoration
- The development of culture
22The Unification of Cultures
Twenty-one culturalspheres
23The Unification of Cultures
Judeo- Christian
Far Eastern
Distilled into five maincultural spheres
24The Unification of Cultures
One World Culture
Judeo- Christian
Far Eastern
Towards a Culture of Heart -
Beauty in Diversity
25In the 21st Century, human life is going to be a
unity again in all its aspects and activities.
Arnold Toynbee British Historian
26History of Conflict
Evil Good
Individual Family Society Nation World
27What is the meaning of the Last Days ?
28Traditional Understandingof the Last Days
- Evil people punished
- Good people Lifted up,
- others sent to Hell
- Earth destroyed
29Bible Prophesies for the Last Days
1. Earth destroyed New Earth 2 Peter 310,13 Revelation 211
30Bible Prophesies for the Last Days
1. Earth destroyed New Earth 2 Peter 310,13 Revelation 211
2. Judgment by Fire 2 Peter 312
31Bible Prophesies for the Last Days
1. Earth destroyed New Earth 2 Peter 310,13 Revelation 211
2. Judgment by Fire 2 Peter 312
3. Meeting Messiah in the Sky 1 Thess 417
321. Earth Destroyed, New Earth Created
Old EarthSatans dominion
The earth will be laid bare we are looking
forward to a new heaven and earth
II Peter 310,13
331. Earth Destroyed, New Earth Created
Old EarthSatans dominion
New EarthGods dominion
The earth remains forever
Ecclesiastes 14
342. Judgment by Fire
Firewas hurled down upon the earth. The earth
was burned up
II Peter 312
35Fire Represents the Word of Truth
I came to cast a fire upon the earth, and would
that it were already kindled. Gods Word is a
Luke 1249
Jeremiah 2329
36Judgment by fire isReaction to the Truth
All who reject me and my message will be
judged by the truths I have spoken. Everyone
who does evil hates the light for fear that his
deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the
truth comes into light so that it may be seen
plainly that what he has done has been done
through God.
John 1248
John 320-21
373. Meeting the Lord in the Air
We shall be caught up in the clouds to meet the
Lord in the air
I Thessalonians 417
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GoodNear to God
Matthew 69
EvilFar from God
Colossians 32
Through the Messiah fallen people are Lifted up
40Meaning of the Last Days
- End of Satans dominion and beginning of Gods
dominion - End of evil history and beginning of good history
- A time of dramatic change and hope
41Last Days Turning Point of History
Messiah True Parents
End of Evil
42Last Days
- First Days of New History
- Time of fulfilment of theThree Great Blessings
43Ideal World is Based on the Three Blessings
- Ideal Person
First Blessing
2. Ideal Families Nations
Second Blessing
Third Blessing
3. Ideal Dominion over Creation
44History of Restoration
Preparationfor theRestoration of3 Blessings
3 Blessings Lost
45The Last Days are the First Days
- Beginning of a historyof goodness
- Realization of theThree Blessings
46 Last Days First Days
- Human Rights
- Freedom, Equality
- Spiritual Phenomena
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49Restoration ofSpiritual Capacity
In the last daysI will pour out my Spirit on
all people. Your sons and daughters will
prophesy, your young men will see visions
Acts 217
50Restoration of the First Blessing
Ideal Person
Original Love
Original Value
Freedom of Original Mind
Spiritual Capacity
51 Last Days First Days
- Human Rights
- Freedom, Equality
- Spiritual Phenomena
- Merging Cultures
- League of Nations, UN
- Economic Interdependence
- Inter-Cultural Exchange
2. Ideal Families, Nations, World
52The Unification of Cultures
One World Culture
Judeo- Christian
Far Eastern
Towards a Culture of Heart -
Beauty in Diversity
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56Positive Signs
Overcoming barriers of race, religion, culture,
57Restoration of the Second Blessing
One World Family
Original Value of Marriage
Sense of Brotherhood
Interracial Harmony
Religious Tolerance
58 Last Days First Days
- Human Rights
- Freedom, Equality
- Spiritual Phenomena
- Merging Cultures
- League of Nations, UN
- Economic Interdependence
- Inter-Cultural Exchange
2. Ideal Families, Nations, World
- Ecological Concern
- Conservation Movements
- Technological Advances
3. Ideal Dominion Over Creation
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62Restoration of the Third Blessing
Ideal of Creation
Original Love and Care for the Creation
Original Health
Material Comfort
Original Creativity
63Last Days Turning Point of History
Higher Expression Of Truth
Messiah True Parents
End of Evil
64New Truth explains principles underlying Bible
and Holy Scripture
- Nature of God
- Purpose of creation
- Origin of evil
- Purpose of the Messiah/salvation
- How mankind can be restored
I have yet many things to say to you The
hour is coming whenI will tell you plainly of
the Father.
John 1612
John 1625
65Our Attitude in the Last Days
1. Unite with Gods central person of the age 2.
Expect the old age to oppose the new age
66Old Age Opposes the New
The Phariseessaid, It is only bythe prince of
demons that this fellow Jesus casts out
demons. We have found this man Paul to be
a troublemakera ringleader of the Nazarene
Matt 1224
Romans 312
67Our Attitude in the Last Days
1. Unite with Gods central person of the age 2.
Expect the old age to oppose the new age 3. Keep
an open mind to receive the new truth
68We Must Keep an Open Mind
New wine must be poured into new
wineskins. Whoever humbles himself like a
child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Luke 538
Matthew 184
69Our Attitude in the Last Days
1. Unite with Gods central person of the age 2.
Expect the old age to oppose the new age 3. Keep
an open mind to receive the new truth 4. Make
our own decision
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