Title: Bioinformatics and molecular modelling studies of membrane proteins
1Bioinformatics and molecular modelling studies
of membrane proteins
- Shiva Amiri
- Professor Mark S.P. Sansom
- June 1, 2004
2- constitute approximately 25 of the genome
- important drug targets
- - nerve and muscle excitation
- - hormonal secretion
- - sensory transduction
- - control of salt and water balance etc.
- malfunctions result in various diseases
Nelson, M. Comparative Neurophysiology, 2000.
3- function is dependent upon the binding of a
ligand. - examples of LGICs nAChR, GABAA and GABAC
receptors, 5HT3 receptor, Glycine receptor
Sperelakis, N., Cell Physiology Source Book
4 problem difficult to obtain high resolution
crystallographic images of membrane proteins
- some success using cryo-electron microscopy
coupled with Fourier Transforms, i.e. Unwins 4Ã…
image of the TM region. - but still no full structure of any LGIC
Unwin et.al, Nature, 26 June 2003
Unwin et.al, Nature, 26 June 2003
5- to take available structural data and put the
pieces together - main focus so far using available information
to predict the structure - and motions of the a-7 nicotinic
acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) - we have
- 4Ã… cryo-EM structure of AChR transmembrane
domain - 2.7Ã… crystal structure of ligand binding
domain homolog - task to combine the two domains
- the use of bioinformatics and simulation tools to
study functionally - relevant motions of LGICs
6- mutations in genes coding for nAChR can result
in Parkinsons disease, Alzheimers disease,
myasthenia gravis, frontal lope epilepsy, etc. - plays a role in nicotine addiction
- some properties
- - cationic channel
- - homopentamer
- - four transmembrane regions
- (M1-M4)
7 8transmembrane domain alignment
9- the homology model of the TM region with the
Torpedo marmorata structure - (PDB 1OED - 4 Ã…) and the chick a-7 sequence
10ligand binding domain alignment
11- the homology model of the LB domain with
acetylcholine binding protein (AChBP) as the
structure (PDB 1I9B 2.7 Ã…) and the chick a-7
sequence using MODELLER
12- combining the transmembrane domain with the
ligand binding domain - producing data upon rotations and translations to
allow the user to choose an optimal model
straighten and align each domain with respect to
the z-axis
rotate and translate about z-axis- angle of
rotation and steps of translations are
14- Unwin distance distance between residues from
the TM domain and the LB domain that are meant to
come into close proximity
LYS 44
ASP 264
15- termini distance distance between the
N-terminus of the LB domain and the C-terminus of
the TM domain
ARG 205
THR 206
16- bad contacts number of residues that are
closer than a cut-off distance.
17termini distance
Unwin distance
theta (radians)
theta (radians)
theta (radians)
18termini Unwin
termini bad contacts
theta (radians)
theta (radians)
chosen ?, z
theta (radians)
19- model chosen based on scoring criteria data
- once a good model was decided on, energy
minimization using GROMACS was carried out to
ensure the electrostatic legitimacy of the model - - GROMACS joins the two domains at their
termini - - experimenting with how far can the domain be
before GROMACS refuses to join them - procheck is run to check the validity of the
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bad contacts
theta (radians)
theta (radians)
termini bad contacts
theta (radians)
22- Gaussian network model (GNM)
23- a course-grained model to approximate
fluctuations of residues - Information on the flexibility and function of
the protein - produces theoretical B-values
- residues considered as balls and the distance
between neighbouring residues are springs - B-values generally in agreement with
crystallographic data
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26- some results were as expected, with more freedom
of motion for the outer helices of the TM region - identification of the ligand binding site and
also of toxin binding sites
ligand binding site
toxin binding sites
27- generates protein conformations around a given
structure based on distance constraints - suggests plausible motions of the protein
- principal component analysis (PCA) is applied on
the 500 resulting structures from CONCOORD - available at dynamite.biop.ox.ac.uk/dynamite
(Paul Barrett) - - used to generate eigenvector (porcupine)
plots and covariance line plots using CONCOORDs
28- porcupine plots have an x number of spikes, each
spike representing the element of the eigenvector
associated with each c-alpha atom of the protein - although this is a homo-pentamer, there is
asymmetry between the subunits (closed state)
29- the spikes show greater freedom of motion for
the outer helices - the spikes are pointed either down or up, no
uniform direction
30- when combined, the spikes have a more organized
pattern, with LB region spikes all rotating to
one side and the TM spikes rotating in the
opposite direction, suggesting a twisting motion
of the receptor - the middle of the structure is not as mobile
31- first eigenvector shows twisting motion of
receptor - opening and closing of the pore as the subunits
32- GABA and glycine receptors (anion selective
channel) - - structure being used is the current model for
the a-7 nAChR - Simulations on TM region of model and other LGICs
Oliver Beckstein - - looking at the M2 helix and its relevant
M2s of a-7 nAChR
33- modelling methods for LGICs
- predicted structure of a-7 nAChR
- used various methods (GNM, CONCOORD) to look
at motions of the predicted structure of a-7
nAChR - models of anionic LGICs (GABA and glycine)
using current a-7 nAChR structure
- models of other LGICs
- motion analysis of other LGICs
- looking at the hydrophobic girdle (M2) of LGICs
to study patterns of conservation and the
behaviour of these residues during gating - simulation studies of constructed models
34 35- Prof. Mark S.P. Sansom Oliver Beckstein
- Dr. Phil Biggin Sundeep Deol
- Dr. Kaihsu Tai Yalini Pathy
- Dr. Paul Barrett Jonathan Cuthbertson
- Dr. Alessandro Grotessi Pete Bond
- Dr. Andy Hung Katherine Cox
- Dr. Daniele Bemporad Jennifer Johnston
- Dr. Jorge Pikunic Jeff Campbell
- Dr. Shozeb Haider Loredana Vaccaro
- Dr. Zara Sands Robert DRozario
- Dr. Syma Khalid John Holyoake
- Dr. Bing Wu Tony Ivetac
- George Patargias Sylvanna Ho
- Samantha Kaye
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37- covariance line plots indicate which parts of
the protein are correlated or move together
38Principal component analysisLoredana Vaccaro
39Hydrophobic girdle
M2 alignment
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