US-Australia MOA Meeting October 2005 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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US-Australia MOA Meeting October 2005


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: US-Australia MOA Meeting October 2005

US-Australia MOA Meeting October 2005
Oguz Kazanci and Jeffrey Krolik Duke
UniversityDepartment of Electrical and Computer
EngineeringDurham, NC 27708 Supported by the
CNTPO RD Program
Array Beam Pattern with Missing Sensors
  • Faulty receive elements can degrade the beam
    pattern significantly depending on their
    locations in the array.
  • Beam pattern with 8 missing sensors exhibits 7 dB
    higher peak sidelobes and up to 20 dB higher
    off-angle sidelobes compared to a full array.
  • Compensation of missing sensors intended to
    reduce leakage of interferences and
    azimuthally-dependent Doppler-shifted clutter
    into target directed beam.

Element-Space Adaptive Channel Compensation (ACC)
  • Using good sensors to MMSE interpolate missing
    elements does not explicitly minimize sidelobe
    leakage and thus only indirectly mitigates bad
  • Idea Adaptively reconstruct full-array snapshot
    such that interference leakage into nominally
    quiet directions is minimized.
  • Adaptive channel compensation (ACC) minimizes
    interference leakage into quiet plane-wave
    directions subject to the constraint that the
    data distortion at the good elements is within
    some tolerance.
  • Effect of ACC is to make interferers look more
    like plane-waves across the full-array which can
    then be effectively nulled by conventional
    beamformer shading.

Doppler-Azimuth Spectrum Element-Apace ACC
  • The Doppler-Azimuth plots for Conventional (left)
    and Elementspace ACC from 12 Dec, 2001. Dwell
  • Note the sidelobes of the strong interference in
    the transmitter mainlobe leaking into other
    directions. With element-space ACC, sidelobe
    reduction greatest in transmitter sidelobe versus
    mainlobe region.
  • Element-space ACC computation time prohibitive.
    E.g. 2 s to process 372 element array (1x372
    data) for 124 Dwells, 128 Doppler bins t
    124x128x2 sec 8.8 hours!

Beamspace Adaptive Channel Compensation
  • Motivated by the need to constrain ACC to
    minimize leakage of interference into receive
    directions covered by the transmit mainlobe where
    target detection is performed.
  • Beamspace ACC adaptively reconstructs the receive
    beams of the full array in the transmit mainlobe
    region so that strong directional components have
    minimal leakage into adjacent beams, subject to
    the constraint that data distortion at the good
    elements is within some tolerance.
  • Beam-space ACC facilitates suppression of
    interferences which are present or have leaked
    into conventional receive beams.
  • Because matrices to invert and decompose are of
    dimension equal to the number of beams (e.g. 18)
    vs. the number of elements (e.g. 372), beamspace
    ACC is much faster for large receive arrays.
  • For ROTHR data, beamspace ACC is 40 times
    faster than element-space ACC (e.g. what took 4
    hours now takes 6 minutes) and 5 times faster
    than MMSE. Time per range/Doppler cell is 45 ms.
  • Choice of tolerance parameter determines the
    trade-off between leakage of mainlobe clutter
    into adjacent beams and signal wavefront

03 Aug 2004 Rocket Data Analysis Using BACC
  • 03 August 2004 PBIQ data 061555 to 062859
    collected using ROTHR Virginia to illuminate the
    Kennedy space center.
  • One of the receive shelters was offline, so 32
    receivers near the middle of the array have gone
  • The geo-display on the left shows the location of
    the rocket at 061859.

Identifying the Faulty Sensors
  • Covariance matrix (averaged over all Doppler and
    range bins), indicates there are faulty sensors
    undetected by system.
  • BACC software treats all sensors with normalized
    power above or below 3 dB deviation as faulty.

Doppler vs. Dwell Displays for Rocket Launch
  • Scroll Displays (Doppler vs. Time) at target
    range and azimuth showing the rocket movement
    from 061555 to 061915.
  • Conventional (left) and BACC (right)
  • Note that BACC shows a clean track of the rocket
    with reduced noise.

Scroll Display for Conventional Processing
  • Conventional Scroll Display
  • Note the sidelobe levels especially at Dwells 6,
    8, 12, 21, 25, 29, 34 are reduced considerably
    using BACC.

Scroll Display for Beamspace ACC Processing
  • BACC Scroll Display
  • Note the sidelobe levels especially at Dwells 6,
    8, 12, 21, 25, 29, 34 are reduced considerably
    using BACC.

Conventional vs. BACC Range-Doppler Surface for
Dwell 8
  • The Range-Doppler plots for Dwell 8 at 061638
  • Conventional (left) BACC (right)
  • The location of the rocket is shown with a
  • The rocket cannot be seen clearly using
    conventional procedure.

Power vs. Range and Doppler Plots for Dwell 8
  • Range and Doppler cuts at target Doppler, Range
    for Dwell 8 at 061638
  • The rocket is shown with the arrows.
  • Range cut (left) for conventional (red) and BACC
    (blue) at Doppler -10.78 Hz
  • Doppler cut (right) for conventional (red) and
    BACC (blue) at Range bin 41
  • Note the 10-15 dB reduction in the sidelobes with

Conventional vs. BACC Range-Doppler Surface for
Dwell 21
  • The Range-Doppler plots for Dwell 21 at 061756
  • Conventional (left) BACC (right)
  • The location of the rocket is shown with a
  • The rocket cannot be seen clearly using
    conventional procedure.

Power vs. Range and Doppler Plots for Dwell 21
  • Range and Doppler cuts at target Doppler, Range
    for Dwell 21 at 061756
  • Range cut (left) for conventional (red) and BACC
    (blue) at Doppler -8.95 Hz
  • Doppler cut (right) for conventional (red) and
    BACC (blue) at Range bin 42
  • Note the reduced sidelobes and sharper peaks with

Conventional vs. BACC Range-Doppler Surface for
Dwell 29
  • The Range-Doppler plots for Dwell 29 at 061845
  • Conventional (left) BACC (right)
  • The rocket cannot be seen at all using
    conventional procedure.
  • The sidelobes are reduced more than 10 dB and as
    a result the rocket can be seen with BACC.

Power vs. Range and Doppler Plots for Dwell 29
  • Range and Doppler cuts at target Doppler, Range
    for Dwell 29 at 061845
  • Range cut (left) for conventional (red) and BACC
    (blue) at Doppler -10.58 Hz
  • Doppler cut (right) for conventional (red) and
    BACC (blue) at Range bin 42
  • Note that the target can be seen clearly with

Conventional vs. BACC Range-Doppler Surface for
Dwell 34
  • The Range-Doppler plots for Dwell 34 at 061915
  • Conventional (left) BACC (right)
  • The location of the rocket is shown with a
  • The rocket can be seen clearly using BACC.

Power vs. Range and Doppler Plots for Dwell 34
  • Range and Doppler cuts at target Doppler, Range
    for Dwell 34 at 061915
  • The rocket is shown with the arrows.
  • Range cut (left) for conventional (red) and BACC
    (blue) at Doppler -10.78 Hz
  • Doppler cut (right) for conventional (red) and
    BACC (blue) at Range bin 41
  • Note that the sidelobes are decreased
    significantly with BACC.

Conventional vs. BACC Doppler-Azimuth Surface for
Dwell 29
  • Doppler-Azimuth plots for the transmitter
    mainlobe region for Dwell 29
  • Conventional (left) and BACC (right)
  • Rocket is shown with a circle.
  • The sidelobe leakage from the directional
    interference into the other beams is reduced
    using ACC, as a result the target can be seen

Conventional vs. BACC Doppler-Azimuth Surfaces
for Dwell 23
  • Doppler-Azimuth plots for the transmitter
    mainlobe region for Dwell 23
  • Conventional (left) and BACC (right)
  • The leakage of the sidelobes from the
    interference is reduced considerably

Summary and Conclusion
  • Adaptive channel compensation (ACC) of faulty
    sensors important when directional clutter and/or
    interference present.
  • ACC performed on a single snapshot of
    post-Doppler processed data which avoids the
    training snapshot requirements of adaptive
    beamforming solutions.
  • ACC proposed as a means of compensating the
    entire array so that strong interferers made to
    look more like uncorrelated plane-waves which can
    then be suppressed by conventional beamformer
  • Unlike element-space ACC, which suppresses the
    sidelobe leakage from all directions, Beam-space
    ACC is focused on the transmitter mainlobe where
    the detection is performed.
  • The analysis of 03 Aug 2004 rocket launch data
    shows that BACC suppresses sidelobes as much as
    10-15 dB in some dwells, and improves detection
    of the target significantly.
  • Mathematical formulation of BACC can be applied
    to sparse array beamforming with potential
    application to 2-D receive arrays.
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