Chem. 230 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chem. 230


Title: Chem. 31 9/15 Lecture Author: RDixon Created Date: 9/14/2005 7:27:31 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Company: CSUS – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chem. 230

Chem. 230 9/2 Lecture
Introduction- Instructor Roy Dixon
  • Educational Background in Environmental
    Analytical Chemistry
  • Most of my research currently has been in HPLC
    technology/methodology development and
  • Currently, Im working on GC analysis of
    alternative fuels
  • I expect to improve my knowledge of several parts
    of chromatography through teaching this class

Introduction- Students
  • Introduce yourself (name/degree plan)
  • Is there anything specific you expect to get out
    of the class?

Syllabus Top Part
  • I would like to have a break mid-way through
    class (10 or 15 minutes)
  • Best way for contact is by email
  • Can arrange other times to meet with students
  • Course information will be posted on website

Syllabus Text Other Reading
  • Text covers instrumental chromatography fairly
    well (particularly good with HPLC separations)
  • Many of the pages assigned will only need to be
    skimmed over (e.g. p. 1-30)
  • In other areas, additional readings will be
    assigned (either in folder or posted on website)

Syllabus- Course Topics
  • Core Topics
  • Simple Extractions
  • Chromatography (emphasizing instrument based
  • Mass Spectrometry (focus on use as
    chromatographic detector)
  • Electrophoresis (emphasizing capillary
    electrophoresis and related topics)
  • Selected Specialized Topics
  • Student Presentations and Discussions
  • I will give some example special topics
  • GC x GC
  • Aerosol-Based Detectors for HPLC

Syllabus- Notes on Grading
  • 40 Minute Exams
  • Previously had 5 quizzes, but switching this
    semester due to only 14 meetings
  • Used to fit with breakdown of topics and because
    of 1 long lecture
  • Final Exam
  • Fairly standard exam
  • About 35 will come from student presentations

Syllabus- Notes on Grading (2)
  • Specialized Topic Presentation
  • - Will go over handout later
  • - Grading based on materials and presentation
  • Application Paper
  • Will research an improved method for a specific
    application (one to several related papers on a
  • Homework
  • No text problems so will give practice and
    assignment problems

Typical Lecture Style
  • Announcements given in first few minutes
  • Use board or document camera for working out
    example problems (a significant part to the
  • Powerpoint and Handouts will be more common on
    topics not covered in detail in text
  • Powerpoint slides will be made available on

Specialized Topic Presentations I
  • Goal is for students to learn about new or
    emerging separation technology
  • Students will be responsible for
  • researching topics
  • making reading material available (little or no
  • understanding concepts
  • preparing homework problems or questions
  • preparing presentations

Specialized Topic Presentations II
  • Teams of Two
  • I will give several example presentation (first
    by guest lecturer)
  • See list of topics on handout, but you may want
    to modify topic or select your own topic
  • If changing topic, be sure to clear it with me
  • Most of the points will be for the presentation
    (grading key used previously is provided on last
    page), but there will also be points for
    preparation of reading materials and homework
  • Section V show the main points needed for the

Applications Paper I
  • Goal is for students to research an application
    of a separation method for a specific application
  • The paper should focus on new developments to
    improve the separation (e.g. for either better
    isolation or for better analysis)
  • Students can select application area
  • Some example applications
  • analysis of chiral compounds from a specific
    reaction or class of reactions to determine
  • analysis of smoke tracers in atmospheric aerosols
  • analysis of domoic acid in marine mammals

Applications Paper II
  • Improvements can be from one paper (should be a
    significant improvement) or a set of related
  • You will also need to research past
    separation/alternative analysis methods used for
    the problem
  • Details on the report are given in the handout
  • Some specific requirements will be asked of you
    (e.g. estimate the cost of the equipment to
    perform the method).

Homework Set 1
  • To do before 1st Quiz.
  • Longer problems are to be turned in Sept. 16.
  • May add more problems to do for your benefit.
  • Problems to be turned in should be worked on

Separation Purposes
  • Isolation/Purification/Removal of Compound(s)
  • Qualitative Analysis
  • Quantitative Analysis

Separations Diagram
All Separations
Simple separations
Based on Partitioning
Liquid-liquid extraction
Higher Resolution/Instrument Based
Capillary Zone Electrophoresis
Gas Chromatography
Simple Separations/Extractions- Introduction
  • Assigned text reading
  • p. 1-26 light, background reading
  • p. 27-30 covered in more detail later
  • Chapter 14 covers extraction other simple
    separation methods (will cover text in more
    detail will add to this in lecture)

Simple Separations - Purposes
  • Main purpose is to remove analyte(s) from
  • A common purpose is to concentrate analyte(s)
  • For complicated samples with numerous analytes,
    simple separation can be used as coarse
    separation step
  • Often integrated with sample collection (e.g.
    filtration of air to collect aerosol particles)
    or sample modification (derivatization)
  • Typically insufficient for isolating analytes but
    needed for reduction of interferants
  • common main strategies
  • isolation/trapping of analytes (usually 2 step)
  • removal of contaminants (often single step)
  • Primary and secondary separations

Simple Separations- Examples of Strategies
  1. You want to measure combustion exhaust gases by
    GC. There are around 15 gases of interest that
    are present at moderately high concentrations.
    Water also is present at high concentration and
  2. You are interested in measuring phenols present
    in sea-water at very low concentrations by HPLC.
    Interference by other organics is not a major
  3. You are interested in analyzing oligosaccharides
    present in glycoproteins by HPLC. There are
    close to 100 compounds of interest present in the

Simple Separations
  • Almost all separations require more than one
    discrete phase
  • The most common separations involve partitioning
    between two phases
  • X(phase 1) ? X(phase 2)
  • Some types of non-partitioning separations
    (mostly involving physical separations)
  • Filtration (removal of solids from gases or
  • Centrifugration (removal of solids from liquids)
  • Membrane based separations (separation based on
    molecule size or charge)

Simple Separations
  • An effective simple separation requires effective
    phase transfer plus significant differences in
    process between analyte and contaminants (good
  • Sample preparation steps often require as much or
    more analyst time as instrument based analysis
    (i.e. are labor-intensive)
  • Preferred processes are simpler, require less
    equipment, faster, effective with volumes
    desired, can be automated
  • For concentrating samples, it is important that
    the method can handle large sample volumes, but
    result in small processed volumes

Types of Simple Separations
Phases Examples
Gas - Liquid Distillation (l to g), denuders (g to l), bubblers (g to l), condensation (g to l)
Liquid - Liquid Liquid Liquid Extraction (to be covered in detail)
Gas - Solid Adsorption tubes (g to s), sublimation (s to g), freeze-drying (s to g), filtration
Liquid - Solid Dissolution (s to l), Soxhlet extraction (s to l), precipitation (l to s), filtration
Supercritical Fluid - Solid Supercritical Fluid Extraction (s to sfc)
Gas Liquid Separations
Sample Air
  • Gas Sampling
  • Bubblers
  • Mist Chambers (show)
  • Denuders
  • (above for water soluble gases)
  • Cold Traps

Gases trapped on wall coating
Aerosols pass to filter
To filter, pump
Gas Liquid Separations
  • Basis for Partitioning
  • Into water Henrys Law
  • KH X/PX where KH is the Henrys Law Constant
  • KH f(T), PX partial pressure of X,
  • X Molar conc. of X
  • Cold Trap boiling point temperature

Gas Liquid Separations
  • Headspace Analysis (GC method)
  • Sample in vial with liquid and gas phases
  • Headspace gas withdrawn with syringe for
    injection into GC (or other device)

Gas Liquid Separations
He to waste
He in
He in
  • Purge and Trap (GC method)
  • Aqueous sample or gas sampled trapped in water
  • Steps 1) gas purge of water to trap, 2) heating
    of trap to GC (or other device)

Heat applied
Trapped analyte
Gas Liquid Separations
  • Distillation/Evaporation
  • Evaporation used for low volatility liquid (or
  • Distillation for collection of volatile analyte
    in liquid
  • Partitioning to gas phase based on Raoults Law
    (although non-ideality often occurs)
  • PA XAPA where
  • PA partial pressure of gas A
  • XA mole fraction of A in liquid
  • PA partial pressure of gas A above a pure A
  • Complete separation of two volatile components is
    often difficult

Simple Separations Gas/Liquid
A is more volatile (lower Tb)
  • Distillations
  • Behavior given in T vs X plots
  • 80 B example
  • Vapor (condensate) is 30 B
  • Multistep/stage distillation results in
  • With azeotropes (non-ideal), complete separation
    is impossible (no less than 15 B in vapor)

100 A
100 B
Azeotropic mixture
100 A
100 B
Simple Separations Gas/Liquid
  • Many other separations possible
  • Unusual Separation Analysis of dissolved SO2 in
    cloud water (my dissertation project)

Counter-flow Virtual Impactor
Probe attached to airplane flying to left
Scrubbed air goes to tip and splits into 2 flows
Counter flow out of probe tip keeps gaseous SO2
Cloud droplets evaporate releasing SO2 which
flows to detector
Cloud droplets have inertial and make it into
Some Questions
  1. If it is desired to trap a gas phase analyte in
    water, what type of values of Henrys law
    constants are desired?
  2. For desorption of gases from liquids, what type
    of values of Henrys law constants are desired?
  3. How can temperature adjustments be made to
    improve Henrys law constants for trapping or
    desorbing gases?
  4. How can trapping of acetic acid in aqueous
    solution be improved? What about desorption?
  5. How can trapping of ammonia in aqueous solution
    be improved?

Some More Questions
  1. If produced correctly, biodiesel is made up of
    fatty acid methyl esters (for fatty acids between
    12 and 20 carbons) of low/moderate volatility.
    Methanol can be a contaminant from its production
    and is much more volatile. What separation step
    could be used to separate methanol from more
    volatile constituents? Would that also work well
    if analyzing B20 (20 biodiesel/80 petroleum
  2. Which component will be enriched in the original
    solution after distillation (based on the phase
    diagram below)?

Still Mome Questions
  • 3. Based on the phase diagram to the right, is it
    possible to isolate pure A through
    multi-step/stage distillation starting from 65
  • 4. Is it possible to isolate pure B by removing A
    through multi-step/stage distillation (starting
    at same point)?

100 A
100 B
Extractions Solid to Liquid
  • Dissolution
  • Dissolution Aides
  • Ultrasound bath
  • Other mechanical shaking
  • Soxhlet Extractions (show device)
  • Extraction speed is often limited by physical
  • Extraction from fine grain particles is easier
    than large solids

Extractions Liquid to Solid
  • Trapping applications (such as solid phase
    extraction discussed later)
  • Precipitation/Filtration (or centrifugation)
  • A way to separate components based on one
    component having lower solubility in a particular
    solvent or with particular counter ions
  • Precipitation of ions
  • Use of polar/non-polar liquids for compounds of
    variable polarity
  • Phase separation by filtration or centrifugation
    most common

Extractions Liquid to Solid
  • Precipitations
  • Removal of ionic compounds/highly polar
    compounds. Through addition of less polar
    organic solvent (e.g. ethanol) to water
  • Removal of less polar compounds from organic
    solvent by adding more polar solvent (e.g.
    addition of ethanol to CH2Cl2 or water to ethanol)

Extractions Liquid to Solid
  • Precipitations
  • Of Ions
  • Can select counter ion that will selectively
    precipitate one ion but not the other ion (ion to
    be precipitated should have lower Ksp, although
    will also depend on stoichiometry)
  • Can use Ksp values to calculate how successful
    the separation will be

Extractions Liquid to Solid
  • Precipitation Example
  • Separation of Sr2 from Ca2
  • An examination of Ksp shows smaller Ksp for SrSO4
    vs. CaSO4 (3.2 x 10-7 vs 2.4 x 10-5)
  • If a mixture contains 1.0 x 10-2 M Sr2 and Ca2,
    how much SO42- can be added before Sr2 starts to
    precipitate?, before Ca2 starts to precipitate?
    What of Sr can be isolated?

Extractions Liquid to Solid
  • Temperature in precipitation processes
  • Example Acetic Acid and Water

Liquid path for cooling 50 acetic acid in water
Eutectic Point
Liquid solution
Ice CH3CO2H (l)
CH3CO2H(s) H2O(l)
Solid solution
Some Questions From Last Lecture
  1. What are advantages and disadvantages of Soxhlet
  2. Suggest a way to isolate a polar organic compound
    from ionic compounds in urine.
  3. It is desired to isolate CN- from CO32- by adding
    Ag and monitoring Ag electrochemically.
    Assuming initial concentrations of CN- 1.0 x
    10-3 M and CO32- 5.0 x 10-3 M and given Ksp
    values for AgCN and Ag2CO3 are 2.2 x 10-16 and
    8.2 x 10-12, respectively, what would be the
    target Ag? Will this separation be very
  4. Can acetic acid be isolated from all solutions in
    water by freezing it out?

More Questions
  • A 1.00 L sample of sea water is analyzed for
    phenols. The 1.00 L sample is passed through a
    solid phase extraction cartridge to trap the
    phenols. Then 25.0 mL of methanol is used to
    remove the phenols and then reagents are added
    that convert the phenols to methoxyphenols. The
    methoxyphenols are extracted by adding 25 mL of
    water to the methanol and extracting with two
    successive 25 mL portions of hexane. The hexane
    portions are combined, evaporated, and
    redissolved in 2.0 mL of hexane. An aliquot is
    then determined by GC and found to contain 22.1
    mmol L-1 of a particular phenol. What was the
    original conc. of that phenol in sea water (in
    nmol L-1) if it is assumed that all transfers
    were 100 efficient? How could the sensitivity
    of the method be increased?
  • The total NH3 (NH3 NH4) concentration of a
    water sample is determined by NH3 in the
    headspace above a sample. A water sample at a pH
    of 8.1 was found to have a headspace pressure of
    2.4 x 10-7 atm. If KH 1.6 x 10-5 atm m3/mol
    (at that T) and Ka(NH4) 5.6 x 10-10.,
    calculate the total NH3 concentration in the

Liquid-Liquid Extractions
  • One of more common simple separations
  • Often used to introduce partition theory
  • Equipment is simple (separation funnel or vials
  • Two liquids must be immiscible (form two distinct
  • Lower phase is more dense (usually water or
    chlorinated hydrocarbon)
  • Most common with water (or aqueous buffer) and
    less polar organic liquids

Liquid-Liquid Extractions
  • Partition Coefficient
  • Kp Xraffinate/Xextractant
  • Kp depends on thermodynamics of dissolving X in
    two phases
  • Most common rule for solubility is likes dissolve
  • More polar compounds exist in greater
    concentration in water
  • Koctanol-water values can be found in reference
    tables (octanol is assumed to be the raffinate)

If sample starts in aq phase, aq phase is
raffinate, org is extractant
Next Time
  • Will cover liquid liquid extractions from a
    quantitative perspective in more detail
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