Title: 1950s Cold War and Domestic Politics
11950s Cold War and Domestic Politics
- Some Truman stuff, mostly Eisenhower
2Election of 1948
Nominee Harry S. Truman Thomas E. Dewey Henry Wallace Strom Thurmond
Party Democrat Republican Progressive Dixiecrat
Votes 303 _at_ 24.2 million 189 _at_ 22 million Not many 39 _at_ 1.8 million
Platform Fair Deal do-nothing campaign Anti big business, HUAC Pro Civil Rights seen as pro-Communist Pro segregation
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4Election of 1952
Nominee Dwight D. Eisenhower (Ike) Adlai Stevenson
Party Republican Democrat
Votes 442 89
Platform attacking "Korea, Communism and Corruption focused attention on voting women Anti-McCarthy
5Election of 1956
Nominee Dwight D. Eisenhower (Ike) Adlai Stevenson
Party Republican Democrat
Votes 457 73
Platform Pro Brown v. Board of Education, Hungary Suez Crisis Treaties with Soviet Union, lower defense spending, all-volunteer army
6Ike Dynamic Conservatism
- Maintained New Deal programs (Social Security,
higher minimum wage) - Interstate Highway System (1954)
- 27 billion to build 42,000 miles of highways
(copied what Hitler did in Germany) - Maybe most important federally funded
infrastructure program in history - Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
created in 1953 - AFL CIO merge (1955) but expel the Teamster
union (Jimmy Hoffa) - Landrum-Griffin Act (1959) strengthened the
Taft-Harley Act - Alaska (1958) and Hawaii (1959) added as states
7More Cold War Stuff
8National Security Act (1947)
- Central Intelligence Agency
- Collects and analyzes information from around the
world - National Security Council
- Advises the president daily about security issues
for the nation - Department of Defense
- Replaced the Department of War and Department of
the Navy - Controls the entire military
9NSC 68
- April 14, 1950
- The blueprint for U.S. foreign policy in the
Cold War - Encouraged the build-up of nuclear and
conventional weapons in response the threat of
10John Foster Dulles and Massive Retaliation
- 2 parts to Dulles Plan
- Encourage Eastern European people to overthrow
their govts (Radio Free Europe) - Brinkmanship never back down in a crisis, even
if it means nuclear war (or were tough and well
kill everyone on earth to prove it) - Rejects containment, encourages preemptive
strikes, and encourages nuclear arms race
11New Look Military
- Ike wanted to reduce military budget by focusing
on nuclear arms instead of traditional military - Couldnt respond to a small issue (i.e. Hungary)
- Military spending actually increased
12Vietnam during Eisenhowers Terms
- Ho Chi Minh (Communist) leads fight to liberate
French Indochina after WWII - Communist defeat the French at the battle of Dien
Bien Phu (1954) - U.S. had supported France, but Ike wasnt willing
to use direct force - Geneva Convention
- Vietnam divided at the 17th Parallel
- Elections to be held to united the nation in a
few years (South Vietnams President Ngo Dinh
Diem never let that happen)
13Vietnam During Eisenhowers Terms (cont.)
- Communist guerrillas begin to fight against
Diems govt in the South - Dulles creates the Southeast Asia Treaty
Organization (SEATO) - U.S. pledges to prevent communism from spreading
in Asia - U.S. sends military advisors to train the South
Vietnamese army - Domino Theory
- If one nation falls to communism, all of its
neighbors will fall too - U.S. will be involved in Vietnam from 1954 to 1975
14Eisenhower and dealing with the U.S.S.R.
- 1953 Stalin dies
- 1955 Nikita Krushchev takes over
- Promises a peaceful coexistence with
democracies - Wanted to beat democracies economically to
impress nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin
America - 1955 Warsaw Pact signed
- 1956 Hungarian uprising
- U.S. unable to help Hungarian people as they were
killed for protesting for democracy
151957 Sputnik launched
- 1st ever artificial satellite in orbit
- Americans fear not only being spied on, but
falling behind the missile gap - National Defense Education Act (NDEA)
- Emphasis on science, math, and foreign language
- 1/3 of university research focused on weapons
research - 1958 U.S. launches Explorer I into orbit
- 1958 National Aeronautics Space Agency (NASA)
created - U.S. expands massive nuclear arms and delivery
16Eisenhower and dealing with the U.S.S.R.
- October 1958 U.S. U.S.S.R. agree to stop
atmospheric nuclear testing - November 1958 Krushchevs Berlin Ultimatum
- Eisenhower refused to give up West Berlin
- Vice President Richard Nixon and the Kitchen
Debates (1959) - May 1, 1960 U2 incident
- Worst U.S. Soviet relations since Stalin
- Resulted in the canceling of a peace conference
in Paris that year
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19Middle East
- Iran
- 1953 CIA lead a coup that results in the Shah
taking over Iran - 1979 Iranian Revolution will result in Iran
getting their revenge - Suez Crisis
- Egypt (led by Nasser) takes the Suez Canal from
France and Great Britain - France, Britain, Israel attack Egypt
- Eisenhower and the Soviets renounced the attack
- Egypt gets the canal
- Eisenhower Doctrine
- U.S. will send financial and military aid to any
nation threatened by communism
- By 1959, U.S. owns 90 of Cuban mines 40 of
Cuban sugar operations - Fidel Castro takes over (1/1/1959)
- U.S. thinks he is a communist, Ike refuses to
meet him - Krushchev gives economic aid to Cuba and then
offers nuclear protection (promises to bomb the
U.S. if the U.S. ever attacked Cuba) - Sept, 1960 CIA begins attempts to kill Castro
(lets higher the mafia!) - U.S. breaks relations with Cuba in 1961
- Organization of American States (OAS)
- Creates a Latin American Marshall Plan to stop
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22Eisenhowers Farewell Address
- Warned against the military-industrial-complex
- Military establishment and the arms industry
controlled a great deal of and power - Even today, the U.S. government spends more on
the military than everything else on the budget .
. . Combined!